" A wealth of information..."

"1169 And Counting is a wealth of information on our Republican past and present , and demonstrates how the Irish political landscape , like that of any nation, will never be a black and white issue..."
(From the ‘e-Thursday’ section of the ‘Business Week’ supplement of the ‘Irish Independent’ , 21st August 2008.)

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Dáithí Ó Conaill:1938-1991.

"We believe in the establishment of a National Parliament representative of the people of Ireland. In an Ireland where social justice is a reality and not a political catch-cry. In an Ireland where our language and culture enhance our life and are not objects of scorn and derision . In an Ireland where past dissensions are a forgotton memory and Irish people, irrespective of creed, live in peace and prosperity."
(Dáithí Ó Conaill, Bodenstown oration, 1970.)

The Annual Dáithí Ó Conaill Commemoration was held today , Thursday , 1st January 2009 , in Glasnevin Cemetery , Dublin . Approximately fifty people were present , all of whom were harassed in one way or another by one or more of the Special Branch operatives in the Cemetery . The proceedings were chaired by Des Dalton and the main Oration was delivered by Tomás Ó Cléirigh who, during a riveting speech , emphasised how the political society on this isle is the complete opposite of that which Dáithí Ó Conaill worked for : that , instead of a fair and equal society , we have a corrupt 'mé féin' culture , politically imposed and encouraged by the imposters and their 'Yes Men' in Leinster House , for whom no deed is below contempt .
The full text of Tomás Ó Cléirigh's speech and some photographs of the Commemoration can be seen in the January 2009 issue of
'Saoirse', which will be published on January 7th next.
Following the Commemoration , most of those present retired to a local pub for refreshments , which had been organised in advance by the Organising Committee . We publish with this post five photographs of the Commemoration , with another five published on our 'Sister' blog , here.

Tomás Ó Cléirigh delivering the main Oration.

Section of the crowd.

Matt (Colour Party)and Mags , before the Commemoration.

Tomás Ó Cléirigh and Des Dalton.

Laying the Wreath/Middle section of the crowd.

More pics at the above-mentioned link :Slán go fóill anois agus go raibh maith agat!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Dáithi Ó Conaill Commemoration , Thursday, January 1st 2009 (New Year's Day) : Assemble at the Gates Of Glasnevin Cemetery , Dublin , at 12.45pm . Main Speaker Tomas Ó Clerigh, Dublin.

Seán Sabhat Commemoration , Sunday, January 4th 2009 : Assemble at Bedford Row , Limerick at 1.45pm for Parade to Mount St Lawrence Cemetery.

Feargal Ó hAnnluain Commemoration, Sunday January 11th 2009 : Assemble at the Cathedral , Monaghan, at 2pm , for the Parade to Latlurgan Cemetery.