Inside the UNRWA Classroom
Inside the UNRWA Classroom.
Talks with the UNRWA Commissioner-General
Talks with the UNRWA Commissioner-General
The true face of UNRWA
The true face of UNRWA exposed . UNRWA - Lords of misery . Film made by Pierre Rehov . Used with permission . Thank you Pierre Rehov . Help spread the word ....
UNRWA Exposed on 'The Kelly File' by Brooke Goldstein [FULL]
UNRWA Goes to War
This video is about UNRWA Goes to War
UNRWA goes to war
Marissa Semkiw interviews David Bedein, the producer of a shocking documentary that exposes a UN organization funding jihad in Palestine.
هيا نتعلم Unrwa ILP
برنامج التعلم التفاعلى المحوسب -غزة.
UNRWA: For Palestine refugees
Palestine refugees began their long journey in 1948. Since the Arab-Israeli conflict, they have endured multiple displacements, repeated violence, occupation and blockade. Through these hardships, UNRWA has been there to provide critical education, health care, microfinance, relief and social services, and emergency assistance.
Learn more: http://www.unrwa.org/
UNRWA's Chris Gunness Embarrasses Himself on 'The Kelly File'
UNRWA's Krähenbühl: Yarmouk needs immediate action
Head of the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees tells Becky Anderson that Damascus community faces a new tragedy as extremists take hold
UNRWA Education 2013
This video is about UNRWA Education 2013.
Highlights from UNRWA USA's 2014 California Gaza 5Ks
Learn more about our work at unrwausa.org
Entrevista a Raquel Martí, directora ejecutiva de UNRWA España, en 'El Intermedio'
Europa se ve forzada a reaccionar ante la gran cantidad de refugiados que están llegando a sus costas. 'El Intermedio' se traslada a uno de los orígenes, Siria, que después de cuatro años de conflicto armado, ha visto a su población reducirse un 15%. Allí se encuentra Raquel Martí, directora ejecutiva de UNRWA España, que ha visitado un centro de desplazados en Damasco, donde viven 1.100 personas,
According to UNRWA, a Palestinian " refugee " is someone who was living in the region of Palestine... two years before the state of Israël was born. This def...
UNRWA's John Ging & Children's Psychiatric Hospital in Gaza
"... interviews John Ging, Director of Operations, Gaza, UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East to discuss how the situation in G...
A Typical Day at a UNRWA Summer Camp
Do you know what the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is for? It's an agency used to provide aid in var...
State of Palestine: 13,000 UNRWA workers march through Gaza while on strike
Thirteen thousand employees of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) went on a strike and took to the streets of Gaza city, Monday, to protest against overcrowding at UNRWA schools, unpaid vacations, downsizing, and postponing the academic year. According to the workers' union, there are over 50 children in each classroom, and employees have been urging the agency to reduce the maximum
UN Spokesman: UNRWA incitement "remains to be seen"
UN spokesman responds to UN Watch report on UNRWA teachers inciting to stab and kill Jews: http://www.unwatch.org/report-un-officials-inciting-murder-of-jews-call-to-stab-zionist-dogs/
Intervista UNRWA ITALIA a Nabil Salameh (Radiodervish)
Mi chiamo Nabil Salameh e sono figlio di una famiglia di rifugiati palestinesi che ha trovato accoglienza in Libano nel 1948. Ho origini palestinesi, libanesi e italiane. Credo fermamente che l'identità sia un divenire, non penso che sia un concetto statico, è una raccolta di un vissuto...E' difficile essere rifugiati palestinesi in Libano, ci sono delle mancanze di diritto...E' stato fondamentale
Gaza / Chris Gunness / UNRWA / RAID SIONISTE
Chris Gunness / UNRWA Pleure a cause de ce qu'il a vu quand les sionistes ont bombardés le local de l'UNRWA ou des réfugiées , enfants , femmes et âgées étai...
UNRWA Christopher Gunness breaks down in tears on live TV after attack on UN school in Gaza
UNRWA spokesperson Christopher Gunness breaks down in tears on live TV after the 19 killed in attack on UN school in Gaza.
All copyrights are for Aljazeera and aljazeera.net
The original video: http://youtu.be/Uoemv7DNsnE
Flash mob UNRWA España y alumnos IES Santamarca
Casi la tercera parte de la población refugiada del mundo es de Palestina. Más de 60 alumn@s del IES Santamarca (Madrid) participaron en el programa educativo Solidaridad en el aula de UNRWA España.
