Remember WEL in your will

As a volunteer based non profit, the Women's Electoral Lobby has been operating for over 40 years thanks to the generosity of the public.

Leaving a legacy gift such as a bequest, enables you to continue your passion for gender equality and commitment to feminist values WEL into the future.  

The following wording is recommended:

‘I bequeath the sum of (amount written in words and figures) free of all debts, duties and
taxes, to the Women’s Electoral Lobby (NSW) Inc (ABN 50 242 525 012) for its general
purposes, and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the Women’s
Electoral Lobby (NSW) Inc shall be complete discharge to my executors for this gift, and
that my executor shall not be bound to see to the application of it.’

For a confidential discussion on leaving a bequest, please contact WEL NSW on 02 9517 4475 or email