SERU, Debat Nachrowi (Nara) VS Basuki (Ahok). [Cawagubnya Foke Vs Jokowi] Metro Tv
Debat Resmi Cagub & Cawagub Putaran Kedua Fauzi Bowo Nara & Jokowi Ahok (16 September 2012) di Metro Tv. Lihat pula: Debat di Jak Tv (14 Septermber 2012) ...
Foke: "Sekarang lo Nyoblos siapa? Kalo Nyoblos Jokowi mah bangun di Solo aja sono!"
INFO: tolong di "like" supaya video ini makin tersebar - biar lebih populer ranking-nya kalau di dislike malah rankingnya turun Good job Berita Satu (bukan T...
Fauzi Bowo jadi Dubes di Jerman? Tanggapan Masyarakat, Pelajar, dan Diaspora Indonesia di Jerman
Aliansi Peduli KBRI Jerman Pencalonan Fauzi Bowo menjadi Duta Besar RI di Jerman ditolak Warga Indonesia di Jerman. Untuk pertama kali nya dalam sejarah Indo...
Foke Marah (Gubernur DKI) Fauzi Bowo
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo marah ketika wartawan mengkonfirmasi soal rekomendasi Komnas HAM yang terkait insiden kerusuhan Makam Mbah Priok... Sumber Li...
Pidato akhir masa jabatan Fauzi Bowo
jokowi vs foke fauzi bowo ilc 17 juli part 1
Kunjungi http://jakarta-baru.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan video heboh 3gp pak jokowi yg beredar di masyarakat. ILC 17 Juli 2012 - Part 1 : Wawancara Jokowi...
jokowi vs foke fauzi bowo ilc 17 juli part 5
Kunjungi http://jakarta-baru.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan video heboh 3gp pak jokowi yg beredar di masyarakat. ILC 17 Juli 2012 - Part 5 : tim sukses Foke:...
Sambutan Duta Besar Jerman Fauzi Bowo - PPI Göttingen
Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Jerman, Dr.-ing Fauzi Bowo memberikan sambutan dalam rangkaian acara Temu Warga Indonesia Göttingen, Sosialisasi Pemilu 2014 dan P...
Fauzi Bowo Konferensi Pers Setelah Kalah Quick Count
Calon Gubernur Incumbent Fauzi Bowo mengadakan Konferensi Pers setelah mengetahui hasil Quick Count Pilkada DKI Jakarta Berita paling update tentang Pilkada ...
Foke : Dugaan Korupsi Fauzi Bowo
Kebobrokan Fauzi Bowo (Foke) dalam menangani tata kelola anggaran APBD, Dana Bantuan Sosial & dana hibah yang di duga bocor untuk memenangkan pemilukada DKI ...
Basuki TP (Ahok) : Tangkap Fauzi Bowo dan Sutiyoso
70 juta/bulan penghasilan saya melayang, gara-gara isentif PBB dicabut BPK. Siapa saja yang cari gara-gara, saya lawan.
Fauzi Bowo Tinjau Pelaksanaan UN SMA
Untuk memberikan semangat dan memotivasi para pelajar peserta ujian nasional (UN) tingkat SMA sederajat, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo meninjau pelaksanaan...
Fauzi Bowo Kunjungi Sentra Pembuatan Dodol Betawi
Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, mengunjugi sentra pembuatan dodol betawi milik Ibu Hj. Mamas di Condet, Jakarta Timur (August 16). Kunjungan orang nomor sa...
Fauzi Bowo Ajak Jokowi Keliling Balaikota
Di hari terakhir masa kerjanya sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, sejumlah kegiatan pemerintahan masih dijalankan pria yang akrab disapa Bang Fauzi te...
[FULL] Jokowi vs Fauzi Bowo di Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) 17 Juli 2012
Follow me on Twitter : @evelynhut http://www.twitter.com/evelynhut Indonesian Lawyer Club di tvOne (ILC), yang mempertemukan Kubu Jokowi dan Kubu Foke. Disku...
bagaimana kabar mantan wali kota jakarta sekarang?
Iklan Gubernur DKI Fauzi Bowo & Nachrowi Ramli - Jakarta Masa Depan
Fauzi Bowo Terindikasi Korup
PPATK sudah menyerahkan hasil pemeriksaan keuangan kepala daerah, baik yang masih aktif maupun yang sudah tidak lagi menjabat kepala daerah ke KPK. PPATK menemukan banyaknya rekening gemuk yang menimbulkan kecurigaan adanya praktik korupsi. KPK mengakui, salah satu nama yang masuk dalam daftar PPATK adalah mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta.
fauzi bowo MRT
proyek MRT yang dibangga-banggakan fauzi bowo adalah proyek dengan pendanaan world bang (pinjaman luar negri) yang tidak termasuk dalam pngeluaran anggaran A...
Fauzi Bowo Himbau Warga Jakarta Dukung Joko Widodo
Jangan ketinggalan berita penting! Berlangganan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEJL1siALdQe1F4KXu7Ncg?sub_confirmation=1.
Fauzi Bowo Nachrowi Bersatu Jakarta
@djitou @ipangwahid setuju. iklannya mantabs mas mbro..@RennyFernandez & @vansophi "@anakbar99: Iklan shalawatnya bagus mas
konferensi pers Fauzi Bowo menyikapi hasil quick count pilkada DKI.putaran 2 FINAL
konferensi pers Fauzi Bowo menyikapi hasil quick count pilkada DKI.putaran 2 FINAL.
Fauzi Bowo Tinjau Korban Banjir di Rawa Buaya
Ratusan warga Kelurahan Rawabuaya, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat, yang jadi korban banjir saat ini telah dievakuasi ke pengungsian di Lokasi Binaan Sen...
SERU, Debat Nachrowi (Nara) VS Basuki (Ahok). [Cawagubnya Foke Vs Jokowi] Metro Tv
Debat Resmi Cagub & Cawagub Putaran Kedua Fauzi Bowo Nara & Jokowi Ahok (16 September 2012) di Metro Tv. Lihat pula: Debat di Jak Tv (14 Septermber 2012) ......
