Ilya Prigogine: Grandes pensadores del siglo XX
Dominique Bollinger entrevista a Ilya Prigogine en el año 1997
[8] Ilya Prigogine. Grandes pensadores del siglo XX
Ilya Prigogine sostuvo un lenguaje que intentó sostener conexiones y ligar el ámbito de la ciencias de la naturaleza, aquellas ciencias llamadas duras y esa otra dimensión de las ciencias del hombre, las ciencias sociales. Siendo premio Nobel de química en 1977, intentó construir puentes para pensar de una manera diferente nuestra visión del mundo, nuestra imagen del universo y nuestra concepción
An interview with Ilya Prigogine by Yiannis Zisis
An interview with Ilya Prigogine* by Yiannis Zisis -- Greece, Astir Palace Hotel, Vouliagmeni, May 2000.
*Ilya Prigogine was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977. He was director of Solvay Institute. He passed away at the age of 86, in May 28th 2003 at Brussels
Solon NGO would like to thank Ioanni Antoniou, professor of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for his support and the t
Ilya Prigogine - Chaos concept
The concept of chaos in modern science, as per Ilya Prigogine.
Art Meets Science & Spirituality in a Changing Economy (Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, ...) 2/5
Part 2: "THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE" In this fascinating tape, composer/artist John Cage, thermodynamic physicist Ilya Prigogine, and philosopher/comparative religion teacher Huston Smith are interviewed.
Artists, scientists, spiritual leaders and economists gathered in Amsterdam in 1990 to explore the emerging paradigm of a holistic world view and the implications for a global economy. The five day c
Ilya Prigogine
Ilya Prigogine
Professore di chimica-fisica all'Università di Bruxelles e direttore del Centro di Meccanica Statistica e di Termodinamica dell'Università di Austin (Texas). In questa intervista effettuata il 23 ottobre 1984, Prigogine ricorda gli anni della giovinezza e dell'insegnamento nel Belgio occupato dai tedeschi e il suo lavoro scientifico che gli valse il Premio Nobel per la chimica nel 1977. (Montediso
Ilya Prigogine - Society concept
Ilya Prigogine - Society concept
Gandes pensadores, Prigogine PARTE I
Ilya Prigogine | Multiversidad Mundo Real | Pensamiento Complejo | Alexandre de Pomposo
Ilya Prigogine | Serie: Creadores de un Nuevo Saber| Pensamiento Complejo | Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin | Doctor Alexandre de Pomposo
Archivio storico Edison: intervista a Ilya Prigogine, premio Nobel per la chimica
In questa intervista effettuata il 23 ottobre 1984, Prigogine ricorda gli anni della giovinezza e dell'insegnamento nel Belgio occupato dai tedeschi e il suo...
Ilya Prigogine: Science, Religion and the new Utopia,
Ilya Prigogine: Science, Religion and the new Utopia, a communion with the Universe
Ilya Prigogine - Missconception of Science
The copernician revolution in science
Ilya Prigogine-SpaceTime
Space-time representation
Ilya Prigogine - Globalization and complexity
Ilya Prigogine - Globalization, non-linearities, complexities, increase of risk
Ilya Prigogine biografia
Synthèse production - Manon Longo. Helb Ilya Prigogine 2014-2015
Travail consistant à mettre en scène mon année en y intégrant des extraits de mes travaux réalisés cette année.
Réalisation écriture & montage : Manon Longo. Cadrage : Lucie Jassogne. 2ème assistante réalisation : Mathilde Censini. Son, bande originale & mixage : Adrien Colin Chef opérateur : Brandon Gotto . Scripte, Clap & Maquillage : Audrey Monge
Ilya Prigogine: conceptual structure of Quantum Mechanics
Conceptual Structure of Quantum Mechanics
Travail de fin d'année présenté à un jury qui regroupe de manière personnelle une partie de mes travaux réalisés cette année à l'INRACI (HELB Ilya Prigogine)
Ilya Prigogine - European Science (εκπομπή ΕΤ3 "Ανιχνεύσεις")
Ilya Prigogine (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1977)
από την εκπομπή της ΕΤ3 "Ανιχνεύσεις" με τον Παντελή Σαββίδη
1977 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Awarded Solely To Ilya Prigogine
A short video for our chemistry class. Enjoy! Citations are in the credits.
-Bronwyn McNaughton and Emily Freeburne
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sleep_Out/
Synthese Image - Helb Ilya Prigogine - Gael Motteu
Synthèse image réalisée dans le cadre de mon jury pour la helb en cinématographie.
SYNTHESE IMAGE- INRACI-Helb Ilya Prigogine-2015
SYNTHESE IMAGE- INRACI-Helb Ilya Prigogine- 2015
Ilya Prigogine: Grandes pensadores del siglo XX
Dominique Bollinger entrevista a Ilya Prigogine en el año 1997...
Dominique Bollinger entrevista a Ilya Prigogine en el año 1997
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine Grandes Pensadores Del Siglo Xx
Dominique Bollinger entrevista a Ilya Prigogine en el año 1997
- published: 28 May 2012
- views: 3865
[8] Ilya Prigogine. Grandes pensadores del siglo XX
Ilya Prigogine sostuvo un lenguaje que intentó sostener conexiones y ligar el ámbito de la ciencias de la naturaleza, aquellas ciencias llamadas duras y esa otr...
