Your Daily Investigative News Magazine


Thursday January 21st 2016 0

Posted on January 21, 2016 by Flashpoints

18759746-standardToday on Flashpoints: We’ll feature an in-depth update on the Flint water poisoning disaster. Also we’ll look at water systems and water accessibility across the country. we’ll have a report on the crucial significance of the upcoming elections in Uganda, And an encore broadcast of last night’s front line report on Haiti.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 01-21-16

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Wednesday January 20th 2016 0

Posted on January 20, 2016 by Flashpoints

haiti--election-protest-2.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterboxToday on Flashpoints: Armed white racist-ranchers in Southern Oregon continue to trample over native Indian burial sites that go back fifteen thousand years, and longer, with out arrest or prosecution. Also violence in Haiti in the wake of tainted elections and massive protests. We’ll take another look at the health care debate: Did Hillary pillory Bernie in their latest go round: And an update from Michigan on the water poisoning disaster.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 01-20-16


Video Pt 1: Arrest & beating of protesters by police in #Haiti

Video Pt 2: Arrest & beating of protesters by police in #Haiti


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Tuesday January 19th 2016 0

Posted on January 19, 2016 by Flashpoints

kaibilesToday on Flashpoints: Noted journalist Allan Nairn talks about the recent arrests of death quad leaders in Guatemala: Also, we take a close look at Hillary Clinton’s claims about Obamacare vs, single payer.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 01-19-16




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Friday January 15th 2016 0

Posted on January 15, 2016 by Flashpoints

CVVqgQvUAAAVpIkToday on Flashpoints: We spend the hour looking back at the life and times of rebel reporter, John Ross and discuss a new book based on his life.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 01-15-16

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Thursday January 14th 2016 0

Posted on January 14, 2016 by Flashpoints on Flashpoints: Did Obama reinvent America’s energy sector, as he claimed in his state of the union speech? Also, we’ll feature an update on the  Armed Group of white man in southern Oregon who are illegally occupying federal lands. And we’ll an excerpt from a documentary by Naomi Klein, based on her new book:This changes everything

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 01-14-16

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Wednesday January 13th 2016 0

Posted on January 13, 2016 by Flashpoints

imagesToday on Flashpoints: We’ll speak to Robert Parry on what Hillary Clinton knew about Libya. Also, Dick Becker will join us to respond to Obama’s SOTU. And we’ll feature an encore broadcast of our interview on Hillary Clinton as deposer and chief in Honduras

Click on the link below to listen today’s show

Flashpoints 01-13-16

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Tuesday January 12th 2016 0

Posted on January 12, 2016 by Flashpoints

ClintToday on Flashpoints: Hillary Clinton’s role in the 2009 coup against the Zelaya government in Honduras. Also, a cancer survivor speaks out against the medical side of the TPP. And we’ll feature an encore update on the Aliso canyon storage disaster, outside of Los Angeles.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 01-12-16

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Monday January 11th 2016 0

Posted on January 11, 2016 by Flashpoints

US-ENVIRONMENT-GAS-LEAKPoisoning the people’s water supply in Michigan. Also; an update on the Aliso canyon storage disaster that continues to spew deadly toxins into Southern California skies. And we’ll feature a Native American perspective on the posse comitatus take over in southern Oregon

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 01-11-16


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Thursday January 7th 2016 0

Posted on January 07, 2016 by Flashpoints

hillary-uglyToday on Flashpoints: We’ll take a close look at Hillary Clinton’s role as “Deposer and Chief” in Honduras. Also, North Korea and the bomb. And we’ll have an update on the US’s expanding arsenal of Nuclear Weapons

Flashpoints 01-07-16

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Wednesday January 6th 2016 0

Posted on January 06, 2016 by Flashpoints

imrsToday on Flashpoints: California Governor Jerry Brown declares a state of emergency in response to LA county’s ongoing Aliso Canyon gas leak disaster. Also, more on 12 year old Tamir Rice and the killer cop who murdered him. And we speak to the head of the National Day Labor Organizing Network about the impending ICE crackdown on newly arrived undocumented citizens.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 01-06-16

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    We're searching for great new music produced by independent musicians and members of our global audience, so that we can be as non-corporate and copyright-free as possible. All genres -- from blues to electronica to world beats -- welcome!

    We like smart, political and well-produced music -- and are especially in search of possible new theme instrumentals. Please send it to Flashpoints, c/o KPFA, 1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704, or email your Mp3s at with full descriptions and credits.

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