The Wayback Machine -
Working at UNOPS
Voices of UNOPS
UNOPS work in Africa
UNOPS in Afghanistan
UNOPS in South Sudan
Ricardo Vargas (UNOPS): Value for money can be achieved through effective project management
Gender policies at UNOPS workplace
PRINCE 2 course offered at UNOPS Jerusalem Operations Centre
UNOPS in Haiti
UNOPS first to get the top four project management certifications
Panel Discussion, Part 1 / UNOPS Sustainable Project Management Seminar
UNOPS in Cambodia: Together for a Better Future

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  • Working at UNOPS

    UNOPS offers short- and long-term work opportunities in diverse and challenging environments across the globe. We're looking for creative, results-focused professionals with skills in many disciplines, from project management, to procurement, finance and human resources. The work we do is fulfilling and offers opportunities for professional and personal development. Soundtrack: "Piano Theme" by Jonathan Rich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License:
  • Voices of UNOPS

    Working at UNOPS presents new and interesting challenges every day, in some of the world’s toughest environments. Listen to our staff talk about what UNOPS mission means to them, and what they enjoy about working at UNOPS.
  • UNOPS work in Africa

    UNOPS portfolio in Africa consists of projects in more than 30 countries, including Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tunisia, Somalia, South Sudan and Cote d’Ivoire, among others. Want to know more about the work of our colleagues? Watch this video, or visit
  • UNOPS in Afghanistan

    Watch the video to learn about the history and milestones of UNOPS in Afghanistan. As it celebrates 20 years in the country, UNOPS thanks local and international partnerships that have allowed the organization to deliver its mission of serving the government and the people of Afghanistan.
  • UNOPS in South Sudan

    UNOPS is committed to supporting the newly established Government of the Republic of South Sudan in the building of a viable and stable state, following decades of conflict. Learn more about UNOPS work in South Sudan:
  • Ricardo Vargas (UNOPS): Value for money can be achieved through effective project management

    For more international development news, visit: Subscribe to the Devex YouTube channel: Devex Editor Rolf Rosenkranz discusses sustainable project management with Ricardo Vargas, director of UNOPS' Sustainable Project Management Practice Group.
  • Gender policies at UNOPS workplace

    UNOPS gender policies foster for a workplace where men and women have equal opportunities for career advancements, can balance work and private lives, and work together to bring services where they are most needed. Soundtrack: "Beach House Rock" by Sweet Wave Audio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License:
  • PRINCE 2 course offered at UNOPS Jerusalem Operations Centre

    PRINCE 2 is a standardized project management approach that helps projects managers better manage projects and deliver results. Watch this video to find out how we use it at UNOPS. Since June 2015, UNOPS Jerusalem Operations Centre is offering the PRINCE2 foundation course to its partners free-of-charge. To find out more, please visit:
  • UNOPS in Haiti

    UNOPS has been working in Haiti since 2004 on a broad variety of projects in collaboration with the Government, the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, multiple UN agencies, donor governments, NGOs, and international financial institutions. For more, please visit:
  • UNOPS first to get the top four project management certifications

  • Panel Discussion, Part 1 / UNOPS Sustainable Project Management Seminar

    Please note that the opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of UNOPS. The speakers at the Sustainable Project Management Seminar discuss some of the implications, opportunities and challenges from the earlier session, taking questions from the floor but also from those participating online. The Panel is composed of Ricardo Vargas, UNOPS Director of Sustainable Project Management Practice; Gill Price, International Programmes Director; Red R; Henrik Landers, UNOPS Director of Sustainable Infrastructure Practice and Luke Dokter, Environmental Engineer, Engineers Without Borders, Norway.
  • UNOPS in Cambodia: Together for a Better Future

    UNOPS office in Cambodia supports the implementation of a number of national projects and programmes in the country. The office works to alleviate the effects of climate change through water and natural resource management; towards health through the eradication of malaria, and are involved in post-conflict peacebuilding in their assistance to the Cambodian government in fulfilling internal obligations to establish the Khmer Rouge tribunal.
Working at UNOPS

Working at UNOPS

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 10 Dec 2013
  • views: 10498
UNOPS offers short- and long-term work opportunities in diverse and challenging environments across the globe. We're looking for creative, results-focused professionals with skills in many disciplines, from project management, to procurement, finance and human resources. The work we do is fulfilling and offers opportunities for professional and personal development. Soundtrack: "Piano Theme" by Jonathan Rich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License: At Unops
Voices of UNOPS