Ilya Prigogine sostuvo un lenguaje que intentó sostener conexiones y ligar el ámbito de la ciencias de la naturaleza, aquellas ciencias llamadas duras y esa otra dimensión de las ciencias del hombre, las ciencias sociales. Siendo premio Nobel de química en 1977, intentó construir puentes para pensar de una manera diferente nuestra visión del mundo, nuestra imagen del universo y nuestra concepción de la vida. Con Prigogine vamos a recorrer los senderos de la visión moderna de la naturaleza, desde ese tiempo en donde se gestaron las condiciones de la revolución científica de la modernidad. Allí vemos como se construyó una determinada imagen del universo, de la máquina, del hombre, de las causalidades, de lo necesario, de lo universal, de la estabilidad, del equilibrio. Y alli, sin embargo, Prigogine va a poner en discución estas concepciones, introduciendo la idea de fluctuación, evolución, inestabilidad, desorden. De alguna manera va a decir que se trata de pasar de una ciencia como geometría a una ciencia como narración. Discutirá la polémica frase de Einstein, pensando en la incertidumbre y en la imprevisibilidad del universo: "Dios no juega a los dados". Prigogine dirá que si juega, cambiando el punto de mira, saliendo del paradigma del orden, de los estable. Para entrar en el orden de la fluctuación, en el orden, porque no, del desorden. No estableciendo como antagónicos inseparables el azar y la necesariedad. Se construye, entonces, un puente para reunir lo que de alguna manera estaba siendo separado. Desde Aristoteles, desde Descartes o como desde el mismo Newton, que separó una ciencia de la naturaleza y por otro lado al hombre y a su historia, como si respondiesen a ordenes completamente distintos. Lo que prigogine está planteándonos como desafío intelectual, es encontrar ese punto de fusíon, que trabaje sobre la estructura enigmática de un universo, que no responde pura y exclusivamente a las formas de lo ordenado, de lo necesario, de lo maquinístico, de lo estable, si no que, pueda encontrarse y reencontrarse con el movimiento, la fluctuación, el desequilibrio. Por eso el dice que somos hijos de dos paradigmas que hay que ir a buscarlos a la antiguedad griega. Por un lado el paradigma de Parménides, donde el ser es lo inconmovible, lo igual a si mismo, lo perfecto, lo armonioso, y por otro lado el paradigma de heráclito, movimiento, flujo, devenir. Se trata de encontrar el diálogo complejo entre ambas dimensiones, pero introduciendo lo que en Prigogine es la Teoría del Caos. En su obra "El fin de las certezas", el irradia su reflexión sobre las ciencias de la Naturaleza a las ciencias sociales y Humanas. E introduce como problemática la radical puesta en cuestión de las certezas, al rededor de las cuales, organizamos nuestra imagen del universo y construimos nuestra interpretación del mundo y de nosotros mismos.
Siempre en cada momento histórico-cultural definimos de algun modo aquello que llamamos naturaleza, Prigogine nos ayuda a comprender los cambios, las modificaciones, de "eso natural", y exige de nosotros poder ahondar reflexivamente sobre los supuestos de esas construcciones de sentido.
wn.com/8 Ilya Prigogine. Grandes Pensadores Del Siglo Xx
Ilya Prigogine sostuvo un lenguaje que intentó sostener conexiones y ligar el ámbito de la ciencias de la naturaleza, aquellas ciencias llamadas duras y esa otra dimensión de las ciencias del hombre, las ciencias sociales. Siendo premio Nobel de química en 1977, intentó construir puentes para pensar de una manera diferente nuestra visión del mundo, nuestra imagen del universo y nuestra concepción de la vida. Con Prigogine vamos a recorrer los senderos de la visión moderna de la naturaleza, desde ese tiempo en donde se gestaron las condiciones de la revolución científica de la modernidad. Allí vemos como se construyó una determinada imagen del universo, de la máquina, del hombre, de las causalidades, de lo necesario, de lo universal, de la estabilidad, del equilibrio. Y alli, sin embargo, Prigogine va a poner en discución estas concepciones, introduciendo la idea de fluctuación, evolución, inestabilidad, desorden. De alguna manera va a decir que se trata de pasar de una ciencia como geometría a una ciencia como narración. Discutirá la polémica frase de Einstein, pensando en la incertidumbre y en la imprevisibilidad del universo: "Dios no juega a los dados". Prigogine dirá que si juega, cambiando el punto de mira, saliendo del paradigma del orden, de los estable. Para entrar en el orden de la fluctuación, en el orden, porque no, del desorden. No estableciendo como antagónicos inseparables el azar y la necesariedad. Se construye, entonces, un puente para reunir lo que de alguna manera estaba siendo separado. Desde Aristoteles, desde Descartes o como desde el mismo Newton, que separó una ciencia de la naturaleza y por otro lado al hombre y a su historia, como si respondiesen a ordenes completamente distintos. Lo que prigogine está planteándonos como desafío intelectual, es encontrar ese punto de fusíon, que trabaje sobre la estructura enigmática de un universo, que no responde pura y exclusivamente a las formas de lo ordenado, de lo necesario, de lo maquinístico, de lo estable, si no que, pueda encontrarse y reencontrarse con el movimiento, la fluctuación, el desequilibrio. Por eso el dice que somos hijos de dos paradigmas que hay que ir a buscarlos a la antiguedad griega. Por un lado el paradigma de Parménides, donde el ser es lo inconmovible, lo igual a si mismo, lo perfecto, lo armonioso, y por otro lado el paradigma de heráclito, movimiento, flujo, devenir. Se trata de encontrar el diálogo complejo entre ambas dimensiones, pero introduciendo lo que en Prigogine es la Teoría del Caos. En su obra "El fin de las certezas", el irradia su reflexión sobre las ciencias de la Naturaleza a las ciencias sociales y Humanas. E introduce como problemática la radical puesta en cuestión de las certezas, al rededor de las cuales, organizamos nuestra imagen del universo y construimos nuestra interpretación del mundo y de nosotros mismos.
Siempre en cada momento histórico-cultural definimos de algun modo aquello que llamamos naturaleza, Prigogine nos ayuda a comprender los cambios, las modificaciones, de "eso natural", y exige de nosotros poder ahondar reflexivamente sobre los supuestos de esas construcciones de sentido.
- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 13634
An interview with Ilya Prigogine by Yiannis Zisis
An interview with Ilya Prigogine* by Yiannis Zisis -- Greece, Astir Palace Hotel, Vouliagmeni, May 2000.
*Ilya Prigogine was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Che...
An interview with Ilya Prigogine* by Yiannis Zisis -- Greece, Astir Palace Hotel, Vouliagmeni, May 2000.
*Ilya Prigogine was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977. He was director of Solvay Institute. He passed away at the age of 86, in May 28th 2003 at Brussels
Solon NGO would like to thank Ioanni Antoniou, professor of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for his support and the translation of the interview as well.
Production: 'Solon for Synthesis and Ecological Civilization on the 21st Century' NGO.
www.solonsynthesis.org / www.solon.org.gr
wn.com/An Interview With Ilya Prigogine By Yiannis Zisis
An interview with Ilya Prigogine* by Yiannis Zisis -- Greece, Astir Palace Hotel, Vouliagmeni, May 2000.
