Fox News Guest Tells Viewers: Buy All The Lottery Tickets You Can Afford

May the odds be ever in your favor.

01/11/2016 06:16 pm ET

A "Fox & Friends" guest has some advice for anyone hoping to strike it rich playing the lottery: Buy! Buy! Buy!

Richard Lustig, a seven-time lottery winner, shared his secret with Fox News this weekend, telling hosts there's no last-minute method to increase the odds of cashing in, but hey -- more tickets couldn't hurt, right?

"Buy as many tickets as you can afford," he counseled viewers.

To his credit -- and prior to handing out the advice -- Lustig acknowledged it was "going to sound bad."

"Don't get lottery fever," he hastily added. "Don't spend money you can't afford to spend."

The odds of matching all of the winning Powerball numbers is 1 in 292.2 million.

Or, in other words:

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