The Huffington Post UK Terms of Service

This Agreement is between you and AOL (UK) Limited (AOL, we or us).

This AOL Web Services Agreement (the Agreement) applies to your use of AOL's web sites (including but not limited to and, as well as other pages, information, software, services, products and content which may be operated, hosted or managed by AOL or its affilates (together, the AOL Web Services). Some of these products and services may require your use of a Screen Name, and this Agreement contains terms which are applicable to the use of such products and services. Please be aware that AOL's websites may include content from other countries or sources where separate terms of use may apply. It is your responsibility to read the applicable terms of use that appear in the footer of each page and if you do not agree to those terms, then please leave the site. Your continued use of any AOL site or affiliate site will be deemed to be your acceptance of the applicable terms.

By using AOL Web Services as a casual visitor, or by completing the registration process to obtain and use a Screen Name or User Name, you signify that you agree to this Agreement.
Please print and/or save a downloaded copy of the Agreement on your computer for your reference. The terms of this Agreement may be updated or additional terms may apply, from time to time. Each time you visit AOL Web Services please look out for these notices of updates and when you see these read and print and/or save a downloaded copy. Your continued use of any of the AOL Web Services will be taken as your consent and agreement to any changes or updates we may make to this Agreement.

As protecting your privacy is important, we would like you to have a clear understanding of how your personal information will be used when you use the AOL Web Services or register for any of our products or services.

1. Personal Information

1.1. Personal Information is information that identifies you, including identity and billing information that you may provide to AOL or AOL may collect through your use of the AOL Web Services (Personal Information). Your Personal Information will be collected, processed, stored and used by us, and passed to and processed by us and our affiliate companies (together AOL Group Companies) and other data processors acting under our control, in order to provide the Services, to provide customer support and for other purposes described in our Privacy Policy.

1.2. Our Privacy Policy sets out Seven Principles of Privacy that AOL commits to. To find out more, visit Privacy Policy and, if you are a user of AOL software via AOL Keyword: Privacy.

1.3. AOL and any third parties acting under our control may use your Personal Information (including demographic data) to personalise the content, advertising and promotions you receive and where you have consented to receive them, our communications with you, AOL may do this by finding out which advertisements you react to or the areas of the AOL Web Services which you visit most frequently, or searches you perform when using the AOL Web Services, and tailoring your experience accordingly. We may also process Personal Information relating to the transactions you enter into with us or our partners, such as online merchants, through the AOL Web Services. To find out more if you are a user of AOL Software visit AOL Keyword: Marketing Preferences, or if you have a Web Services Account visit Marketing Preferences.

1.4. We may also use cookies - small files of data which may be automatically stored on your computer's hard drive when your Web browser accesses certain Web pages. Cookies enable us to provide a better service to you. More information about how we (and third parties) may use cookies and similar technologies (and how to opt out of receiving them) is provided in our Privacy Policy, or to find out more visit: What are cookies, or if you are a user of AOL software via AOL Keyword: Cookies.

1.5. AOL Group Companies may keep you informed of their respective products and services (including special offers, discounts, offers, competitions). AOL Group Companies may also keep you informed by post, telephone, email, SMS, and MMS of such products and services offered by third parties selected by AOL which may be of interest to you. AOL or AOL Group Companies will only send you third parties' marketing information with your informed consent. To find out more, if you use the AOL software visit Keyword: Marketing Preferences, or if you have a Web Services Account visit Marketing Preferences. See also clause 1.10 below.

1.6. Your Personal Information, including content that relates to your Personal Information (for example, email communications, comments, instant messages, etc) may be disclosed if we or an entity processing your data on our behalf are compelled to do so by law, or receive a valid, legally compliant request by a law enforcement or governmental authority. If you provide us a third party's billing or payment card information, we may disclose your name and address, and data relating to payments made by that payment method, to such third parties.

1.7. If you provide us with payment or billing information (such as a payment card number), you agree that AOL Group Companies and its authorised data processors shall have the right to collect, store and process those details and any related Personal Information for the purpose of providing, maintaining, billing, fulfilment, monitoring usage of and making service improvements to the AOL Web Services.

1.8. For an unlimited period after your AOL Web Services Account has been cancelled we may retain any payment-related information, such as a payment card number, which you supply to us (but only in an anonymised form which does not enable us to identify the holder of that payment method), for fraud prevention purposes.