*Ilya Prigogine was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977. He was director of Solvay Institute. He passed away at the age of 86, in May 28th 2003 at Brussels
Solon NGO would like to thank Ioanni Antoniou, professor of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for his support and the translation of the interview as well.
Production: 'Solon for Synthesis and Ecological Civilization on the 21st Century' NGO.
www.solonsynthesis.org / www.solon.org.gr
- published: 29 Apr 2011
- views: 4126
Ilya Prigogine - Chaos concept
The concept of chaos in modern science, as per Ilya Prigogine....
The concept of chaos in modern science, as per Ilya Prigogine.
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine Chaos Concept
The concept of chaos in modern science, as per Ilya Prigogine.
- published: 21 Feb 2008
- views: 13458
author: formulador
Art Meets Science & Spirituality in a Changing Economy (Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, ...) 2/5
Part 2: "THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE" In this fascinating tape, composer/artist John Cage, thermodynamic physicist Ilya Prigogine, and philosopher/comparative religion...
Part 2: "THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE" In this fascinating tape, composer/artist John Cage, thermodynamic physicist Ilya Prigogine, and philosopher/comparative religion teacher Huston Smith are interviewed.
Artists, scientists, spiritual leaders and economists gathered in Amsterdam in 1990 to explore the emerging paradigm of a holistic world view and the implications for a global economy. The five day conference was inspired by the artists Joseph Beuys and Robert Filliou, and manifested by Louwrien Wijers, who called it a "mental sculpture."
Part 1/5: "FROM FRAGMENTATION TO WHOLENESS" (Dalai Lama, David Bohm, Robert Rauschenberg) http://youtu.be/rydvSn7bBbY
Part 2/5: "THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE" (Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, Huston Smith) http://youtu.be/y4AnTsB-OsQ
Part 3/5: "CRISIS OF PERCEPTION" (Francisco Varela, Mother Tessa Bielecki) http://youtu.be/Womauwdyjl8
Part 4/5: "THE TRANSORMING WORLD" (Rupert Sheldrake, Sogyal Rinpoche, Lawrence Weiner) http://youtu.be/YNkLOcKqh0Q
Part 5/5: "THE SHIFTING PARADIGM" (Marina Abramovic, Fritjof Capra, Raimon Panikkar) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O383LOPbALs
PLAYLIST "Art Meets Science & Spirituality in a Changing Economy" here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV4uV6GKLmOu9cDA3_lpV_bo1TwWmbeI3
wn.com/Art Meets Science Spirituality In A Changing Economy (Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, ...) 2 5
Part 2: "THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE" In this fascinating tape, composer/artist John Cage, thermodynamic physicist Ilya Prigogine, and philosopher/comparative religion teacher Huston Smith are interviewed.
Artists, scientists, spiritual leaders and economists gathered in Amsterdam in 1990 to explore the emerging paradigm of a holistic world view and the implications for a global economy. The five day conference was inspired by the artists Joseph Beuys and Robert Filliou, and manifested by Louwrien Wijers, who called it a "mental sculpture."
Part 1/5: "FROM FRAGMENTATION TO WHOLENESS" (Dalai Lama, David Bohm, Robert Rauschenberg) http://youtu.be/rydvSn7bBbY
Part 2/5: "THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE" (Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, Huston Smith) http://youtu.be/y4AnTsB-OsQ
Part 3/5: "CRISIS OF PERCEPTION" (Francisco Varela, Mother Tessa Bielecki) http://youtu.be/Womauwdyjl8
Part 4/5: "THE TRANSORMING WORLD" (Rupert Sheldrake, Sogyal Rinpoche, Lawrence Weiner) http://youtu.be/YNkLOcKqh0Q
Part 5/5: "THE SHIFTING PARADIGM" (Marina Abramovic, Fritjof Capra, Raimon Panikkar) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O383LOPbALs
PLAYLIST "Art Meets Science & Spirituality in a Changing Economy" here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV4uV6GKLmOu9cDA3_lpV_bo1TwWmbeI3
- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 5219
Ilya Prigogine
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine
- published: 23 Aug 2006
- views: 41069
Ilya Prigogine
Professore di chimica-fisica all'Università di Bruxelles e direttore del Centro di Meccanica Statistica e di Termodinamica dell'Università di Austin (Texas). In...
Professore di chimica-fisica all'Università di Bruxelles e direttore del Centro di Meccanica Statistica e di Termodinamica dell'Università di Austin (Texas). In questa intervista effettuata il 23 ottobre 1984, Prigogine ricorda gli anni della giovinezza e dell'insegnamento nel Belgio occupato dai tedeschi e il suo lavoro scientifico che gli valse il Premio Nobel per la chimica nel 1977. (Montedison, 1984).
Archivio Nazionale Cinema d'Impresa
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine
Professore di chimica-fisica all'Università di Bruxelles e direttore del Centro di Meccanica Statistica e di Termodinamica dell'Università di Austin (Texas). In questa intervista effettuata il 23 ottobre 1984, Prigogine ricorda gli anni della giovinezza e dell'insegnamento nel Belgio occupato dai tedeschi e il suo lavoro scientifico che gli valse il Premio Nobel per la chimica nel 1977. (Montedison, 1984).
Archivio Nazionale Cinema d'Impresa
- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 388
Ilya Prigogine - Society concept
Ilya Prigogine - Society concept...
Ilya Prigogine - Society concept
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine Society Concept
Ilya Prigogine - Society concept
- published: 05 Mar 2008
- views: 4877
Ilya Prigogine | Multiversidad Mundo Real | Pensamiento Complejo | Alexandre de Pomposo
Ilya Prigogine | Serie: Creadores de un Nuevo Saber| Pensamiento Complejo | Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin | Doctor Alexandre de Pomposo...
Ilya Prigogine | Serie: Creadores de un Nuevo Saber| Pensamiento Complejo | Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin | Doctor Alexandre de Pomposo
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine | Multiversidad Mundo Real | Pensamiento Complejo | Alexandre De Pomposo
Ilya Prigogine | Serie: Creadores de un Nuevo Saber| Pensamiento Complejo | Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin | Doctor Alexandre de Pomposo
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 1
Archivio storico Edison: intervista a Ilya Prigogine, premio Nobel per la chimica
In questa intervista effettuata il 23 ottobre 1984, Prigogine ricorda gli anni della giovinezza e dell'insegnamento nel Belgio occupato dai tedeschi e il suo......
