Lessons in sharia law available…

US: Philadelphia mayor contradicts jihadi’s self-confessed motive

Suicidal levels of denial. The terrorist claimed to be acting in the name of Islam, but the mayor knows better:

latest POSTS

France descends into a terrorist hellhole

Paris: knife-wielding allahu-akbar-ing Muslim shot dead on anniversary of Charlie Hebdo

Another one meets his 72 virgins. The same dreary refrain we have seen so often, and will continue to see even more:

Blubs AND gives us the V-sign…

Oblubbering Obama

What a cringe-worthily embarrassing sight, watching the ‘Leader of the Free World’ wipe tears from his eyes during his gun control address, like the metrosexual weakling he is. Imagine Putin or Netanyahu doing the same? No, neither can I. And it won’t make any difference, because gun laws only apply to law-abiding citizens. Criminals don’t care where they get […]

Burqa sales to soar in Germany

If you aren’t wearing one, then you’re a target for the culturally enriched migrants that have flooded that once proud land. And if you’re assaulted or raped then it will be YOUR FAULT. Welcome to Cologne, 2016.


What equality looks like according to Mona Shindy

Navy’s Islamic ‘adviser’ spins for Allah…

Please explain why the Navy needs an Islamic ‘adviser’, especially one that puts her duty to Allah above her duty to Australia. The Australian reports that the now-defunct Twitter account run by Capt Mona Shindy, @navyislamic, was used as a personal political platform and propaganda tool to spin for Allah. In it, she tweeted or retweeted […]

Islam prefers a different kind of explosion

Happy 2016, Europe! Islamic terrorism threat halts Belgian New Year celebrations

The terrorists win. Brussels cancels its New Year celebrations after receiving intelligence of a possible terrorist attack. As usual, you have to read at least a page down the BBC’s report before you’re given any clue to the nature of the threat – must be those damn Methodists again…

Signs of resistance?

UK: Cameron slams Muslim Brotherhood

Signs of a growing acknowledgement the jihad threat to Dhimmi Britain, perhaps? “Aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology and activities … run counter to British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, equality and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs,” Prime Minister David Cameron said in a statement. Cameron further states […]




Not Happy Holidays or any other politically correct and multiculturally sensitive bullshit variation, but, I wish you an unashamedly… MERRY CHRISTMAS to all Aussie Madness readers. Thank you for your support during 2015. With best wishes for the New Year.

Another misunderstander of Islam gets led away to jail…

Misunderstanders of Islam plot to attack Sydney naval base

How can so many followers of Islam get it so wrong, and so frequently? It’s a mystery. I mean, literally everyone, including those scholarly imams Obama, Kerry, Cameron and Turnbull, knows that Islam is a Religion of Peace, right? I bet this ‘plot’ was really the work of Far Right extremist Christians with names like Adolf, […]

Turnbull leans on ASIO chief, then says ‘We must heed ASIO chief’

Malcolm Turnbull’s denial of the jihad threat is suicidal for Australia. Still naïvely believing that Islam is a Religion of Peace™, which happens to be the most easily busted myth on the planet, he now uses the head of our security services to attempt to silence critics, in particular those who rightly point out the […]

Grand Mufti’s links to Egyptian terror sympathiser sheik

What a surprise… not. As this blog has said so many times, all that is required to be ‘radicalised’ in Islam is to become more devout. Ascending the ladder of Islam inevitably leads to violence if you go high enough. How can it not? The Qur’an is clear on the matter, and the Qur’an is the […]


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