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Homem Barroso - Come Todas
October 16, 2011 10:53 AM PDT
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Homem Barroso - Come Todas

Oh, My Kuduro!
July 19, 2010 05:36 PM PDT
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Oh, My Kuduro!
KudurOriginal. KudurOfiles. KudurOmatic. KuBass.

O som dos guetos da banda, nossa Luanda.
Kuduro em directo de Angola.
Artistas com editora e sem editora, só aqui no

Este site tem como objectivo único e confessável a divulgação, promoção, engrandecimento e partilha via Internet a Mp3 de 128 Kbps da MÚSICA ANGOLANA, directamente de Angola para o mundo inteiro. Este site não representa comercialmente ou por agenciamento nenhum dos artistas aqui presentes. Este site não vende qualquer tipo de serviços relacionados ou não com os artistas aqui presentes. As músicas em amostra têm qualidade padrão para Internet e não representam com fidelidade sonora o produto final que se encontra disponível no mercado pelos seus representantes legais. Creio convictamente que o factor divulgação para o mundo todo da MÚSICA ANGOLANA via Mp3 é sumamente positivo e superará quaisquer eventuais prejuízos em termos de legítimos direitos conexos. Acredito que quem conheça a MÚSICA ANGOLANA, ainda que via Mp3, não perca a oportunidade de comprar os discos originais. Incentivo ainda para que se comprem os trabalhos originais no intuito de ajudar os AUTORES e INTÉRPRETES ANGOLANOS. Kandandos, Toke Luanda-Angola
Defaya by Os Turbantes
September 16, 2009 02:15 PM PDT
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Os Turbantes, now Xtrubantu, with this song called "Defaya". Defaya is also a Kuduro kind of gangsta band. More pure Ghetto than gangsta... This was a big hit four or five years ago. No radio brodcast, due to the violent lyrics, no TV exposure, but everybody knew and sung the words in this endless speech from the banlieus. Natural and filmed with a photographic camera.
Pensar e Falar Angola
Posted by Toke

KudurOmatic player is ON
August 21, 2009 06:21 PM PDT
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Pensar e Falar Angola
Posted by Toke

New Song - Bruno de Castro from 1996 No Fear Album
May 10, 2009 04:08 PM PDT
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Back to da rutzz!!! "New Song" Bruno de Castro 1996 No Fear Album RMS | Luanda - Angola
Posted by Toke
Prakatá - Bruno de Castro - 1993 - 128kbps
May 08, 2009 05:56 PM PDT
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"Prakatá" Bruno de Castro No Fear - 1993 Album - - 128kbps - Back to the roots, 1993, Bruno de Castro was presenting the hotest Luanda's nights sounds in wild discos called like: Pandemonium; Paralelo2000; Mathieu; Panorama; Chiuhaua; or in O Farol, the last dancing stop at the end of the mythical Ilha de Luanda (Ilha do Cabo as real name) where you could reawake with a special hot fish soup at 6:00 in the morning. In these days...
Posted by Toke
Sofia - Bruno de Castro
May 07, 2009 04:14 PM PDT
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Bruno de Castro

No Fear - Bruno de Castro
May 07, 2009 03:49 PM PDT
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Back to da rutz!

"No Fear"
Bruno de Castro

Wegue Remix by Dj Mello
May 07, 2009 11:12 AM PDT
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Now it's official. Buraka Som Sistema is finally a big success in Angola! Perhaps Buraka as a sound to much sofisticated for the original Kuduro's country people. So now, Buraka is playing in Luanda at home partys, with those big bass frequency in the cars, bars or raves. Sending you a remix of "Kalemba (Wegue Wegue)", made by angolan Dj Mello, with the scan of the street back CD-R. You see... we do not have a record industry here in Angola, so, if you, as an artist, have a tune in the street CD-R's, thats a gooooooooooooooooood sign! That means you are a success. That means a lot... Can't you see???
Posted by Toke
Agre G. - Do Milindro
September 29, 2008 08:31 PM PDT
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Agre G. - "Do Milindro"

Everybody comes running to me saying - "This is the one now!" I believe it is... After a listening I said that Agre G. is an old one. But I say also that Bruno M. is making good disciples. You see, Bruno M. is now being discovered by angolan mainstream music public, like Puto Prata turn into mainstream in 2006... So... Take care Bruno M.... big smile

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