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Two days after the killing of Mario Woods, at a Dec. 4, 2015, town hall meeting held by SFPD, San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr listens to Bayview Hunters Point residents condemn his police force as occupiers and executioners. – Photo: Michael Macor, SF Chronicle

Open letter: 108 Bay Area attorneys call on Mayor Ed Lee for ‘truly independent investigation’ of SFPD and Chief Suhr’s role in unnecessary death of Mario Woods

As Bay Area attorneys on both the plaintiff and defense side of the Bar, we were deeply disturbed by the video of the killing of Mario Woods by San Francisco police officers on Dec. 2, 2015. Mr. Woods does not appear to have been a threat to the lives of the officers. We ask that you take concrete steps to hold the appropriate parties accountable for the death of Mr. Woods and to minimize the chances of another such killing in our city. Especially troubling has been the response of Police Chief Greg Suhr.

Behind Enemy Lines

‘Annotated Tears: America’s Auschwitz’

Jan 20, 2016
Talib Hanif (Marcelle Williams)

The title of my book, “Annotated Tears: America’s Auschwitz,” came from one of the poems inside. It’s a socio-political piece geared toward unveiling California’s injustice system, with specific reference to its treatment of juveniles, which upon reflection resembles Hitler’s Germany. The piece, entitled “America’s Auschwitz,” begins: Everybody’s a victim — Sick depictions of pain … Gestapos lurking through the ghettos — Trailed by a bag of chains …

Mumia in the crosshairs: Stop efforts to murder him by medical neglect

Jan 19, 2016

Most Amerikans don’t know of Amerika’s sordid practices and its continued implications in the treatment of Mumia and its millions of others imprisoned. It is by design that they don’t, which is why officials determinedly persecute and aim to kill critical messengers like Mumia. This is why he has been under attack for decades, and why we cannot allow them to now succeed in murdering him by medical neglect.

Jabari Scott in GP! ‘Man, it was beautiful enjoying my first cup of joe’

Jan 15, 2016
Jabari Scott 122815, 2 days before SHU-to-GP tsf, cropped

I’ve transferred to the general population! After my CCI counselor read off my whole history to the committee, from my felony arrest to every incident I was involved in through my incarceration, Warden Davey began to explain that after nine years and seven months he was releasing me from the SHU and lowering my custody level because I haven’t received any rule violation write-ups for quite some time.

Yogi and Harold were leaders among men: Two stories of revolutionary valor

Jan 13, 2016
Khalfani Malik Khaldun in a photo taken April 27, 2011

The examples Hugo Pinnell and George Jackson gave as revolutionary leadership transformed my life and that of many others who became aspiring revolutionaries. So when we received word from outside comrades that in August – always August it seems – on Aug. 12, 2015, Comrade Hugo was stabbed and killed while on a canteen line in New Folsom Prison yard, the world stood still for us. Comrade Harold Brown sacrificed many of his years in prison trying to overturn restrictive policies that isolated prisoners in solitary confinement.

Mumia’s fight for medical treatment

Jan 10, 2016
Mumia’s wife, Wadiya Jamal, hugs him during a visit on April 9, 2015. This photo shows the terrible, “elephant-skin” rash on his arms.

Protest Big Pharma’s price gouging that threatens Hep-C patients, including Mumia, on Monday, Jan. 11, 12 noon, at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference for Big Pharma executives and investors at Westin St. Francis Hotel, 335 Powell St., Union Square, in San Francisco. Gilead Sciences sells the curative Harvoni pill in Egypt for 10 cents each, and Gilead does not lose money at this price. In the U.S., Gilead is price-gouging at about 10,000 times the cost of production!

The passive aggressive murder of a living legend
David Johnson of the San Quentin 6 on his comrade Hugo ‘Yogi’ Pinell
Tension at New Folsom between Blacks and guards since assassination of Hugo Pinell
Assassination of Hugo Pinell: One guard asked another, ‘Did they get him?’
I should NOT have to cut my hair; it’s who I am
Cultivate the seed to grow: Inside prison and out, we must nurture our youth
No strife! Our oppressors are watching and waiting
‘How long since you had ice cream, Old Man?’ ’51 years,’ said Yogi and burst out laughing
A spirit cannot die: Dedicated to Stanley Tookie Williams on the 10th anniversary of his execution
At Mumia’s Hep C hearing, ‘We rocked the court!’
Take action against ongoing sleep deprivation torture – 137 days as of Dec. 18
Women prisoners in California are hunger striking in solidarity with detained immigrants
Jesse Perez prevails: Prison guards found liable for retaliatory abuse of California’s solitary confinement policies
Rev. Pinkney, marking one year in prison, endures the routine lies of prison officials
Mumia Abu-Jamal: After 34 years of wrongful incarceration, showdown in federal court Dec. 18 over access to Hep C cure

