Feature Article

Diaspora network urges TPC to consolidate fundamentals, course-correct main polilty

[Mon, 18 Jan 2016, 18:44 GMT]
Lathan Suntharalingam, Avanithah Selvarajah and Athithan JayapalanA group of like-minded diaspora youth activists and writers on Monday issued a document detailing 15 key issues, which they wanted the Tamil People's Council (TPC) in the homeland to clarify without ambiguity in consolidating the definitions, descriptions and attitudinal fundamentals of the Tamil cause during their present exercise of formulating a political framework on behalf of Eezham Tamils. While expecting the TPC to explore a model of confederalism, in which Eelam Tamils could exercise control over defined internal and external affairs, a proper negotiation required mediation by a third party at a global level. Various Empires, external States and the United Nations have been responsible for the injustices against Eezham Tamils in the past. The Global Community therefore needs greater awareness on the situation of Tamils in the island, the group said. Full story >>

None among political prisoners are real convicts, says released Tamil prisoner

[Sun, 17 Jan 2016, 23:25 GMT]
36-year-old Tamil political prisoner Jeneevan Sivarasa, who was released after being ‘pardoned’ by SL President Maithiripala Sirisena on January 08 told TamilNet that almost none of the 230 Tamil prisoners currently languishing inside the prisons of Colombo had command responsibilities or even contributed to the ‘crimes’ they had been accused of. Most of those detained for decades and those given prison terms beyond the scope of their lifetimes were all innocent people like A.G. Perarivalan of Tamil Nadu who had no knowledge that the battery he was buying was to be used in an assassination. The act of continued imprisonment of these people itself constitutes a crime against humanity, Jeneevan Sivarasa told TamilNet in a video interview this week. Full story >>

Coerced confessions determine Tamil prisoners' fate

[Fri, 15 Jan 2016, 19:57 GMT]
Varatharajan and Ragupathy Sarma: found guilty in Chandrika case
While rights groups highlight the continued torture and rapes of Tamils even after Sri Lanka's President Sirisena came to power, the 217 political prisoners languishing in Sri Lanka's high security jails expose another dark side of Sri Lanka's failed criminal justice system. The predicament of Valayuthan Varatharajan from Karava'nai South, Karaveddi who had been in remand for nearly 16 years in the New Magazine Prison, and was hurriedly given a sentence for "conspiring to carry out suicide attack" on the then President Kumaratunge, a verdict given three days before Sri Lanka resolution was passed in the UN on the 25th of September 2015, highlights Sri Lanka's judicial bankruptcy, legal sources in Colombo said. The main evidence the prosecution was able to assemble against Varatharajan was a coerced confession signed in Sinhala language by the defendant, according to these sources. Full story >>

Time is running out for Colombo leaders to prove statesmanship: Shivajilingam

[Wed, 13 Jan 2016, 22:27 GMT]
Colombo regime, which came to power claiming ‘good governance’, has failed to address the urgent demands of releasing 200 Tamil political prisoners, reveal the whereabouts of more than 20,000 people in the past and the genocidal military occupying the Tamil homeland continues to seize lands from Mannaar to Ampaa'rai. “Unless we see any credible move within a few months time this year, the Tamil people will be mobilised to wage a civil disobedience campaign,” said Northern Provincial Councillor M.K. Shivajilingam, who organised a protest in Jaffna on Wednesday. “The few Tamil politicians who are telling Tamils not to protest against the visit of SL President Maithiripala Sirisena and SL Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe, have a very short time now to prove their claims,” he further said. Full story >>

