Friday, January 22, 2016

How to terrorize citizens in the Saudi kingdom of horrors

See the text of the new law about "internet information crimes".

I am still not over it

Still weeping about the German NGO which decided to suspend its operation in Egypt. How can we live as Arabs?

Please: stop the presses, wake up the children and release the pigs from the barn: Israel invents a dish

Israel state of occupation has invented yet another dish.  What is the new dish?  "Roasted whole cauliflower is having a moment. This dish has a very modest ingredient list, but is impressive to serve, and is increasingly becoming a star on the menus of influential chefs around the world. Most recently, the New York Times brought the recipe to home cooks; after its publication last week, the story was one of the most e-mailed on the major newspaper’s website."  Yes, before an Israeli chef invented this, no Arabs have ever placed a whole cauliflower or eggplant on fire. It never occurred to any of them.  The funny part is the the Israeli media use the promotion of "the dish" by New York Times as evidence of the originality of the dish.  If an Israeli were to slice a potato, the New York Times would write a front-page story about how for the first time ever, a potato has been sliced originally in Israel.  This is a state without history or culture trying desperately and feverishly to steal culture from Arabs in the same speed that it has stolen lands from Arabs.

Zionism is always racism

"Only 20% of Jewish Israelis see Arab citizens as ‘equals’"

You can learn a lot from the media of Saudi princes

This is from Arabiyya (the news station of Prince Muhammad bin Salman): "The anti-Assad opposition might or might not attend."  Are you sure?

France’s much vaunted secularism is not the neutral space it claims to be

"At the start of this year, the school in the little French town of Sargé-lès-le-Mans instituted a “pork or nothing” policy. Muslim and Jewish kids have either to eat pork or go hungry. Apparently this move is necessary to “save secularism”, according to National Front leader Marine le Pen. “We will accept no religious requirements in the school lunch menus,” she said. “There is no reason for religion to enter the public sphere.”....But there is a huge difference between targeting grand bishops in Rome and a beleaguered, economically fragile Muslim community that has received a great many knocks at the hands of the French state and its colonial past. Rabelaisian derision aimed at the House of Saud or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is one thing. But aimed at the disaffected banlieues it is bullying and goading. You have to be suspicious that French secularism is not the neutral thing it purports to be when racists such as Le Pen start defending it so enthusiastically. And yet there is nothing the leaders of al-Qaida want more than the French state to be seen to declare war on its religious citizens once again. They know that many young, disaffected Arab immigrants on the sink estates outside Paris are itching for a fight. The French government must not give it to them. And that means re-thinking their precious laïcité."

Gandhi the Imperialist

"Nothing could be more misleading. Gandhi’s concern for the African majority—“the Kaffirs,” in his phrase—was negligible. During his South African years (1893-1914), argue Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed in “The South African Gandhi,” he was far from an “anti-racist, anti-colonial fighter on African soil.” He had found his way to South Africa mainly by the accident of being offered a better job there than he could find in Bombay. He regarded himself as a British subject. He aimed at limited integration of Indians into white society. Their new status would secure Indian rights but would also acknowledge white supremacy. In essence, he wanted to stabilize the Indian community within the stratified system that later became known as apartheid."

There is no man without dignity and pride than this chief PA collaborationist who is treated as a "leader" by Western governments

"Abbas: I agreed to meet Netanyahu, but Israel never responded".

Saudi-US blockade of Yemen

Saudi Mufti bans chess

""He said chess was “included under gambling” and was “a waste of time and money and a cause for hatred and enmity between players”.
Sheikh justified the ruling by referring to the verse in the Qur’an banning “intoxicants, gambling, idolatry and divination”. It is not clear when the fatwa was delivered."" (thanks Nikolai)

Eating pork meat defines the national identity of Denmark

"Supporters of the proposal, which was passed late Monday by the council of Randers, a former industrial town of about 60,000 in central Denmark, said that serving traditional Danish food such as pork was essential to help preserve national identity."  Just as eating Hummus defines the national identity of Lebanon.

It is official: Saudi regimes declares the Israeli terrorist state as a force of peace in the region

"Iran is the single-most-belligerent-actor in the region".

Saudi regime version of terrorism

"Saudi Arabia has been a victim of terrorism, often at the hands of Iran’s allies."  Bin Laden and his progeny are allies of Iran, and not Saudi Arabia and Gulf regimes.