1.9. AOL Web Services are multi-national, and many of the computers and companies that process data on our behalf are based in other countries outside the European Union (EU) including the USA. We may collect Personal Information (which may include data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, or concerning health or sex life), but we will not use this without your explicit consent. All Personal Information may be transferred to, processed and held both inside and outside the EU. Countries outside the EU may not have as well developed data protection laws in place to protect your information as those inside the EU, but we will ensure your Personal Information is treated in compliance with those laws, this Agreement and our Privacy Policy. Details of companies and countries processing your data will be provided on request, details of how to contact us are contained in our Privacy Policy, for more information visit: Privacy Policy.

1.10. We encourage you to tell us what your marketing preferences are for your Personal Information. Unless and until you opt-out, your name and contact details may be (a) used by AOL Group Companies for a reasonable period after your use of AOL Web Services ceases, and (b) passed to selected third party suppliers of goods and services and advertisers for 6 months after you cease to be a user of AOL Web Services, for marketing goods and services to you. To notify us of your preferences, if you use the AOL Software visit Keyword: Marketing Preferences, or if you have a Web Services Account visit: Marketing Preferences .

2. Registration

2.1. Whilst enjoyment of some of the AOL Web Services does not require registration and can be accessed as a casual visitor, access to other AOL Web Services requires completion of a simple registration process in order to obtain a screen name and password necessary to enjoy such services.

2.2. We will open an account for you when you complete your registration via either or via (the Web Services Account and the HuffPost Web Services Account respectively and together, the AOL Web Services Account). You must provide complete and accurate information about yourself, and notify us to keep this information up to date. You must be at least 18 years old to register for either a Screen Name or a User Name. Parents and guardians who permit children (by which we mean people under the age of 18) for whom they are responsible to use AOL Web Services should assist them in setting up their AOL Web Services Account and supervise their use of AOL Web Services. Parents and guardians will be responsible for their children's use of the AOL Web Services and adherence to this Agreement and it is also the responsibility of parents and guardians to ensure that the AOL Web Content and User Generated Content that their children may encounter on AOL Web Services is suitable for those children. Most of that content is not specifically intended to be accessed by children.

2.2.1 Where you register for a Web Services Account, you will select (or we may assign to you) a master screen name that will be identified with your AOL Web Services Account (Master Screen Name). In some instances AOL may offer you the opportunity to obtain further secondary screen names which become associated with your AOL Web Services Account (collectively Screen Name(s)).

2.2.2 Where you register for a HuffPost Web Services Account, you will select (or we may assign to you) a user name that will be identified with your HuffPost Web Services Account (User Name).

2.3. You may not apply for a Screen Name or User Name that is used by someone else, is vulgar, attempts to impersonate another person or violates the rights of others. We may reject any Screen Name or User Name that we determine in our discretion is unacceptable for use on any of the AOL Web Services. All Screen Names and User Names remain the exclusive property of AOL. AOL provides you with a limited, revocable, non-exclusive licence to use your Screen Name(s) or User Name to access the AOL Web Services.

2.4. You need to select a password to access your AOL Web Services Account. Your password is the key that unlocks your AOL Web services Account. AOL will never ask you for your password. You agree not to reveal your password to other users. Your AOL Web Services Account is at risk if you let someone use it inappropriately. You agree to indemnify and hold AOL harmless for any improper or illegal use of your AOL Web Services Account, including illegal or improper use by a third party who has used your password to access your AOL Web Services Account. To find out more about changing your password for your Web Services Account : visit or Click Here, and to change your password for your HuffPost Web Services Account visit your profile on your account page:

3. Third Party Content Available Through AOL Web Services

3.1. Through use of your Screen Name(s)or User Name you will be able to access a wide variety of enhanced content and services provided by AOL or its affiliates through the AOL Web Services and/or through AOL Software. You may also be able to access content and services provided by third parties that is available on or linked to via the AOL Web Services (Third Party Content). AOL is not responsible for Third Party Content. Any issues or disputes relating to Third Party Content should be taken up directly with the applicable third party and you acknowledge and agree that AOL shall not be liable, directly or indirectly for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any Third Party Content, goods or services available on or through the AOL Web Services. Further, any dealings that you have with advertisers on the AOL Web Services are between you and the advertiser and you acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any loss or claim you may have against any advertiser.

