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Emails expose close ties between Hillary Clinton and accused war criminal Henry Kissinger

Trump and Cruz Take Feud Off Stage After Bitter Debate

Residents Of Flint Are Being Billed For Poisoned Water And Threatened With Shutoffs If They Don’t Pay

Hillary Clinton’s National Lead Is Slipping Faster In 2016 Than It Did In 2008

The Religious Right's Hijacking of "Religious Freedom"

Why the GOP's Fence Fantasy Is a Farce
-- Jim Hightower on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Ted Cruz’s Failure to Disclose Wall Street Loan Is a Real Legal Problem

The dismal, dark world of the GOP debate

Planned Parenthood Sues “Complex Criminal Enterprise” Behind Deceptive Videos

U.S. stocks plunge at the open, Dow down nearly 400 points

4,000 artifacts stored at Oregon refuge held by armed group

Child Cardiac Patients at Risk After For-Profit Hospital System Donates to Florida GOP
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

Chomsky hits back at Erdoğan, accusing him of double standards on terrorism
US academic says Turkish president – who has condemned leftwing critics for ignorance – has been aiding Isis, which he blamed for bomb attack on Istanbul

SPLC investigating legality of ICE raids

Five GOP Candidates To Join Pastor Who Says AIDS Is God's Punishment For Gay People

SPLC calls for Chief Justice Moore's removal from office in new ethics complaint

Groups Decrying 'Dark Money' Use Shadowy Money Themselves

The Burning Truth Behind an E-Waste Dump in Africa
Ending the toxic smoke rising from an iconic dump in Ghana will take more than curbing Western waste

Lower pay for poor is widening US income gap, study

Gov. Brownback’s proposed budget fix includes sweeps from transportation, children’s programs

Ten detainees transferred, Leaving fewer than 100 prisoners at Guantanamo

What to do if federal agencies come to deport you

Republican debate sure to highlight party's fractured field

Indiana Governor: ‘Religious Freedom’ Should Trump Civil Rights

Legislators probe conflicting messages on water drinking-safety standards

Why Thousands of Dead Seabirds Are Washing Ashore in Alaska

Judge orders Chicago to release police shooting video

Flint refuses to be poisoned

Israel preparing to force-feed hunger striking prisoner, warns PA

Exposing CA's Deceptive New 'Internet Voting' Ballot Initiative Scheme

Renewables Saw More Money Invested and More Capacity Added in 2015 Than Ever Before
-- Cole Mellino for BuzzFlash at Truthout

All is not OK: Oklahoma records 70 earthquakes in a week

Climate change disaster is biggest threat to global economy in 2016, say experts

Algeria installed 268MW of solar in 2015

GOP front-runners defy ‘autopsy’ of party defeats

When the Supreme Court Busts a Union

EU failing to deliver on migration plans

Afrikan Black Coalition Accomplishes UC Prison Divestment!

Judge: Lawsuit saying Central American migrants are held in filthy, inhumane conditions can go forward

Clinton attacks produce windfall of campaign cash for Sanders

Charles P. Pierce | The Big Water Crisis Isn't Looming Around the Corner. It's Already Here

Family of Italian aid worker killed in US drone strike still waiting for answers

TransCanada's Financial Claim Against the US Shows Danger of Trade Pacts
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

The Right-to-Work Movement's Attack on Women Workers

We Shouldn't "Take Their Oil"

Has the Sovereign Citizen Movement Hijacked the Oregon Standoff?

Muslims, guns and 'New York values': tensions boil over at Republican debate

This Republican Debate Was Nasty, Brutish and Long

Sanders: Clinton 'in serious trouble'

White House to freeze new coal mining efforts as it reviews industry

Starvation in Syria 'a war crime,' U.N. chief says

Planned Parenthood sues over undercover abortion videos

BLM Co-Founder: President Obama, What About Black Lives?

5 Ways Democratic Socialism Isn't What You Think

Here’s why the Confederate monuments in New Orleans must come down

Hillary, Hypocrisy, and Healthcare

Oil Train Civil Disobedience Case Puts Climate Destruction on Trial, a First in the US

In Africa, Cheap and Deadly Rocket Launchers Find a Niche

Detroit Federation Of Teachers, Sick Of Crumbling Schools, Are Fighting Back

Bill lets businesses refuse services to gay couples in Georgia

'The Forest' Plays Suicide for Cheap Scares
The latest horror film "based on a true story" is a case study in culturally insensitive Hollywood marketing.

Obama says will focus on criminal justice reform, cancer research

Requiem for a News Channel

Where Do the Presidential Candidates Stand on the Refugee Crisis?

As diseases proliferate, mosquitoes becoming Public Enemy No. 1

Ganges dam project stumbles on Indian flooding fears

UN database for Gaza aid may give Israel targets to attack — secret memo

For Black Women’s Lives to Matter, Legislators Must Halt Attacks on Our Bodily Autonomy

Howard Dean, Now Employed by Health Care Lobby Firm, Opposes Bernie Sanders on Single-Payer

New Ads Counter Anti-Choice Hate Speech, Destigmatize Abortion

Actor Danny Trejo Is Opening A Vegan Taqueria In L.A.
The plant-based menu isn't the restaurant's only virtue. After service is over, any leftover food will be donated to a local homeless shelter.

NY gov aims to phase out coal by 2020

Sacramento Has the Most Net-Zero Buildings of Any City in America

Rubio: Let’s Be Number One In Renewables

Was Canada's Latest Earthquake the Largest Fracking Quake in the World?
-- Lorraine Chow for BuzzFlash at Truthout

A crime justified by climate change? Activists caught in legal showdown
‘Delta Five’ blocked oil train in Washington but say their actions were moral as judge gives them a ‘Hail Mary pass’ to argue a ‘necessity defense’

UN: International migration surged 41 percent since 2000

Obama Speech Ignored His Death Toll at Home and Abroad

Homan Square: legislators vote for DoJ inquiry of Chicago police to add facility
Justice Department pressured to expand civil rights investigation as Rahm Emanuel’s challenger calls secret detention warehouse’s inclusion ‘crucial’

Kshama Sawant Shows That Ordinary People Aren’t Afraid of Unapologetic Leftist Politics

Ted Cruz Didn’t Disclose Loan From Goldman Sachs for His First Senate Campaign