G-NAF to be made openly available by the Australian Government

Today Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced the Australian Government’s much anticipated National Innovation and Science Agenda. One of the measures includes making openly available two of PSMA Australia’s products, G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries.

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PSMA Australia offers authoritative, national location datasets which underpin an ever-expanding range of business solutions and government services.

Our flagship product, G-NAF, is Australia’s only authoritative, geocoded physical address file. G-NAF is complemented by datasets of roads, cadastre parcels, administrative boundaries, features of interest and more.

Used together, or separately, PSMA datasets provide the geographic context that enables effective decision-making and innovation based on quality location data.

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G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries will be available in February 2016 under open data terms from www.data.gov.au. For more information, click here


PSMA responds to the National Innovation and Science Agenda


The much anticipated National Innovation and Science Agenda includes making G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries openly available in February 2016....

Read More about PSMA responds to the National Innovation and Science Agenda
Realising the value

Realising the value


Dan Paull launches the AIIA's Geospatial Special Interest Group's paper at the Canberra Managers Forum, 1 December 2015. ...

Read More about Realising the value

The purpose of place: Reconsidered

Papers & Reports

The fifth edition of Deloitte's Building the Lucky Country series reconsiders the purpose of place. By collaborating to make place a driver of productivity and prosperity, Australia can unlock enormous potential....

Read More about The purpose of place: Reconsidered

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