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Arabian Peninsula Roundup Syrian Refugee Children Express Themselves Turkey Media Roundup الكلاف آلة القتل في الدولة والموجة الثورية القادمة
[One of few facades at the Intercontinental Hotel preserved with its original form. Located in Jabal Amman it was built in 1963. The architect was John Elliott. Photo by Hamza AbuHamdia.]]

Snapshot: Amman

I feel compelled to snap a picture of every angle, corner, and inch of whatever I lay my eyes on, especially within the urban environment. Much has changed in Amman over the years with the construction of new buildings and the introduction ...

ISIS: The 'Islamic State' between Orientalism and the Interiority of MENA’s Intellectuals

Is ISIS all about Islam, or about geopolitics? This dualism has framed the debate about ISIS among Western analysts, especially American ones. They have formed two camps, one sees in ISIS and its practices an irrefutable evidence of the ...

[Participants in an Idle No More solidarity action in Los Angeles in December 2013. (WNV/©Paulo Freire Lopez)]

Acts and Omissions: Framing Settler Colonialism in Palestine Studies

Columbus was free to look for a language he couldn't find here, to look for gold in the skulls of our ancestors. He took his fill from the flesh of our living and our dead. So why is he bent on carrying out his deadly war even from ...

[Cover of Arab Studies Journal (Vol. XXIII No. 1), Fall 2015]

Modernity, Identity, and Technology in Palestine Before the Nakba

Noah Haiduc-Dale, Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine: Communalism and Nationalism, 1917-1948. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. Wasif Jawhariyyeh, The Storyteller of Jerusalem: The Life and Times of Wasif Jawhariyyeh, ...

Palestine Media Roundup (January 14 - 20)

[Image from]

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Palestine and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Palestine Page Co-Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to]  The Occupation Forces Gaza's Children Grow Up with Trauma Over 50% of Gaza children experience effects of PTSD due to ongoing and intense violence from the hands of Israeli forces. Soldiers Celebrate Shooting Palestinian Protestors: "What a Hit!" A video recently released on Facebook shows Israeli soldiers praising one another for shooting Palestinian ...

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Art Dubai: The Shifting Architectures and Expedient Geographies of the Art World

[Art Dubai, Madinat Jumeirah 2015, courtesy: The Studio, Dubai.]

Museums have historically acted to tether artworks and artifacts to territorial conceptions of place. Meanwhile, as conduits to the flow of artworks across borders according to the imperatives of a globalized market, international contemporary art fairs might seem to obey an opposite logic, operating as deterritorializing forces that uproot works of art from their native geographies. Yet assigning museums and art fairs neatly to different sides of a binary that pits rootedness against a world of unhomed objects and convergent cultures obscures a more complex and dynamic reality. If large brick and mortar institutions are restructuring to satisfy new economic ...

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Third Annual Cultural Resistance International Film Festival of Lebanon

[Anurag Kashyap's

Cultural Resistance International Film Festival of Lebanon, Beirut, 9-10 November 2015. Sandwiched between the Beirut International Film Festival and a slew of ongoing fall film offerings, the third annual Cultural Resistance International Film Festival of Lebanon (CRIFF) concluded in mid-November. This curiously-named, soon-to-be-renamed-and-revamped festival remains noteworthy for its unique Asia-Mediterranean focus, notwithstanding the modest size of the three-film package that was curated for this year’s edition. The festival opened at Metropolis Cinema, a hub for several festivals and film exhibitions in Beirut, with Tayfun Pirselimoğlu’s I Am Not Him (2013, ...

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Under Fire: Translating the Growing Crisis in the Kurdish Cities of Turkey’s Southeast

Scene of destruction after a curfew in Nusaybin, 26 November 2015. Image provided by the author.

