Hands off Grigory Petrenko! The whole world is watching!

November 18, 2015

To Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti, U.S. President Barack Obama, Head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker:

To officials of Moldova, the European Union and United States:

The life of Moldovan political prisoner Grigory Petrenko is in danger. We join with people around the world to demand guarantees for his safety and immediate release from prison.
hands-off-Grigory-Petrenkohands-off-Grigory-Petrenko-2Today, attorney Ana Ursachi reported that the Moldovan government, dominated by oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc, may be preparing to physically eliminate opposition political leader Petrenko. The regime has spread false information in the media about a connection between Petrenko and two young men arrested on Nov. 13 in Chisinau as alleged “Donbass mercenaries.”

Last week, we learned that Petrenko was deliberately exposed to the danger of tuberculosis infection by being taken for daily walks in a courtyard reserved exclusively for TB patients.

On October 18, Petrenko was subjected to physical abuse during an illegal and unauthorized nighttime raid on his prison cell by anonymous employees of the Department of Penitentiary Institutions.

Petrenko and six of his colleagues were singled out for arrest during a peaceful demonstration on September 6, 2015, and have been held under “preventive arrest” ever since. Their detention has been extended three times so far.

On September 30, members of all factions of the Parliamentary Association of the Council of Europe (PACE), of which Petrenko is a former leader and honorary member, signed a statement demanding the immediate release of the political prisoners.

The torturous and degrading conditions of imprisonment have been brought to the attention of the United Nations, the EU, the OSCE, the U.S. embassy and other bodies, but no action has been forthcoming.

Moldova’s pro-Western, oligarch-dominated regime is the responsibility of the European and U.S. governments which supported its rise and grip on power for their own geostrategic and profit-driven interests. If anything befalls Grigory Peterenko and his fellow political prisoners, the responsibility will rest on the heads of officials in Washington and Brussels, as well as Chisinau.

It is time to act now to secure the release of Grigory Petrenko and his fellow political prisoners, before it is too late!

Gregory Butterfield, Coordinator, Solidarity with Ukraine Antifascists Committee (USA)

International Action Center (USA)

To add your name/organization to the appeal, email: SolidarityUkraineAntifa@gmail.com

Ukraine’s Poroshenko: War criminal!

By Greg Butterfield posted on September 25, 2015
Originally posted on workers.org at URL: http://www.workers.org/articles/2015/09/25/ukraines-poroshenko-war-criminal/

When Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko arrives in New York for the 70th United Nations General Assembly in late September, activists in solidarity with the Donbass People’s Republics and Ukrainian political prisoners plan to expose him for the war criminal he is.

Poroshenko comes bearing proposals aimed at furthering U.S.-NATO demonization of the Russian Federation. Russia President Vladimir Putin will also be present in New York. In his speech Sept. 29, Poroshenko is expected to ask the General Assembly to remove Russia from its permanent slot on the U.N. Security Council, where it has often served as a counterweight to U.S. aggression, as in Syria.

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Although Poroshenko’s suggestion is unlikely to find much support, he and his U.S. handlers will use this occasion to continue spreading lies about an alleged “Russian invasion” of eastern Ukraine and equally imaginary Russian threat to NATO members in Eastern Europe. Poroshenko is also expected to ask President Barack Obama and other U.S. officials for billions of dollars in additional weapons and other military aid to suppress the anti-fascist rebellion in the Donbass mining region.

Besides demonizing Russia, these tales are meant to discredit the independent Donestsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. People there voted overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine after the far-right coup of February 2014, whose first act was to ban the Russian language — the language of most residents in the east.

After signing an internationally negotiated ceasefire agreement in Minsk earlier this year, Poroshenko’s military has violated its terms in every imaginable way: refusing to implement Special Status for the Donbass and other regions, continuing to shell civilian areas nightly, and even building up a force of 90,000-plus troops and new NATO-supplied armaments on the contact line with Donetsk and Lugansk. These troops are currently poised to carry out a new military offensive.

Poroshenko, a multimillionaire oligarch known as the “Chocolate King” for his control of the Roshen Chocolate empire, was elected in unfree, unfair elections in May 2014. The election was held just weeks after the fascist massacre of 48 youths, workers and pensioners at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa. At the time, Poroshenko was seen as one of the more “moderate” leaders of the Maidan movement that had overthrown the previous government.

Those parties that opposed Maidan were forced off the ballot. People in the country’s east boycotted what they called the “election of blood.” Neo-Nazi gangs harassed and intimidated residents at polling stations. Under those conditions, voters opted for Poroshenko in hopes he would negotiate an end to the war against Donbass.