Aprendieron sobre derechos humanos y la población refugiada de Palestina, y así quisieron contárnoslo...
What is UNRWA?
UNRWA is the UN's largest agency, but most people don't know what it is. We set out to tell the good people of Washington, DC more about the Agency.
Talks with the UNRWA Commissioner-General
Talks with the UNRWA Commissioner-General...
Talks with the UNRWA Commissioner-General
wn.com/Talks With The Unrwa Commissioner General
Talks with the UNRWA Commissioner-General
- published: 15 Sep 2015
- views: 177
The true face of UNRWA
The true face of UNRWA exposed . UNRWA - Lords of misery . Film made by Pierre Rehov . Used with permission . Thank you Pierre Rehov . Help spread the word .......
The true face of UNRWA exposed . UNRWA - Lords of misery . Film made by Pierre Rehov . Used with permission . Thank you Pierre Rehov . Help spread the word ....
wn.com/The True Face Of Unrwa
The true face of UNRWA exposed . UNRWA - Lords of misery . Film made by Pierre Rehov . Used with permission . Thank you Pierre Rehov . Help spread the word ....
UNRWA Goes to War
This video is about UNRWA Goes to War...
This video is about UNRWA Goes to War
wn.com/Unrwa Goes To War
This video is about UNRWA Goes to War
- published: 20 Oct 2014
- views: 202
UNRWA goes to war
Marissa Semkiw interviews David Bedein, the producer of a shocking documentary that exposes a UN organization funding jihad in Palestine....
Marissa Semkiw interviews David Bedein, the producer of a shocking documentary that exposes a UN organization funding jihad in Palestine.
wn.com/Unrwa Goes To War
Marissa Semkiw interviews David Bedein, the producer of a shocking documentary that exposes a UN organization funding jihad in Palestine.
- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 208
هيا نتعلم Unrwa ILP
برنامج التعلم التفاعلى المحوسب -غزة....
برنامج التعلم التفاعلى المحوسب -غزة.
wn.com/هيا نتعلم Unrwa Ilp
برنامج التعلم التفاعلى المحوسب -غزة.
- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 23020
author: Unrwa ILP
UNRWA: For Palestine refugees
Palestine refugees began their long journey in 1948. Since the Arab-Israeli conflict, they have endured multiple displacements, repeated violence, occupation an...
Palestine refugees began their long journey in 1948. Since the Arab-Israeli conflict, they have endured multiple displacements, repeated violence, occupation and blockade. Through these hardships, UNRWA has been there to provide critical education, health care, microfinance, relief and social services, and emergency assistance.
Learn more: http://www.unrwa.org/
wn.com/Unrwa For Palestine Refugees
Palestine refugees began their long journey in 1948. Since the Arab-Israeli conflict, they have endured multiple displacements, repeated violence, occupation and blockade. Through these hardships, UNRWA has been there to provide critical education, health care, microfinance, relief and social services, and emergency assistance.
Learn more: http://www.unrwa.org/
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 26
UNRWA's Krähenbühl: Yarmouk needs immediate action
Head of the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees tells Becky Anderson that Damascus community faces a new tragedy as extremists take hold...
Head of the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees tells Becky Anderson that Damascus community faces a new tragedy as extremists take hold
wn.com/Unrwa's Krähenbühl Yarmouk Needs Immediate Action
Head of the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees tells Becky Anderson that Damascus community faces a new tragedy as extremists take hold
- published: 21 Apr 2015
- views: 608
UNRWA Education 2013
This video is about UNRWA Education 2013....
This video is about UNRWA Education 2013.
wn.com/Unrwa Education 2013
This video is about UNRWA Education 2013.
Highlights from UNRWA USA's 2014 California Gaza 5Ks
Learn more about our work at unrwausa.org
Learn more about our work at unrwausa.org
wn.com/Highlights From Unrwa Usa's 2014 California Gaza 5Ks
Learn more about our work at unrwausa.org
- published: 31 Oct 2014
- views: 326
Entrevista a Raquel Martí, directora ejecutiva de UNRWA España, en 'El Intermedio'
Europa se ve forzada a reaccionar ante la gran cantidad de refugiados que están llegando a sus costas. 'El Intermedio' se traslada a uno de los orígenes, Siria,...
