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International - Event Notice
Saturday April 23 2016
01:45 PM

1916-2016 : 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising.

category international | history and heritage | event notice author Wednesday February 19, 2014 22:11author by Sharon. - Individual. Report this post to the editors

The RSF Easter Commemoration to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Rising will be held in Dublin on Saturday 23rd April 2016.

“The build-up to Centenary of the 1916 Rising is rapidly developing into a battle over not only how we view our past but also the vision we have for our future. We begin the countdown to 2016 and in doing so set out the relevance of 1916 for the Ireland of today....."
(from here -

100th anniversary to be commemorated in Dublin on the 23rd April 2016.
100th anniversary to be commemorated in Dublin on the 23rd April 2016.


The Republican Sinn Féin '1916 National Centenary Committee' has announced that the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising will be marked in Dublin on Saturday 23rd April 2016 - those attending are requested to assemble at the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square, from where a parade will leave at 1.45pm for the GPO in O'Connell Street. See the 'Related Link' , below, for related information from the Republican Sinn Féin '1916 National Centenary Committee' website.
(More details will be posted on this thread in due time.)

All genuine republicans welcome!


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author by Gerry Lynch - nonepublication date Tue Sep 02, 2014 20:21Report this post to the editors

When will those who are commerating the Easter Rising recognise the contribution to Irish freedom made by Michael Collins whose leadership of the Volunteers and forward- thinking social and economic ideas demonstrated just how limited Eamon de Valera, our national "hero" was and what a disaster his untimely death was for our country?

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Tue Sep 02, 2014 21:52Report this post to the editors

Hi Gerry!

The 'contributions' of both Collins and de Valera are well recognised by republicans. Of that you can be sure.
Also, while I'm at it, could I suggest you continue to 'think the unthinkable' about Collins on this 'Indymedia' thread -

-I'm sure your input would be invaluable. And probably appreciated.


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author by Billpublication date Wed Sep 17, 2014 19:04Report this post to the editors

Will citizens of other countries (other than British) be welcome to join the parade and other festivities?

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Wed Sep 17, 2014 21:34Report this post to the editors

Hi Bill!

Citizens of other countries (including British citizens) will be most welcome to join us at, for instance, the GPO on that Saturday ( 23rd April 2016) and at whatever other events will be taking place and, indeed, we actively seek them out in the crowds at street commemorations etc as we find that they seem to really appreciate the leaflets, pamphlets etc that we hand out to mark the occasion.
Fáilte / Welkomma / Welkom !


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author by Gary Boynepublication date Wed Oct 01, 2014 18:32Report this post to the editors

a big thanks to the organisers for their effort in this.

I'm looking forward to it

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Wed Oct 01, 2014 21:19Report this post to the editors

Hi Gary!

Thanks for the favourable comment - appreciated!

The RSF-sponsored website at the 'Related Link' , below, may be of interest to you (and others) and no doubt we will see you (and others!) on a picket, protest and/or commemoration between now and then.

Thanks again,

Related Link:
author by Johnpublication date Sun Jan 11, 2015 02:32Report this post to the editors

I am an Irish American. My great grandparents came from sligo. They immigrated to New York around 1900. My irish roots are verry importent for me. Read alot irish history. I was a few times in Ireland.
I am planning to travel to Dublin for the 100th anniversary of the easter rising.

My question is:
When exactly are the anniversary parade's ect.?
On march 28 easter monday? Or April 23 (easter rising Day)?
Ich hope you can help.


author by Johnpublication date Sun Jan 11, 2015 05:05Report this post to the editors

Oh, sorry i mean April 24 (easter rising Day)


author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:35Report this post to the editors

Hi John!