In questa intervista effettuata il 23 ottobre 1984, Prigogine ricorda gli anni della giovinezza e dell'insegnamento nel Belgio occupato dai tedeschi e il suo...
wn.com/Archivio Storico Edison Intervista A Ilya Prigogine, Premio Nobel Per La Chimica
In questa intervista effettuata il 23 ottobre 1984, Prigogine ricorda gli anni della giovinezza e dell'insegnamento nel Belgio occupato dai tedeschi e il suo...
Ilya Prigogine: Science, Religion and the new Utopia,
Ilya Prigogine: Science, Religion and the new Utopia, a communion with the Universe...
Ilya Prigogine: Science, Religion and the new Utopia, a communion with the Universe
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine Science, Religion And The New Utopia,
Ilya Prigogine: Science, Religion and the new Utopia, a communion with the Universe
- published: 04 Mar 2008
- views: 5435
Ilya Prigogine - Missconception of Science
The copernician revolution in science...
The copernician revolution in science
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine Missconception Of Science
The copernician revolution in science
- published: 21 Feb 2008
- views: 4799
Ilya Prigogine-SpaceTime
Space-time representation...
Space-time representation
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine Spacetime
Space-time representation
- published: 21 Feb 2008
- views: 3701
Ilya Prigogine - Globalization and complexity
Ilya Prigogine - Globalization, non-linearities, complexities, increase of risk...
Ilya Prigogine - Globalization, non-linearities, complexities, increase of risk
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine Globalization And Complexity
Ilya Prigogine - Globalization, non-linearities, complexities, increase of risk
- published: 05 Mar 2008
- views: 3969
Synthèse production - Manon Longo. Helb Ilya Prigogine 2014-2015
Travail consistant à mettre en scène mon année en y intégrant des extraits de mes travaux réalisés cette année.
Réalisation écriture & montage : Manon Longo. C...
Travail consistant à mettre en scène mon année en y intégrant des extraits de mes travaux réalisés cette année.
Réalisation écriture & montage : Manon Longo. Cadrage : Lucie Jassogne. 2ème assistante réalisation : Mathilde Censini. Son, bande originale & mixage : Adrien Colin Chef opérateur : Brandon Gotto . Scripte, Clap & Maquillage : Audrey Monge
wn.com/Synthèse Production Manon Longo. Helb Ilya Prigogine 2014 2015
Travail consistant à mettre en scène mon année en y intégrant des extraits de mes travaux réalisés cette année.
Réalisation écriture & montage : Manon Longo. Cadrage : Lucie Jassogne. 2ème assistante réalisation : Mathilde Censini. Son, bande originale & mixage : Adrien Colin Chef opérateur : Brandon Gotto . Scripte, Clap & Maquillage : Audrey Monge
- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 236
Travail de fin d'année présenté à un jury qui regroupe de manière personnelle une partie de mes travaux réalisés cette année à l'INRACI (HELB Ilya Prigogine)...
Travail de fin d'année présenté à un jury qui regroupe de manière personnelle une partie de mes travaux réalisés cette année à l'INRACI (HELB Ilya Prigogine)
wn.com/Synthese Image │Helb Ilya Prigogine │Jassogne Lucie
Travail de fin d'année présenté à un jury qui regroupe de manière personnelle une partie de mes travaux réalisés cette année à l'INRACI (HELB Ilya Prigogine)
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 388
Ilya Prigogine - European Science (εκπομπή ΕΤ3 "Ανιχνεύσεις")
Ilya Prigogine (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1977)
από την εκπομπή της ΕΤ3 "Ανιχνεύσεις" με τον Παντελή Σαββίδη...
Ilya Prigogine (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1977)
από την εκπομπή της ΕΤ3 "Ανιχνεύσεις" με τον Παντελή Σαββίδη
wn.com/Ilya Prigogine European Science (Εκπομπή Ετ3 Ανιχνεύσεις )
Ilya Prigogine (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1977)
από την εκπομπή της ΕΤ3 "Ανιχνεύσεις" με τον Παντελή Σαββίδη
- published: 11 Feb 2014
- views: 186
1977 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Awarded Solely To Ilya Prigogine
A short video for our chemistry class. Enjoy! Citations are in the credits.
-Bronwyn McNaughton and Emily Freeburne
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sle...
A short video for our chemistry class. Enjoy! Citations are in the credits.
-Bronwyn McNaughton and Emily Freeburne
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sleep_Out/
wn.com/1977 Nobel Prize In Chemistry, Awarded Solely To Ilya Prigogine
A short video for our chemistry class. Enjoy! Citations are in the credits.
-Bronwyn McNaughton and Emily Freeburne
Music: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sleep_Out/
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 9
Synthese Image - Helb Ilya Prigogine - Gael Motteu
Synthèse image réalisée dans le cadre de mon jury pour la helb en cinématographie....
Synthèse image réalisée dans le cadre de mon jury pour la helb en cinématographie.
wn.com/Synthese Image Helb Ilya Prigogine Gael Motteu
Synthèse image réalisée dans le cadre de mon jury pour la helb en cinématographie.
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 75
SYNTHESE IMAGE- INRACI-Helb Ilya Prigogine-2015
SYNTHESE IMAGE- INRACI-Helb Ilya Prigogine- 2015...
SYNTHESE IMAGE- INRACI-Helb Ilya Prigogine- 2015
wn.com/Synthese Image Inraci Helb Ilya Prigogine 2015
SYNTHESE IMAGE- INRACI-Helb Ilya Prigogine- 2015
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 10
Ilya Ilyin Weightlifting Podcast Interview First English Interview!
In this very special edition of the Weightlifting World Podcast we are honoured and humbled to be joined in person by double Olympic champion, World champion at 3 different weight classes and possibly the greatest weightlifter of all time, Ilya Ilyin. Ilya gives us his first ever interview in English and discusses how he started in weightlifting, his early approach to training, his current system,
Ilya Kovalchuk interview @ 2012 Stanley Cup
New Jersey Devils forward Ilya Kovalchuk sits down with NHL Network prior to the 2012 Stanley Cup Final.
