Denmark: Border control and tent camps - signs of a system in crisis

Written by Marie Frederiksen Friday, 15 January 2016

the-oresund-bridge-753625 960 720New Year: champagne in the glasses and celebration of the new year with its promises and hopes. But there is not much hope and optimism in the Danish media. The New Year started with the introduction of ID-control on the Danish-Swedish border. Not since 1954 has it been necessary to show identification between the two Scandinavian countries. For more than 60 years you could travel freely between them. This is extremely indicative of the situation at the dawn of 2016.


Notes on the global economy: drowning in oil and credit

Written by Ben Peck Friday, 15 January 2016

stock brokerGlobal markets gave fallen 7.1% since January 1st, their worst start since 1970. George Soros, the renowned business magnate, says the situation developing in China reminds him of the period prior to the banking crisis of 2008. Former US treasury secretary Larry Summers has said, “The global risk to domestic performance in the US, Europe and many emerging markets is as great as any time I can remember.”


An introduction to historical materialism

Written by Alan Woods Thursday, 14 January 2016

france 63022 960 720Today we begin the serialisation of a new work by Alan Woods, which provides a comprehensive explanation of the Marxist method of analysing history. This first article establishes the scientific basis of historical materialism. The ultimate cause of all social change is to be found, not in the human brain, but in changes in the mode of production.


Bank scandal hits the “left-wing” government of Portugal

Written by Nina Christou in Lisbon Wednesday, 13 January 2016

santanderWith just a few weeks in office, the Socialist Party (PS) government of Portugal has orchestrated yet another scandal in its history, with the main protagonist being the bankrupt bank “Banco Internacional do Funchal SA” (Banif).


Morocco - Solidarity needed against the repression of student teachers

Written by In Defence of Marxism Wednesday, 13 January 2016

injured-protesterwThursday 7th of January 2016, will be remembered in Morocco as "Black Thursday".


China and the World Economy in 2016: "Sell Everything"

Written by Daniel Morley Tuesday, 12 January 2016

china-debt-crisisLess than a quarter of an hour after opening, the Chinese stock market was closed by an automatic shutdown. This was triggered twice last week by rapid falls of more than 7%. This "circuit-breaker" mechanism was imposed by the government only 5 months ago after equally dramatic losses. The government has now suspended this measure, not from new-found confidence, but as a further turn of panic.


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Featured articles

México: Impresiones sobre la presunta captura de El Chapo

Written by David García Colín Carrillo Friday, 15 January 2016

Hace apenas unas horas se anunció la recaptura de El Chapo. El presidente Peña Nieto escribió en  su Twitter palabras de épica alegría: “Misión cumplida: lo tenemos. Quiero informar a los mexicanos que Joaquín Guzmán Loera ha sido detenido”. Pero la misión está muy lejos de estar cumplida y más que épica hablamos de tragicomedia. 


La controversia de Uber revela la podredumbre de la industria del taxi

Written by Laura Pérez Tuesday, 12 January 2016

UberTaxiProtestChicago ScottMLiebenson thLa llegada de la aplicación de teléfono inteligente Uber ha provocado un caos en la industria del taxi. La aplicación, que apareció por primera vez en junio de 2009 en San Francisco, se ha extendido rápidamente y hoy se encuentra en más de 300 ciudades en aproximadamente 58 países. Aunque ofrece muchas ventajas en comparación con los taxis tradicionales, incluyendo tarifas más bajas, está teniendo graves efectos sobre las condiciones de vida de los taxistas.


Después de la Cumbre del Cambio Climático, surge una verdad inconveniente: el problema es el capitalismo

Written by Adam Booth Monday, 11 January 2016

El pasado sábado, 12 de diciembre por la noche, hubo escenas de júbilo en París, cuando los delegados de casi 200 países celebraban el resultado de más de dos semanas de negociaciones en la Conferencia de Cambio Climático 2015 de las Naciones Unidas - COP21-. Los líderes mundiales han declarado que el acuerdo de París es un hito "histórico" en la lucha contra el cambio climático; un despliegue sin precedentes de cooperación en términos de los esfuerzos internacionales para frenar el calentamiento global.