4. Inactive Status

4.1. In addition to the termination rights that we have under this Agreement, we reserve the right to deactivate your AOL Web Services Account if it has been inactive for more than a consecutive period of 90 days or more. This means you must use your AOL Web Services Account regularly such as by logging into an AOL Web Services with your Screen Name in order to keep your Account active. If we deactivate your AOL Web Services Account(s), we have the right to reassign the Screen Name(s) which you used to access the AOL Web Services Account.

5. Your Responsibilities

5.1. You are responsible for compliance with this Agreement in your use of AOL Web Services or AOL Software, whether you access as a casual visitor or by using a Screen Name or User Name. You may use AOL Web Services for lawful purposes only. You may not submit, download or transmit any material (including User Generated Content or Video Content, as defined below in Clause 10.1), or otherwise engage in any conduct that:

5.1.1. breaches any third party's rights including, without limitation, copyright, patent rights, trade mark rights, performer's rights, rights of confidence;

5.1.2. is unlawful, offensive, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, tortious, or contains explicit or graphic descriptions or images, or accounts or images of, sexual acts;

5.1.3. victimises, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;

5.1.4. impersonates any person, business or entity, including AOL and its employees and agents;

5.1.5. contains viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, or otherwise permit the unauthorised use of or access to a computer or computer network;

5.1.6. encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, or that gives rise to civil liability;

5.1.7. promotes or sells prohibited items such as lotteries, betting or wagering activities, ammunition, firearms, tobacco, alcohol, adult products and services, and explosives;

5.1.8. violates this Agreement, acceptable usage guidelines or any policy posted on the AOL Web Services, or

5.1.9. unjustifiably interferes with the use of AOL Web Services by others, or

5.1.10 solicits or encourages advertisements of business.

You may not use AOL Web Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair our servers or networks, or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of the AOL Web Services. You may not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the AOL Web Services, user accounts, computer systems or networks, through hacking, password mining or any other means. We may use any legal and technical remedies available to us to prevent any breach or enforce this Agreement and reserve the right to remove or not publish any Content without prior notice.

We provide guidance as to acceptable use -for use of the AOL Web Services found on this is found at our community guidelines available at and if you are a user of AOL Software, at AOL Keyword: Chat Help.

For the guidance on acceptable use of the AOL Web Services found on, please visit here.

If you breach these guidelines we may, in our reasonable discretion terminate your AOL Web Services Account and use of your Screen Name or User Name without notice.

6. Changes to AOL Web Services

6.1. We may change or discontinue any AOL Web Service or feature on an AOL Web Service at any time without notice. We may impose general operating rules for the AOL Web Services. For example, we may establish limits on storing, uploading or downloading any data or impose time outs if you are idle on a particular AOL Web Service. Certain AOL Web Services will have additional terms (such as policies, guidelines, and subscription terms) that will further govern your use of that particular AOL Web Service; those terms will be deemed to be incorporated into and to supplement this Web Services Agreement. These additional terms will typically be set out within the AOL Web Service itself.

7. No Spam

7.1. You may not use any of the AOL Web Services or communication tools to transmit, directly or indirectly, any unsolicited bulk communications (including emails and instant messages). You may not harvest information about users for the purpose of sending, or to facilitate the sending, of unsolicited bulk communications. We may use any legal or technical remedies available to us to prevent unsolicited bulk communications from entering, utilising, or remaining within networks.

8. Premium Services

8.1. We may offer premium AOL Web Services for a fee (Premium Services). Payment terms and any other terms applying to your use of such Premium Services which are in addition to those set out in this Agreement will be disclosed to you at the time you sign up for a Premium Service.

9. Access Costs

9.1. You must provide at your own expense the equipment and internet connection that you will need to access the AOL Web Services. Those costs are in addition to any fees you pay if you elect to subscribe to any Premium Services.

10. Content

10.1.1 Certain areas of the AOL Web Services may allow you to post text, messages, images, audio and video, software and/or other information (User Generated Content) that can be accessed and viewed by others. You may not post User Generated Content that violates this Agreement or any other terms governing usage of the AOL Web Services. We do not claim ownership of any User Generated Content that you may post. However, by submitting User Generated Content to public areas of the AOL Web Services, you grant us and our affiliates on a perpetual basis a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use, copy, display, perform, distribute, adapt, store, market and promote the User Generated Content in any medium and you agree that we may sub-license the User Generated Content to third parties.