Voices of UNOPS

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 12 Mar 2015
  • views: 648
Working at UNOPS presents new and interesting challenges every day, in some of the world’s toughest environments. Listen to our staff talk about what UNOPS mission means to them, and what they enjoy about working at UNOPS. Of Unops
UNOPS work in Africa

UNOPS work in Africa

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:36
  • Updated: 20 Nov 2015
  • views: 650
UNOPS portfolio in Africa consists of projects in more than 30 countries, including Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tunisia, Somalia, South Sudan and Cote d’Ivoire, among others. Want to know more about the work of our colleagues? Watch this video, or visit Work In Africa
UNOPS in Afghanistan

UNOPS in Afghanistan

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:16
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2015
  • views: 485
Watch the video to learn about the history and milestones of UNOPS in Afghanistan. As it celebrates 20 years in the country, UNOPS thanks local and international partnerships that have allowed the organization to deliver its mission of serving the government and the people of Afghanistan. In Afghanistan
UNOPS in South Sudan

UNOPS in South Sudan

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:47
  • Updated: 19 Jun 2012
  • views: 1460
UNOPS is committed to supporting the newly established Government of the Republic of South Sudan in the building of a viable and stable state, following decades of conflict. Learn more about UNOPS work in South Sudan: In South Sudan
Ricardo Vargas (UNOPS): Value for money can be achieved through effective project management

Ricardo Vargas (UNOPS): Value for money can be achieved through effective project management

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2014
  • views: 629
For more international development news, visit: Subscribe to the Devex YouTube channel: Devex Editor Rolf Rosenkranz discusses sustainable project management with Ricardo Vargas, director of UNOPS' Sustainable Project Management Practice Group. Vargas (Unops) Value For Money Can Be Achieved Through Effective Project Management
Gender policies at UNOPS workplace

Gender policies at UNOPS workplace

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:44
  • Updated: 03 Apr 2014
  • views: 4872
UNOPS gender policies foster for a workplace where men and women have equal opportunities for career advancements, can balance work and private lives, and work together to bring services where they are most needed. Soundtrack: "Beach House Rock" by Sweet Wave Audio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License: Policies At Unops Workplace
PRINCE 2 course offered at UNOPS Jerusalem Operations Centre

PRINCE 2 course offered at UNOPS Jerusalem Operations Centre

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2015
  • views: 417
PRINCE 2 is a standardized project management approach that helps projects managers better manage projects and deliver results. Watch this video to find out how we use it at UNOPS. Since June 2015, UNOPS Jerusalem Operations Centre is offering the PRINCE2 foundation course to its partners free-of-charge. To find out more, please visit: 2 Course Offered At Unops Jerusalem Operations Centre
UNOPS in Haiti

UNOPS in Haiti

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:10
  • Updated: 29 Jun 2012
  • views: 2422
UNOPS has been working in Haiti since 2004 on a broad variety of projects in collaboration with the Government, the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, multiple UN agencies, donor governments, NGOs, and international financial institutions. For more, please visit: In Haiti
UNOPS first to get the top four project management certifications

UNOPS first to get the top four project management certifications

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:23
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2013
  • views: 410 First To Get The Top Four Project Management Certifications
Panel Discussion, Part 1 / UNOPS Sustainable Project Management Seminar

Panel Discussion, Part 1 / UNOPS Sustainable Project Management Seminar

  • Order:
  • Duration: 31:28
  • Updated: 29 Nov 2013
  • views: 1465
Please note that the opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of UNOPS. The speakers at the Sustainable Project Management Seminar discuss some of the implications, opportunities and challenges from the earlier session, taking questions from the floor but also from those participating online. The Panel is composed of Ricardo Vargas, UNOPS Director of Sustainable Project Management Practice; Gill Price, International Programmes Director; Red R; Henrik Landers, UNOPS Director of Sustainable Infrastructure Practice and Luke Dokter, Environmental Engineer, Engineers Without Borders, Norway. Discussion, Part 1 Unops Sustainable Project Management Seminar
UNOPS in Cambodia: Together for a Better Future