Turkey’s sokağa çıkma yasağı is being mistranslated, with serious consequences. Turkey’s decades-long conflict with Kurdish militants and its unresolved inclusion of Kurds into greater Turkish society has in recent months reached a new and violent phase. The current encounter, largely between Turkish state forces and a new urban youth group, the YDG-H (Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement; Tevgera Ciwanen Welatparêz Yên Şoreşger) affiliated with the outlawed PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party; Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê), is taking place in the streets of the Kurdish cities of Turkey’s southeast. Pressure on the civilians caught between these two forces has gotten worse ...

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Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (December 2015)

This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya during the month of December 2015. It also includes the most recent roundups, editors picks, and most-read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our Monthly Edition series. Sexual Violence in Egypt: Myths and Realities نمر النمر أكثر من رجل دين شيعي Call for Applicants--Doctoral Dissertation Summer Workshop: Researching Lebanon Fact Check: The Truth About Shaykh Nimr al-Nimr Remembering Fatema Mernissi New Texts Out Now: Lara Deeb and Jessica Winegar, Anthropology’s Politics: Disciplining the Middle East The Art of ...

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مؤتمر الرواية العراقية: كيف تصنع حدثاً ثقافياً مهماً؟

[المصدر موقع جوجل]

من بإمكانه، الآن، أن يصدق أن أوراقاً، قليلة أو كثيرة، كان يمكن أن تنقذ مؤتمر الرواية العراقية الأخير "المنعقد في قاعة فندق بغداد بتاريخ 14 - 15 من الشهر الجاري"! الشاعر العراقي "ريسان الخزعلي" كان قد تحدث على صفحته في "الفيس" عن هذا الأمر، قائلاً إن " الأمر لا يكلّف سوى نصف بند ورق!!". نتحدث، هنا، عن "نصف رزمة" من الأوراق البيضاء التي تكتب عليها الدعوات للمشاركة في هذا المؤتمر، ثم توضع في مظروف أنيق، وترسل إلى المدعويين. وهو معيار شكلي ولا شك، لكنه، بالمقابل، يشير للأسف إلى فقدان هذا المؤتمر لأدنى درجات النجاح في صناعة حدث ثقافي مهم. ولنتأمل حالات بعينها، فإن أغلب من أطلعنا على آرائهم من كتاب الرواية ونقادها، كانوا ...

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Turkey Media Roundup (January 19)

Cizre, September 2015. Image by Rebecca Harms.

English Violence in the Southeast Violence Dominates Politics Mümtaz'er Türköne decries a recent PKK on a police family lodgings in Diyarbakır, comparing the organization's methods to ISIS and arguing its attempts to control urban areas will result in it dominating “nothing but ruins.” Indefinite 24-Hour Curfew, Over 200,000 In Danger Amnesty calls for a letter writing campaign the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior to limit firearms use, end arbitrary restrictions, and respect rights to assembly. History of the Deception of Kurds (1) - (2) According to Kemal Öztürk, Kurds are a people always deceived by other states such as Russia, UK, and US throughout the ...

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ISIS: The 'Islamic State' between Orientalism and the Interiority of MENA’s Intellectuals

Is ISIS all about Islam, or about geopolitics? This dualism has framed the debate about ISIS among Western analysts, especially American ones. They have formed two camps, one sees in ISIS and its practices an irrefutable evidence of the “true face of Islam”; another insists that ISIS has nothing to do with “real Islam” and reduces it to a telltale backlash against imperialism and Western policies in the Middle East and North Africa (hitherto MENA). This dichotomous approach is one of a few angles through which ISIS has been dissected and analyzed in the United States,[i] but it has more significance than others because it is more common and involves high profile American ...

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ISIS in the News: Extensive Media Roundup (October-December 2015)

[Editorial Note: This is not a "best of," only a roundup of significant pieces. See here for an introduction to this roundup series] English Articles  The men saving Syria’s treasures from Isis (22 September 2015) Jeremy Bowen reports a ”remarkable group of archaeologists are battling to save the country’s ancient artefacts”. 3 AK-47-wielding women reportedly decimate ISIS militants (23 September 2015) A trio of women has formed an all-female fighting force to seek revenge on ISIS for atrocities committed against Yazidi women in Iraq, and it has reportedly been decimating the enemy recently. ISIS put signatures notebook at the mosques (28 ...