Thanks for the contact.
Although the actual rising itself began on the 24th April in 1916, the above-mentioned committee have decided that they will commemorate same, in Dublin, on Saturday the 23rd April, 2016, to facilitate other commemorative events which will be taking place, and those attending are requested to assemble at the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square from 1pm, from where a parade will leave at 1.45pm for the GPO in O'Connell Street, on that Saturday (23rd April 2016).
Hope this clarifies the matter for you,

Thanks again,

Related Link:
author by Johnpublication date Sun Jan 11, 2015 19:21Report this post to the editors

Thanks for the Information sharon.
Ill be going twice ( Double celebration:-) ) to Dublin. First on easter.then in April to the official easter rising Day. Will be a great Ireland vacation!


author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Mon Jan 12, 2015 15:33Report this post to the editors

Hi again, John!

If you make it to Dublin for Easter 2016, John, make sure you are not hoodwinked into attending an Easter Rising commemoration at the GPO or elsewhere organised by false prophets ie at which British 'royalty' and/or State politicians are present - both of those groups are representative of those that fought against the men and women of 1916. But you will be in good company if you can make it to the GPO on Saturday 23rd April 2016 - a smaller gathering, without a doubt, and not as much 'pomp and ceremony' as you'll get from the "official" outing, but you won't feel the need for a shower afterwards!


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author by Joepublication date Sat Feb 07, 2015 14:57Report this post to the editors

My wife and I are planning to be in Ireland for the 100 yr remembrance in 2016. I have been to Ireland several times and am looking forward to coming back. I would like to be able to have a list of events that a man of republican beliefs would like to attend. Coming from America, it is always a bit confusing to get to the right places, run by the right people. I am sure you understand. We will be doing our usual B&B; lodging thing I imagine, but that is still up in the air. Any advice from you or others would be wonderful

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sat Feb 07, 2015 21:24Report this post to the editors

Hi Joe !

Thanks for taking the time to read this thread and to leave a comment on it - appreciated!
The best advice I can offer re your post is , as stated above, 'beware of false prophets' - there are groups here with deep pockets but who are shallow where it matters in relation to 1916 , and they will be organising activities ranging from airplane fly-overs across O'Connell Street to block-booking theatres for weeks on end and, whereas they have the financial substance to do that, they lack the moral substance as, in this instance, they will be preaching a 'do as I say and not as I do' gospel re 1916.

For now, Joe, you could keep an eye out for information updates on this thread and on the 'Related Link' mentioned in the opening post, and have a read about the relevance of the centenary on the 'Related Link' , below. I hope you and your wife make it to Ireland as planned, and that you enjoy your visit - I'll look out for ye on Saturday 23rd April 2016, at the Garden of Remembrance and/or outside the GPO. There won't be any red carpet there, Joe, no fly-overs or theatres block-booked, no hypocritical politicians or so-called 'dignitaries present, but it will be an honest affair, with genuine republicans in attendance.
And you and your good wife are more than welcome to join in!

Thanks again, Joe ,

Related Link:
author by Joepublication date Sat Feb 07, 2015 23:52Report this post to the editors

Thanks Sharon for the info.
We are simple people, we need not a flyover or fireworks. I would prefer to reflect in silence with others who understand the struggle. I have no doubt we will make it there whereas I have been thinking about this for many years. We wont be hard to spot, An Irish man that looks like Clay Morrow from SOA and his Portagee Wife, both wearing the coveted Fenian Claddah rings :) . I will follow this post and hopefully gather enough info to make wise choices.
Thanks again

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Feb 08, 2015 17:16Report this post to the editors

Hi again, Joe!

And it's a 'simple' commemoration that will be held at the GPO in O'Connell Street on Saturday, 23rd April 2016 - substance will win out over 'style' (ie no "flyover or fireworks") but all the more meaningful because of it. I hope you and your good wife can share those moments with us to commemorate this 'unfinished business'.