‘Home-made’ solution not possible, NPC councillor calls for protest on Wednesday

[Mon, 11 Jan 2016, 23:05 GMT]
M.K. Shivajilingam
Northern Provincial Councillor M.K. Shivajilingam on Monday urged the public to attend a protest in Jaffna on Wednesday expressing their opposition to the deceptive politics being staged by the Colombo regime, particularly its leaders Maithiripala Sirisena and Ranil Wickramasinghe, who are scheduled to visit Jaffna in just another PR stunt on Friday, when Tamils across the globe mark the secular festival of Thaip-Pongkal. Mr Shivajingam said there has been no progress at all on five important fronts: release of 200 political prisoners, establishing the whereabouts of 20,000 missing persons, de-militarisation and releasing lands seized by the occupying military in the North and East, internationally mediated negotiations to resolve the national question and investigations on crimes against international law including the genocide. Full story >>

Released Tamil political prisoner pays tribute to Senthuran, vows to stay the course

[Sat, 09 Jan 2016, 11:58 GMT]
Sivarasa Jeneevan paying tribute to Senthuran Rajeswaran at Koappaay
36-year-old Tamil political prisoner Jeneepan Sivarasa, who was released after being ‘pardoned’ by SL President Maithiripala Sirisena, paid a visit to the family of 18-year-old Senthuran Rajeswaran, who sacrificed himself jumping in front of a speeding ‘Sri Lankan’ train on 26 November demanding the Sri Lankan President Maithiripala Sirisena to release all the Tamil political prisoners. In the meantime, Jeneepan's father 62-year-old Nagamuttu Sivarasa condemned the Colombo-based correspondents of international news agencies, who didn't see ‘news value’ in giving coverage to the struggle waged inside the prison by his son and others. “It was only because of the supreme sacrifice of Senthuran and the efforts of Tamil journalists operating from Jaffna, Jeneevan's case got focus,” Mr Nagamuttu told TamilNet. Full story >>

Feature Article

Justice to Tamils impossible under ‘Sri Lanka’, but ITJP seeks ‘reforms’

[Thu, 07 Jan 2016, 08:07 GMT]
One year after the change of government in ‘Sri Lanka’ the security forces continue to detain, torture and sexually violate Tamils in a net work of sites across the island, and one of the purposes is to maintain control over the Tamils through an atmosphere of oppression and tyranny and deter them from testifying against the government in upcoming justice initiatives, said a January 2016 International Truth & Justice Project, Sri Lanka Report, citing available recording of the violations that took place in 2015. “It is hard to see how a war survivor could safely testify to a Truth Commission in this atmosphere of on- going repression and intolerance,” the ITJP press release from Johannesburg in South Africa said on Thursday, citing Yasmin Sooka, who is the executive director of the ITJP. Full story >>

Pakistan joins global warmongers, furthering genocidal Sri Lanka militarisation

[Wed, 06 Jan 2016, 07:28 GMT]
Pakistan’s entry into genocidal Sri Lanka through the supply of ‘fighter jets’, frequent port calls, participation and training of military personnel and combating ‘terror financing’ raises serious questions that against whom and at whose behest Islamabad and Colombo embark on the military programme; for what world war the preparations are being made and who are the ultimate facilitators of the paradigm of bartering genocide and geopolitics, commented Tamil activists for alternative politics in the island. So far, only Washington, New Delhi and Beijing were the ones that were openly and significantly involved in the genocidal military paradigm in the island. Pakistan’s entry and Colombo’s reception are not without the blessing of some, the activists further said. Full story >>

Uprooted Tamils demand occupying SL military to vacate from Keappaa-pulavu

[Mon, 04 Jan 2016, 19:32 GMT]
More than one hundred families, languishing at a jungle pocket named Sooriyapuram a few kilometres away from their fertile village Keappaa-pulavu, which has been occupied by the occupying Sinhala military of genocidal Colombo, staged a protest on the first working day of 2016 demanding Colombo to fully de-militarize their village and hand over their village back to them for resettlement. The occupying SL military was harassing the protesters by posing intelligence wing soldiers to take photos and videos of those participated in the protest. Despite the intimidation by the occupying SL military, the protesting people remained firm in demanding the SL military to vacate from their ancient village. Full story >>