10.1.2-In addition to clause 10.1.1 above, with respect to any video User Generated Content (Video Content) you may post, from time to time, you agree that (unless you and we agree otherwise) we may , or may permit users to, based solely on functionality provided and enabled by our website, compile, re-edit, adapt or modify your Video Content, or create derivative works therefrom, either on a stand-alone basis or in combination with other Video Content, and (unless you and we agree otherwise), you shall have no rights with respect thereto and we, and our affiliates shall be free to display, publish and distribute the same (as so complied, re-edited, adapted, modified or derived) for any period.

10.1.3 By posting any User Generated Content or Video Content (Content) anywhere on the AOL Web Services in addition to your responsibilities set out in clause 5 of this Agreement, you agree, represent and warrant that: (i) you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to use and authorize us to use all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights in and to any and all such Content to enable inclusion and use of such Content in the manner contemplated by us and this Agreement; and (ii) you have the written consent, release, and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person in such Content to use the name or likeness of each and every such identifiable individual person to enable inclusion and use of such Content in the manner contemplated by us and this Agreement.

10.2. We have no duty to pre-screen User Generated Content, but reserve the right to remove such content if in our absolute discretion it contravenes this Agreement or any other requirements governing the posting of such content.

10.3. The copyright in all content (including but not limited to all individual articles, blogs, videos, and other elements comprising the AOL Web Services) on the AOL Web Services, except User Generated Content and Video Content, (AOL Web Content) is the property of AOL, its affiliates and/or its licensors. You may only use AOL Web Content for personal, non-commercial purposes and in accordance with any additional terms and conditions which you may be notified of in relation to specific AOL Web Content. You may not circumvent any mechanisms for preventing the unauthorised reproduction or distribution of AOL Web Content.

10.4 Your Use of the AOL Web Content displayed via is Restricted:
(a) Unless expressly permitted, you may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, enter into a database, display, perform, modify, create derivative works from, transmit or in any way exploit any part of the AOL Web Services or any content thereon, except as permitted under the last sentence of this Section 10.4(a) and except that you may make one print copy that is limited to occasional articles of personal interest only. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing (but subject to the last sentence of this Section 10.4(a)), you may not distribute any part of the AOL Web Services or any content thereon over any network, including, without limitation, a local area network, or sell or offer it for sale. In addition, these files may not be used to construct any kind of database. Just as we from time to time excerpt materials from other sources in order to support the various commentaries and writings contained herein, we respect the right of others to make "fair use" of the materials contained on our site; accordingly, you may from time to time excerpt and use materials set forth on this site consistent with the principles of "fair use".

10.5 Opinions and other statements expressed by users and third parties (e.g., bloggers) on are theirs alone, not opinions of AOL. Content created by third parties is the sole responsibility of the third parties and its accuracy and completeness are not endorsed or guaranteed. You acknowledge that by providing you with the ability to view and distribute content through the AOL Web Services, AOL is not undertaking any obligation or liability relating to the content. AOL and its affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders do not undertake or assume any duty to monitor the AOL Web Services for inappropriate or unlawful content. AOL and its affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders assume no responsibility or liability which may arise from the content thereof, including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, libel, slander, infringement, invasion of privacy and publicity rights, obscenity, pornography, profanity, fraud, or misrepresentation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, AOL reserves the right to block or remove communications, postings or materials at any time in our sole discretion.

11. Software

11.1. We or our partners may provide you with software to use with the AOL Web Services (Software). Such Software will be subject to the terms of any licence agreement that accompanies the Software and to the terms of this AOL Web Services Agreement. If there is no licence agreement presented to you with the Software, then we and our suppliers grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited licence to install the Software on any single computer or device from which you wish to access and use the AOL Web Services. Such Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties, and is owned by us, our affiliates or licensors. You may not sell or redistribute the Software. You may not incorporate it or any portion of it into another product. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software or otherwise attempt to derive its source code except where and to the extent expressly permitted by law. You may not modify, adapt or create derivative works from the Software in any way or remove proprietary notices in the Software. You agree to abide by all laws and regulations in effect regarding your use of the Software and the AOL Web Services.

11.2. We may automatically check your version of any Software and automatically update it. We are under no obligation to provide you with any support, error corrections, updates, upgrades, bug fixes and/or enhancements of any Software, although we reserve the right to do so. We do not warrant that any Software which we may provide you with will interoperate with any software or device in a way which is satisfactory. You warrant that you will use any Software which may provide you with in accordance with this Agreement and that you will not use the Software to violate any law, regulation or right of any third party.