Thanks again,

Related Link:
author by Jason - Nonepublication date Tue Mar 03, 2015 14:43Report this post to the editors

Hi May i make a humble suggestion , the first man who died during the 1916 rising was a an irish comrade whose name was abraham wix , i believe he died in the GPO, and also daniel sugarman or sweetman who organised arms for Michael collins.
Both these men were proud irish men of the jewish fate, and history seems to have forgotten these men maybe because after the 2nd world war a lot of irish jews returned to Israel/Palestine.
Regardless of our individual feelings we have on the Israel /Palestine conflict ,i myself have lived there for a number of years and shall remain impartial on the subject, but should we not in the interest of all our people both catholic , protestant and dissenter have some type of acknowlodgement for the families of the above people whose lives were lost for the independence of out state.
kind regards Jason

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Wed Mar 04, 2015 17:10Report this post to the editors

Hi Jason!

Thanks for taking the time to read this thread and to leave a comment here - appreciated.
I don't believe that it's correct to say that "history seems to have forgotten these (Jewish) men..." as they and their comrades are commemorated, acknowledged and remembered each year at Easter, regardless of which religious faith (if any) they were members of.
I myself would not be "impartial" in regards to the conflict you mentioned, but I do respect your right to be so, if that is what you want.

Thanks again, Jason,


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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Thu Mar 12, 2015 17:25Report this post to the editors


'Never put off until tomorrow...'
Those who don't know if they'll be available in 2016 might be better able to plan for next month : see the 'Related Link' , below.

Thanks for reading,

Related Link:
author by Brian Wilson / scotland - Personal publication date Sun Mar 22, 2015 17:49Report this post to the editors

Being born in Scotland and not Catholic, I went too a non de nominal school, family were celtic supporters and being at celtic park since the age of 8 I learned how celtic were formed from irish decendency, I then studied the history of the famine days and the exodus of irish people to glasgow, I found the plight of these people harrowing. This made me more interested in irish history and moved on to the 1916 uprising, studying mostly James Connelly with his socialist views. Reading stories of suppression and brutality at the hands of English imperialism, this made me even more entriqued to carry on my now installed passion of the plight of the Irish republican movement , even right up to the present day, my Irish friends I have gained over the years mean as much to me as my passion for a United ireland. My friends from Belfast to cork call me the new James Connelly !! Having met with strong republicans like joe Cahill and Gerry Adams, and republicans who have lost there life's over the past 100 years.
I have just booked my hotel in Dublin for a week in easter to take In your easter parade. my heart will be full of passion that day, and my eyes full of tears! Remember with dignity and pride for these brave people !

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Mar 22, 2015 22:37Report this post to the editors

Hi Brian !

Thanks for taking the time to read the thread and to leave a reply - much appreciated.

The RSF commemoration on Easter Monday next (6th April) will be a small(ish) and dignified affair, but it will be genuine - it's not being held to provide a platform for any career politician or to promote any political party, but to provide a platform and promote the ideals and objectives of the men and women of 1916. I hope you enjoy your stay in Dublin, and look forward to hopefully meeting you at the Easter Monday commemoration.
By the way, Brian, the 'Related Link' , below, if clicked on, will take you to a short piece on James Connolly authored by one of the Irish republicans that will be present at the commemoration.

Thanks again for your 'company' on this thread,

Related Link:
author by sarandipublication date Thu Apr 09, 2015 22:26Report this post to the editors

April 23, 2016 does not fall on a Saturday, since Easter Sunday is on the 27th. Did someone hit the wring key?

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Thu Apr 09, 2015 23:18Report this post to the editors

Hi Sarandi!

Correct date for march?
author by sarandi publication date Thu Apr 09, 2015 22:26 Report this post to the editors
April 23, 2016 does not fall on a Saturday, since Easter Sunday is on the 27th. Did someone hit the wring key?

The 23rd of April, 2016, is indeed a Saturday - I think maybe you are confused in that Easter Sunday in 2016 falls in March (27th), not April.
You either hit the 'wring key' yourself or you believe you are basing your calculations on the timeline as you imagine it to be in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.....

