- published: 02 Mar 2016
- views: 1153
The Tijāniyyah (Arabic: 'الطريقة التجانية', transliterated: Al-Ṭarīqah al-Tijāniyyah, or "The Tijānī Path") is a sufi tariqa (order, path) within Sunni Islam, originating in North Africa but now more widespread in West Africa, particularly in Senegal, The Gambia, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, Niger, Chad and Northern Nigeria and some part of Sudan. The Tariqa order is also present in the state of kerela in India. Its adherents are called Tijānī (spelled Tijaan or Tiijaan in Wolof, Tidiane or Tidjane in French). Tijānī attach a large importance to culture and education, and emphasize the individual adhesion of the disciple (murīd). To become a member of the order, one must receive the Tijānī wird, or a sequence of holy phrases to be repeated twice daily, from a muqaddam, or representative of the order.
Sīdī 'Aḥmad al-Tijānī (1737–1815), who was born in Aïn Madhi, present-day Algeria and died in Fes, Morocco, founded the Tijānī order in the 1780s—sources vary as to the exact date between 1781 and 1784. Tijānīs speaking for the poor, reacted against the conservative, hierarchical Qadiriyyah brotherhood then dominant, focusing on social reform and grass-roots Islamic revival.
Manaqib Thoriqoh TIJANIYAH
zikir tijaniyah malaysia
Qasidah At-tijaniyah
Pengajian Tarekat Tijaniyah
Pengajian Tarekat Tijaniyah
Idul Khotmain Thariqoh At Tijaniyah Ke 220 Cibinong - Bogor
Maulid Nabi SAW 1434 H. di Zawiyah at Tijaniyah al-Kubro. part01
Tarbiyah Tijani Part 1
PhotoSlide: Maulid Nabi SAW 1434 H, Zawiyah Tijaniyah al-Kubro, Fes - Maroko.
Daira Tijaniyah, Les Ulis
Thariqat Tijaniyah adalah thariqat yang dikembangkan oleh Syeikh Ahmad bin Muhammad At-Tijani. Tijani mengambil dari nama kabilahnya, Tijan. Thariqat ini diterima oleh Syekh Ahmad Tijani langsung dari Rasululloh SAW dalam keadaan jaga, bukan dalam keadaan tidur. Memang sebelum mendapatkan ijazah langsung dari Rasululloh SAW, Syeikh Ahmad pernah mengambil beberapa jalur Thariqat dari beberapa Syeikh lain; seperti thariqatJazuliyah, thariqat Qadiriyah, thariqat Nashiriyah, thariqat Malamatiyah dan thariqat Khalwatiyah. Yang pada akhirnya semua thariqat itu beliau tinggalkan. Pada usia 46 tahun (tahun 1196 H.), beliau dianugerahi berjumpa dengan Rasululloh SAW dalam keadaan Yaqazhah (terjaga). Dan sejak saat itu Rasululloh SAW selalu mendampinginya dan tidak pernah hilang dari pandangannya....
Barnamij Maulid an Nabawi as Syarif bi Dhorikh al Qutb al Maktum Sayyid Ahmad at-Tijany r.a. Fes - Maroko.
Tarbiyah Tijani Part 1
Session complète du 15 février 2015 de la Daira Tijaniyah: "Sidna Cheikh Ahmed Tijani Chérif: le connaître pour l'aimer; l'aimer pour cheminer."
Tijon - Use Me
Intro (Bill Withers)
I want to spread the news, That if it feels this good getting used
You just keep on using me, Till you use me up
Verse 1
I take their breath away, Even take their stress away
With me you could spend the whole day, (Till you use me up)
I got a special kind of glow to me, Strictly what they blow to me
I promise I started white as the snow, homie
The haters might call me, wash up or cook down
I'm cooked up and broke down, They got me for the low now
Or so they say, I got the low down how it goes down
I've been buffed and boofed and rode in coupes from NY to the O-
All white, with a little shade of yellow
So you say im oriental stay around some Philipinos
My father -- a masonary, he works with the Arm & Hammer
My mother been crushing Willy Wonka, stays in coco powder
Streets devour power just to keep my ass up on their counter
They cant live with see me up the hands of a counter part to them
Or mother, sister, brother, cousin, uncle, You been my lover?
They sayin he'll break ya down, He'll let you down
All jealousy they fell for me they miss my kiss
Look at their mouths, Coated with my sugar bliss
So freeze and picture this, Me and you it's effortless
Just flick the flame and light my stem, We'll be heaven sent
I want to spread the news, That if it feels this good getting used
You just keep on using me, Till you use me up
Verse 2
You know I love you, Any storm we can weather
I'll be your bestfriend forever baby (Till you use me up)
Then I gotta go you need me? You know where I stay
Uptown, Lennox Ave, Any time of day
Look I love you, But you got to have the right pay
Cause my handler, Well he's known to get carried away
All my dates, He calls them junkies, Serves them two a day
He's got to be protective, He knew me since I was sugar babe
Plus I copped him cash and cars, We mingled with some superstars
From Whitney, Doc, and Darryl, To some heads of city council
In theirs heads now I can counsel, Navigate or mediate them
That's a come up from the Pyrex vision, kitchen tables
I'm up the street and down the block, Around the corner you can cop
You work with me?, We call it clock
But watch out for the cops, They roll up pop and lock us up for this
All I am is coco crisp cooked... You know what?
I think they want a kiss
See I've seen them looking, Passionately grabbing at me
Served his daddy '88, Now he wants to hit the base
Bad with the face, Lost it in the game