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Hundreds of people from more than two dozen groupings will respond to the Anti Police-Terror Project’s (APTP) call to come together for 96 hours of direct action over the Martin Luther King Day weekend, January 15-18, in San Francisco and Oakland. The weekend’s events will culminate in a Reclaiming King’s Radical Legacy March on Monday, January 18, beginning at 11am at Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland. Full list of announced events
On January 8, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s 2016 inauguration was disrupted by protesters calling for the firing of Police Chief Greg Suhr. Demonstrators continue to call for justice following the notable police shootings of Alex Nieto and Mario Woods, which have traumatized the community in San Francisco.
On January 2, a couple dozen people kicked off 2016 with a protest in Watsonville, where Driscoll's, the world's largest distributor of fresh berries, is both headquartered and first began producing strawberries in 1904. The demonstrators are amplifying a campaign initiated by farmworkers in Washington State and Baja California to boycott Driscoll's strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries.
On January 5, two environmental groups filed a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over its failure to protect the monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act. The Center for Biological Diversity and Center for Food Safety first petitioned for the monarch’s protection in August 2014, following a more than 80 percent decline in the butterfly’s population over the past two decades.
On January 1, family and friends marked the seventh anniversary of the police murder of Oscar Grant at the Oakland BART station where his death sparked a justice movement that has caught fire nationally in recent years. About 125 people attended the afternoon vigil at Fruitvale BART Station to hear words from family, faith leaders and activists, and poetry and song in memory of Grant and Black youth lost to violence.
On October 22, Sacramento County sheriff’s deputies shot and killed Adriene Ludd. Now, over two months later, the Sheriff refuses to release the incident report and the dash-cam footage and the community is demanding answers. Micaela Davis of the ACLU of Northern California writes, "Friends, family, and neighbors of Mr. Ludd deserve the full story on this tragedy."
Black Lives Matter Bay Area held a local demonstration in solidarity with Black Xmas actions across the country on December 23. Nine activists blocked the San Francisco International Airport exit at Highway 101 until they were arrested by the California Highway Patrol. All of those arrested were released from jail later that evening. Black Lives Matter writes, "Whether cisgendered, trans, or queer; women or men, elders or children – our Black families refuse to live trapped between poverty and police state violence."
Steve Schnaar writes: Santa Cruz City Council member Cynthia Chase, elected with a lot of progressive support based on her years of excellent work supporting women transitioning out of prison, has voted for some of the worst anti-homeless decisions to come out of the council recently. However when asked about the contradiction between her past progressive positions and these votes, she refuses to engage or explain herself.
Since July 4, community members in Santa Cruz have been sleeping one night a week at Santa Cruz City Hall to protest laws that criminalize sleeping in public places. Facing temperatures below the freezing mark, a small group of activists stayed the night for their twenty-fifth community sleepout at Santa Cruz City Hall on December 29. The next sleepout was planned for Tuesday, January 5.
Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry is facing three misdemeanor charges in Santa Cruz Superior Court as a result of his work to defend the rights of the poor. The original case stemmed from an action where McHenry replaced 33 "blue artist boxes" on Pacific Avenue that had been removed by the city.
On Black Friday 2014, following the grand jury announcement it would not recommend indicting police officer Darren Wilson for the murder of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, fourteen Black activists chained themselves together on a BART transit platform “to prevent trains from moving at the West Oakland station, in response to the seemingly unending war against Black communities.” District Attorney Nancy O'Malley and BART pursued criminal charges and originally $70,000 in restitution. Now, after a year-long campaign by the Black Friday 14 and a broad coalition of allies, the DA has dropped all the charges.
An activist who was pursued by the City of Oakland for criminal vandalism and restitution is challenging his conviction four years later. César Aguirre was convicted for allegedly smashing the windows of the OPD Internal Affairs and Recruiting Offices during the Occupy Oakland General Strike of November 2-3, 2011. Aguirre has now filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus challenging his conviction based on the prosecution's failure to disclose material evidence.
San Francisco police murdered another African American man in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood on December 2. At least five police officers surrounded Woods on a sidewalk and proceeded to shoot him over fifteen times. Three different videos of the killing, taken with cellphone cameras, were made public. The videos spread widely, triggering protests and a fiery town hall meeting. A federal civil rights lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Mario's family. Another protest has been called for December 18 downtown.
