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Anupam Gupta
Chartered Accountant, markets. Blogs at
Anupam Gupta 6h
no idea :(
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Anupam Gupta 9h
Twitter is basically a packed auditorium. Celebs talk to celebs, groups talk in groups, and random strangers intrude, get ignored, move on.
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Anupam Gupta 9h
the previous one with Kutcher was really sad shit
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Anupam Gupta 11h
if I was looking for LEGO class I wouldn't be asking here.
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Anupam Gupta 11h
um that's not what I'm looking for.
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Anupam Gupta 12h
thanks for your detailed review
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Anupam Gupta 12h
good to know that, I've subscribed and look forward to updates
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Anupam Gupta 12h
I really liked the idea but I wish you had better range
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Anupam Gupta 12h
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Anupam Gupta 12h
Rent or buy? Any LEGO fan parents here checked out 's rent plans? Good to rent or buy?
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Anupam Gupta 12h
guys, a lot of your stuff is out of stock :(
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Anupam Gupta 13h
heh no wonder is rocking :)
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Anupam Gupta 15h
sir read table last line
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Anupam Gupta 15h
like honoured :)
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Anupam Gupta 16h
yeah we're honouring next time in March. in full flow
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Anupam Gupta 16h
If you add up all politicians wealth (black, white, offshore) and gave it as stimulus? India's GDP would grow like 10%p.a. for 10-20yrs.
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Anupam Gupta 16h
boss why didn't you come to tweet up?
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Anupam Gupta 17h
I was gifted a Jaguar car, do you know how expensive it is to maintain it, you fucking anti-national bastards?
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Anupam Gupta 17h
couldn't find link to post
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Anupam Gupta 17h
A checklist of totally decisions. Interesting. Ever made your own?
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