New Website! Update Your Boomarks!

30 Mar

The Unist’ot’en has a new website to replace this one. From now on you can visit us at

See you there!!

Help Amplify Today’s Action in Toronto!

28 Mar

Toronto action
Dear Allies,

As a prelude to our national day of action coming up this Saturday, allies
went around the Financial District of Toronto this morning to deliver a
message to Chevron investors State Street and Vanguard. We let them know
that we will hold them accountable for Chevron’s actions if they attempt
to trespass on sovereign Unist’ot’en land.

Video and photos are forthcoming on our website, but in the meantime you
can help amplify our message by sending an email to the following staff at
these two companies. The Vanguard office was particularly rude and the
receptionist actually pushed our letter out of the office with her foot.

Please write to them and let you them know you support the Unist’ot’en
right to Free Prior and Informed Consent regarding industrial activity on
their land and that if they do not want to lose a pile of money on a
pipeline that will never be build they should cancel Chevron’s Pacific
Trail Pipeline.

Unist’ot’en Camp

State Street And Vanguard Contact Emails:

Atul Tiwari, Director of Vanguard Group:
Jason McIntyre, Distribution;
Catherine M. Chamberlain, Compliance, legal:
Carrie Tuck, Marketing:
Dean Allen, Product

Kevin Drynan, CEO of State Street:
Peter Lindley, VP, Investment Management:
Gaetan Reid, VP Foreign Exchange:
Charles Murray, VP, Securities Finance:
Ron Robertson, Senior VP:

Chevron letter

Day of Action against Chevron and the Pacific Trail Pipeline

9 Mar


Call for solidarity actions on Saturday March 30th 2013
No consent? No fracking pipelines, no climate crimes!

Join an action in your local area

Calgary – March 30th, 1pm, Meet at 5th Ave and 4th St SW (Chevron Canada HQ)

Montreal – March 30th, 1pm, 770 Sherbrooke Street West (Across the street from the McGill Roddick Gates)

Smithers – March 30th 1:00pm, meet at the Old Church, 3704 1st Avenue

Toronto – March 28th, 8:30am, RBC Headquarters, Bay and Front.

Vancouver/Burnaby – March 30th, 12pm, corner of Albert St. and Willingdon (Burnaby)


American oil giant Chevron wants to build a destructive pipeline across unceded indigenous territory to carry fracked gas to the coast, and export climate change to the world. We say NO. We do not need fracked gas, we do not want another pipeline and we will not stand by as colonial governments and greedy corporations push us over the climate catastrophe cliff edge.

Chevron is the new corporate face of the Pacific Trail Pipeline project, having recently become 50/50 partners with Apache to build a fracking gas pipeline across 500 kilometres of largely unceded land, from Summit Lake to LNG plants planned for Kitimat. On March 30th we will greet them with resistance across BC and around the world. As politicians put economic growth and industry interests ahead of carbon common sense and indigenous rights, it is up to us to take direct action to raise the cost of pushing ahead with the project, and raise the stakes in the PR battle. We encourage autonomous creative direct action against Chevron and any others involved in the development and financing of Pacific Trail Pipeline. Occupy offices, drop banners, demonstrate in city centres, lock-on at the pumps, subvert the Chevron brand, hand out leaflets… the choice is yours!

Everywhere they operate, Chevron exploits land and people for money, often through the use of force, and without taking responsibility for the consequences. Battles against environmental racism and illegal oil wars, movements for indigenous sovereignty and migrant justice – we amplify our resistance by uniting our struggles, so we are calling for solidarity actions and events against Chevron across Canada and around the world.

Continue reading

Spring Pithouse Construction and Permaculture Camp

9 Feb

Unist’ot’en Camp is looking for volunteers to come and help us construct pithouses and install interconnected permaculture gardens in the territory at our Spring Camp. The Spring Camp is for 3 weeks and the dates are May 6-24, 2013.