Thanks anyway,

Related Link:
author by Brian Wilsonpublication date Fri May 29, 2015 17:09Report this post to the editors

Hi Sharon, many thanks for the reply and the link to James Connelly, my wife and I would certainly like to meet you next year, should be recognisable as would like to carry the saltire flag to represent connelys birth place in Edinburgh ! Only if not frowned upon !!!

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Fri May 29, 2015 20:00Report this post to the editors

Hi again, Brian!

That's a date, then - I'll introduce you to the lads and myself and the other girls will take your lovely wife on a tour of Dublin , for a few hours, after our work is done. Guarantee that the two of ye will not have seen the likes of it on any 'official' tour!
And by all means, bring the Saltire - a welcome and deserved addition to our Irish flags and banners.

Slán go foill anóis,


Can be viewed, full size, at the GPO, Dublin, Easter 2016!
Can be viewed, full size, at the GPO, Dublin, Easter 2016!

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author by Joe eilepublication date Thu Jun 04, 2015 14:37Report this post to the editors

Scotish , English and Welsh republicans should be made very welcome by republicans at next year's 1916 commemoration , and it would be churlish to object to the Saltire being flown . But remember that the Saltire , like England's St George's Cross, is a nationalist flag, not a republican one.

see this wiki entry for instances of the cynical use of the Saltire by the British military:

"Challenger 1 tank of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards flying a Saltire from the whip antenna.
Royal Navy Sea King Mk5 of HMS Gannet.The seven British Army Infantry battalions of the Scottish Division, plus the Scots Guards and Royal Scots Dragoon Guards regiments, use the Saltire in a variety of forms. Combat and transport vehicles of these Army units may be adorned with a small, (130x80mm approx.), representation of the Saltire; such decals being displayed on the front and/or rear of the vehicle. (On tanks these may also be displayed on the vehicle turret).[30] In Iraq, during both Operation Granby and the subsequent Operation Telic, the Saltire was seen to be flown from the communications whip antenna of vehicles belonging to these units.[31][32] Funerals, conducted with full military honours, of casualties of these operations in Iraq, (plus those killed in operations in Afghanistan),[33] have also been seen to include the Saltire; the flag being draped over the coffin of the deceased on such occasions.

In the battle for "hearts and minds" in Iraq, the Saltire was again used by the British Army as a means of distinguishing troops belonging to Scottish regiments from other coalition forces, in the hope of fostering better relations with the civilian population in the area south west of Baghdad. Leaflets were distributed to Iraqi civilians, by members of the Black Watch, depicting troops and vehicles set against a backdrop of the Saltire"

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Thu Jun 04, 2015 17:02Report this post to the editors

Hi Joe!

Good advice re the Saltire, Joe, as it has (like all flags) been 'misrepresented' on occasion but, in this instance, that can be counteracted / prevented by a simple announcement from the stage to the effect that it is on display as a mark of respect to James Connolly.
And who knows - maybe the organisers will let Brian say a few words about it from the stage!


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author by Valeriapublication date Sat Sep 12, 2015 21:19Report this post to the editors

Hello Sharon,

We just booked a trip to Dublin to attend your parade. ( YES REALLY !! ) Unfortunately our plane will be at the airport at 11.50 ( if everything goes well ) I hope we will make it to the Garden of Remembrance on time. If not - can you give us the route ? So we can join in a bit later if our plane is delayed or something else ? I can't wait to be there..... Greetings from Holland.

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Sep 13, 2015 19:01Report this post to the editors

Hallo Valeria en bedankt voor de reactie! ('Hello Valeria and thank you for the comment!' - I think....!)