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Conference--After Tahrir: Egyptian Revolutionary Experiences and Future Visions (Santa Barbara, 22-26 January 2016)

After Tahrir: Egyptian Revolutionary Experiences and Future Visions January 22-26, 2016 Pollock Theater, McCune Room University of California Santa Barbara Conference Website: Conference Hashtag: #aftertahrir This four-day research collaboration workshop will take place at UC Santa Barbara on the five-year anniversary of the Tahrir Square Uprisings in 2011 that toppled Egypt’s long-term dictator Hosni Mubarak. These uprisings in Egypt accelerated waves of anti-crony-capitalist demonstrations, worker organizing, youth revolts, media insurgencies, and police brutality protests that overthrew ...

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The Saudi PR Machine in the US: An Interview with Lee Fang

[Faisaliyah Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Photo from Wikimedia Commons]

On 2 January 2016, Saudi Arabia executed forty-seven people, including prominent dissident Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr. Soon after the executions, organized mobs attacked the Saudi diplomatic missions in Tehran and the northeastern city of Mash-had. The tension between the two countries reached its paroxysm when Saudi Arabia severed all diplomatic and commercial ties with Iran. In his new piece in the Intercept, Lee Fang writes that a well-funded Saudi public relations apparatus moved in quickly to shape how it was being covered in the United States. Malihe Razazan spoke to Fang about the backstory behind his article as well as the media campaign to varnish Saudi Arabia's ...

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Letter to Turkish PM Davutoglu Concerning Turkish Higher Education Council's Condemnation of Scholars for Signing Peace Petition

[The following letter was issued by the Committee on Academic Freedom of the Middle East Studies Association on 14 January 2016.] Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu Office of the Prime Minister Başbakanlık 06573 Ankara, Turkey Via facsimile +90 312 417 0476; +90 312 403 62 82; + 90 312 422 26 67 Dear Prime Minister Davutoğlu: We write on behalf of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) of North America and its Committee on Academic Freedom to express our serious concern over reports that the Higher Education Council (Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu, or YÖK) had an emergency meeting to commence an investigation against scholars who signed a petition for peace in the Kurdish ...

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Arabian Peninsula Roundup (January 18)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every week.]    Regional and International Relations Can Iran change? Is Iran capable of changing its domestic and foreign policies, and what are ...

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Statement of Concern by Professors of Turkish Studies and Ottoman History Regarding Diminishing Academic Freedoms in Turkey

[The following statement was issued by a group of scholars of Turkish Studies and Ottoman History on 20 January 2016 in regards to concerns over academic freedoms and freedom of expression in Turkey.] Statement For Academic Freedom In Turkey Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey We, the undersigned professors of Turkish Studies and Ottoman History working at various universities throughout the world, from the USA to Asia, declare that we are profoundly concerned about ...

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Syria Media Roundup (January 20)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every week.]   Inside Syria Islamic State frees 270 of 400 people kidnapped from Syria's Deir al-Zor The civilians released will remain in Islamic State-run villages in Deir al-Zor . Syria's ...

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New Texts Out Now: Ella Shohat, The Question of Judeo-Arabic

Ella Shohat, “The Question of Judeo-Arabic,” Opening Essay for Arab Studies Journal Vol. XXIII No. 1 (Fall 2015). Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this article? Ella Shohat (ES): This essay revolves around a very personal question for me—the name of the language I spoke with my grandparents and parents. Baghdadi-Jews like my family spoke the language, first in Iraq, then in Israel, and later in the US. For us, it was simply Arabic, although we also knew of course that it was a dialect, a specific ...

