Centralia white man march a fail

a guest Mar 15th, 2014 292 Never
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  1. The white man march in Centralia, scheduled for 4pm, did not happen. Not unless you consider 1 white nationalist running down the proposed marching route screaming for help a "white man march".
  3. Brandon Lashbrook, who organized the event called for a 4pm meet up at the park across fro Schnuks at 1000 w Broadway. Brandon proposed 4pm because he had to attend a very important "karate tournament" in the morning. At about ten after 4pm, Robert Mayberry was the only white nationalist to show up. Brandon, who initially tried to call off the march 30 minutes before it began, then claimed he'd be an hour and a half late. That's right, an hour and a half late to his own 4pm march.
  5. When Robert Mayberry showed up he was greeted by pepper spray and punches to the face and immediately ran away screaming. Not a single other white nationalist showed up to the grand white man march, as usual. After receiving a thorough beating, the increased amount of brain damage to the white power mind seems to have caused a fantasy to take hold; at 6pm Lashbrook claimed he and Mayberry would be starting the march. At this point, even if that was true, it'd be ridiculous to claim the "white man march" was a success.
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