Instead, Poroshenko immediately intensified the war. He also adopted the ideological trappings of the most virulent fascist groups in Kiev and stepped up persecution of political opponents, especially on the left.

Along with his masters in Washington and Brussels, Poroshenko carries the responsibility for at least 7,000 deaths and tens of thousands of wounded in Kiev’s so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation against the Donbass republics; more than 1.35 million displaced people, including 900,000 refugees who’ve fled Ukraine and Donbass since the war’s start, most to Russia; and thousands of political prisoners, from local communist activists and internationally known journalists to teenagers posting anti-war sentiments on social media.

Wall Street’s and Washington’s man in Kiev

Poroshenko is Wall Street’s and Washington’s man in Kiev. He’s sold the country’s economic sovereignty to the International Monetary Fund. He also instituted brutal austerity measures that hit the poorest hardest, while vowing to sell off the country’s remaining public industries to Western investors. He’s appointed U.S. stooges and even U.S. citizens to high government positions. He oversaw a ban on communist ideology and the rehabilitation of World War II Nazi collaborators.

Under Poroshenko, the Pentagon is well on its way to taking full control of Ukraine’s military. The Sept. 16 Stars and Stripes just published an announced expansion of U.S. training for active-duty troops there. This follows a successful “pilot program” with the openly neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.

Notoriously racist and brutal U.S. agencies like the Texas Rangers and California Highway Patrol have been called in to set up new police forces in collaboration with local fascists in cities like Odessa and Kharkov. These cities are ruled by the Kiev regime but contain many opponents of Kiev.

Perhaps nothing sums up the Ukrainian president like this statement he made last year about children in the Donbass: “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, while theirs will be holed up in basements!” (Video posted by Russia Insider, Nov. 14, 2014)

Yet, on Sept. 1, schools opened for a new year of classes in Donetsk and Lugansk, while Kiev was wracked by infighting among fascist factions. The people of Donbass stand defiant. We stand with them and declare: Poroshenko, Obama and John McCain: Guilty of war crimes in Ukraine! Shut down NATO and Kiev’s genocidal war machine!

For information on actions during Poroshenko’s visit, follow “Solidarity with Ukraine Antifascists Committee” on Facebook or visit No2NATO.org.

War Criminal Poroshenko not welcome in New York!

poroshenko war criminal

War criminal Poroshenko not welcome in New York!
Tuesday, September 29
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
116th St. & Broadway

Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1628057497468871/

Columbia University has invited Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to speak. Who is he?
– Oligarch selected in fraudulent election
– Fascist collaborator
– Violator of Minsk 2 ceasefire
– Enforcer of IMF austerity
– Jailer of journalists and oppositionists

Poroshenko is responsible for:
– 7,000-plus deaths in Donbass region
– More than 1.3 million refugees and displaced persons
– Thousands of political prisonersIn mid-September, the Pentagon announced that it will expand its training of active duty military forces in Ukraine, after a successful test run training the fascist Azov Battalion.

The head of NATO and John McCain are in Ukraine right now, shoring up the regime and its integration into the NATO war machine. Police agencies like the Texas Rangers and CHP are training local security forces in how to put down resistance.

Some 90,000 Ukrainian troops are stationed on the border with Donetsk and Lugansk, in open violation of the Minsk peace agreement. The biggest NATO war games EVER are starting in the Black Sea, an open provocation against Russia at this moment when tensions are high over Syria.

But at the UN next week, all we will hear are lies about how Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine!

Tell Obama and John McCain: Stop U.S.-NATO aid to genocidal regime in Ukraine

Stand with Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and antifascists in Ukraine

Called by Solidarity with Ukraine Antifascists Committee / IAC

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Solidarity with Ukraine Antifascists Committee

None of the major candidates are speaking about U.S. wars. Make the endless U.S. wars an issue during this campaign.

Join us in NYC on Sunday, March 13, for a Day of Peace and Solidarity.

* Money for Jobs and People’s Needs, not War!
* Rebuild Flint! Rebuild our Cities! End the wars!
* Defend the Black Lives Matter movement!

Featured speakers include Ramsay Clark, Sara Flounders, Joe Lombardo, Lynne Stewart and The Peace Poets.
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Day of Peace and Solidarity

March 13, 2016, 2:00pm - March 13, 2016, 3:00pm

Rally 2 pm 34th & 6th Ave., NYC, 4 pm march to UN

None of the major candidate are speaking about U.S. wars. Keep endless wars an issue during this campaign. Join us - Sunday March 13 for A Day of Peace and Solidarity. Money for Jobs and People’s N...

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