UNOPS in Cambodia: Together for a Better Future

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:49
  • Updated: 29 Mar 2015
  • views: 642
UNOPS office in Cambodia supports the implementation of a number of national projects and programmes in the country. The office works to alleviate the effects of climate change through water and natural resource management; towards health through the eradication of malaria, and are involved in post-conflict peacebuilding in their assistance to the Cambodian government in fulfilling internal obligations to establish the Khmer Rouge tribunal. In Cambodia Together For A Better Future
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    fullscreen slideshow

    Working at UNOPS

    UNOPS offers short- and long-term work opportunities in diverse and challenging environments across the globe. We're looking for creative, results-focused professionals with skills in many disciplines, from project management, to procurement, finance and human resources. The work we do is fulfilling and offers opportunities for professional and personal development. Soundtrack: "Piano Theme" by Jonathan Rich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License:
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    Work­ing at UNOPS
    UNOPS of­fers short- and long-term work op­por­tu­ni­ties in di­verse and chal­leng­ing en­vi­ron­men...
    pub­lished: 10 Dec 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Voic­es of UNOPS
    Work­ing at UNOPS pre­sents new and in­ter­est­ing chal­lenges every day, in some of the world’s...
    pub­lished: 12 Mar 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    UNOPS work in Africa
    UNOPS port­fo­lio in Africa con­sists of pro­jects in more than 30 coun­tries, in­clud­ing Sene­ga...
    pub­lished: 20 Nov 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    UNOPS in Afghanistan
    Watch the video to learn about the his­to­ry and mile­stones of UNOPS in Afghanistan. As it c...
    pub­lished: 03 Jun 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    UNOPS in South Sudan
    UNOPS is com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing the newly es­tab­lished Gov­ern­ment of the Re­pub­lic of South...
    pub­lished: 19 Jun 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    Ri­car­do Var­gas (UNOPS): Value for money can be achieved through ef­fec­tive pro­ject man­age­ment
    For more in­ter­na­tion­al de­vel­op­ment news, visit: http://​www.​devex.​com Sub­scribe to the Deve...
    pub­lished: 18 Jul 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    Gen­der poli­cies at UNOPS work­place
    UNOPS gen­der poli­cies fos­ter for a work­place where men and women have equal op­por­tu­ni­ties ...
    pub­lished: 03 Apr 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    PRINCE 2 course of­fered at UNOPS Jerusalem Op­er­a­tions Cen­tre
    PRINCE 2 is a stan­dard­ized pro­ject man­age­ment ap­proach that helps pro­jects man­agers bet­ter...
    pub­lished: 24 Jul 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    UNOPS in Haiti
    UNOPS has been work­ing in Haiti since 2004 on a broad va­ri­ety of pro­jects in col­lab­o­ra­tion...
    pub­lished: 29 Jun 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    UNOPS first to get the top four pro­ject man­age­ment cer­ti­fi­ca­tions
    pub­lished: 18 Jun 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Panel Dis­cus­sion, Part 1 / UNOPS Sus­tain­able Pro­ject Man­age­ment Sem­i­nar
    Please note that the opin­ions ex­pressed here do not nec­es­sar­i­ly re­flect those of UNOPS. T...
    pub­lished: 29 Nov 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    UNOPS in Cam­bo­dia: To­geth­er for a Bet­ter Fu­ture
    UNOPS of­fice in Cam­bo­dia sup­ports the im­ple­men­ta­tion of a num­ber of na­tion­al pro­jects and ...
    pub­lished: 29 Mar 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    • Lyrics list:

