Andhra employee killed in road accident in Switzerland | ABN News (26-01-2015)
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INSANE! Best UFO Sightings Of June 2015 [Breaking News] Share This!
WATCH: Best UFO Videos Of June 2015 [Breaking UFO News] Share This! This is what went down at Thirdphaseofmoon for the month of June 2015! Sub Now Not To Miss What Happens Next! Details On All UFO Submitted To TPOM Credits and Testimony Below~Video Produced by Jim Martin Original Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTpHNyQ_oW4
Quote From Roter "Hi, a week ago i filmed this from my balcony and w
Iran Nuclear Talks Held in Switzerland PTV World News Today 2015
Iran Nuclear Talks Held in Switzerland PTV World English News Today 2015 - PTV World News Today March 8, 2015 Latest English News Updates 8th March 2015
You are watching News Clip Broadcast by PTV World News, The Pakistan's 24/7 English News Channel. PTV World broadcast National News, International News including Business, Sports, Weather and Entertainment News. Every night Current Affairs Show
Veronique de Rugy Discusses Switzerland's Minimum Income on Varney and Company
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Net Neutrality (HBO)
Cable companies are trying to create an unequal playing field for internet speeds, but they're doing it so boringly that most news outlets aren't covering it.
John Oliver explains the controversy and lets viewers know how they can voice their displeasure to the FCC.
(www.fcc.gov/comments, for any interested parties)
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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees (HBO)
Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.
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News Update: FIFA World Cup Preview: Spain (0-0-0) vs. Switzerland (0-0-0)
Durban, South Africa (Sports Network) - Spain enters the FIFA World Cup on one of the most impressive streaks ever, having won 45 of its last 48 matches with...
Success story of Tamil Eelam women Dharshika in Switzerland
Success story of Tamil Eelam women Dharshika in Switzerland
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Chandrababu naidu dress code in switzerland attracting everyone (22-01-2015)
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2014 Breaking News Final Hour the Coming Antichrist one world religion Armageddon
2014 Breaking News Final Hour the Coming Antichrist Armageddon one world religion Last days news prophecy update
Queen of Rome, Queen of ISLAM, Queen of All The Marian apparitions plan to unite all religions under the Roman Catholic Church http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/Queen.pdf
Dave Hunt speaker on video - Christian apologist written numerous book
Switzerland De-pegs From EU And Joins China With An Offshore Yuan Trading Center- Episode 571
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
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Report date: 1.21.2015
Mortgage apps rise as sub-prime buyers are allowed to take out mortgages. Building permits slid for the 2nd month in a row.State of The Union based on lies. New reports says unemployment will continue to rise. China and Switzerland are creating a offshore yuan
Swiss Telugu NRI Forum celebrates Sri Rama Navami Festival in Switzerland | CVR News
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6/03/2015 -- CERN LHC runs 1st time at full capacity -- 13TeV -- Live video releases
CERN's LHC (Large Hadron Collider) went through a process of beam attenuation since powering up over the past 2 months. Today, June 3 2015, CERN went into full operation using 13 TeV ( teraelectron volts ) of power, a new world record.
Full website post here with links to monitor the experiments live:
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Black money - India must show valid proofs says Swiss government - Teenmaar news
Switzerland government urged Indian government to show the valid proofs to find out the black money holders accounts list in Swiss Bank.
Watch V6 special program Teenmaar news with Ramulamma, Malanna, Chitemma & Mangli in a witty Telangana slang.
Watch first ever a 24/7 Telangana news Channel V6 News, a Journalist - driven channel that covers news updates, politics, sports, entertainment and ci
Putin: It’s strange when we have to deal with the US in order to discuss issues with Europe
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to a Swiss news channel, sharing his perspective on the current situation in Europe. RT’s Madina Kochenova has more.
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Which Countries Still Use The Military Draft?
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After World War 2, many countries moved away from military conscriptions. How many countries still use the draft?
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Lithuania to reintroduce conscription over security concerns
"Lithuania is to reintroduce conscription over
Chandrababu Naidu Switzerland Tour Details (21-01-2015)
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
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Swaziland: Gold Mine of Marijuana (Part 1/2)
Check out more episodes of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia here: http://bit.ly/1p4lfu9
Swaziland is a landlocked country sandwiched between South Africa and Mozambique. Despite Swaziland's small size, it boasts more hectares of land dedicated to growing Cannabis than all of India. It is also home to Swazi Gold, the legendary sativa strain.
Hamilton Morris travels to Swaziland hoping to chemically analyz
Black Money : Swiss Bank reveals Two Indian Names - Teenmaar News (26-05-2015)
Two Indian Women Named Sneh Lata Sawhney and Sangita Sawhney figure among scores of foreign nationals with Swiss Bank Accounts.