News & Views

Fighting for justice: It’s a unity thing

Jan 20, 2016
On Friday night, Jan. 15, during rush hour, “Reclaim MLK” protesters shut down the major intersection of Geary at Webster in the Fillmore, once San Francisco’s Black heartland, called “Harlem of the West” until Blacks were driven out, first by Redevelopment, now by gentrification. – Photo: Joel Angel Juárez

On Friday night, Jan. 15, many young people gathered outside of the Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church for the start of the “Reclaim MLK” weekend, a 96-hour action dedicated to non-violent protest against police terrorism and gentrification. During rush hour, “Reclaim MLK” protesters shut down the major intersection of Geary at Webster in the Fillmore, once San Francisco’s Black heartland.

Covered California ‘Big Sunday’ connects with more than 500 African American churches statewide

Jan 19, 2016
Covered California holds Big Sunday events on Jan. 17 in hundreds of churches throughout the state to encourage African Americans to sign up for health insurance before the Jan. 31 deadline. Peter V. Lee, executive director of Covered California, addresses the congregation at First African Methodist Episcopal Church (FAME) in Los Angeles as guest of Pastor Edgar Boyd (center, sitting). – Photo: Ian Foxx

Three of the largest churches in Los Angeles County – First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Los Angeles (FAME), Faithful Central Bible Church and City of Refuge Church – joined forces with Covered California over MLK Jr. Day weekend to reach the African American community with a message that health insurance is now a right that is available to everyone, and it is time to exercise that right by enrolling and getting family and friends to enroll.

Asians 4 Black Lives: #WakeUpEdLee, fire Chief Suhr and Mario Woods’ killer cops

Jan 18, 2016
Asians4Black Lives set an elegant table Asian style outside Mayor Ed Lee’s home at 6 a.m. Sunday morning, Jan. 17, during the Martin Luther King weekend and asked the mayor to come out, sit down with them and pledge to meet the demands they listed in their “Serve the People Menu,” which reads: “1. Terminate Chief Suhr. 2. Terminate the officers involved in the murders of Mario Woods, Amilcar Lopez and Alex Nieto. 3. Reallocate city budgets to affordable housing for Black and Brown people.” – Photo: Asians4BlackLives

Asians4BlackLives, a Bay Area group of Asian community organizers, held a community intervention in front of Ed Lee’s house to demand that he stand with the Black Lives Matter Movement. At 6 a.m., activists woke the mayor with drums and gongs. Five activists chained themselves to a table in front of his house, calling on him to honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s radical legacy by coming to the table to join them in standing with Black Lives Matter, by terminating Police Chief Suhr and all officers involved in the murders of Mario Woods, Amilcar Lopez and Alex Nieto.

Mario Woods’ mother and attorney John Burris call for Department of Justice investigation and external review of SFPD

Jan 18, 2016
Hundreds of protesters rallied prior to the first Police Commission meeting after the SFPD murder of Mario Woods – and demonstrations of all kinds, which have brought together Black and Brown San Franciscans into a strong coalition, have been organized nearly every day since. – Photo: Mission Local

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, Jan. 18, a 10:30 a.m. press conference will be held by renowned civil rights attorney with his client Gwendolyn Woods, mother of Mario Woods, whose firing-squad-style execution by SFPD on Dec. 2 was recorded by several bystanders and relayed around the world. Mario was murdered in his own neighborhood, the gentrification pressured and police occupied Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco’s last Black community.

Burundi atrocities fraud exposed by France 24 Observers

Jan 18, 2016
Screenshot of execution by machete, an atrocity falsely attributed to Burundian security forces on the France 3 channel’s Evening 3 newscast

The argument over atrocities committed in Bujumbura, the capital of the East African nation of Burundi, continues. Who is responsible and why is it happening? Western policymakers, press and some Burundian opposition figures accuse the government of President Pierre Nkurunziza and call for an intervention by African Union troops that Burundi has said it will respond to as invaders. KPFA’s Ann Garrison has more.