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Snapshot: Amman

I feel compelled to snap a picture of every angle, corner, and inch of whatever I lay my eyes on, especially within the urban environment. Much has changed in Amman over the years with the construction of new buildings and the introduction of new styles, structures, and patterns. I capture these, but when I take photos in the older parts of the city it’s about more than the architecture, it’s about claiming and creating my identity as an Ammani and connecting with my childhood. Amman’s stone buildings, ...

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Last Week on Jadaliyya (January 11-17)

This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series. Sexual Violence in Egypt: Myths and Realities The Art of Healing: Syrian Refugee Children Express Themselves نمر النمر أكثر من رجل دين شيعي Manifesto Against the Woman Racism in the Defense of a Racist State: Some ...

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Modernity, Identity, and Technology in Palestine Before the Nakba

Noah Haiduc-Dale, Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine: Communalism and Nationalism, 1917-1948. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. Wasif Jawhariyyeh, The Storyteller of Jerusalem: The Life and Times of Wasif Jawhariyyeh, 1904-1948. Edited and introduced by Salim Tamari and Issam Nassar, translated by Nada Elzeer, foreword by Rachel Beckles Willson. Northampton, MA, and Beirut, Lebanon: Olive Branch Press and Institute for Palestine Studies, 2014. Anbara Salam Khalidi, Memoirs of an ...

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Egypt Media Roundup (January 18)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Sunday night of every week.]  Political Rights Egyptians take to social media to declare they participated in the January 25 revolution Social media users have been sharing their memories of the 25 January 2011 ...

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Racism in the Defense of a Racist State: Some Reflections on BDS at the Modern Language Association

It is beginning to seem as if the arrival of winter spells academic boycott season as well as the festive season.  This year in November, the business meetings of two major associations voted overwhelmingly to endorse the call of Palestine civil society to engage in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions until such times as they—and the state with which they are so deeply intertwined—respect the internationally recognized human rights of Palestinians.  Those associations, the American ...

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قصائد مُختارة للشَّاعرة الإيطالية آلدا مِريني

قصائد مُختارة للشَّاعرة الإيطالية آلدا مِريني Alda Merini (1931-2009) آلدا مِريني في سطور من أهم الشَّاعرات في تاريخ إيطاليا الأدبيِّ. صوَّرت في قصائدها الألم والرَّغبة على أنَّهما قطبا الحياةِ وحقيقتاها الرَّاسختان، جاعلةً من الواقع نسغَ القصيدة، فلم تخن يوماً، ومنذ أولى بداياتها، قدرَها الشِّعريَّ، حتَّى وإن كانت مكابدةُ الجنونِ ثمناً لذلك؛ تقول: "سماءُ الشِّعر محالٌ حبسُها، حتَّى وإن بقي المرءُ، جسمانيَّاً، مغيَّباً ومنسيَّاً في أماكن أخرى". بدأت مِريني كتابةَ الشِّعر في سنِّ ...

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Turkey Media Roundup (January 13)

English Kurdish Politics Was the Reconciliation Process Betrayal? Hayrettin Karaman contends that the Turkish government has tried to maintain the peace and reconciliation process at all costs, for which reason they have used violence in Kurdish regions. Are Kurds Worthy of Ditch Politics? According to Yasin Aktay, the PKK wants to rule over Kurdistan as a fiefdom, which has made Kurds realize that democratic autonomy is not actually democratic. In Turkey, the state doesn’t talk—it only shoots Ercan ...

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Drifting Away: De-Occupying the Palestinian Self

Speed Sisters, directed by Amber Fares. Palestine, 2015 “If only you’d resist the occupation with something other than sports and fashion,” complained a YouTube user in the comments section of a video about the Speed Sisters—an all-female Palestinian race-car driving team in the West Bank, and the first of its kind in the Middle East. The comment is mentioned in the documentary Speed Sisters, by filmmaker Amber Fares. The film shadows the five enthusiastic race-car drivers, highlighting the experiences ...

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