Direct Action Monterey Network (DAMN) organized its eleventh sit-in protest in downtown Monterey on December 4. Since February, community members have been gathering monthly on the sidewalk of Alvarado Street to defy the city's sit-lie ordinance, which has been in effect for just over a year now.
In September 2003, Lakota Sioux Richard Iron Cloud and Armando Black Bear, novice swimmers from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation near the Badlands of South Dakota, swam from Alcatraz Island to the San Francisco shore in the first PATHSTAR Alcatraz swim. That tradition continued on Oct. 19, 2015, when Native Americans made the crossing from the “Rock” to San Francisco to conclude this year’s annual PATHSTAR Alcatraz Swim Week.
Despite objections from environmental groups such as The Campaign for Sensible Transportation, there is a new push to widen Highway One in Santa Cruz County. The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), in cooperation with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), has prepared a draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment for the new highway widening proposals.
The Freedom Sleepers held a protest in front of the Palomar Inn in downtown Santa Cruz on December 8, where the city council was eating a celebratory dinner in honor of the appointment of the new mayor, Cynthia Matthews. A small group of protesters also entered the Inn's banquet room during the council’s meal with a sign reading “A Ban on Sleep is a Ban on Life.”
Eleven people who were clubbed, teargassed, slammed to the ground, shot with impact munitions or groundlessly arrested by the police during a December 6, 2014, Berkeley demonstration filed a civil rights lawsuit against the City of Berkeley, then-City Manager Christine Daniel, Chief Michael Meehan, the City of Hayward, and Berkeley and Hayward officers in federal court on November 23, 2015. The plaintiffs include journalists who were covering the demonstration, as well as demonstrators.
Before dawn on November 15th, about 700 cars showed up to an “LA to the Bay” sideshow in East Oakland. An OPD patrol car was smashed as those gathered chanted, "Fuck the Police!" Later that same day, responding to another sideshow just after dark at about 5:30pm, Oakland police were in the process of impounding several motorcycles when they killed Richard Perkins near 90th and Bancroft Avenues in East Oakland. The killing has been protested with a student walk-out and march from Fruitvale BART.
The ACLU of Northern California and the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office have reached a settlement agreement that will ensure that women are able to choose whether they receive pregnancy testing in the county’s jails. The agreement is the result of a lawsuit, Harman v. Ahern, which argued the policy was a violation of the California Constitution, the U.S. Constitution and state statutory law.
Immediately following the Paris attacks of November 13, France announced the prohibition of mass marches in cities across the country. Large rallies scheduled for November 29 and December 12 in Paris during the UN climate conference have been forbidden due to this new ban. French rally mobilizers are asking why demonstrations are prohibited while sporting events and Christmas markets are being permitted. In Northern California, climate activists marched in Oakland and Santa Cruz during the weekend of November 21-22 in a lead-up to the Paris climate summit.
In an example of collaboration with privacy advocates, on November 17, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors passed a comprehensive privacy policy regulating the county's use of cell phone interceptor equipment (often referred to in the press by “Stingray” or “Hailstorm”) before approving the purchase of an equipment upgrade. The policy requires a warrant before any deployment of the device and periodic audits of use.
On November 12 students at UC Santa Cruz joined students at college campuses across the country for a "Million Student March," a day of local actions organized nationally around three principle demands: tuition-free public college, cancellation of all student debt, and a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers. Million Student March actions were organized at over 100 schools.
The Day Worker Center of Santa Cruz County is asking for the community's help to raise funds for a Tool Lending Library. The Center already possesses the tools, but currently lacks a reliable shed in which to store them, and as an organization that works to provide workers with job opportunities, a place to store tools is invaluable.
Led by those inside California prisons, who often put their lives on the line, a settlement was reached on September 1 in the federal class action Ashker v. Governor of California that will mostly end indeterminate, long-term solitary confinement in all California state prisons. Subject to court approval, the agreement will result in a dramatic reduction in the number of people in solitary across the state and a new program that could be a model for other states going forward. Over a thousand people are set to make it out of Security Housing Units (SHU).
On November 2, red paint was splashed across the front door of Mission Santa Cruz. Following the Catholic church's canonization of Junipero Serra, a series of acts of vandalism has occurred on the Central Coast, including the beheading of a Serra statue in Monterey in October, and the splashing of paint on Mission Carmel and the toppling of a statue of Serra in September.