Debat Resmi Cagub & Cawagub Putaran Kedua Fauzi Bowo Nara & Jokowi Ahok (16 September 2012) di Metro Tv. Lihat pula: Debat di Jak Tv (14 Septermber 2012) ...
wn.com/Seru, Debat Nachrowi (Nara) Vs Basuki (Ahok). Cawagubnya Foke Vs Jokowi Metro Tv
Debat Resmi Cagub & Cawagub Putaran Kedua Fauzi Bowo Nara & Jokowi Ahok (16 September 2012) di Metro Tv. Lihat pula: Debat di Jak Tv (14 Septermber 2012) ...
- published: 17 Sep 2012
- views: 475053
author: JKTnew
Foke: "Sekarang lo Nyoblos siapa? Kalo Nyoblos Jokowi mah bangun di Solo aja sono!"
INFO: tolong di "like" supaya video ini makin tersebar - biar lebih populer ranking-nya kalau di dislike malah rankingnya turun Good job Berita Satu (bukan T......
INFO: tolong di "like" supaya video ini makin tersebar - biar lebih populer ranking-nya kalau di dislike malah rankingnya turun Good job Berita Satu (bukan T...
wn.com/Foke Sekarang Lo Nyoblos Siapa Kalo Nyoblos Jokowi Mah Bangun Di Solo Aja Sono
INFO: tolong di "like" supaya video ini makin tersebar - biar lebih populer ranking-nya kalau di dislike malah rankingnya turun Good job Berita Satu (bukan T...
- published: 09 Aug 2012
- views: 66887
author: sekilasinfo
Fauzi Bowo jadi Dubes di Jerman? Tanggapan Masyarakat, Pelajar, dan Diaspora Indonesia di Jerman
Aliansi Peduli KBRI Jerman Pencalonan Fauzi Bowo menjadi Duta Besar RI di Jerman ditolak Warga Indonesia di Jerman. Untuk pertama kali nya dalam sejarah Indo......
Aliansi Peduli KBRI Jerman Pencalonan Fauzi Bowo menjadi Duta Besar RI di Jerman ditolak Warga Indonesia di Jerman. Untuk pertama kali nya dalam sejarah Indo...
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Jadi Dubes Di Jerman Tanggapan Masyarakat, Pelajar, Dan Diaspora Indonesia Di Jerman
Aliansi Peduli KBRI Jerman Pencalonan Fauzi Bowo menjadi Duta Besar RI di Jerman ditolak Warga Indonesia di Jerman. Untuk pertama kali nya dalam sejarah Indo...
- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 13431
author: apek jerman
Foke Marah (Gubernur DKI) Fauzi Bowo
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo marah ketika wartawan mengkonfirmasi soal rekomendasi Komnas HAM yang terkait insiden kerusuhan Makam Mbah Priok... Sumber Li......
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo marah ketika wartawan mengkonfirmasi soal rekomendasi Komnas HAM yang terkait insiden kerusuhan Makam Mbah Priok... Sumber Li...
wn.com/Foke Marah (Gubernur Dki) Fauzi Bowo
Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo marah ketika wartawan mengkonfirmasi soal rekomendasi Komnas HAM yang terkait insiden kerusuhan Makam Mbah Priok... Sumber Li...
- published: 20 Jul 2012
- views: 236958
author: Baru Indo
jokowi vs foke fauzi bowo ilc 17 juli part 1
Kunjungi http://jakarta-baru.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan video heboh 3gp pak jokowi yg beredar di masyarakat. ILC 17 Juli 2012 - Part 1 : Wawancara Jokowi......
Kunjungi http://jakarta-baru.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan video heboh 3gp pak jokowi yg beredar di masyarakat. ILC 17 Juli 2012 - Part 1 : Wawancara Jokowi...
wn.com/Jokowi Vs Foke Fauzi Bowo Ilc 17 Juli Part 1
Kunjungi http://jakarta-baru.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan video heboh 3gp pak jokowi yg beredar di masyarakat. ILC 17 Juli 2012 - Part 1 : Wawancara Jokowi...
jokowi vs foke fauzi bowo ilc 17 juli part 5
Kunjungi http://jakarta-baru.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan video heboh 3gp pak jokowi yg beredar di masyarakat. ILC 17 Juli 2012 - Part 5 : tim sukses Foke:......
Kunjungi http://jakarta-baru.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan video heboh 3gp pak jokowi yg beredar di masyarakat. ILC 17 Juli 2012 - Part 5 : tim sukses Foke:...
wn.com/Jokowi Vs Foke Fauzi Bowo Ilc 17 Juli Part 5
Kunjungi http://jakarta-baru.blogspot.com untuk mendapatkan video heboh 3gp pak jokowi yg beredar di masyarakat. ILC 17 Juli 2012 - Part 5 : tim sukses Foke:...
Sambutan Duta Besar Jerman Fauzi Bowo - PPI Göttingen
Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Jerman, Dr.-ing Fauzi Bowo memberikan sambutan dalam rangkaian acara Temu Warga Indonesia Göttingen, Sosialisasi Pemilu 2014 dan P......
Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Jerman, Dr.-ing Fauzi Bowo memberikan sambutan dalam rangkaian acara Temu Warga Indonesia Göttingen, Sosialisasi Pemilu 2014 dan P...
wn.com/Sambutan Duta Besar Jerman Fauzi Bowo Ppi Göttingen
Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Jerman, Dr.-ing Fauzi Bowo memberikan sambutan dalam rangkaian acara Temu Warga Indonesia Göttingen, Sosialisasi Pemilu 2014 dan P...
Fauzi Bowo Konferensi Pers Setelah Kalah Quick Count
Calon Gubernur Incumbent Fauzi Bowo mengadakan Konferensi Pers setelah mengetahui hasil Quick Count Pilkada DKI Jakarta Berita paling update tentang Pilkada ......
Calon Gubernur Incumbent Fauzi Bowo mengadakan Konferensi Pers setelah mengetahui hasil Quick Count Pilkada DKI Jakarta Berita paling update tentang Pilkada ...
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Konferensi Pers Setelah Kalah Quick Count
Calon Gubernur Incumbent Fauzi Bowo mengadakan Konferensi Pers setelah mengetahui hasil Quick Count Pilkada DKI Jakarta Berita paling update tentang Pilkada ...
- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 41687
author: RoadToDKI1
Foke : Dugaan Korupsi Fauzi Bowo
Kebobrokan Fauzi Bowo (Foke) dalam menangani tata kelola anggaran APBD, Dana Bantuan Sosial & dana hibah yang di duga bocor untuk memenangkan pemilukada DKI ......
Kebobrokan Fauzi Bowo (Foke) dalam menangani tata kelola anggaran APBD, Dana Bantuan Sosial & dana hibah yang di duga bocor untuk memenangkan pemilukada DKI ...
wn.com/Foke Dugaan Korupsi Fauzi Bowo
Kebobrokan Fauzi Bowo (Foke) dalam menangani tata kelola anggaran APBD, Dana Bantuan Sosial & dana hibah yang di duga bocor untuk memenangkan pemilukada DKI ...
- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 26943
author: Rony Putra
Basuki TP (Ahok) : Tangkap Fauzi Bowo dan Sutiyoso
70 juta/bulan penghasilan saya melayang, gara-gara isentif PBB dicabut BPK. Siapa saja yang cari gara-gara, saya lawan....
70 juta/bulan penghasilan saya melayang, gara-gara isentif PBB dicabut BPK. Siapa saja yang cari gara-gara, saya lawan.
wn.com/Basuki Tp (Ahok) Tangkap Fauzi Bowo Dan Sutiyoso
70 juta/bulan penghasilan saya melayang, gara-gara isentif PBB dicabut BPK. Siapa saja yang cari gara-gara, saya lawan.
Fauzi Bowo Tinjau Pelaksanaan UN SMA
Untuk memberikan semangat dan memotivasi para pelajar peserta ujian nasional (UN) tingkat SMA sederajat, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo meninjau pelaksanaan......
Untuk memberikan semangat dan memotivasi para pelajar peserta ujian nasional (UN) tingkat SMA sederajat, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo meninjau pelaksanaan...
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Tinjau Pelaksanaan Un Sma
Untuk memberikan semangat dan memotivasi para pelajar peserta ujian nasional (UN) tingkat SMA sederajat, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo meninjau pelaksanaan...
Fauzi Bowo Kunjungi Sentra Pembuatan Dodol Betawi
Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, mengunjugi sentra pembuatan dodol betawi milik Ibu Hj. Mamas di Condet, Jakarta Timur (August 16). Kunjungan orang nomor sa......
Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, mengunjugi sentra pembuatan dodol betawi milik Ibu Hj. Mamas di Condet, Jakarta Timur (August 16). Kunjungan orang nomor sa...
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Kunjungi Sentra Pembuatan Dodol Betawi
Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, mengunjugi sentra pembuatan dodol betawi milik Ibu Hj. Mamas di Condet, Jakarta Timur (August 16). Kunjungan orang nomor sa...
Fauzi Bowo Ajak Jokowi Keliling Balaikota
Di hari terakhir masa kerjanya sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, sejumlah kegiatan pemerintahan masih dijalankan pria yang akrab disapa Bang Fauzi te......
Di hari terakhir masa kerjanya sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, sejumlah kegiatan pemerintahan masih dijalankan pria yang akrab disapa Bang Fauzi te...
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Ajak Jokowi Keliling Balaikota
Di hari terakhir masa kerjanya sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, sejumlah kegiatan pemerintahan masih dijalankan pria yang akrab disapa Bang Fauzi te...
[FULL] Jokowi vs Fauzi Bowo di Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) 17 Juli 2012
Follow me on Twitter : @evelynhut http://www.twitter.com/evelynhut Indonesian Lawyer Club di tvOne (ILC), yang mempertemukan Kubu Jokowi dan Kubu Foke. Disku......
Follow me on Twitter : @evelynhut http://www.twitter.com/evelynhut Indonesian Lawyer Club di tvOne (ILC), yang mempertemukan Kubu Jokowi dan Kubu Foke. Disku...
wn.com/Full Jokowi Vs Fauzi Bowo Di Indonesian Lawyers Club (Ilc) 17 Juli 2012
Follow me on Twitter : @evelynhut http://www.twitter.com/evelynhut Indonesian Lawyer Club di tvOne (ILC), yang mempertemukan Kubu Jokowi dan Kubu Foke. Disku...
bagaimana kabar mantan wali kota jakarta sekarang?...
bagaimana kabar mantan wali kota jakarta sekarang?
wn.com/Kabar Fauzi Bowo
bagaimana kabar mantan wali kota jakarta sekarang?
- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 73
Iklan Gubernur DKI Fauzi Bowo & Nachrowi Ramli - Jakarta Masa Depan
wn.com/Iklan Gubernur Dki Fauzi Bowo Nachrowi Ramli Jakarta Masa Depan
- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 3477
author: yafa4523
Fauzi Bowo Terindikasi Korup
PPATK sudah menyerahkan hasil pemeriksaan keuangan kepala daerah, baik yang masih aktif maupun yang sudah tidak lagi menjabat kepala daerah ke KPK. PPATK menem...
PPATK sudah menyerahkan hasil pemeriksaan keuangan kepala daerah, baik yang masih aktif maupun yang sudah tidak lagi menjabat kepala daerah ke KPK. PPATK menemukan banyaknya rekening gemuk yang menimbulkan kecurigaan adanya praktik korupsi. KPK mengakui, salah satu nama yang masuk dalam daftar PPATK adalah mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta.
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Terindikasi Korup
PPATK sudah menyerahkan hasil pemeriksaan keuangan kepala daerah, baik yang masih aktif maupun yang sudah tidak lagi menjabat kepala daerah ke KPK. PPATK menemukan banyaknya rekening gemuk yang menimbulkan kecurigaan adanya praktik korupsi. KPK mengakui, salah satu nama yang masuk dalam daftar PPATK adalah mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta.
- published: 17 Dec 2014
- views: 281
fauzi bowo MRT
proyek MRT yang dibangga-banggakan fauzi bowo adalah proyek dengan pendanaan world bang (pinjaman luar negri) yang tidak termasuk dalam pngeluaran anggaran A......
proyek MRT yang dibangga-banggakan fauzi bowo adalah proyek dengan pendanaan world bang (pinjaman luar negri) yang tidak termasuk dalam pngeluaran anggaran A...
