potter-militia-interviewIn a recent TV interview (below), I was asked to discuss how the mainstream media has been covering the militia standoff in Oregon, as heavily-armed Bundy gang members occupy federal land.

We didn’t have much time to go into all the details, so I wanted to elaborate here, with what I think are six of the most important lessons we should be learning from how the government and the press have treated militia groups like this one.

[click to continue…]

pickering-fbi-forego-interviewNewly released FBI documents confirm what some activist groups have argued for years: when FBI agents come knocking, the best response is to shut the door and call the press. [click to continue…]

history of secret prisons in the united statesMy latest for TED is an expansion of my recent TED Talk, about Communications Management Units, and a look at a dark history in the United States that has been either ignored or forgotten.

Here’s an excerpt: [click to continue…]

One Million Views!

by Will Potter on December 1, 2015

in News

will potter ted talk 1 million views

Great news! My latest TED talk just hit 1 million views! And it’s still climbing. Thank you to everyone who has been sharing and retweeting the talk!

It’s incredible that it has been seen by so many people in just over a month.

And my previous talk is reaching that milestone as well. You can watch it here.

Thanks everyone!

New TED Talk Goes Inside Secretive Prison Units on U.S. Soil

“The secret US prisons you’ve never heard of before.”

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It’s us against the war machine.

Killer Mike’s inspirational speech in Ferguson about police violence and poverty.

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Edward Snowden Will Be Interviewed at this Tech Conference, Keynote by Will Potter

“Computers, Freedom, and Privacy 2015” will feature Edward Snowden, Mike German, and Will Potter.

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The Writing Life, Burnout, and What it Means to Keep Fighting

Ray Harkins interviews Will Potter for the podcast 100 Words or Less.

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I’ll Be Speaking at the Michigan Animal Law Symposium This Weekend

Will Potter will be speaking about why ag-gag laws are unconstitutional at the Michigan Animal Law Symposium on October 3rd.

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BREAKING: 2 Animal Activists Facing 6 Months in Jail for Protesting on the Sidewalk

In Utah, activists are facing 6 months in jail for holding signs and protesting an amusement park’s treatment of animals.

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