New Internationalist

After the talks, the action

After the talks, the action

J16 marks beginning of UK wave of climate mobilization, writes Morgan Curtis.
Ebola crisis highlights urgent need for reform

Ebola crisis highlights urgent need for reform

While many say the epidemic is nearing its ‘end’, important questions remain, writes Natasha Horsfield.
Brandon Astor Jones – time is running out

Brandon Astor Jones – time is running out

An execution date of 2 February has been set. Please write to the Governor of Georgia to appeal for clemency.
Facebook and India: Introducing a digital caste system

Facebook and India: Introducing a digital caste system

The social media behemoth is seeking a massive digital 'land grab' to enclose the future of the country's internet, writes Chris Spannos.
The Calais evictions

The Calais evictions

French authorities today began evicting refugees living in the Calais camp, Lydia Noon reports.
The Jungle: Calais photo gallery

The Jungle: Calais photo gallery

French officials have vowed to bulldoze the Calais migrant camp known as ‘The Jungle’. This gallery presents images from inside the migrant camp.
Humanity adrift

Humanity adrift

On the frontlines of Europe’s refugee crisis in Lesvos, Hazel Healy finds tragedy, hope – and answers.

Top stories

After the talks, the action

‘J16’ marks the beginning of UK wave of climate mobilization, writes Morgan Curtis.

Global refugee crisis: the facts

Where people come from, where they flee to – and why they keep moving. New Internationalist gives a worldwide context for refugee flows with this zoomable infograph from our Jan/Feb magazine.

Ebola crisis highlights urgent need for reform

While many say the epidemic is nearing its ‘end’, important questions still need to be addressed, writes Natasha Horsfield.

The Calais evictions

French authorities began evicting refugees living in the Calais camp, Lydia Noon reports.

And finally... Ramin Bahrani

The system is rigged, but it can be changed, the US-Iranian film director tells Malcolm Lewis.

The Jungle: Calais photo gallery

French officials have vowed to bulldoze the Calais migrant camp known as ‘The Jungle’. This gallery presents images from inside the migrant camp.

The seeds of peace

Imprisoned Colombian indigenous leader Feliciano Valencia talks to New Internationalist.


Brandon Astor Jones – time is running out

An execution date of 2 February has been set. Please write to the State Board of Pardons and Paroles to appeal for clemency.

Facebook and India: Introducing a digital caste system

The social media behemoth is seeking a massive digital ‘land grab’ to enclose the future of the country’s internet, writes Chris Spannos.

The Robin Hood Army

It’s heartening to read about an altruistic movement with no hidden motives except to feed the hungry, homeless and needy, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Venezuela’s food revolution

The country has fought off big agribusiness and promoted agroecology, explains Nick Dearden.

Stop Aviation, Stop Co2lonialism

Aviation is a continued pattern of privilege for the very few at the expense of the many, argues Plane Stupid.

David Bowie and me

How the artist helped to change Chris Brazier’s life.

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