Israeli anti-Semitism never bothers those Zionists who pretend to fight anti-Semitism

"U.S. and European criticism of Israeli actions in the occupied West Bank have drawn a furious response from Israel this week, including a former official dismissing the U.S. ambassador to Tel Aviv as a "little Jew boy". (thanks Basim)

UAE tyranny is a model for Western government

"However, Shazia Arshad of the London-based International Campaign for Freedom in the UAE (ICFUAE)  described the new service as “another display of the increasingly close relationship between the UK and the UAE”, adding that the “[UK] Government has been all too willing to ignore the human rights violations there”. "However, Emirati human rights activists were less enthusiastic. As Ms Arshad of ICFUAE put it: “The irony of this new visa system is that while the British Government is easing freedom of movement for Emiratis, the UAE authorities are denying this right to their own citizens.” "

Do you notice that US media consistently ignore crimes, repression, corruption and ethnic cleansing by Kurdish tribal leaders in Iraq?

"Amnesty: Iraqi Kurds Deliberately Destroying Arab Villages"

Iran after the nuclear deal: How American spies will blend in

"For more than 30 years, Iran has been a black hole for the CIA and other intelligence agencies. U.S. spies are hoping to capitalize on the latest diplomatic contact between Tehran and Washington, D.C." "Limbert believes the greatest benefit of the current climate of diplomacy may simply be more American business travelers, more American journalists pouring into Iran. That makes it easier for American spies to blend in and move around and talk with ordinary Iranians."

This is how NYT's new Israel bureau chief established his credentials

"‘NYT’s next Jerusalem chief routinely offers Israel as a model for American conduct". (thanks Amir)

The West and its championing of freedom

"British arms companies ramp up bomb sales to Saudi Arabia by 100 times despite air strikes on civilians"

Life in "liberated" Syria

Three boys being flogged by masked men in Idlib.

Supporters of Islamist Syrian rebels and the Orientalist and Islamophobe cliches

One of the amusing features of the propaganda of supporters of the Islamist Syrian "revolution" is the resort to accusations of Islamophobia and Orientalism against anyone who objects to war crimes of Syrian rebels--and the accusations are hurled by people who don't know what Orientalism is even if it hits them in the face.  Even enemies of Edward Said in the Saudi and Hariri press are resorting to such tactics.

Saudi King proposes marriage

In this picture, the Saudi King is seen proposing marriage to a little child he spotted while greeting the Chinese president.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What is happening in Tunisia?

Map of growing protests in Tunisia.

What kind of silly ranking this is?

Best countries? You categorize and rank countries? What is happening to Guardian and Independent as of late? Why do I feel that they are mimicking US media?

Sexism in Lebanon: he will call you this time

Cleric of occupation, Ali Sistani, bans a mobile game

I can't stop crying

I read that a German NGO has suspended its operation in Cairo.  I don't know how to deal with the news. I don't know how Arabs will function. What can we do to make this German NGO reconsider.  What will befall Arabs without this and other Western NGO?  I shudder thinking about the future.  It is very sad indeed.  Don't abandon us, o White Man.

Meet the Senior Negotiator of the Syrian opposition delegation

This is Muhammad `Allush of the Army of Islam rebel group.  Liz Sly will soon declare him a feminist secular Syrian opposition figure.  I don't judge by appearance but he seems quite secular.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

If only Americans knew: US alliance with Al-Qa`idah in Syria

"CIA-backed groups in northwestern Syria publicly acknowledge their relationship with the al Qaeda affiliate." "Thus, after fighting al Qaeda and its affiliates for a decade and a half, the CIA is now helping them gain ground in Syria."

The Deception of US Ambassador Ford

From a reader:
U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford: The jihadi elements in Syria were distinct minority in the Syrian armed opposition...

"The DIA report, formerly classified “SECRET//NOFORN” and dated August 12, 2012, was circulated widely among various government agencies, including CENTCOM, the CIA, FBI, DHS, NGA, State Dept., and many others. The document shows that as early as 2012, U.S. intelligence predicted the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), but instead of clearly delineating the group as an enemy, the report envisions the terror group as a U.S. strategic asset."

British complicity in war crimes

"British arms companies have cashed-in on Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen by ramping up arms sales to the country’s autocratic government by over a hundred times, new figures show." "In November foreign secretary Phillip Hammond said he wanted to sell even more munitions to Saudi Arabia." “These figures are deeply worrying, showing that the UK continued to despatch huge amounts of weaponry to Saudi Arabia despite overwhelming evidence that the Saudi war machine was laying waste to Yemeni homes, schools and hospitals,” said Allan Hogarth, the group’s head of Policy and Government Affairs. “As officials were signing off these sales, hundreds - possibly thousands - of Yemeni civilians were dying in a terrifying barrage of indiscriminate Saudi airstrikes in the country."