Feature Article

Sirisena's Mahaweli Ministry continues demographic genocide in East

[Sat, 16 Jan 2016, 22:13 GMT]
The UNP government in 1984 kicked off a genocidal project of settling Sinhalese in large numbers in the Tamil-speaking district of Batticaloa in East with the same agenda of Sinhaliciation that took place in Trincomalee district earlier. Eezham Tamils were chased out of their villages as more than ten thousand Sinhalese were almost moved overnight by the SL Ministry of ‘Mahaweli Development’ to occupy the key areas in Batticaloa coming under the so-called Left bank of the B System. The SL President Maithiripala Sirisena, who is also the SL Minister of ‘Mahaweli Development’, is now carrying out the same project in a sophisticated manner, Tamil civil officials in Batticaloa said. 30,400 Sinhalese and have been settled under the Mahaweli programme in the district, which is predominantly Tamil-speaking while only 1,281 Tamil-speaking Muslims and 34 Tamils have been given lands, they said. Full story >>

Colombo makes mockery of UN endorsed domestic mechanism - Boyle

[Thu, 14 Jan 2016, 23:52 GMT]
Professor Francis A. Boyle, University of Illinois College of LawNoting Sri Lanka Cabinet spokesperson Rajitha Senaratne's statements that there was no deadline to complete the accountability process on the war, that his Government is in talks with the United Nations with regards to the accountability process, and that the process will be a domestic process and not a “hybrid process” as proposed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Professor Boyle, an expert in International Law, and who teaches at University of Illinois, College of Law, said that by these words "GOSL has publicly stated that it will continue its Crimes against Humanity against the Eelam Tamils. This makes an absolute and total mockery of the so-called “domestic mechanism” that was endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council." Full story >>

Sirisena’s promises to Champoor Tamils not fulfilled, SL Navy refuses to vacate

[Tue, 12 Jan 2016, 23:21 GMT]
The uprooted Eezham Tamils from Champoor in Moothoor East of Trincomalee district complain that the occupying Sri Lanka Navy, which was supposed to vacate from Champoor Maha Viththiyaalayam School and the adjacent residential areas of 237 acres, has indefinitely postponed the hand over of lands back to the people. The promises made by SL President Maithiripala Sirisena have not been fulfilled, the uprooted Tamils said. The Eastern Provincial Governor Austin Fernando, who is a former defence secretary of occupying Colombo went on record on December 15 that the SL Navy would be handing back the lands before January 05. But, the SL Navy is now telling the people it would not move away for another 6 months, Champoor Tamils told TamilNet on Tuesday. Full story >>

Eastern Province Governor interferes in teachers’ transfers violating established procedures

[Sun, 10 Jan 2016, 23:11 GMT]
Austin FernandoColombo's colonial Governor to East, Austin Fernando, who is a former Defence Secretary of the occupying military of the unitary ‘Sri Lanka’, was interfering in processing the applications by Tamil teachers in the Eastern province who have been seeking transfer to schools situated near their villages. Principals and teachers who approached the Provincial Director of Education M.T.A. Nizam were told that their applications were now at the desk of the SL Governor in the East. Full story >>

Feature Article

PTI and Express correspondent in Colombo contradict on Pak fighter jet

[Thu, 07 Jan 2016, 14:27 GMT]
At the heels of Press Trust of India (PTI) coming out with a report on Tuesday that Pakistan “sealed a landmark deal to sell JF-17 Thunder Fighters to Sri Lanka as the two countries signed eight agreements”, the Colombo correspondent of New Indian Express, who also contributes to the PTI, came out with a counter report on Wednesday, citing ‘Sri Lankan’ Air Force that no decision had been taken yet on the purchase. Meanwhile, Ranil Wikremesinghe on Tuesday was revealing his plans of facilitating Pakistan to have free trade with the USA through Colombo, using genocidal Sri Lanka’s proposed ‘Free Trade Agreement’ with the USA. Full story >>