Risky Bryzness - The Best of Ilya Bryzgalov
Funny interviews, post-game rants, great saves and on-ice pratfalls: a comprehensive collection of the finest moments from the world's most interesting goalt...
Ilya Bryzgalov Score Interview
Ilya Bryzgalov is asked about his thoughts on Pronger returning to Edmonton.
Cohaku Interview with Matt and Ilya from "Man at Arms - Reforged" at Katsucon 2015
We had gotten the opportunity to do an interview with the awesome Matt Stagmer and Ilya Alekseyev from Baltimore Knife & Sword and stars of the likewise awesome youtube series Man at Arm: Reforged and talked with them about their extraordinary jobs and cosplay.
Click and subscribe to this talented guys on:
#TCH15 - Live Interview : Ilya Kaler
Sascha Maisky and Olga Jegunova interview the American violinist Ilya Kaler, jury member for the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition...
XV International Tchaikovsky Competition - Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 17 June 2015
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Medici.tv is the first clas
Ilya Ilin Interview
Ilya Ilin from Kazakhstan.
Илья Лагутенко - Интервью (Interview with Ilya Lagutenko)
ESCKAZ live in Kyiv: Ilya Volkov (Belarus) interview
http://jesc.esckaz.com/ Belarus - Ilya Volkov & Maxi Briz - Poy so mnoy Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Kyiv.
Ilya Bryzgalov Says He's Not Starting For Winter Classics | Jan 1 2012
The interview of Ilya Bryzgalov announces that he is not starting on winter classics and that he will be sitting for the Flyers vs Rangers game on Jan 2 2012.
Interview with Ilya "Lil HaRDy" Ilyuk by b2ru @ ENG SUBS SOON
Interview with Ilya "Lil HaRDy" Ilyuk from the team Virtus.pro
Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube channel if you like our videos:
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Ilya Bryzgalov post-game interview. "Leave me alone".
Ilya Bryzgalov post-game interview. "Leave me alone".
Fun with Ilya Ilyin
The champ messing around during his tour of America with Klokov and Polovnikov. I own nothing; original footage can be found on Klokov's channel http://www.y...
Ilya Bryzgalov Interview Response Hilarious
An Interview with Ilya Bryzgalov after the Flyers win against Tampa Bay.
Interview with Ilya Grigorik - Velocity New York 2015
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HBO 24/7: Ilya Bryzgalov's thoughts on the universe
Follow CBSSports.com's Eye On Hockey blog on Twitter @EyeOnHockey.
Ilya Katsnelson TV2 News interview
TV2 News interview with Ilya Katsnelson on Khodorkovsky and Pussy Riot release and State abuse by Russia. Interpol abuse by Russia. Putin's abuse of authority
Interview with Ilya "Illidan" Pivcaev
Interview with Ilya "Illidan" Pivcaev, carry player of Virtus.Pro Polar. -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/dreamleague
Илья Ильин - Эксклюзивное интервью !!! Ilya Ilyin - exclusive interview !!!
Илья Ильин - Эксклюзивное интервью !!!
Тяжёлая Атлетика 2015 Weightlifting 2015 Snatch Clear&Jerk; Тяжёлая атлетика Рывок Толчок Чемпионат мира по тяжёлой атлетике Чемпионат Европы по тяжёлой Атлетике World Championships European Weightlifting Championships 舉重 重量挙げ pesistica Ауыр Halter Peshëngritjes 역도 경기는 다음 두 종목으로 구분됨 levantamiento de pesas Cử tạ youth world IWF Junior Best weightlifter Ilya Il
My Interview with Israeli Reporter Ilya Ginzberg
My interview with Israeli freelance reporter Ilya Ginzberg, about the Israelites of the African diaspora. Please forgive the glitches on the video. In some places of the interview the wording is off.
Ilya Salkind: Superman Movie Producer Gives Epic WonderCon Interview, Part 1
Ilya Salkind: Superman Movie Producer Gives Epic WonderCon Interview, Part 1.
Digital Art in Watercolor - Gyoushi by KR0NPR1NZ
Music: Echolox - Calling Lao = http://bit.ly/patreonecholox = https://echolox.bandcamp.com/ =
Patreon: http://bit.ly/patreonlaovaan
Work in Progres Photo: http://fav.me/d972mw2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kite92
deviantArt: http://laovaan.deviantart.com/
Digital Original: http://fav.me/d8pjvyg
As with the last one, this one is kind of an experiment where I wanted to find out if I'm able to
Ilya Ilyin Weightlifting Podcast Interview First English Interview!
In this very special edition of the Weightlifting World Podcast we are honoured and humbled to be joined in person by double Olympic champion, World champion at...
In this very special edition of the Weightlifting World Podcast we are honoured and humbled to be joined in person by double Olympic champion, World champion at 3 different weight classes and possibly the greatest weightlifter of all time, Ilya Ilyin. Ilya gives us his first ever interview in English and discusses how he started in weightlifting, his early approach to training, his current system, how he approaches the sport psychologically, that battle with Nurudinov and Bedzanyan at 2014 World's, his plans for the future and much much more over 36 glorious minutes!
wn.com/Ilya Ilyin Weightlifting Podcast Interview First English Interview
In this very special edition of the Weightlifting World Podcast we are honoured and humbled to be joined in person by double Olympic champion, World champion at 3 different weight classes and possibly the greatest weightlifter of all time, Ilya Ilyin. Ilya gives us his first ever interview in English and discusses how he started in weightlifting, his early approach to training, his current system, how he approaches the sport psychologically, that battle with Nurudinov and Bedzanyan at 2014 World's, his plans for the future and much much more over 36 glorious minutes!
- published: 22 Mar 2015
- views: 990
Ilya Kovalchuk interview @ 2012 Stanley Cup
New Jersey Devils forward Ilya Kovalchuk sits down with NHL Network prior to the 2012 Stanley Cup Final....
New Jersey Devils forward Ilya Kovalchuk sits down with NHL Network prior to the 2012 Stanley Cup Final.
wn.com/Ilya Kovalchuk Interview 2012 Stanley Cup
New Jersey Devils forward Ilya Kovalchuk sits down with NHL Network prior to the 2012 Stanley Cup Final.