British people are proud of colonialism

"The British public are generally proud of their country’s role in subjecting the world to colonialism and the British Empire, according to a new poll." "Common criticisms of the empire include its policies causing millions of famine deaths in British India, its running of brutal detention camps in occupied territories, and massacres of civilians by imperial troops." "The British Empire was also a dominant slave-trading power until the practice was outlawed in 1807," "David Cameron has previously said the Empire should be “celebrated”."

George Washington & his slaves

"Scholastic is pulling a new picture book about George Washington and his slaves amid objections it sentimentalizes a brutal part of American history. A Birthday Cake for George Washington was released January 5 and had been strongly criticized for its upbeat images and story of Washington's cook, the slave Hercules and his daughter, Delia." (thanks Amir)

secularism of Gulf regimes

Gulf regimes and their media complain about the sectarianism of the ruling Shi`ite forces in Iraq. But they support (as an alternative) a political coalition named "Union of Sunni Forces".  I kid you not.

A Lebanese is languishing in Saudi jail because he said on a picture of the Saudi King

Read here.

Western correspondents in Beirut have been right all along: the Syrian "revolution" is indeed secular

This just in: Syrian opposition designates the representative of Jaysh Al-Islam (the Army of Islam) as the "senior negotiator".  

I don't think that Huffington Post is aware of low the Huffington Post Arabic Qatari regime has sunk

This is how they think they respond to Russian intervention in Syria:  "AIDS is spreading among the Russians".  This is a big headline.

Word for Mac

I know it is a small problem but it is bothering me: the bold feature in Word for Mac does not work in Arabic.

The PA collaborationist goons brag

"He insists that since October, PA intelligence and security forces have prevented 200 attacks against Israelis, confiscated weapons and arrested about 100 Palestinians – claims that were not rejected out of hand, but could not be confirmed by the Israeli military."

How do you know when a reporter uses a word without knowing its meaning

"Saeb Erekat, secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and longtime chief negotiator, is an erudite".  To describe Erekat as erudite is like describing Sarah Palin as profound.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Israel-UAE alliance

"Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz returned home to Israel on Monday following an unusual visit to Abu Dhabi, Channel 2 reports. According to the report, Steinitz held meetings with the top United Arab Emirates (UAE) officials to discuss business interests shared by both parties." "Israel recently even opened a formal diplomatic office in Abu Dhabi, though the UAE asserted it did not reflect a change in relations between the two countries."

Moderate Arab: US-installed Egyptian dictatorship

"Far more than a geographic barrier or a border crossing, Rafah gate has come to represent the cruelty of a dictatorship towards 1.8 million people, 70 percent of whom are women and children, 50 percent of whom under the age of 18, with 80 percent living below the poverty line. As such, it has also come to stand for Egypt’s corrupt border administration demanding sums of up to $4,000 (the equivalent of 32,000 Egyptian pounds) from desperate Gazans for a "coordination permit" allowing them access to the outside world."

Comrade Joseph Massad on colonial penetration

Israel aiding genocide

"Throughout its short history Israel has been a dependable weapons supplier to pariah regimes, from apartheid South Africa and South Sudan to Rwanda and Serbia as genocides were underway. Now we can add Myanmar and Burundi to the list." "Meanwhile, Myanmar is facing renewed scrutiny over the mistreatment of its Rohingya Muslim minority, with a Yale University Law School assessment finding “strong evidence” that Myanmar is committing genocide against the stateless group. Israel has responded to these developments by embracing and aiding Myanmar’s military junta." "Israeli arms sales to the African nation of Burundi have also continued despite that country’s recent descent into violence."

Western arms dealers ignore war crimes

"As a result, the toll of civilian casualties, recorded between 26 March and 31 December 2015, are estimated at more than 8,000 people, including nearly 2,800 killed and more than 5,300 wounded. But Western powers — which are quick to condemn and impose sanctions on countries accused of civilian killings– have refused to take any drastic action against Saudi Arabia or its coalition partners, including Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain. The Saudi stranglehold is increasingly linked to a thriving multi-billion dollar arms market — with British, French and mostly American military suppliers providing sophisticated weapons," (thanks Amir)