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Mrt
proyek MRT yang dibangga-banggakan fauzi bowo adalah proyek dengan pendanaan world bang (pinjaman luar negri) yang tidak termasuk dalam pngeluaran anggaran A...
Fauzi Bowo Himbau Warga Jakarta Dukung Joko Widodo
Jangan ketinggalan berita penting! Berlangganan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEJL1siALdQe1F4KXu7Ncg?sub_confirmation=1....
Jangan ketinggalan berita penting! Berlangganan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEJL1siALdQe1F4KXu7Ncg?sub_confirmation=1.
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Himbau Warga Jakarta Dukung Joko Widodo
Jangan ketinggalan berita penting! Berlangganan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEJL1siALdQe1F4KXu7Ncg?sub_confirmation=1.
Fauzi Bowo Nachrowi Bersatu Jakarta
@djitou @ipangwahid setuju. iklannya mantabs mas mbro..@RennyFernandez & @vansophi "@anakbar99: Iklan shalawatnya bagus mas...
@djitou @ipangwahid setuju. iklannya mantabs mas mbro..@RennyFernandez & @vansophi "@anakbar99: Iklan shalawatnya bagus mas
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Nachrowi Bersatu Jakarta
@djitou @ipangwahid setuju. iklannya mantabs mas mbro..@RennyFernandez & @vansophi "@anakbar99: Iklan shalawatnya bagus mas
- published: 17 Sep 2012
- views: 112
Fauzi Bowo Tinjau Korban Banjir di Rawa Buaya
Ratusan warga Kelurahan Rawabuaya, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat, yang jadi korban banjir saat ini telah dievakuasi ke pengungsian di Lokasi Binaan Sen......
Ratusan warga Kelurahan Rawabuaya, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat, yang jadi korban banjir saat ini telah dievakuasi ke pengungsian di Lokasi Binaan Sen...
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Tinjau Korban Banjir Di Rawa Buaya
Ratusan warga Kelurahan Rawabuaya, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat, yang jadi korban banjir saat ini telah dievakuasi ke pengungsian di Lokasi Binaan Sen...
Indonesian Chinese Celebrate Cultural Diversity
Each year Brother-Sister looks for youngsters of Chinese descent in Indonesia who have the beauty, brains and talent. Several tests and interviews are held t...
Fantom (bc)ap fe tatou sou li(fantom tatouage)
special live, rapkreyol video.
Fauzi Bowo speech at British Embassy
Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo speech at Joint Press Conference with Minister Joan Ruddock at the British Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia.
Saying Goodbye to Styrofoam
Moving onto Indonesia where styrofoam is no longer used in the popular Ancol tourist park in Jakarta. It's been replaced because of the danger it causes to o...
Fake Job Interview - Mothers Day
http://www.start.carmenhines.com As I watch this video me as a mother of 4 I said wow how much work...but then I can only think about my Mother she had 11 ki...
Sch // Massimo // Clip Officiel // by Equinox Films
Sch // Massimo // Clip Officiel // by Equinox Films
I want to foke and the table
brazillian guy joke lol its funny, he dosnt speak English very well so hs words or amazing
OECD Roundtable for Mayors and Ministers, Paris, May 25, 2010
Text: The OECD Roundtable for Mayors and Ministers provides the preeminent forum to develop inter-governmental approaches for stronger, more effective urban ...
Bubba Sparxxx - Country Folks ft. Colt Ford & Danny Boone
Music video by Bubba Sparxxx performing Country Folks. (C) 2013 Average Joes Entertainment.
Merpati Putih & Mas Fauzi Bowo
tradisi 2009 parangkusumo merpati putih cabang banyumas
Indonesia Promises Peaceful Election
ANCHOR: Indonesian political parties are gathering to ensure this year's election will stay peaceful. The country is trying to keep its reputation for having...
@zaktouch & Fantom interview at radio galaxy with Missionai
[FASTCOMM - PEMPROV DKI] - HUT DKI 485- Pidato Fauzi Bowo
Interview Of Celebrity Singer Of Bangladesh Akhi Alamgir With Shaifur Rahman by eurobdnewsonline com
Akhi Alamgir. name is enough to recognize in bangladesh.Hot and pretty celebrity singer,model,actress.Her father and mother also very famous in bangladesh. H...
Jokowi,Ahok,Foke,Megawati Temu Kangen
Pertemuan seperti genjatan senjata antara Jokowi Ahok Megawati dan Foke(Fauzi Bowo) Like,Comment, dan Subscribe yaaa...
Wawancara Gurbernur DKI jakarta (JOKO WIDODO) Dengan TV AUSTRALIA
Tidak hanya menjadi sorotan media lokal. Rupanya media asing pun tertarik dengan perubahan politik yang terjadi di Jakarta. Berikut adalah cuplikan interview antara ABC Australia denga Gubernur Jakarta, Joko Widodo. Dengan Engliskkromo (Seperti yang disebut beberapa komentar di YouTube, karena kosakata Inggrisnya yang lucu dan pas-pasan) Pak Jokowi menjawab berbagai pertanyaan dengan tipikal gaya
ChaCha Mahiya Master Hussain Bakhsh Kausar UK Interview Part 2 The Hindko Mahia King Abbottabad
Interview Part 2 The (Late) Master Hussain Bakhsh Kausar ChaCha Mahiya The legend of Hazara The king of Hindko Mahiya Abbottabad Pakistan Arshad Mehmood Inte...
The Dear Leader Can Read Minds - North Korea Brainwashing
"I lived in North Korea for the first 15 years of my life, believing Kim Jong-il was a god. I never doubted it because I didn't know anything else. I could not even imagine life outside of the regime.
It was like living in hell. There were constant power outages, so everything was dark. There was no transportation -- everyone had to walk everywhere. It was very dirty and no one could eat anything
DONKEY ROLLERS Interview - Ground Zero Festival 2014
Enjoy the interview with Donkeyrollers right now!