    Ich Werde Wie Du

    Ich werde wie du
    Wenn ich am morgen schon am Horizont schon die sonne sehe,
    dann denke zurück an das Versprechen das für immer zählt,
    ich will werden so wie du,
    dafür gibt es noch so viel, so vieles zu tun
    Ich werde wie du das wirst du schon sehen,
    auch wenn es schwer wird es wird gehen,
    wenn ich One Piece finden will dann muss ich alle Abendteurer auf der Grand Line
    Ich werde wie du, ich weiß es genau,
    auch wenn ich nur wenigen vertrau,
    denn auch dieser tag wird kommen,
    und mit deiner Hilfe werde ich diese Welt bald überschauen
    Ich werde ein Pirat
    Ich werde ein Pirat
    Ich trag ne Hut den ich vor langer zeit von dir bekam,
    jetzt hab ich Zuversicht und kraft für einen langen Tag,
    denn ich will werden so wie du,
    doch dafür gibt es noch so viel, so vieles zu tun
    Ich werde wie du das wirst du schon sehen,
    auch wenn es schwer wird es wird gehen,
    wenn ich One Piece finden will dann muss ich alle Abendteurer auf der Grand Line
    Ich werde wie du ich weiß es genau,
    auch wenn ich nur wenigen vertrau,
    denn auch dieser tag wird kommen,
    und mit deiner Hilfe werde ich diese Welt bald überschauen
    Ich werde ein Pirat
    Ich werde ein Pirat
    Ich werde ein Pirat
    Denn ich will werden so wie du,
    doch dafür gibt es noch so viel, so vieles zu tun
    Ich werde wie du das wirst du schon sehen,
    auch wenn es schwer wird es wird gehen,
    wenn ich One Piece finden will dann muss ich alle Abendteurer auf der Grand Line
    Ich werde wie du, ich weiß es genau,
    auch wenn ich nur wenigen vertrau,
    denn auch dieser tag wird kommen,
    und mit deiner Hilfe werde ich diese Welt bald überschauen
    Ich werde ein Pirat
    Ich werde ein Pirat

    photo: AP / Jens Meyer
    Migrating cranes fly in front of the sun during sunset near Straussfurt, central Germany, Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014.

    The World's Largest Solar Plant Just Torched Itself

    Edit Gizmodo 20 May 2016
    Putting 347,000 mirrors in the desert faced towards the sun clearly has its disadvantages ... ....
    photo: AP / Manu Brabo, File
    In this Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011 file photo, a general view of buildings ravaged by fighting in Sirte, Libya.

    From The Halls Of Montezuma To Shores Of Tripoli, Imperialism Still Reigns Supreme

    Edit 20 May 2016
    Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling It might come as a surprise to some, but since the early 1800’s the United States has taken the lead in empire-building throughout the world, primarily though aggressive racial, economic, military and cultural expansionist policies. It follows, then, that last week’s deployment of U.S ... military interventions. Shores of Tripoli First Overthrow of a Foreign Government Consequently, the U.S ... ....
    photo: AP / Matt Sayles
    Gwen Stefani performs “Used to Love You” at the American Music Awards at the Microsoft Theater on Sunday, Nov. 22, 2015, in Los Angeles.

    Gwen Stefani And Blake Shelton Planning To Make Out On Stage At The Billboard Music Awards

    Edit Inquisitr 21 May 2016
    Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are set to do a repeat performance of “Go Ahead And Break My Heart” at the Billboard Music Awards on May 22. Fans of the couple are in for a special treat this time as a source for Hollywood Life revealed that Gwen, 46, and Blake, 39, are planning to kiss on stage during their big performance at the Billboard awards ... Awww. Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani will perform a duet at Sunday's #BBMAs....
    photo: AP / Amr Nabil
    The Imam of al Thawrah Mosque, Samir Abdel Bary, gives condolences to Tarek Abu Laban, center, who lost four relatives, all victims of Thursday's EgyptAir plane crash, following prayers for the dead, at al Thawrah Mosque, in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, May 20, 2016.

    Searchers find body parts, seats, luggage from Egyptian jet

    Edit Boston Herald 20 May 2016
    CAIRO — Search crews found floating human remains, luggage and seats from the doomed EgyptAir jetliner Friday but face a potentially more complex task in locating bigger pieces of wreckage and the black boxes vital to determining why the plane plunged into the Mediterranean ... In Egypt, home to 30 of the victims, grieving families and friends wondered if their loved ones would ever be recovered ... But so far no hard evidence has emerged ... ....
    photo: Creative Commons / Bulent KAVAKKORU
    EgyptAir Flight 181 (aircraft pictured) is hijacked shortly after takeoff and forced to land at Larnaca International Airport in Cyprus.

    EgyptAir flight: 'Smoke detected' inside cabin before crash

    Edit The Times of India 21 May 2016
    PARIS. France's aviation safety agency said Saturday that the EgyptAir A320 that crashed into the eastern Mediterranean with 66 people on board had transmitted automatic messages indicating smoke in the cabin. "There were ACARS messages emitted by the plane indicating that there was smoke in the cabin shortly before data transmission broke off," a spokesman of France's Bureau of Investigations and Analysis told AFP ... ....

