Work for the Dole


Work for the Dole places job seekers in activities where they can gain skills and experience that give back to the community and can help them find a job.

Eligible job seekers registered with a jobactive provider will need to participate in Work for the Dole or another approved activity for six months each year to keep receiving their income support if they have mutual obligation requirements.

Work for the Dole activities can be hosted by not-for-profit organisations and government agencies. The programme gives organisations an extra set of hands to help to undertake activities that would not normally be done. Work for the Dole Coordinators work with host organisations to identify suitable activities.

More information on being a Work for the Dole host organisation is available.

Work for the Dole can help job seekers:

  • develop the skills that employers want
  • show they are ready to start work
  • meet new people and make contacts who can be a referee
  • get involved in their local community.

More information for job seekers about Work for the Dole is available.

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