Europa se ve forzada a reaccionar ante la gran cantidad de refugiados que están llegando a sus costas. 'El Intermedio' se traslada a uno de los orígenes, Siria, que después de cuatro años de conflicto armado, ha visto a su población reducirse un 15%. Allí se encuentra Raquel Martí, directora ejecutiva de UNRWA España, que ha visitado un centro de desplazados en Damasco, donde viven 1.100 personas, la mitad niños. Martí descubre el panorama que ha visto en Damasco y cuál es la situación de los refugiados.
wn.com/Entrevista A Raquel Martí, Directora Ejecutiva De Unrwa España, En 'El Intermedio'
Europa se ve forzada a reaccionar ante la gran cantidad de refugiados que están llegando a sus costas. 'El Intermedio' se traslada a uno de los orígenes, Siria, que después de cuatro años de conflicto armado, ha visto a su población reducirse un 15%. Allí se encuentra Raquel Martí, directora ejecutiva de UNRWA España, que ha visitado un centro de desplazados en Damasco, donde viven 1.100 personas, la mitad niños. Martí descubre el panorama que ha visto en Damasco y cuál es la situación de los refugiados.
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 697
According to UNRWA, a Palestinian " refugee " is someone who was living in the region of Palestine... two years before the state of Israël was born. This def......
According to UNRWA, a Palestinian " refugee " is someone who was living in the region of Palestine... two years before the state of Israël was born. This def...
wn.com/Unrwa Lords Of Misery
According to UNRWA, a Palestinian " refugee " is someone who was living in the region of Palestine... two years before the state of Israël was born. This def...
UNRWA's John Ging & Children's Psychiatric Hospital in Gaza
"... interviews John Ging, Director of Operations, Gaza, UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East to discuss how the situation in G......
"... interviews John Ging, Director of Operations, Gaza, UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East to discuss how the situation in G...
wn.com/Unrwa's John Ging Children's Psychiatric Hospital In Gaza
"... interviews John Ging, Director of Operations, Gaza, UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East to discuss how the situation in G...
- published: 04 Jan 2010
- views: 7335
author: readingpsc
A Typical Day at a UNRWA Summer Camp
Do you know what the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is for? It's an agency used to provide aid in var......
Do you know what the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is for? It's an agency used to provide aid in var...
wn.com/A Typical Day At A Unrwa Summer Camp
Do you know what the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is for? It's an agency used to provide aid in var...
State of Palestine: 13,000 UNRWA workers march through Gaza while on strike
Thirteen thousand employees of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) went on a strike and took to the streets of Gaza city, Monday, to protest again...
Thirteen thousand employees of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) went on a strike and took to the streets of Gaza city, Monday, to protest against overcrowding at UNRWA schools, unpaid vacations, downsizing, and postponing the academic year. According to the workers' union, there are over 50 children in each classroom, and employees have been urging the agency to reduce the maximum capacity to 38 before the school year started, but their demands were not met.
Video ID: 20150824-040
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
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wn.com/State Of Palestine 13,000 Unrwa Workers March Through Gaza While On Strike
Thirteen thousand employees of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) went on a strike and took to the streets of Gaza city, Monday, to protest against overcrowding at UNRWA schools, unpaid vacations, downsizing, and postponing the academic year. According to the workers' union, there are over 50 children in each classroom, and employees have been urging the agency to reduce the maximum capacity to 38 before the school year started, but their demands were not met.
Video ID: 20150824-040
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 24 Aug 2015
- views: 79
UN Spokesman: UNRWA incitement "remains to be seen"
UN spokesman responds to UN Watch report on UNRWA teachers inciting to stab and kill Jews: http://www.unwatch.org/report-un-officials-inciting-murder-of-jews-ca...
UN spokesman responds to UN Watch report on UNRWA teachers inciting to stab and kill Jews: http://www.unwatch.org/report-un-officials-inciting-murder-of-jews-call-to-stab-zionist-dogs/
wn.com/Un Spokesman Unrwa Incitement Remains To Be Seen
UN spokesman responds to UN Watch report on UNRWA teachers inciting to stab and kill Jews: http://www.unwatch.org/report-un-officials-inciting-murder-of-jews-call-to-stab-zionist-dogs/
- published: 18 Oct 2015
- views: 894
Intervista UNRWA ITALIA a Nabil Salameh (Radiodervish)
Mi chiamo Nabil Salameh e sono figlio di una famiglia di rifugiati palestinesi che ha trovato accoglienza in Libano nel 1948. Ho origini palestinesi, libanesi e...
