
Julie's Reader Magnet WebsiteHello

A big Southern hello to all of you who have taken the time to come find out about me!

I’m Julie Johnstone and I write mostly Regency historical romance and a bit of paranormal romance! I have a golden rule that I do not abide gossip, so I am pretty much an open book about myself. You don’t need to bother speculating that way. Here are a few facts that you may want to know!

I did not read my first historical romance until I was 27! I purchased it in the airport in New Orleans after spending an entire weekend as a bridesmaid, with a recent horrific haircut, at my ex-boyfriend’s sister’s wedding. I learned that day that Judith McNaught’s book Whitney My Love could cure the blues.

It is very lucky for my husband that I did not meet Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters before my sweet hubby Inge. I love the hubs, he is a true red-headed, blue-eyed, muscled Scottish hero, but there is something about the way Dave sings that transfixes me. It might just be that music is like a muse for me or it could just be Dave. Good thing I never got the chance to find out or I possibly would not have my two lovely children.

Before I realized I wanted to be a writer I thought I wanted to be: a chorus line dancer in New York (then I learned what they made and smartened up), stewardess (my pilot father nipped that in the bud), a marine biologist (I’m terrible at science, so I gave it up), an advertising exec (I was going to write the next Nike ad, and I did get a bachelor’s in communications,) a lawyer (left law school after I realized how boring I thought the law was) and finally a teacher (I did teach for 8 years). The lesson here is EVERYTHING you do is leading you to what you should be doing.

I actually love to exercise. Don’t hate me, but it is the only way I can relieve stress. You don’t want to be around me if I have missed several days at the gym. Just ask my kids.

I love to cook but hardly ever do because I am always writing. At Thanksgiving I spend two entire days cooking everything from scratch because I guess I feel like it makes up for all the take out pizzas my family has eaten.

If you are still with me, I’m impressed! You have a longer attention span than I do! Now go explore my website and keep in touch!

All the best,


Calling all lovers of historical romance! I’d love for you to join me in Spokane on September 22-25, 2016. Step back in time with me and 47 of your favorite historical romance authors! There will be dinners, and brunches, costumes and prizes, and a lot of wonderful fun! Follow the link below to register!



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