Black pastors stand with Rev. Yul Dorn on eve of MLK Day
Haiti still marching to overturn stolen election – new surge in mass resistance to US-UN interference
National Lawyers Guild calls for SFPD accountability, not tasers
Midtown tenants picket Mercy Housing offices and announce rent control suit against City
Clean energy and community advocates cheer launch of CleanPowerSF
Covered California estimates hundreds of thousands of Californians face increased tax penalty if they go without health insurance in 2016
Rwanda, the enduring lies: a Project Censored interview with Professor Ed Herman
EPA Office of Civil Rights proposes to weaken civil rights protections – hearing in Oakland Jan. 20
Black homes matter: San Francisco’s vanishing Black population
The inauguration of Mayor Ed Lee: We have nothing to lose but our chains
Mario Woods supporters prepare protest for Mayor Lee’s inauguration
Harlan Kelly: The SFPUC’s commitment to the Bayview Hunters Point community and Southeast Greenhouses
Black-Brown solidarity today: Families of Mario Woods and Alex Nieto march to demand justice for slain victims of police terror
Second generation Bayview pastor gets eviction notice for Christmas, no help from Mayor Ed Lee
No justice, no peace: Black SF demands Mayor Ed Lee fire Chief Greg Suhr and killer cops!

Culture Currents

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January 20, 2016
EPA Office of Civil Rights Proposed Rule Modification Public Listening Sessions 9:30 am Marriott Oakland City Center, 1001 Broadway, Oakland You're invited to attend a public meeting on January 20th, 2016, ... more>>
January 20, 2016
Justice 4 Mario Woods Coalition invites you to the SF Police Commission Meeting 6:00 pm Salvation Army, 240 Turk, San Francisco The Police Officers Association will be out in full force ... more>>
January 21, 2016
Bayview Hunters Point Environmental Justice Response Task Force meeting -- first evening meeting 6:00 pm Alex Pitcher Room, Southeast Campus, 1800 Oakdale at Phelps, BVHP, San Francisco This meeting is our first night time meeting. Please attend.

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With love we salute the life of the mighty Zin

Jan 17, 2016
'The Rise & Grind Show w Zin' AllRealRadio poster

On Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016, in Denver, at approximately 2:20 pm Houston father, activist, radio station owner and musician Zin aka Anthony Mills, 42, and Jonathan Nichols, 29, lost their lives in a four-car collision. Akua Holt, a good friend and radio comrade of Zin, worked with him on KPFT and in the community. I talked to her about the power of our productive and constructive brother who lost his life far too soon.

Mumia Abu-Jamal: The genius of Huey P. Newton

Jan 15, 2016
Huey P. Newton in 1972 – Photo: Stephen Shames

To those of us who were alive and sentient, the name Huey P. Newton evokes an era of mass resistance, of Black popular protest and of the rise of revolutionary organizations across the land. To those of subsequent eras – youth in their 20s – the name is largely unknown, as is the name of its greatest creation: the Black Panther Party. It is up to the oppressed of every generation to plumb the depths of history and to excavate the ore of understanding, to teach us not what happened yesterday, but to teach us why today is like it is, so that we may learn ideas to change it.

Remembering Jonestown: ‘White Nights, Black Paradise’ author Sikivu Hutchinson speaks

Jan 12, 2016
‘White Nights, Black Paradise’ cover, web

Seventy-five percent of the membership of Peoples Temple was African American, and the majority of those who died in Jonestown were African American women. The Jonestown victims have been demonized and marginalized – stripped of agency and, in many respects, humanity. The settlement was envisioned – and promoted – as a kind of “Promised Land,” a racial utopia and antidote to the white supremacist violence and dehumanization Black people experienced in the U.S.

Raw G brings Mexican Hip Hop and Cumbia to Cali stages

Jan 11, 2016
Raw G performing

On Jan. 29, Latina wordsmith Raw G, with a full band, will be rockin’ the Bay Area, San Jose and Los Angeles with Mexican rap legend Pato Machete and Mexican Cumbia legend Celso Pina. With the Cali being the melting pot that it is, this show should be an interesting mix of music and culture. Check out Raw G in company at the shows, as well as with these words.

SB277 CA “Forced Children’s Vaccination” Law Goes into effect in July ’16

Jan 11, 2016

The Block Report speaks wit’ Dr. Kristine Hicks who speaks about SB277, the new law set to take effect in July of 2016 that makes it mandatory for children in the public and private school systems in the state of California to be fully vaccinated, unless they have a signed exemption from a medical doctor.

Cornel West’s ‘The Radical King’
Wanda’s Picks for January 2016 – more picks added!
Third Street Stroll – and beyond
What did you get for Christmas?
Mac Mall’s ‘Legal Business’
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