Mi chiamo Nabil Salameh e sono figlio di una famiglia di rifugiati palestinesi che ha trovato accoglienza in Libano nel 1948. Ho origini palestinesi, libanesi e italiane. Credo fermamente che l'identità sia un divenire, non penso che sia un concetto statico, è una raccolta di un vissuto...E' difficile essere rifugiati palestinesi in Libano, ci sono delle mancanze di diritto...E' stato fondamentale il ruolo dell'UNRWA, è stata forse l'unica nota di luce in quella realtà molto dura.
wn.com/Intervista Unrwa Italia A Nabil Salameh (Radiodervish)
Mi chiamo Nabil Salameh e sono figlio di una famiglia di rifugiati palestinesi che ha trovato accoglienza in Libano nel 1948. Ho origini palestinesi, libanesi e italiane. Credo fermamente che l'identità sia un divenire, non penso che sia un concetto statico, è una raccolta di un vissuto...E' difficile essere rifugiati palestinesi in Libano, ci sono delle mancanze di diritto...E' stato fondamentale il ruolo dell'UNRWA, è stata forse l'unica nota di luce in quella realtà molto dura.
- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 142
Gaza / Chris Gunness / UNRWA / RAID SIONISTE
Chris Gunness / UNRWA Pleure a cause de ce qu'il a vu quand les sionistes ont bombardés le local de l'UNRWA ou des réfugiées , enfants , femmes et âgées étai......
Chris Gunness / UNRWA Pleure a cause de ce qu'il a vu quand les sionistes ont bombardés le local de l'UNRWA ou des réfugiées , enfants , femmes et âgées étai...
wn.com/Gaza Chris Gunness Unrwa Raid Sioniste
Chris Gunness / UNRWA Pleure a cause de ce qu'il a vu quand les sionistes ont bombardés le local de l'UNRWA ou des réfugiées , enfants , femmes et âgées étai...
- published: 30 Jul 2014
- views: 119884
author: Lion Gaza
UNRWA Christopher Gunness breaks down in tears on live TV after attack on UN school in Gaza
UNRWA spokesperson Christopher Gunness breaks down in tears on live TV after the 19 killed in attack on UN school in Gaza.
All copyrights are for Aljazeera and...
UNRWA spokesperson Christopher Gunness breaks down in tears on live TV after the 19 killed in attack on UN school in Gaza.
All copyrights are for Aljazeera and aljazeera.net
The original video: http://youtu.be/Uoemv7DNsnE
wn.com/Unrwa Christopher Gunness Breaks Down In Tears On Live Tv After Attack On Un School In Gaza
UNRWA spokesperson Christopher Gunness breaks down in tears on live TV after the 19 killed in attack on UN school in Gaza.
All copyrights are for Aljazeera and aljazeera.net
The original video: http://youtu.be/Uoemv7DNsnE
- published: 30 Jul 2014
- views: 462390
Flash mob UNRWA España y alumnos IES Santamarca
Casi la tercera parte de la población refugiada del mundo es de Palestina. Más de 60 alumn@s del IES Santamarca (Madrid) participaron en el programa educativo S...
Casi la tercera parte de la población refugiada del mundo es de Palestina. Más de 60 alumn@s del IES Santamarca (Madrid) participaron en el programa educativo Solidaridad en el aula de UNRWA España.
Aprendieron sobre derechos humanos y la población refugiada de Palestina, y así quisieron contárnoslo...
wn.com/Flash Mob Unrwa España Y Alumnos Ies Santamarca
Casi la tercera parte de la población refugiada del mundo es de Palestina. Más de 60 alumn@s del IES Santamarca (Madrid) participaron en el programa educativo Solidaridad en el aula de UNRWA España.
Aprendieron sobre derechos humanos y la población refugiada de Palestina, y así quisieron contárnoslo...
- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 51
What is UNRWA?
UNRWA is the UN's largest agency, but most people don't know what it is. We set out to tell the good people of Washington, DC more about the Agency....
UNRWA is the UN's largest agency, but most people don't know what it is. We set out to tell the good people of Washington, DC more about the Agency.
wn.com/What Is Unrwa
UNRWA is the UN's largest agency, but most people don't know what it is. We set out to tell the good people of Washington, DC more about the Agency.