12. Our Liability to You

12.1. The AOL Web Services are provided without warranties of any kind and your use of AOL Web Services is at your sole risk. AOL will, however, use reasonable skill and care to provide and maintain the availability of AOL Web Services. AOL and its affiliates expressly exclude any warranty, representation or undertaking that you will be able to access or use the AOL Web Services at times or locations of your choosing. AOL depends upon third parties over which it may have little or no control for the delivery of the AOL Web Services (for example, to deliver emails sent to and from internet addresses). AOL is not liable for deletion, corruption or failure to store any email messages or other content. AOL does not warrant that the AOL Web Services will be free from any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other program or device that is apparently intended to access and modify, delete or damage data files or computer programs. The AOL Web Services are consumer services and not designed to be used by you in connection with the conduct of your, or your employers' or contractors', commercial activities. If you choose to do so, it is entirely at your own, and your employer's or contractor's, risk.

12.2. AOL shall not be liable for any loss not reasonably foreseeable by AOL when this Agreement is entered into, nor for any loss of data, profit, revenue or business or wasted expenditure, howsoever caused, arising from your use of the AOL Web Services or for any other claim related in any way to your relationship with AOL. AOL does not endorse, warrant or guarantee any product or service offered by a third party, and will not be a party to, or responsible for monitoring, any transaction between you and such a third party. We shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance of our obligations under this Agreement caused by matters beyond our reasonable control.

12.3. Without limiting the above paragraph (and except for AOL's liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, for which AOL's liability shall be unlimited), the liability of AOL under or in connection with this Agreement or your use of the AOL Web Services (whether arising in negligence or otherwise) will not under any circumstances exceed £500, regardless of the cause or form of action. Your statutory rights are unaffected.

13. Indemnification

13.1. You agree to defend and indemnify harmless AOL and AOL Group Companies against all liabilities, claims and expenses, including reasonable legal fees that arise from any infringement of third party intellectual property or other rights resulting from any breach of this Agreement for which you are responsible. AOL reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you. In that event, you shall have no further obligation to provide indemnification for AOL in that matter.

14. Termination

14.1. Save as otherwise expressly provided in any additional terms governing the use of specific AOL Web Services (for example Premium Services), we do not charge you for use of AOL Web Services, and as a consequence, we may cancel or suspend use of AOL Web Services at any time, without cause and without notice.

14.2. Your right to use the AOL Web Services and your Screen Name(s)and User Names may end once your account is terminated and any data you have stored on the AOL Web Services may no longer be available to you (save for that expressly set out in clause 14.4 below). It is therefore important you maintain your own archive copies of any data that is valuable to you. If you have subscribed to any Premium Services or other products or services for which payment is necessary, you remain responsible for paying any amounts owed on your account at the time your Premium Service and/or account is terminated. If you are participating in any free promotional offer for accessing a Premium Service you must cancel such Premium Service before the end of the free trial period to avoid incurring charges.

14.3. Termination, suspension, cancellation of the AOL Web Services Account(s) and AOL Access Account(s).

14.3.1. If you have an account for AOL Broadband internet access and/or AOL Dial Up/ Narrowband internet access (the AOL Access Account) and the AOL Access Account is suspended, cancelled or terminated for breach of its terms and conditions of service, AOL reserves the right to suspend, cancel or terminate any or all associated AOL Web Services Account(s) you may have, at any time, without notice.

14.3.2. You acknowledge and agree, as AOL Access Accounts and AOL Web Services Accounts are interlinked that termination, suspension or cancellation of your AOL Web Services Account, for any reason, may mean that you are not able to continue to use your Screen Name to access AOL Access Accounts, and/or AOL Software.

14.4. If you wish to terminate your AOL Web Services Account you may:
simply discontinue your use of your AOL Web Services Account; or alternatively
IF YOU HAVE A WEB SERVICES ACCOUNT: contact us by sending us an email to us from your AOL email address. If you have several Screen Names and email addresses linked to your AOL Web Services Account, you must use the email address linked to your main Master Screen Name, and include in the header the words TERMINATE MY ACCOUNT; To find out more about terminating your account visit or
IF YOU HAVE A HUFFPOST WEB SERVICES ACCOUNT: you can deactivate your account at any time by visiting the preferences page for your profile. When you deactivate your account, your user profile will be disabled, but your public comments will remain on AOL has no responsibility to take down, remove or edit any of your public activities or any submission that are a result of your public activities.