This initiative is complimenting our vision to build a larger community on the lands and occupy areas left in our trust. Preference will be to people who have experience with permaculture (i.e. Bio-remidiation, …) for the garden and construction experience with our pithouses and trails. We may need some help with the kitchen as well. There will likely be many applicants for the kitchen duty so we may have to be selective to keep the numbers of people in the kitchen reasonable

If you are interested, please fill out a volunteer form at! Informants, infiltrators, and agitators need not apply – you all know who you are!!! We will try and keep up with the applicants.

Suggested donation $200 or PWYC to help cover costs of food at camp. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Support the Unist’ot’en Camp Indie Go Go campaign!

7 Feb

The Unist’ot’en winter fundraising drive on Indie Go Go is nearing the halfway mark, and we are halfway to our goal! Thanks everyone for the support, and let’s kick things into high gear so we can get the rest of the way to our goal! The campaign will help ensure the camp has funds to keep operating through the winter and keep out pipeline companies from our sovereign unceded territory!



Visit the Campaign Home Page to Donate Today!

Video of the Moricetown PTP meeting

11 Dec

Wet’suwet’en at Moricetown Protesting Pipelines on December 6, 2012 from terracedailyonline on Vimeo.

“This is a 40 minute edited compilation of Chiefs and Matriarchs demanding respect and demanding the pipeline considerations come to a full stop. The demands were expressed as, “When we say no, we mean no, when will you understand this?”

The considerations of money ie “Impact benefits” were not accepted and were considered an insult. The land is not for sale at any price.”

Hereditary community members say NO! to PTP at Moricetown meeting

8 Dec


Dini Ze’yu, Tsakiy Ze’yu, Skiy Ze’yu, and our countless supporters! I am glad to report that a real victory for our future has just happened!! Last night our strong community membership decidedly showed who makes the decisions on unceded Wet’suwet’en lands to the elected Moricetown Band Chief and Band Council. The Band Council had called an “Information Session” and invited representatives from PTP First Nations Limited Partnership (FNLP). The meeting was repeatedly interrupted by hereditary chiefs and clan members who bravely spoke their minds and made statements about protecting the lands. During the meeting one of the elected councillors decided to be arrogant and demand that the members be quiet to hear out the representatives. He said that we needed to be respectful of our guests. But the millions of dollars that was dangled in front of the membership in potential partnership agreements meant nothing to the community. Throughout the meeting the resounding message voiced in anger was, “WE WILL PROTECT OUR LANDS AND WATERS AGAINST ANY AND ALL THREATS! IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILTY!! WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE TO US IS DISPRESPECTFUL!”

The Unist’ot’en interrupted the meeting and Unist’ot’en spokesperson Freda Huson read out their Declaration to the pawns of PTP and said that the only people who will be making any decisions on Unist’ot’en Lands are the Unist’ot’en People. Tsakiy Ze’ Lhtat’en of the Unist’ot’en said to the Band Council and presenters, “Knedebeas – Christine Holland told us not to lose the land. The Unist’ot’en have never lost any of our battles, and we won’t lose this one!!” As Freda Huson began reading a declaration to the presenters and band council, large banners were unfurled warning against pipelines on the territory and the ‘Ewkh hiyah hoz dli  Drum Group began singing the powerful Wet’suwet’en War Song and performing the ancient War Dance in front of the elected council and presenters. The spirits of our Warriors could not be stopped. The War Song is likely still echoing in the hallways of the Moricetown Multiplex. At the end of the presentation there was a time set aside for questions but the council and presenters only heard statement after statement from the membership, “NO MEANS NO!” The meeting was abruptly put to a halt and the presenters from the FNLP quickly packed up and left denying the media in attendance any comments or interviews. Sne Kyalh Yah (Thank you) to all of our friends and family for attending and standing strong alongside our proud and strong ancestors. The future of our unborn is in your hands, let’s all keep making them proud!! – Toghestiy of the Likhts’amisyu & Freda Huson, spokesperson for the Unist’ot’en


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