    Kassala - Sudan, Italy’s contribution to the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic)

    Edit Public Technologies 16 May 2016
    With the aim of improving the living conditions of the residents and refugees in Eastern Sudan, the Italian Government, through the Italian Development Cooperation Agency, will contribute to implement a new project of UNOPS - the United Nations Office for Project Services - in Kassala State ... Thanks to the Italian funding, UNOPS will be able to build ......

    President discussed social, economic and humanitarian restoration of Donbas with UN Deputy Secretary-General (President of Ukraine)

    Edit Public Technologies 15 May 2016
    (Source. President of Ukraine) ... Special attention was paid to urgent humanitarian needs of IDPs in Ukraine ... The parties agreed to consider the issue of establishing a new UNOPS Office that will coordinate projects and programs implemented by the UN in Ukraine and ensure mobilization and rational use of the international financial aid ... (noodl. 33566227) ....

    10/05/2016 Executive Boards of six UN agencies visit Kyrgyzstan (UN Women - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)

    Edit Public Technologies 10 May 2016
    Bishkek-In Kyrgyzstan on 9 May, representatives of the Executive Boards of UN Women, UNDP, UNFPA, UNOPS, UNICEF and WFP completed a week-long Joint Field Visit to analyse how United Nations' organizations contribute to national development priorities ... Head of the Joint Field Visit delegation and President of the Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS....

    Faculty Senate elects leadership for 2016–17 (Northeastern University)

    Edit Public Technologies 28 Apr 2016
    (Source. Northeastern University). Carmen Sceppa was re-elected chair of the Senate Agenda Committee. Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University. Carmen Sceppa, pro­fessor and chair of the Depart­ment of Health Ser­vices, was re-​​elected chair of the Senate Agenda Com­mittee by the Fac­ulty Senateon Wednesday at the first offi­cial meeting of the 2016-17 session. Sceppa, who ran unop­posed, was elected to her second term as chair....

    Inauguration ceremony for Mingkaman River Port in Awerial County

    Edit Modern Ghana 27 Apr 2016
    The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), would like to inform you about the inauguration ceremony for Mingkaman River Port in Awerial County ... UNOPS implemented the $4.1 million ......

    Unit4 announces Customer Award winners at Connect 2016 (UNIT4 TETA SA)

    Edit Public Technologies 20 Apr 2016
    (Source. UNIT4 TETA SA). Unit4, a fast growing leader in enterprise applications for service organizations, announced the winners of its 2016 Customer Awards at its Unit4 Connect conference in Amsterdam ... In total, 12 nominees were shortlisted for six awards. The winners are. ... YouSure ... The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)....

    Feature: UN Envoy in Haiti discusses upcoming elections and UN’s transitioning role (UN - United Nations)

    Edit Public Technologies 18 Apr 2016
    (Source. UN - United Nations) 18 April 2016 -. Sandra Honoré is the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti and head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the country (MINUSTAH). A post she has held since 15 July 2013. During a recent visit to the UN headquarters to brief the Security Council, Ms ... And UNOPS [United Nations Office for Project Support Services] provided assistance in terms of logistics elections....

    A partnership for projects in the countries that need it most: EIB and UNOPS seal the deal (EIB - European Investment Bank)

    Edit Public Technologies 16 Apr 2016
    The European Investment Bank (EIB) and UNOPS today signed an agreement to work together on key projects around the world in an effort to improve the lives of people in need ... 'This agreement offers a real opportunity for us to work together with UNOPS on a range of humanitarian and development projects ... Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director of UNOPS said ... UNOPS....

    UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board representatives visit Guinea (UNDP - United Nations Development Programme)

    Edit Public Technologies 14 Apr 2016
    The delegation met with Guinea's Minister of Social Affairs, Women and Youth, and a coalition of women leaders and representatives of women's associations to discuss the impact of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS work in post-Ebola recovery and electoral processes ... The delegation will also observe projects being implemented with UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS support and visit the National Ebola Response Cell....

    RELEASE: Helping Developing Countries Track and Report Their Climate Actions (WRI - World Resources Institute)

    Edit Public Technologies 14 Apr 2016
    The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) manages the trust fund through which the work is funded ... United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) UNOPS is an operational arm of the United Nations, supporting the successful implementation of its partners' peacebuilding, humanitarian and development projects around the world in some of the most challenging environments....

    Unscrambling More UN Jargon

    Edit Pressat 14 Apr 2016
    ... the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), and the UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)....