IC-backed Colombo hurriedly erases evidences of Tamil genocide

[Thu, 07 Jan 2016, 00:15 GMT]
The occupying military of genocidal Sri Lanka has hurriedly burnt and destroyed the remaining traces of a newly discovered makeshift torture chamber within the recently released lands in Valikaamam North in Jaffna at a locality known as Pazhai-Veemankaamam. Tamil journalists filmed the locality a few days ago. After the video evidence was published, the SL Defence Ministry in Colombo instructed its military at Palaali to remove the traces of the torture chamber, informed sources in Jaffna told TamilNet on Wednesday. In the meantime, former TNA Parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran and Valikaamam North Deputy Chairman of Divisional Council S. Shageevan, have blamed Maithiripala - Ranil regime in Colombo for removing the crucial evidences instead of protecting the alleged traces that need to be investigated. Full story >>

Feature Article

Colombo SLT extends TamilNet censorship to south of the island

[Tue, 05 Jan 2016, 00:03 GMT]
The Colombo regime of Maithiripala Sirisena (SLFP) and Ranil Wickramsinghe (UNP) have once again proved that they are not different from the previous regime of Rajapaksa in suppressing access to tamilnet.com for the vast majority of Internet users in the island who connect through ADSL broadband provided by ‘Sri Lanka’ Telecom PLC (SLT). The main stakeholder of the SLT ownership is the Government of ‘Sri Lanka’. The other dominant shareholder of the SLT is Egypt-based Global Telecommunication Holdings. The SLT has been continuously blocking access to TamilNet in the North and East despite the claim by the Maithiripala regime last January that the Government of ‘Sri Lanka’ would not be practicing Internet censorship anymore as it was during the Rajapaksa regime. Ironically, the marketing slogan of the SLT is: ‘One Country. One Voice.’ Full story >>

2ND LEAD (Adds Links)

Aided by UN, US, genocide continues under Sirisena, says Boyle

[Fri, 08 Jan 2016, 02:02 GMT]
Professor Francis BoyleNoting recent rights groups reports that Tamils continue to face torture and gang rapes a year after President Maithripala Sirisena came to power in Sri Lanka promising reform, Professor Boyle, an expert in international law, who teaches at the University of Illinois College of Law, said that it is obvious that the "Sinhala Genocide against the Eelam Tamils continues apace under Sirisena," and that the GoSL, the U.S. Government and the UNHRC "perpetrated..a fraud upon the Eelam Tamils by calling for the establishment of nothing more than a so-called “domestic mechanism” by the GOSL Genocidaires that will give them the legal cover and fig-leaf to continue their campaign of outright genocide against the Eelam Tamils." Full story >>


2000 Jan 19 13:05      Jaffna SLA commander suffers heart attack
2000 Jan 19 13:00      Teachers urge action on Tamil text books
2000 Jan 19 11:58      Kalutara detainees refused transfer
2000 Jan 19 08:59      SLA deserters escape from Panagoda camp
1999 Jan 19 23:48      News in Brief:
1999 Jan 19 23:42      Nine LTTE casualties - VoT
1999 Jan 19 19:57      PA supporters attack JVP meeting
1999 Jan 19 19:53      One killed, three wounded
1999 Jan 19 13:06      PA-Srimani deal?
1999 Jan 19 13:04      Grenade wounds Raazeek member
1999 Jan 19 12:39      News in Brief:
1998 Jan 19 23:59      Suresh's deportation postponed
1998 Jan 19 23:59      Civilian movement into Vavuniya discouraged
1998 Jan 19 23:59      Batticaloa youth shot dead
1998 Jan 19 23:59      PLOTE condemns planned deportation
1998 Jan 19 23:59      Jaffna polls to influence asylum applications -...
1998 Jan 19 23:59      EPRLF procession draws interest
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
-The Declaration of Independence
Lead Paragraph
Adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776
The date of its signing was August 2.
13 American colonies regarded themselves as independent states
John Adams had put forth a resolution earlier in the year
Adams persuaded the committee to select Thomas
...Jefferson to compose the original draft.
The Declaration justified the independence of the U.S. by
...listing colonial grievances against King George III, and
...by asserting certain natural and legal rights, including a
...right of revolution.