14.5. Effect of termination of your AOL Web Services Account on Premium Services: ; If you cancel your AOL Web Services Account or your AOL Web Services Account is terminated, any Premium Services linked to your AOL Web Services Account will also be terminated unless otherwise provided in the terms and conditions relating to the Premium Services in question. If you want to cancel any Premium Services without cancelling your AOL Web Services Account, you may do so by following the specific cancellation process outlined in the terms and conditions relating to that Premium Service. If you wish to cancel your internet subscription Account (for example, an AOL Access Account) or cancel other services provided by third parties, you will be required to do this separately to the appropriate service provider, under the terms and conditions that apply between you and that provider.

15. Changes to this Agreement

15.1. We may change this Agreement from time to time. We will post the updated Agreement on the AOL Web Services, and it will take effect immediately or on a date which is nominated in the posting or a in a notice we send to you. Your ongoing use of the AOL Web Services after the changes take effect signifies your agreement to the updated Agreement. You are responsible for regularly reviewing this Agreement and any additional terms posted on the AOL Web Services. If you disagree with changes that are made to this Agreement, you may simply terminate your AOL Web Services Account as provided in clause 14 above.

16. Contacting AOL and Disputes

16.1. If you have a comment or complaint about the AOL Web Services, please visit:

16.2. If you are a copyright owner or agent thereof and you believe that any of the AOL Web Content on infringes upon your copyright please contact:

17. Notices

17.1. You agree that we may send to you in electronic form any notices, disclosures, reports, documents or other communications relating to the AOL Web Services (collectively, Notices). We can send you Notices (1) to the email address that you provided to us during registration for this purpose, (2) to any AOL email account, or (3) by posting the Notice on the applicable Service or otherwise through or Any Notice from us shall be deemed effective the day after it is sent or posted by us.

18. Entire Agreement

18.1. This Agreement, together with other documents and agreements referred to or entered into under it, constitutes the entire agreement between you and us relating to AOL Web Services. Note that separate terms and conditions may govern your use of other services we provide from time to time, such as antivirus subscriptions.

19. Jurisdiction and Choice of Law

19.1. This Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales. You and we submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales in relation to any dispute arising out of this Agreement.

20. Assignment

20.1. We may assign this Agreement to any third party, which is to provide the AOL Web Services (or part of them) at any time without Notice to you. You may not assign this Agreement to any one else.

21. Third Parties

21.1. You agree that this Agreement is not intended to confer and do not confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties to this Agreement, whether under the Contracts (Rights Of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

22. Severance

22.1. The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect or impact the continuation in force of the remainder of this Agreement.

23. No Waiver

23.1. If you or we fail to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement, that failure won't operate as a waiver of that right or remedy, or prevent it from being exercised subsequently.
Additional terms that apply to specific Services available on the AOL Web Services are set out below:

24. Webmail

24.1. Unless you are told otherwise, the maximum space allocated to your AOL webmail account is 2 Gigabytes. Any emails sent to your webmail account which would take the size of your account over 2 Gigabytes may be bounced back to the sender.

We may not be able to transmit emails through our systems which exceed 16 Megabytes.
24.2. Messages which we identify as spam will be sent to your spam folder. Emails in your spam folder will be automatically deleted after five days.

24.3. We do not guarantee transmission or receipt of any email. You are solely responsible for backing up and archiving any important email. We may delete email from our computers following delivery or where email remains unread following the elapsing of 10 days from delivery or earlier for technical reasons (for instance if your storage limit is exceeded). AOL is not liable for deletion, corruption or failure to store any email messages.

24.4. In any event, all data held in your webmail account may be deleted, with immediate effect, if your AOL Web Services Account is suspended, cancelled or terminated.

25. Huffington Post

25.1 Huffington Post users may earn badges and become "Networkers" and "SuperUsers" based on their activity on For further information about how badges may be earned, how to become a Networker, SuperUser and how to opt out of receiving badges or becoming a Networker or SuperUser please see here.

AOL Web Services are provided by: AOL (UK) Limited, a limited company registered in England under company number 03462696 with its registered office address at Shropshire House, 11-20 Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JA. VAT Registration Number: 766 4516 05.

About this article:
Last updated: [July 2011]Please note the changes in this Agreement relate to all Huffington Post UK users and AOL products and services to be provided or launched in the future. The changes made do not affect any AOL products or services already provided at the date of this update.
© 2011 AOL(UK) Limited.