You're very good for making such an effort, Valeria - it's really appreciated, thank you (and I hope we don't disappoint you). You and yours will be more than welcome on the day - as I said, above, our commemoration won't have the 'bells and whistles' that State-funded groups will have, but it will be a genuine and sincere event.
If your plane manages to land at about 12 noon (Irish time!) and our parade leaves the Garden of Remembrance at about 1.45pm (Irish time, again!) you should make it from Dublin Airport in time. It's practically a short, straight walk from the GOR to the GPO - about 15 minutes from one location to the other, as can be seen on the map image. Or, if need be, you could go directly from the airport to the GPO.
Either way, I hope to see ye there.
Thanks again, Valeria, your efforts are appreciated.


It's about a 15-minute walk from the GOR to the GPO (even allowing for 'Irish Time'!)
It's about a 15-minute walk from the GOR to the GPO (even allowing for 'Irish Time'!)

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author by brianpublication date Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:33Report this post to the editors

Hi Folks,
Could anybody tell me please of Commemoration plans for Sunday 24th april 2016 in Dublin ?.

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Oct 25, 2015 17:59Report this post to the editors

Hi Brian!

I believe that Leinster House representatives intend to lay a wreath at Arbour Hill on Sunday 24th April 2016, but details are hard to come by. You could phone Arbour Hill on 01-4724000 and inquire re same but, either way, you and yours would be welcome at the GPO in O'Connell Street on Saturday, 23rd April 2016 !


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author by Brianpublication date Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:32Report this post to the editors

Hi Sharon,
Many thanks for your prompt reply, I feel a Commemoration on the 24th April would be the more " Genuine " commemoration. The one in March has been " Hijacked "
by " Hypocritical Politicians " and the State. As somebody else has already stated here " These groups are representative of those that fought against the men and
women of 1916 ", Think that's a very true statement.

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:45Report this post to the editors

...republicans based outside of Dublin have their own (local) events planned for that date, but would be able to get to Dublin on the 23rd.

Hi again, Brian!

The '23rd/24th' issue was, I'm told, debated at length and the organising committee decided on Saturday 23rd (of April, 2016) due to the reason stated above. Too much to be done, too little time!


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author by Brianpublication date Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:47Report this post to the editors

Hi Sharon,
Thank you for answering my questions, Think I would prefer to be in Dublin on 23rd, 24th April rather than attend the March Commemoration,
Again Sharon many thanks for your help-might see you there.

author by Brianpublication date Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:47Report this post to the editors

Hi Sharon,
Thank you for answering my questions, Think I would prefer to be in Dublin on 23rd, 24th April rather than attend the March Commemoration,
Again Sharon many thanks for your help-might see you there.

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:57Report this post to the editors

Hi Brian,

You're welcome for the little help re Easter 2016 that I can offer here - it's heartening to see such interest in these times of 'plastic-X-factor' and other such lowest common denominator TV. Good to see that some people have their priorities right!

Thanks again,

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author by Gary - Irish-Canadianpublication date Fri Jan 08, 2016 01:55Report this post to the editors

Hello. Im looking to get info for basic costs and whatnot for the Dublin area during the Easter Rising Commemoration as well as the remainder of Ireland for such things as general ballpark for motels, B&Bs;, Guest houses / Hostels as well as Petrol and food. Can you please share any recent prices I should expect to encounter during April 2016. I know ya dont have a crystal ball, so ball park works great. Thanks


author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Fri Jan 08, 2016 23:57Report this post to the editors

Hi Gary!
I hope readers prove me wrong, but I doubt very much that you could get away with paying "basic costs" for basic accommodation in Dublin during Easter (or, indeed, during the first six months of this year) - horror stories abound in relation to how prices for rooms, food, drink etc increase in proportion to an event being held here, and I don't expect that those who increase their prices will behave any differently leading up to and during the 100th commemoration(s) of the 1916 Rising.
I'll ask around, Gary, and if I find any bargains I'll post details re same on this thread - meanwhile, you should also leave a similar query on both of these 'Facebook' pages, as they are administered by the organisers of the 23rd April 2016 national commemoration;

Thanks for the visit, a chara, and I hope you (and yours) can get here and that ye enjoy the visit.

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