Know the Etymology: 441
Place Name of the Day:


The adjacent side of a paddy field tract


Durban Conference
South Africa to Singapore: global Tamils grasping geopolitics to act: The South African conference held in Durban has come out with many demands that are dear to the heart of Tamils, such as demilitarisation, stopping Sinhala colonisation, repeal of the 6th Amendment to facilitate free negotiation etc. But the slip was still showing when the conference avoided the term genocide. What was more ironical that betrayed the deception was the slogan of the conference organizers that called the country they want to salvage as ‘Sri Lanka’, boldly written in Tamil.
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1915 Anti-Muslim Pogrom
Tamil leadership need not shy away or react to unfair challenge coming from Sumanthiran: Eezham Tamil polity seeking pardon from Tamil-speaking Muslims should be unassuming, but it should come in an enlightening way to the edification of the Colombo-centric agenda or the powers-guided agenda, pursued in the past as well as in the present. Otherwise, it may only amount to conferring impunity to the State in Colombo and its abettors.
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Kathirgamathamby Kurunathan
Retired land commissioner of Eastern Province on Structural Genocide against Eezham Tamils: The systematic seizure of traditional lands belonging to the Tamil speaking people of the North-East have been widespread under the guise of archaeological, forest and wild-life conservations and subsequently carried out through the acts of demarcating these lands under the purview of the state apparatuses such as the Archaeological Department, Forest Department and the Wild-life Conservation Department, says retired Land Commissioner of the Eastern Province Karthirgamathamby Kurunathan, in an in-depth video interview to TamilNet.
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Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam
TNPF rejects ‘domestic investigations’ upheld by USA: The fact that the United States and the US Secretary of State John Kerry would consider the post January 08th 2015 situation in Sri Lanka, with the new government favourable, is understandable. But, for him to suggest that there is a favourable condition for the Tamils, is stretching too far, said Tamil National Peoples Front (TNPF) Leader Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, responding to a question from TamilNet.
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V. Thevaraj
Sivaram, Wigneswaran saw futility in convincing Sinhala polity: senior editor: The failure of Sivaram and his transfer into a staunch Tamil nationalist is analogical to the political course and current stand of the NPC Chief Minister, Mr C.V. Wigneswaran, said veteran Tamil journalist and editor, Mr. V. Thevaraj, addressing the 10th assassination anniversary meet of Sivaram held in Batticaloa on Wednesday.
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Sivaram in late 90s
New generation of organic intellectuals needed to continue Sivaram’s work: Informed by Tamil literature as much by Tamil history, Marxism as much as Poststructuralism, Thucydides as much as contemporary COIN theorists, Sivaram worked for the Eelam Tamil cause as a leading politico-military analyst and as a true “organic intellectual,” writes RM Karthick.
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Sivaram memorial event in Chennai
Sivaram commemorated in Tamil Nadu on 10th anniversary of his assassination: Journalist Revati Laul, who served as special correspondent at Tehelka and NDTV, journalist Priyamvatha Panchapagesan, an associate editor with News X, journalist Radhika Sudhakar, writer Aazhi Senthil Nathan and activists Thirumurugan Gandhi, coordinator of May 17 movement and Dr. Ezhilan Naganathan, the founder of I'laignar Iyakkam were among the speakers at the memorial event held in Chennai on the 10 anniversary of Sivaram's assassination.
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Batticaloa, memorial event
Constitutionally recognise Tamil homeland to prove bona fides, exiled poet tells Colombo: “Would the Sinhala rulers of Sri Lanka ever be prepared to constitutionally recognise the joint North-East as the homeland of Tamils,” questioned exiled Eezham Tamil poet Kasi Anandan on Wednesday, speaking from Chennai, in an Internet-based video address on the occasion of a memorial event held in Batticaloa on the 10th anniversary of the assassinated TamilNet Senior Editor and popular columnist Sivaram Dharmeratnam (Taraki).
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Sivaram's article: Folly of Eelam