In a show of solidarity, labor unions and Black Lives Matter activists staged a protest on November 10 which targeted Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley. Some two hundred protesters gathered outside D.A. O'Malley's offices demanding that she “Drop the charges against the Black Friday 14!” They declared that the struggles for economic justice and racial justice were two sides of the same struggle. Inside the courthouse, a delegation of labor leaders occupied O'Malley's office. No arrests were made.
On November 14, residents of the Midtown Park Apartments in San Francisco's Western Addition and their supporters gathered for a fundraiser and BBQ. In 2013, the City terminated the lease with the tenants and awarded it to Mercy Housing. Tenants are now facing enormous rent increases and Mercy Housing has put forth plans to eventually demolish the buildings. In response, Midtown tenants went on Rent Strike five months ago and are calling out for public support.

01/14/16 Cops Kettle Community Members Inside of SF City Hall During Police Brutality Demonstration     police
01/13/16 Bay Area Plans 96 Hours of Action as Part of Nat'l Call to “Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy”     race
01/13/16 Labor Struggles Continue with Driscoll's Growers in Washington State and Baja, Mexico     labor | santacruz
01/13/16 Federal Inaction Following 80 Percent Decline in Monarch Population Prompts Legal Action     environment
01/05/16 BLM Chapters Call for Immediate Overhaul of Justice System Locally and Nationally     race
01/05/16 ACLU Joins Black Lives Matter in Calling for Transparency after Shooting of Adriene Ludd     police | centralvalley
01/05/16 Mother of Oscar Grant Calls for Peace and Unity to End Police Violence at Annual Vigil     police
01/04/16 Homeless Activists Maintain Protests, Continue to Sleep at Santa Cruz City Hall     poverty | santacruz
01/04/16 Progressives Question Santa Cruz Council Member Elected with Their Support     poverty | santacruz
12/30/15 Year-Long Campaign in Support of the Black Friday 14 Leads to All Charges Being Dropped     police
12/30/15 FNB Activist Charged with Misdemeanor in Santa Cruz for Using "Offensive Words"     poverty | santacruz
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96 Hours to Reclaim King's Radical Legacy: Friday in the Fillmore Peter Menchini (1 comment)
Saturday Jan 16th 2:24 AM
Emergency Endangered Species Act Protection Sought for Rare Alpine Flower Center for Biological Diversity
Friday Jan 15th 4:25 PM
Governor Jerry Brown Claims Delta Tunnels Are 'Absolutely Necessary' Dan Bacher (2 comments)
Thursday Jan 14th 6:48 PM
Rally Against the Torture of Prisoners Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition
Thursday Jan 14th 3:28 PM
Santa Cruz ACLU Issues Letter in Support of Indybay's Alex Darocy Alex Darocy (1 comment)
Wednesday Jan 13th 6:45 PM
Tell the President: No to TPP! Art Persyko
Monday Jan 11th 8:10 PM
Bay Area plans 96 hours of action as part of national call to “Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy” Anti Police-Terror Project (5 comments)
Monday Jan 11th 1:59 PM
Govt Access Project: Disrupting SF City Hall's Darkness Michael Petrelis
Monday Jan 11th 11:42 AM
New homeless shelter system opens in Berkeley Lynda Carson
Sunday Jan 10th 8:20 PM
Fundraiser in Support of Monterey 8 Steph
Sunday Jan 10th 2:52 PM
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Thursday Jan 14th 5:46 PM
Chicago moves for release of Cedrick Chatman videos IndyRadio/David Roknich
Thursday Jan 14th 10:39 AM
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Tuesday Jan 12th 6:11 AM
This Week in Palestine, January 8th, 2015 IMEMC
Monday Jan 11th 9:59 PM
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UNITE HERE Condemns ICE Raids Targeting Central American Women and Children via UNITE HERE Local 483
Thursday Jan 7th 11:54 PM
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Fear and hate are the two greatest Ted Rudow III, MA
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(A-Radio) Brazil: The Passe Livre movement in Sao Paulo A-Radio Berlin
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Averting Shia-Sunni World War by Zahir Ebrahim | Project Humanbeingsfirst.org Zahir Ebrahim | Project Humanbeingsfirst.org
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