More videos ► http://goo.gl/CmB57L
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Website ► http://goo.gl/c6WgAK
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/groundzerofestival
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Soundcloud ► https://soundcloud.com/groundzerofestival
Ground Zero 2015 Tickets ► http://goo.gl/YS01x7
Sara Jay On How Adult Career Affected Her Marriage
http://www.vladtv.com/ - The Ohio native, who got into the porn business more than a decade ago, discusses how her new career choice affected her marriage to...
Segmen 3 (Kepemerintahan) Debat calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta Putaran Kedua
Segmen Ketiga, Kepemerintahan* Debat calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta putaran kedua, Fauzi Bowo dengan Jokowi yang digelar KPU DKI Jakarta di Hotel Grand Melia, K...
Pakistani folk singer Reshma`s musical journey
Pakistani folk singer Reshma`s musical journey.
Vorschau Herne: Interview mit Nils Liesegang
Löwen TV hat mit Nils Liesegang vor dem Spiel gegen den Herner EV gesprochen. Wer würde auch besser dazu passen? Schließlich kommt der aktuelle Löwen-Topscorer aus Herne... seht selbst, was er sagen hat!
Indonesian Chinese Celebrate Cultural Diversity
Each year Brother-Sister looks for youngsters of Chinese descent in Indonesia who have the beauty, brains and talent. Several tests and interviews are held t......
Each year Brother-Sister looks for youngsters of Chinese descent in Indonesia who have the beauty, brains and talent. Several tests and interviews are held t...
wn.com/Indonesian Chinese Celebrate Cultural Diversity
Each year Brother-Sister looks for youngsters of Chinese descent in Indonesia who have the beauty, brains and talent. Several tests and interviews are held t...
- published: 23 Nov 2009
- views: 2453
author: NTDTV
Fauzi Bowo speech at British Embassy
Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo speech at Joint Press Conference with Minister Joan Ruddock at the British Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia....
Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo speech at Joint Press Conference with Minister Joan Ruddock at the British Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia.
wn.com/Fauzi Bowo Speech At British Embassy
Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo speech at Joint Press Conference with Minister Joan Ruddock at the British Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia.
Saying Goodbye to Styrofoam
Moving onto Indonesia where styrofoam is no longer used in the popular Ancol tourist park in Jakarta. It's been replaced because of the danger it causes to o......
Moving onto Indonesia where styrofoam is no longer used in the popular Ancol tourist park in Jakarta. It's been replaced because of the danger it causes to o...
wn.com/Saying Goodbye To Styrofoam
Moving onto Indonesia where styrofoam is no longer used in the popular Ancol tourist park in Jakarta. It's been replaced because of the danger it causes to o...
- published: 12 Jan 2009
- views: 409
author: NTDTV
Fake Job Interview - Mothers Day
http://www.start.carmenhines.com As I watch this video me as a mother of 4 I said wow how much work...but then I can only think about my Mother she had 11 ki......
http://www.start.carmenhines.com As I watch this video me as a mother of 4 I said wow how much work...but then I can only think about my Mother she had 11 ki...
wn.com/Fake Job Interview Mothers Day
http://www.start.carmenhines.com As I watch this video me as a mother of 4 I said wow how much work...but then I can only think about my Mother she had 11 ki...
- published: 04 May 2014
- views: 42873
author: Carmen Roca
Sch // Massimo // Clip Officiel // by Equinox Films
Sch // Massimo // Clip Officiel // by Equinox Films
Sch // Massimo // Clip Officiel // by Equinox Films
wn.com/Sch Massimo Clip Officiel By Equinox Films
Sch // Massimo // Clip Officiel // by Equinox Films
- published: 10 May 2015
- views: 75118
I want to foke and the table
brazillian guy joke lol its funny, he dosnt speak English very well so hs words or amazing...
brazillian guy joke lol its funny, he dosnt speak English very well so hs words or amazing
wn.com/I Want To Foke And The Table
brazillian guy joke lol its funny, he dosnt speak English very well so hs words or amazing
- published: 30 Dec 2015
- views: 9
OECD Roundtable for Mayors and Ministers, Paris, May 25, 2010
Text: The OECD Roundtable for Mayors and Ministers provides the preeminent forum to develop inter-governmental approaches for stronger, more effective urban ......
Text: The OECD Roundtable for Mayors and Ministers provides the preeminent forum to develop inter-governmental approaches for stronger, more effective urban ...
wn.com/Oecd Roundtable For Mayors And Ministers, Paris, May 25, 2010
Text: The OECD Roundtable for Mayors and Ministers provides the preeminent forum to develop inter-governmental approaches for stronger, more effective urban ...
- published: 16 Nov 2010
- views: 337
author: oecden
Bubba Sparxxx - Country Folks ft. Colt Ford & Danny Boone
Music video by Bubba Sparxxx performing Country Folks. (C) 2013 Average Joes Entertainment....
Music video by Bubba Sparxxx performing Country Folks. (C) 2013 Average Joes Entertainment.
wn.com/Bubba Sparxxx Country Folks Ft. Colt Ford Danny Boone
Music video by Bubba Sparxxx performing Country Folks. (C) 2013 Average Joes Entertainment.
Merpati Putih & Mas Fauzi Bowo
tradisi 2009 parangkusumo merpati putih cabang banyumas...
tradisi 2009 parangkusumo merpati putih cabang banyumas
wn.com/Merpati Putih Mas Fauzi Bowo
tradisi 2009 parangkusumo merpati putih cabang banyumas
- published: 20 May 2009
- views: 967
Indonesia Promises Peaceful Election
ANCHOR: Indonesian political parties are gathering to ensure this year's election will stay peaceful. The country is trying to keep its reputation for having......
ANCHOR: Indonesian political parties are gathering to ensure this year's election will stay peaceful. The country is trying to keep its reputation for having...
wn.com/Indonesia Promises Peaceful Election
ANCHOR: Indonesian political parties are gathering to ensure this year's election will stay peaceful. The country is trying to keep its reputation for having...
- published: 22 Jul 2008
- views: 466
author: NTDTV
Interview Of Celebrity Singer Of Bangladesh Akhi Alamgir With Shaifur Rahman by eurobdnewsonline com
Akhi Alamgir. name is enough to recognize in bangladesh.Hot and pretty celebrity singer,model,actress.Her father and mother also very famous in bangladesh. H......