Break vicious circle of political obfuscation: Sivaram in 2003: Educating the masses on the designs of Powers and politically mobilising the people for the struggle was the central theme of the piece late Senior Editor of TamilNet Sivaram Dharmeratnam wrote to Northeastern Herald on May 02, 2003, two years before he was assassinated by the Sri Lankan military intelligence.
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Comment by D. Sivaram
Task of real Tamil political leadership: Sivaram in 2003: Sivaram Dharmeratnam alias Taraki, the late senior editor of TamilNet, wrote an article in January 2003, explaining the deadlock of the Sri Lankan unitary constitution which cannot provide for a solution within its framework. The international backers were also aware that a federal solution to the ethnic conflict was practically, legally and politically impossible with the Sri Lankan Constitution, he wrote.
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New Delhi should stop looking at Eezham Tamils through Colombo: Whether China or the USA, or both – whatever may be the ultimate foreign policy concern of India, the times are such that New Delhi should learn to approach Eezham Tamils as a nation of its own right.
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Ki Pi Aravinthan
Ki Pi Aravinthan's 2008 interview to TamilNet serialized: TamilNet serializes this week a 2008 interview with veteran former Tamil militant, poet and writer Ki Pi Aravinthan (Christopher Francis alias Sunthar), who passed away on Sunday in Paris at the age of 62.
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Palaka'ni: NPC resolution gives hopes on Tamil political unity The recent resolution presented and unanimously adopted in the Northern Provincial Council on historic and recent genocide against Tamils in the island, has rung alarm bells at necessary diplomatic quarters, say Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran (EPRLF) and TNA Councillor M.K. Shivajilingam (TELO). In a Palaka'ni interview to TamilNet this week, Mr Shivajilingam said there were attempts afoot to influence certain Tamil diaspora activists to issue sophisticated statements urging the UN Rights Chief to postpone the OISL report.
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Opinion: Understanding accountability: international investigation on outlook crime: NPC Chief Minister Justice CV Wigneswaran observed that such an investigation would make Sinhala people to see the truth and would help getting justice. Equally important or more important is an international investigation on the adamant ‘outlook crime’ of certain powers that fundamentally contributed to the genocide, especially in the recent decades.
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NPC CM Justice C.V. Wigneswaran
Wigneswaran exposes US delay tactics at Geneva: “In my recent conversation with Ms Biswal, I understood that the USA wants to be in favour of the present Sri Lanka government, as this government is favourable to the USA,” Wigneswaran said. “When Ms Biswal asked what could be the appropriate time for the release of the Geneva report and when I replied that it should be in March, she didn’t accept it,” the NPC-CM said.
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Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam
Key to struggle is to change outlook of powers: Gajendrakumar: The outlook of Powers with regards Tamil national question in the island doesn’t come from lack of knowledge, Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam said in a Palaka'ni interview last week, naming US-dominated West, India and China as actors primarily involved. The change in their outlook to accommodate Tamil interests is certainly not going to be through education, it is something that has to come through a struggle, he said.
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CV Wigneswaran
Wigneswaran calls for international investigation on genocide: In a key development, the Chief Minister of Northern Provincial Council (NPC), Justice CV Wigneswaran, on Tuesday called for real international investigations on genocide against Tamils committed by the successive governments since Ceylon's independence from the British in 1948.
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V.T. Thamilmaran
Nationhood, Self-Determination non-negotiable: V.T. Thamilmaran in 2003: “The nationhood of Tamils and their right to self-determination are non-negotiable. Any political solution that might emerge out of the on-going peace process can't go below these,” opined V.T. Thamilmaran, 12 years ago in January 2003, just a few days after the so-called Oslo Declaration (Dec 2002).
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