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US Navy Ships Run Aground Near Farsi Island, Iran Say Crews, Ships To Be Returned 'Promptly' | 2016-01-12
In Wide-Ranging Interview, Putin Refuses To Rule Out Granting Syria's Assad Political Asylum | 2016-01-12
Syracuse man charged in beating of elderly woman also assaulted girlfriend, police say
Syracuse | 2016-01-12
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Open Minds Worldwide
Rahm, I Tried to Warn You
Rahm, I Tried to Warn You
WASHINGTON — Chicago has always struck me as one of the most affluent cities in the world....
The West's Terminal Radical Islam Denial Syndrome
The West's Terminal Radical Islam Denial Syndrome
Last year, there were 452 suicide terror attacks across the world. Four hundred and fifty of them...
95% of suicide bombers ID'd as Muslim
95% of suicide bombers ID'd as Muslim
The threat of ISIS inspired suicide bombing have many in the United States worried about an attack...
Sean Penn tells the AP he has ‘nothin’ to hide.’ That’s the problem!
Sean Penn tells the AP he has ‘nothin’ to hide.’ That’s the problem!
The Associated Press has tracked down Sean Penn, author of a long-form story in Rolling Stone about...
New York Times names successor to David Carr
New York Times names successor to David Carr
The New York Times today finally filled a hole that has sat empty for nearly a year, naming Jim...
Even David Brooks Hates You
Even David Brooks Hates You
The New York Times conservative columnist suggests the GOP candidate is anything but kindhearted....
Anti-Union Right-Wingers Try to Win at Supreme Court After Losing at Ballot Box
Anti-Union Right-Wingers Try to Win at Supreme Court After Losing at Ballot Box
The latest chapter in the right's effort to undermine public employee unions. The right-wing war...