Akhi Alamgir. name is enough to recognize in bangladesh.Hot and pretty celebrity singer,model,actress.Her father and mother also very famous in bangladesh. H...
wn.com/Interview Of Celebrity Singer Of Bangladesh Akhi Alamgir With Shaifur Rahman By Eurobdnewsonline Com
Akhi Alamgir. name is enough to recognize in bangladesh.Hot and pretty celebrity singer,model,actress.Her father and mother also very famous in bangladesh. H...
Jokowi,Ahok,Foke,Megawati Temu Kangen
Pertemuan seperti genjatan senjata antara Jokowi Ahok Megawati dan Foke(Fauzi Bowo) Like,Comment, dan Subscribe yaaa......
Pertemuan seperti genjatan senjata antara Jokowi Ahok Megawati dan Foke(Fauzi Bowo) Like,Comment, dan Subscribe yaaa...
wn.com/Jokowi,Ahok,Foke,Megawati Temu Kangen
Pertemuan seperti genjatan senjata antara Jokowi Ahok Megawati dan Foke(Fauzi Bowo) Like,Comment, dan Subscribe yaaa...
Wawancara Gurbernur DKI jakarta (JOKO WIDODO) Dengan TV AUSTRALIA
Tidak hanya menjadi sorotan media lokal. Rupanya media asing pun tertarik dengan perubahan politik yang terjadi di Jakarta. Berikut adalah cuplikan interview an...
Tidak hanya menjadi sorotan media lokal. Rupanya media asing pun tertarik dengan perubahan politik yang terjadi di Jakarta. Berikut adalah cuplikan interview antara ABC Australia denga Gubernur Jakarta, Joko Widodo. Dengan Engliskkromo (Seperti yang disebut beberapa komentar di YouTube, karena kosakata Inggrisnya yang lucu dan pas-pasan) Pak Jokowi menjawab berbagai pertanyaan dengan tipikal gayanya yang santai.
Q: There are several challenges that you want to tackle for this city. When we feel like we're making some progress? (Ada beberapa tantangan yang ingin anda atasi di kota ini, Kapan kita akan merasakan adanya perkembangan?)
A: Yes, Hmmm..There must be a big change yah. And we must be active in promoting the changing. (Ya, Hmmm...Harus ada perkembangan besar yah. Dan kita harus aktif dalam mempromosikan perubahan)
Q: There is big significant gap between rich and poor in this city. How important is it for you to close that gap? (Ada jurang besar antara orang kaya dan miskin di kota ini. Seberapa penting penutupan jurang tersebut bagi anda?)
A: The poor is my concern. Like I told you that there is hmmm.....more than 360 slums area. So we have housing program for slum area. There is open green space. There is also micro library. So I think if we give attention to the poor people, they will give a back also, something to the city. (Orang miskin adalah perhatian saya. Seperti yang saya jelaskan, ada lebih 360 pemukiman kumuh di Jakarta. Jadi kami memiliki program rumah susun untuk daerah kumuh. Akan ada ruang hijau. Akan ada perpustakaan micro. Jadi saya pikir bila kami memberikan perhatian pada orang miskin, mereka akan memberikan masukan, sesuatu untuk kota juga)
Q: City is important for you to help poor people with housing program for instance. (Jadi{pemerintah} kota ini sangat penting bagi anda dalam penanganan program rumah susun?)
A: Yes...and I will give 60-70% of our local budget from Jakarta budget to the poor. For the healthy program, for the education program, for the housing program. Because I want to make the gap they have and they have not, decreasing. (Ya dan saya akan memberikan 60-70% dari budget lokal pada orang miskin. Alokasinya untuk program kesehatan, edukasi dan perumahan. Saya ingin mengurangi jurang yang ada antara kaya dan miskin)
Q: And why important? Is it because as you see it they can give something back to city? (Dan mengapa penting? Karena anda melihat mereka{orang miskin} dapat memberi sumbangsih juga untuk Jakarta?)
A: Yes, because more than 30 year, there is no attention to the poor. Always we gave more than 60-70% our budget to give facilite...facility to the head. And I want to make different. Give our local budget to the poor. (Ya, karena lebih dari 30 tahun, tidak ada perhatian untuk orang miskin. Selalu kita membuang alokasi dana 60-70% justru pada petinggi-petinggi elit. Saya ingin membuat hal yang berbeda. Mengalokasi dana untuk orang miskin)
Q: Moving to something else Pak Joko. Jakarta is the centre of one of world's fastest growing economy. Do you also see your job as making its city a place where it is better to do business? (Beralih ke topik lain Pak Joko. Jakarta adalah pusat dari salah satu pertumbuhan ekonomi tercepat di dunia. Apakah anda juga melihat pekerjaan ini sebagai kesempatan untuk menjadikan Jakarta tempat berbisnis yang lebih baik?)
A: I want to make a bureaucracy reform about business permit yah. I will make one-stop-service. So, when you ask for business permit. Before, 6 month, 8 month or ten month. And I want only one week maximum. (Saya ingin membuat reformasi birokrasi mengenai ijin bisnis. Saya akan buat one-stop service. Jadi ketika anda mengajukan ijin bisnis. Dulu bisa enam, delapan atau bahkan sepuluh bulan. Sekarang saya mau satu minggu paling lama)
Q: And the you're dealing with many different groups with different relationship to manage. Are you confident you can bring them on board with your vision? (Dan juga anda berhadapan dengan banyak grup dan hubungan yang berbeda untuk ditata. Apakah anda yakin, dapat mebawa mereka selaras dengan visi anda?)
A: It is just communication (Ini mah cuma masalah komunikasi)
Q: Pak Joko Widodo, what is your vision for the city of Jakarta? (Pak Joko Widodo, apa visi anda untuk kota Jakarta?)