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 10227
author: NHL
Risky Bryzness - The Best of Ilya Bryzgalov
Funny interviews, post-game rants, great saves and on-ice pratfalls: a comprehensive collection of the finest moments from the world's most interesting goalt......
Funny interviews, post-game rants, great saves and on-ice pratfalls: a comprehensive collection of the finest moments from the world's most interesting goalt...
wn.com/Risky Bryzness The Best Of Ilya Bryzgalov
Funny interviews, post-game rants, great saves and on-ice pratfalls: a comprehensive collection of the finest moments from the world's most interesting goalt...
- published: 04 May 2014
- views: 173776
author: Matt Bryant
Ilya Bryzgalov Score Interview
Ilya Bryzgalov is asked about his thoughts on Pronger returning to Edmonton....
Ilya Bryzgalov is asked about his thoughts on Pronger returning to Edmonton.
wn.com/Ilya Bryzgalov Score Interview
Ilya Bryzgalov is asked about his thoughts on Pronger returning to Edmonton.
- published: 18 Dec 2006
- views: 1085043
author: greyszee
Cohaku Interview with Matt and Ilya from "Man at Arms - Reforged" at Katsucon 2015
We had gotten the opportunity to do an interview with the awesome Matt Stagmer and Ilya Alekseyev from Baltimore Knife & Sword and stars of the likewise awesome...
We had gotten the opportunity to do an interview with the awesome Matt Stagmer and Ilya Alekseyev from Baltimore Knife & Sword and stars of the likewise awesome youtube series Man at Arm: Reforged and talked with them about their extraordinary jobs and cosplay.
Click and subscribe to this talented guys on:
wn.com/Cohaku Interview With Matt And Ilya From Man At Arms Reforged At Katsucon 2015
We had gotten the opportunity to do an interview with the awesome Matt Stagmer and Ilya Alekseyev from Baltimore Knife & Sword and stars of the likewise awesome youtube series Man at Arm: Reforged and talked with them about their extraordinary jobs and cosplay.
Click and subscribe to this talented guys on:
- published: 20 Feb 2015
- views: 86
#TCH15 - Live Interview : Ilya Kaler
Sascha Maisky and Olga Jegunova interview the American violinist Ilya Kaler, jury member for the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition...
XV International ...
Sascha Maisky and Olga Jegunova interview the American violinist Ilya Kaler, jury member for the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition...
XV International Tchaikovsky Competition - Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 17 June 2015
© MUSEEC / Medicitv
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Medici.tv is the first classical music digital channel, offering a catalogue of over 1 500 concerts, operas, ballets and documentaries in VOD, as well as 100 live concerts each year.
wn.com/Tch15 Live Interview Ilya Kaler
Sascha Maisky and Olga Jegunova interview the American violinist Ilya Kaler, jury member for the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition...
XV International Tchaikovsky Competition - Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 17 June 2015
© MUSEEC / Medicitv
| Like us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/medicitv
| Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/medicitv
Medici.tv is the first classical music digital channel, offering a catalogue of over 1 500 concerts, operas, ballets and documentaries in VOD, as well as 100 live concerts each year.
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 53
Ilya Ilin Interview
Ilya Ilin from Kazakhstan....
Ilya Ilin from Kazakhstan.
wn.com/Ilya Ilin Interview
Ilya Ilin from Kazakhstan.
- published: 23 Feb 2010
- views: 25682
author: Ian Wilson
ESCKAZ live in Kyiv: Ilya Volkov (Belarus) interview
http://jesc.esckaz.com/ Belarus - Ilya Volkov & Maxi Briz - Poy so mnoy Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Kyiv....
http://jesc.esckaz.com/ Belarus - Ilya Volkov & Maxi Briz - Poy so mnoy Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Kyiv.
wn.com/Esckaz Live In Kyiv Ilya Volkov (Belarus) Interview
http://jesc.esckaz.com/ Belarus - Ilya Volkov & Maxi Briz - Poy so mnoy Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Kyiv.
Ilya Bryzgalov Says He's Not Starting For Winter Classics | Jan 1 2012
The interview of Ilya Bryzgalov announces that he is not starting on winter classics and that he will be sitting for the Flyers vs Rangers game on Jan 2 2012....
The interview of Ilya Bryzgalov announces that he is not starting on winter classics and that he will be sitting for the Flyers vs Rangers game on Jan 2 2012.
wn.com/Ilya Bryzgalov Says He's Not Starting For Winter Classics | Jan 1 2012
The interview of Ilya Bryzgalov announces that he is not starting on winter classics and that he will be sitting for the Flyers vs Rangers game on Jan 2 2012.
Interview with Ilya "Lil HaRDy" Ilyuk by b2ru @ ENG SUBS SOON
Interview with Ilya "Lil HaRDy" Ilyuk from the team Virtus.pro
Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube ...
Interview with Ilya "Lil HaRDy" Ilyuk from the team Virtus.pro
Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube channel if you like our videos:
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wn.com/Interview With Ilya Lil Hardy Ilyuk By B2Ru Eng Subs Soon
Interview with Ilya "Lil HaRDy" Ilyuk from the team Virtus.pro
Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube channel if you like our videos:
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- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 21305
Fun with Ilya Ilyin
The champ messing around during his tour of America with Klokov and Polovnikov. I own nothing; original footage can be found on Klokov's channel http://www.y......
The champ messing around during his tour of America with Klokov and Polovnikov. I own nothing; original footage can be found on Klokov's channel http://www.y...
wn.com/Fun With Ilya Ilyin
The champ messing around during his tour of America with Klokov and Polovnikov. I own nothing; original footage can be found on Klokov's channel http://www.y...
- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 8594
author: 4stie
Ilya Bryzgalov Interview Response Hilarious
An Interview with Ilya Bryzgalov after the Flyers win against Tampa Bay....
An Interview with Ilya Bryzgalov after the Flyers win against Tampa Bay.
wn.com/Ilya Bryzgalov Interview Response Hilarious
An Interview with Ilya Bryzgalov after the Flyers win against Tampa Bay.
- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 13669
author: ajb4507
Interview with Ilya Grigorik - Velocity New York 2015
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Subscribe to O'Reilly on YouTube: http://goo.gl/n3QSYi
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wn.com/Interview With Ilya Grigorik Velocity New York 2015
Subscribe to O'Reilly on YouTube: http://goo.gl/n3QSYi
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- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 138
HBO 24/7: Ilya Bryzgalov's thoughts on the universe
Follow CBSSports.com's Eye On Hockey blog on Twitter @EyeOnHockey....
Follow CBSSports.com's Eye On Hockey blog on Twitter @EyeOnHockey.
wn.com/Hbo 24 7 Ilya Bryzgalov's Thoughts On The Universe
Follow CBSSports.com's Eye On Hockey blog on Twitter @EyeOnHockey.
Ilya Katsnelson TV2 News interview
TV2 News interview with Ilya Katsnelson on Khodorkovsky and Pussy Riot release and State abuse by Russia. Interpol abuse by Russia. Putin's abuse of authority...
TV2 News interview with Ilya Katsnelson on Khodorkovsky and Pussy Riot release and State abuse by Russia. Interpol abuse by Russia. Putin's abuse of authority
wn.com/Ilya Katsnelson Tv2 News Interview
TV2 News interview with Ilya Katsnelson on Khodorkovsky and Pussy Riot release and State abuse by Russia. Interpol abuse by Russia. Putin's abuse of authority
- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 51
Interview with Ilya "Illidan" Pivcaev
Interview with Ilya "Illidan" Pivcaev, carry player of Virtus.Pro Polar. -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/dreamleague...
Interview with Ilya "Illidan" Pivcaev, carry player of Virtus.Pro Polar. -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/dreamleague
wn.com/Interview With Ilya Illidan Pivcaev
Interview with Ilya "Illidan" Pivcaev, carry player of Virtus.Pro Polar. -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/dreamleague
- published: 16 Oct 2014
- views: 461
Илья Ильин - Эксклюзивное интервью !!! Ilya Ilyin - exclusive interview !!!
Илья Ильин - Эксклюзивное интервью !!!
Тяжёлая Атлетика 2015 Weightlifting 2015 Snatch Clear&Jerk; Тяжёлая атлетика Рывок Толчок Чемпионат мира по тяжёлой атлет...
Илья Ильин - Эксклюзивное интервью !!!
Тяжёлая Атлетика 2015 Weightlifting 2015 Snatch Clear&Jerk; Тяжёлая атлетика Рывок Толчок Чемпионат мира по тяжёлой атлетике Чемпионат Европы по тяжёлой Атлетике World Championships European Weightlifting Championships 舉重 重量挙げ pesistica Ауыр Halter Peshëngritjes 역도 경기는 다음 두 종목으로 구분됨 levantamiento de pesas Cử tạ youth world IWF Junior Best weightlifter Ilya Ilyin Liao Hui Илья Ильин Новый Мировой Рекорд NEW WORLD RECORD Наим Сулейманоглу Халил Мутлу Zlatan Vanev Янко Русев Алексей Ловчев Чингиз Могушков Олег Чен Апти Аухадов Татьяна Каширина Рекорд среди юниоров Рекорд среди кадетов Дмитрий Клоков Леонид Тараненко Курлович
Тяжелая атлетика важка атлетика haltérophilie ağır atletika peshëngritje ծանրամարտը цяжкая атлетыка вдигане на Aurimas Didzbalis тежести codi pwysau súlyemelés tạ gewichtheffing άρση βαρών vægtløftning angkat besi meácháin levantamiento de pesas pesistica aixecament de peses 舉重 举重 weightlifting svarcelšana sunkioji atletika Gewichtheben vektløfting podnoszenie ciężarów levantamento de pesos haltere дизање тегова halter haltérophilie dizanje tegova tyngdlyftning 重量挙げ 2000 2004 2008 2012 1988 1992 1987 1983 2011 world weightlifting championship championships vasily alexeev alekseev pyrros dimas kurlovich chemerkin behdad salimi aramnou andrey rubakov ruslan albegov artem okulov 1896 ken patera halil mutlu naim suleymanoglu olympic games european SNATCH CLEAN JERK CLEAN&JERK; РЫВОК ТОЛЧОК ТОЛЧЕК VASILY ALEKSEYEV TagsI(LU Xiaojun,/ 吕小军,Lü Xiaojun,Lǚ Xiǎojūn,LYU Xiaojun,World Weightlifting,Poland 2013,2013,Snatch,176kg,380 kg,204 kg,clean,jerk,clean & jerk,total,WR,world record,wroclaw,World Weightlifting Championships,men 77,men 77kg,weight,lifing,lifts,lifter,chinese,¬¬¬¬china,chinese weightlifter,squat,deadlift,press,push,b¬¬¬¬ench press,olympic,champion,gold medal,powerlifting,crossfit,Bodybuilding (Sport),clean and jerk) LU Xiaojun / 吕小军 / Lü Xiaojun / Lǚ Xiǎojūn / LYU Xiaojun World Weightlifting Championships 2013 Men's 77 kg WR, WORLD Record, snatch, total Dmitry Klokov дмитрий клоков Polovnikov & Ilyin илья ильин василий половников рвание сума тяга становая приседания присед жим швунг жимовой протяжка рывковая
чемпіонат світу з важкої атлетики Աշխարհի առաջնություն ծանրամարտում чэмпіянат свету па цяжкай атлетыцы Световно първенство по вдигане на тежести giải vô địch thế giới ở cử tạ მსოფლიო ჩემპიონატი ძალოსნობაში 舉重世錦賽 역도에서 세계 선수권 대회 Pasaulio čempionatas atletika Weltmeisterschaft im Gewichtheben Mistrzostwa Świata w podnoszeniu ciężarów halterde Dünya Şampiyonası
Если Вам нравится мой канал подписывайтесь (subscribe to my channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZg60MkB3yGXVcCmhhZAeDw
или заходите на мою страницу в Facebook (follow my page in Facebook):
или Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/akocherzhenko/world-weightlifting/
wn.com/Илья Ильин Эксклюзивное Интервью Ilya Ilyin Exclusive Interview
Илья Ильин - Эксклюзивное интервью !!!
