• Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Conference

      Jordan was among the first countries to draft an international arbitration law, which contributes to attracting and protecting investments, Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour said at the opening of the “Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Conference”.

    • Jordan joined hands in celebrating the Anti-Corruption Day

      Jordan joined the world in marking the International Anti-corruption Day under the theme “Break the Corruption Chain”. In Jordan, UNDP marked this day in cooperation with the Jordanian Anti-Corruption Commission and the University of Jordan using “Jordan’s Youth against Corruption” as a theme aiming at encouraging youth engagement and participation in the fight against corruption. The University students reflected their opinions and views on anti-corruption issues through an artistic unique juried competition in which different creatives ideas were implemented such as poetries, caricatures, articles and other arts work. Students’ participation shed considerable light on how corruption affects poverty rate and inequitable distribution of resources and hinders security and social stability. On 9 December, a youthful event took place at the University of Jordan. The event contained some speeches, a poetry and a sketch written and performed by the University students, in addition to a short film on anti-corruption. The event was concluded by announcing the names of the competition winners and distributing certificates among all the participants.

    • UNDP Administrator visits UNDP Jordan Projects

      The UN development official, Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Chair of the United Nations Development Group (UNDG), had an official visit to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 7 November 2015. As part the visit; Ms. Clark visited UNDP-supported projects in areas most affected by the Syria crisis, in Northern Jordan and met with project beneficiaries and representatives from local authorities and other UNDP development partners.

    • Launch of the Framework for the Property Tax

      A joint framework for the property tax project was launched by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of Finance in collaboration & support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

    • Climate Change Storytelling Contest

      Write your best climate change story and get an opportunity to join and cover COP21 While climate change is a global phenomenon, it is hitting the world’s poorest regions - and most marginalized communities - the hardest. These changing conditions are impacting human health, economic activity, and are threatening basic human rights including access to water and food security. Climate change is already affecting local communities in low and middle income countries but stories on the negative impacts as well as on the solutions that governments, communities and individuals are implementing often get lost in the global climate change debate. UNDP story telling contest on climate change aims to contribute to raising public awareness on the negative impacts of climate change on people and communities as well as on the opportunities and solutions seen in actions by individuals and governments in vulnerable developing countries. The contest provides young journalists in developing countries a unique opportunity to contribute to the global debate on climate change in the run-up to COP21, while building their capacity, and providing recognition for excellence. Authors of the top two stories will be funded to attend and cover COP21. Target Group We target journalists 35 years of age and under from developing countries vulnerable to the impact of climate change who: • Are already engaged in public writing through an official media outlet • Have a strong interest in reporting on climate change as a contribution ¬– locally and internationally – towards greater public awareness on this critical global topic • Are eager to seize an opportunity to build their journalistic capacity and contribute to COP21 Timeline of the Campaign The contest was launched on August 27th. The deadline to submit an entry is October 11th 2015, with early submission encouraged. Following selection, different stories will be published every day from 2nd to 29th November. The two winning journalists will cover the climate conference in Paris. Dissemination Stories, once screened, scored and published on UNDP’s website, will be disseminated through partners’ channels to ensure maximum outreach and exposure. A common hashtag – #Voices2Paris – will facilitate social media integration by all partners, helping to amplify the dissemination. All materials are creative commons, encouraging further media outlets and people everywhere to make maximum use of the stories told and photos gathered.

    • Public-Private Sector Partnership Roundtable

      The newly established UNDP-Private Sector Development Forum had its first high level roundtable discussions at Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization (TAG). The meeting, which was chaired by the United Nations Resident Coordinator Edward Kallon and H.E. Talal Abu Ghazaleh, discussed the new law on private-public partnership. The meeting came as a recommendation from the earlier meeting of the Forum, where some representatives from the private sector asked for an increased understanding of the national efforts undertaken to enhance Public Private Partnerships in Jordan, including the new legislation and governance structures put in place by the Government. Fosterung such discussions is one of the roles of the Forum which acts as a catalyst for fostering such partnerships. The Forum is a unique opportunity for both the private sector and the United Nations - it provides an opportunity to the private sector to access the extensive knowledge and experience of the United Nations with sustainable human development at the national, regional and global levels. Similarly, the UN can benefit from the business models the private sector provides to enhance sustainable development. The Private sector Development forum catalyzes business action in support of the Government of Jordan, civil society, donor and UNDP development goals with emphasis on collaboration and collective action

What We Do

UNDP is working towards contributing to the achievement of the national development of Jordan. UNDP’s work is based on a number of national strategic documents. This includes the National Agenda (2006-2015), and its Executive Development Programme (2011-2013), well as the relevant policies and strategies such as; the Poverty Reduction Strategy (2012-2020), National Employment Strategy (2011-2020), Environment Strategy, and others.

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