A: They can do business here better than the other City. And then, also people in Jakarta, they happy because there is no traffic jam, there is no flooding, there is no poor here. This is our dream...hehehe. (Supaya mereka dapat berbisnis lebih baik dibanding kota lain. Dan juga, rakyat Jakarta, mereka senang karena tidak ada lagi macet, banjir, kemiskinan. Inilah mimpi kami)
Q: So you feel fairly confident about that... (Jadi anda cukup yakin)
A: Yes I am very optimistic. (Ya, saya sangat optimis)
wn.com/Wawancara Gurbernur Dki Jakarta (Joko Widodo) Dengan Tv Australia
Tidak hanya menjadi sorotan media lokal. Rupanya media asing pun tertarik dengan perubahan politik yang terjadi di Jakarta. Berikut adalah cuplikan interview antara ABC Australia denga Gubernur Jakarta, Joko Widodo. Dengan Engliskkromo (Seperti yang disebut beberapa komentar di YouTube, karena kosakata Inggrisnya yang lucu dan pas-pasan) Pak Jokowi menjawab berbagai pertanyaan dengan tipikal gayanya yang santai.
Q: There are several challenges that you want to tackle for this city. When we feel like we're making some progress? (Ada beberapa tantangan yang ingin anda atasi di kota ini, Kapan kita akan merasakan adanya perkembangan?)
A: Yes, Hmmm..There must be a big change yah. And we must be active in promoting the changing. (Ya, Hmmm...Harus ada perkembangan besar yah. Dan kita harus aktif dalam mempromosikan perubahan)
Q: There is big significant gap between rich and poor in this city. How important is it for you to close that gap? (Ada jurang besar antara orang kaya dan miskin di kota ini. Seberapa penting penutupan jurang tersebut bagi anda?)
A: The poor is my concern. Like I told you that there is hmmm.....more than 360 slums area. So we have housing program for slum area. There is open green space. There is also micro library. So I think if we give attention to the poor people, they will give a back also, something to the city. (Orang miskin adalah perhatian saya. Seperti yang saya jelaskan, ada lebih 360 pemukiman kumuh di Jakarta. Jadi kami memiliki program rumah susun untuk daerah kumuh. Akan ada ruang hijau. Akan ada perpustakaan micro. Jadi saya pikir bila kami memberikan perhatian pada orang miskin, mereka akan memberikan masukan, sesuatu untuk kota juga)
Q: City is important for you to help poor people with housing program for instance. (Jadi{pemerintah} kota ini sangat penting bagi anda dalam penanganan program rumah susun?)
A: Yes...and I will give 60-70% of our local budget from Jakarta budget to the poor. For the healthy program, for the education program, for the housing program. Because I want to make the gap they have and they have not, decreasing. (Ya dan saya akan memberikan 60-70% dari budget lokal pada orang miskin. Alokasinya untuk program kesehatan, edukasi dan perumahan. Saya ingin mengurangi jurang yang ada antara kaya dan miskin)
Q: And why important? Is it because as you see it they can give something back to city? (Dan mengapa penting? Karena anda melihat mereka{orang miskin} dapat memberi sumbangsih juga untuk Jakarta?)
A: Yes, because more than 30 year, there is no attention to the poor. Always we gave more than 60-70% our budget to give facilite...facility to the head. And I want to make different. Give our local budget to the poor. (Ya, karena lebih dari 30 tahun, tidak ada perhatian untuk orang miskin. Selalu kita membuang alokasi dana 60-70% justru pada petinggi-petinggi elit. Saya ingin membuat hal yang berbeda. Mengalokasi dana untuk orang miskin)
Q: Moving to something else Pak Joko. Jakarta is the centre of one of world's fastest growing economy. Do you also see your job as making its city a place where it is better to do business? (Beralih ke topik lain Pak Joko. Jakarta adalah pusat dari salah satu pertumbuhan ekonomi tercepat di dunia. Apakah anda juga melihat pekerjaan ini sebagai kesempatan untuk menjadikan Jakarta tempat berbisnis yang lebih baik?)
A: I want to make a bureaucracy reform about business permit yah. I will make one-stop-service. So, when you ask for business permit. Before, 6 month, 8 month or ten month. And I want only one week maximum. (Saya ingin membuat reformasi birokrasi mengenai ijin bisnis. Saya akan buat one-stop service. Jadi ketika anda mengajukan ijin bisnis. Dulu bisa enam, delapan atau bahkan sepuluh bulan. Sekarang saya mau satu minggu paling lama)
Q: And the you're dealing with many different groups with different relationship to manage. Are you confident you can bring them on board with your vision? (Dan juga anda berhadapan dengan banyak grup dan hubungan yang berbeda untuk ditata. Apakah anda yakin, dapat mebawa mereka selaras dengan visi anda?)
A: It is just communication (Ini mah cuma masalah komunikasi)
Q: Pak Joko Widodo, what is your vision for the city of Jakarta? (Pak Joko Widodo, apa visi anda untuk kota Jakarta?)
A: They can do business here better than the other City. And then, also people in Jakarta, they happy because there is no traffic jam, there is no flooding, there is no poor here. This is our dream...hehehe. (Supaya mereka dapat berbisnis lebih baik dibanding kota lain. Dan juga, rakyat Jakarta, mereka senang karena tidak ada lagi macet, banjir, kemiskinan. Inilah mimpi kami)
Q: So you feel fairly confident about that... (Jadi anda cukup yakin)
A: Yes I am very optimistic. (Ya, saya sangat optimis)
- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 32259
ChaCha Mahiya Master Hussain Bakhsh Kausar UK Interview Part 2 The Hindko Mahia King Abbottabad
Interview Part 2 The (Late) Master Hussain Bakhsh Kausar ChaCha Mahiya The legend of Hazara The king of Hindko Mahiya Abbottabad Pakistan Arshad Mehmood Inte......
Interview Part 2 The (Late) Master Hussain Bakhsh Kausar ChaCha Mahiya The legend of Hazara The king of Hindko Mahiya Abbottabad Pakistan Arshad Mehmood Inte...
wn.com/Chacha Mahiya Master Hussain Bakhsh Kausar UK Interview Part 2 The Hindko Mahia King Abbottabad
Interview Part 2 The (Late) Master Hussain Bakhsh Kausar ChaCha Mahiya The legend of Hazara The king of Hindko Mahiya Abbottabad Pakistan Arshad Mehmood Inte...