Тяжёлая Атлетика 2015 Weightlifting 2015 Snatch Clear&Jerk; Тяжёлая атлетика Рывок Толчок Чемпионат мира по тяжёлой атлетике Чемпионат Европы по тяжёлой Атлетике World Championships European Weightlifting Championships 舉重 重量挙げ pesistica Ауыр Halter Peshëngritjes 역도 경기는 다음 두 종목으로 구분됨 levantamiento de pesas Cử tạ youth world IWF Junior Best weightlifter Ilya Ilyin Liao Hui Илья Ильин Новый Мировой Рекорд NEW WORLD RECORD Наим Сулейманоглу Халил Мутлу Zlatan Vanev Янко Русев Алексей Ловчев Чингиз Могушков Олег Чен Апти Аухадов Татьяна Каширина Рекорд среди юниоров Рекорд среди кадетов Дмитрий Клоков Леонид Тараненко Курлович
Тяжелая атлетика важка атлетика haltérophilie ağır atletika peshëngritje ծանրամարտը цяжкая атлетыка вдигане на Aurimas Didzbalis тежести codi pwysau súlyemelés tạ gewichtheffing άρση βαρών vægtløftning angkat besi meácháin levantamiento de pesas pesistica aixecament de peses 舉重 举重 weightlifting svarcelšana sunkioji atletika Gewichtheben vektløfting podnoszenie ciężarów levantamento de pesos haltere дизање тегова halter haltérophilie dizanje tegova tyngdlyftning 重量挙げ 2000 2004 2008 2012 1988 1992 1987 1983 2011 world weightlifting championship championships vasily alexeev alekseev pyrros dimas kurlovich chemerkin behdad salimi aramnou andrey rubakov ruslan albegov artem okulov 1896 ken patera halil mutlu naim suleymanoglu olympic games european SNATCH CLEAN JERK CLEAN&JERK; РЫВОК ТОЛЧОК ТОЛЧЕК VASILY ALEKSEYEV TagsI(LU Xiaojun,/ 吕小军,Lü Xiaojun,Lǚ Xiǎojūn,LYU Xiaojun,World Weightlifting,Poland 2013,2013,Snatch,176kg,380 kg,204 kg,clean,jerk,clean & jerk,total,WR,world record,wroclaw,World Weightlifting Championships,men 77,men 77kg,weight,lifing,lifts,lifter,chinese,¬¬¬¬china,chinese weightlifter,squat,deadlift,press,push,b¬¬¬¬ench press,olympic,champion,gold medal,powerlifting,crossfit,Bodybuilding (Sport),clean and jerk) LU Xiaojun / 吕小军 / Lü Xiaojun / Lǚ Xiǎojūn / LYU Xiaojun World Weightlifting Championships 2013 Men's 77 kg WR, WORLD Record, snatch, total Dmitry Klokov дмитрий клоков Polovnikov & Ilyin илья ильин василий половников рвание сума тяга становая приседания присед жим швунг жимовой протяжка рывковая
чемпіонат світу з важкої атлетики Աշխարհի առաջնություն ծանրամարտում чэмпіянат свету па цяжкай атлетыцы Световно първенство по вдигане на тежести giải vô địch thế giới ở cử tạ მსოფლიო ჩემპიონატი ძალოსნობაში 舉重世錦賽 역도에서 세계 선수권 대회 Pasaulio čempionatas atletika Weltmeisterschaft im Gewichtheben Mistrzostwa Świata w podnoszeniu ciężarów halterde Dünya Şampiyonası
Если Вам нравится мой канал подписывайтесь (subscribe to my channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZg60MkB3yGXVcCmhhZAeDw
или заходите на мою страницу в Facebook (follow my page in Facebook):
или Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/akocherzhenko/world-weightlifting/
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 58
My Interview with Israeli Reporter Ilya Ginzberg
My interview with Israeli freelance reporter Ilya Ginzberg, about the Israelites of the African diaspora. Please forgive the glitches on the video. In some plac...
My interview with Israeli freelance reporter Ilya Ginzberg, about the Israelites of the African diaspora. Please forgive the glitches on the video. In some places of the interview the wording is off.
wn.com/My Interview With Israeli Reporter Ilya Ginzberg
My interview with Israeli freelance reporter Ilya Ginzberg, about the Israelites of the African diaspora. Please forgive the glitches on the video. In some places of the interview the wording is off.
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 138
Digital Art in Watercolor - Gyoushi by KR0NPR1NZ
Music: Echolox - Calling Lao = http://bit.ly/patreonecholox = https://echolox.bandcamp.com/ =
Patreon: http://bit.ly/patreonlaovaan
Work in Progres Photo: http:...
Music: Echolox - Calling Lao = http://bit.ly/patreonecholox = https://echolox.bandcamp.com/ =
Patreon: http://bit.ly/patreonlaovaan
Work in Progres Photo: http://fav.me/d972mw2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kite92
deviantArt: http://laovaan.deviantart.com/
Digital Original: http://fav.me/d8pjvyg
As with the last one, this one is kind of an experiment where I wanted to find out if I'm able to imitate digital art with traditional media and I chose this picture because it became somehow like classic to me.
Also, I reflected about the differences which arise when you use a photo reference or digital work. And the reception.. it was pretty interesting xD
Anyway, now and then I will probably attempt some other digital art for my YouTube channel, so stay tuned :D
Ink / Colors / Material used:
Watercolor, Colorex (Ink), Airbrush and Pencil on watercolor paper (300g)
23 x 31cm
2+3 hours
wn.com/Digital Art In Watercolor Gyoushi By Kr0Npr1Nz
Music: Echolox - Calling Lao = http://bit.ly/patreonecholox = https://echolox.bandcamp.com/ =
Patreon: http://bit.ly/patreonlaovaan
Work in Progres Photo: http://fav.me/d972mw2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kite92
deviantArt: http://laovaan.deviantart.com/
Digital Original: http://fav.me/d8pjvyg
As with the last one, this one is kind of an experiment where I wanted to find out if I'm able to imitate digital art with traditional media and I chose this picture because it became somehow like classic to me.
Also, I reflected about the differences which arise when you use a photo reference or digital work. And the reception.. it was pretty interesting xD
Anyway, now and then I will probably attempt some other digital art for my YouTube channel, so stay tuned :D
Ink / Colors / Material used:
Watercolor, Colorex (Ink), Airbrush and Pencil on watercolor paper (300g)
23 x 31cm
2+3 hours
- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 4837