The Dear Leader Can Read Minds - North Korea Brainwashing
"I lived in North Korea for the first 15 years of my life, believing Kim Jong-il was a god. I never doubted it because I didn't know anything else. I could not ...
"I lived in North Korea for the first 15 years of my life, believing Kim Jong-il was a god. I never doubted it because I didn't know anything else. I could not even imagine life outside of the regime.
It was like living in hell. There were constant power outages, so everything was dark. There was no transportation -- everyone had to walk everywhere. It was very dirty and no one could eat anything.
It was not the right conditions for human life, but you couldn't think about it, let alone complain about it. Even though you were suffering, you had to worship the regime every day."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.
*Read more here from Yeonmi Park / Daily Life:
The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET.
Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)
The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution.
We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either.
The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly.
Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://www.tytnetwork.com/tytmembership. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth.
Join The Young Turks Network mailing list https://www.tytnetwork.com/secure/sign-up-free/
or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://www.youtube.com/user/theyoungturks?sub_confirmation=1
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wn.com/The Dear Leader Can Read Minds North Korea Brainwashing
"I lived in North Korea for the first 15 years of my life, believing Kim Jong-il was a god. I never doubted it because I didn't know anything else. I could not even imagine life outside of the regime.
It was like living in hell. There were constant power outages, so everything was dark. There was no transportation -- everyone had to walk everywhere. It was very dirty and no one could eat anything.
It was not the right conditions for human life, but you couldn't think about it, let alone complain about it. Even though you were suffering, you had to worship the regime every day."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.
*Read more here from Yeonmi Park / Daily Life:
The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET.
Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)
The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution.
We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either.
The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly.
Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://www.tytnetwork.com/tytmembership. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth.
Join The Young Turks Network mailing list https://www.tytnetwork.com/secure/sign-up-free/
or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://www.youtube.com/user/theyoungturks?sub_confirmation=1
Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks
Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks
Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=theyoungturks-20
Get your TYT Merch: http://shoptyt.com or http://theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com/
- published: 20 Apr 2014
- views: 382507
DONKEY ROLLERS Interview - Ground Zero Festival 2014
Enjoy the interview with Donkeyrollers right now!
More videos ► http://goo.gl/CmB57L
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://goo.gl/fW4McX
Website ► http://goo.gl/c...
Enjoy the interview with Donkeyrollers right now!
More videos ► http://goo.gl/CmB57L
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://goo.gl/fW4McX
Website ► http://goo.gl/c6WgAK
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/groundzerofestival
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/GroundZeroFest
Soundcloud ► https://soundcloud.com/groundzerofestival
Ground Zero 2015 Tickets ► http://goo.gl/YS01x7
Please: Respect each other in the comments.
Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Harder style lovers! Ground Zero Festival, the only night festival in the Netherlands, brings you the best of hardcore, industrial hardcore, early hardcore, frenchcore, hardstyle, raw hardstyle and freestyle with a greater and more varied line-up than ever before!
Of course Ground Zero Festival will ensure a familiar underground feeling and the darkest decoration on the mysterious Bussloo grounds.
wn.com/Donkey Rollers Interview Ground Zero Festival 2014
Enjoy the interview with Donkeyrollers right now!
More videos ► http://goo.gl/CmB57L
Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://goo.gl/fW4McX
Website ► http://goo.gl/c6WgAK
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/groundzerofestival
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/GroundZeroFest
Soundcloud ► https://soundcloud.com/groundzerofestival
Ground Zero 2015 Tickets ► http://goo.gl/YS01x7
Please: Respect each other in the comments.
Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Harder style lovers! Ground Zero Festival, the only night festival in the Netherlands, brings you the best of hardcore, industrial hardcore, early hardcore, frenchcore, hardstyle, raw hardstyle and freestyle with a greater and more varied line-up than ever before!
Of course Ground Zero Festival will ensure a familiar underground feeling and the darkest decoration on the mysterious Bussloo grounds.
- published: 21 Sep 2014
- views: 633
Sara Jay On How Adult Career Affected Her Marriage
http://www.vladtv.com/ - The Ohio native, who got into the porn business more than a decade ago, discusses how her new career choice affected her marriage to......
http://www.vladtv.com/ - The Ohio native, who got into the porn business more than a decade ago, discusses how her new career choice affected her marriage to...
wn.com/Sara Jay On How Adult Career Affected Her Marriage
http://www.vladtv.com/ - The Ohio native, who got into the porn business more than a decade ago, discusses how her new career choice affected her marriage to...
- published: 06 Jan 2013
- views: 630040
author: djvlad
Segmen 3 (Kepemerintahan) Debat calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta Putaran Kedua
Segmen Ketiga, Kepemerintahan* Debat calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta putaran kedua, Fauzi Bowo dengan Jokowi yang digelar KPU DKI Jakarta di Hotel Grand Melia, K......
Segmen Ketiga, Kepemerintahan* Debat calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta putaran kedua, Fauzi Bowo dengan Jokowi yang digelar KPU DKI Jakarta di Hotel Grand Melia, K...
wn.com/Segmen 3 (Kepemerintahan) Debat Calon Gubernur Dki Jakarta Putaran Kedua
Segmen Ketiga, Kepemerintahan* Debat calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta putaran kedua, Fauzi Bowo dengan Jokowi yang digelar KPU DKI Jakarta di Hotel Grand Melia, K...
Vorschau Herne: Interview mit Nils Liesegang
Löwen TV hat mit Nils Liesegang vor dem Spiel gegen den Herner EV gesprochen. Wer würde auch besser dazu passen? Schließlich kommt der aktuelle Löwen-Topscorer ...
Löwen TV hat mit Nils Liesegang vor dem Spiel gegen den Herner EV gesprochen. Wer würde auch besser dazu passen? Schließlich kommt der aktuelle Löwen-Topscorer aus Herne... seht selbst, was er sagen hat!
wn.com/Vorschau Herne Interview Mit Nils Liesegang
Löwen TV hat mit Nils Liesegang vor dem Spiel gegen den Herner EV gesprochen. Wer würde auch besser dazu passen? Schließlich kommt der aktuelle Löwen-Topscorer aus Herne... seht selbst, was er sagen hat!
- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 1821