Watch first ever a 24/7 Telangana news Channel V6 News, a Journalist - driven channel that covers news updates, politics, sports, entertainment and cinema. The channel telecast special Telangana programs in complete Telangana dialect.
The channel airs shows like ' Top
Inside Story - Switzerland: Sidestepping banking secrecy
A Swiss government bill was put to parliament to allow Swiss banks to hand over internal information to the US authorities, in a move that was previously out...
What in the World Just Happened in Switzerland and WHY You should Care!
Euro Crashes Against Swiss Franc
The EU is going to launch a very robust quantitative easing program, the Swiss National Bank has thrown in the towel. It was simply going to cost way too much to continue to defend the currency floor. So now there is panic all over Europe
Tibetans protest over Beijing Olympic bid in Switzerland
Tibetan activists in Switzerland protest over Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics bid. Report by Claire Mewse.
Nadigar Sangam Elections - Members of Vishal team addressing reporters in Salem
Nadigar Sangam Elections - Members of Vishal team addressing reporters in Salem
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Andhra employee killed in road accident in Switzerland | ABN News (26-01-2015)
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, ...
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
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wn.com/Andhra Employee Killed In Road Accident In Switzerland | Abn News (26 01 2015)
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
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- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 225
INSANE! Best UFO Sightings Of June 2015 [Breaking News] Share This!
WATCH: Best UFO Videos Of June 2015 [Breaking UFO News] Share This! This is what went down at Thirdphaseofmoon for the month of June 2015! Sub Now Not To Miss W...
WATCH: Best UFO Videos Of June 2015 [Breaking UFO News] Share This! This is what went down at Thirdphaseofmoon for the month of June 2015! Sub Now Not To Miss What Happens Next! Details On All UFO Submitted To TPOM Credits and Testimony Below~Video Produced by Jim Martin Original Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTpHNyQ_oW4
Quote From Roter "Hi, a week ago i filmed this from my balcony and wanted your opinion about it. Greetings from Switzerland" Brent and Blake Look Over HAARP Evidence.
Original Link From Switzerland From Roter Faden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1QWIHT_EMU&feature;=youtu.be
"Manuel WOlff from "hello, germany!" Shares His New UFO Footage To Thirdphaseofmoon
Manuel Wolff Channel http://youtube.com/user/uiuiui7
[Alberta Canada UFO] 2015 Clarissa Garza Quote "I saw this thing flying over 288 and then off Beltway 8 on 8/22/14. I've never uploaded the video because I was skeptical.https://youtu.be/pQuxy1m42yY"
JD ROCK Quote "I was out in the middle of nowhere and noticed this massive ring on the horizon. I first thought it was a big UFO and then realized it was a 300ft+ round smoke ring. Filmed south of Edson, Alberta, Canada. It was 1 degree Celsius and filmed by my old Samsung Galaxy S3 phone."
I have an additional older video from my quadcopter. I thought it was a bird but it was traveling really fast. IT happens around 2:32 mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYZFXSITxSQ
Walter Ramirez Quote "Hello, just over a month ago my family went to Peru Machu Pichu. My cousin took a picture of his girlfriend with the view of the ruins. They did not notice anything strange at the moment, but when looking at the picture there is a very clear metallic sphere UFO on the picture."
Real UFO's sighting in Perris CA.
Steve Contreras https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP8r9_TFo3c&feature;=youtu.be
Thirdphaseofmoon is looking for the best UFO footage Shot by People Like you from Around The World! Upload your ufo Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! cousinsbrothersproductions@gmail.com Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
Thirdphaseofmoon Album Paul Barrett https://itunes.apple.com/album/third-phase-moon-soundtrack/id838365672
Subscribe Thirdphaseofmoon http://www.youtube.com/user/thirdphaseofmoon?sub_confirmation=1
Incredible UFO Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcWp74Nahz0&list;=LLuBPlZTF6TGO0g58QgcgsxA
Follow On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Thirphaseofmoon
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Thirdphaseofmoon Radio Show Every Friday Night! Check Link for Details http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thirdphaseofmoon-ufo-sightings
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Official Thirdphaseofmoon Website! Check it out! http://www.thirdphaseofmoon.net/
Check out Our Blog For Exclusive Content http://thirdphaseofmoonufo.blogspot.com/
Keep Your Eyes On The Skies!
wn.com/Insane Best Ufo Sightings Of June 2015 Breaking News Share This
WATCH: Best UFO Videos Of June 2015 [Breaking UFO News] Share This! This is what went down at Thirdphaseofmoon for the month of June 2015! Sub Now Not To Miss What Happens Next! Details On All UFO Submitted To TPOM Credits and Testimony Below~Video Produced by Jim Martin Original Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTpHNyQ_oW4
Quote From Roter "Hi, a week ago i filmed this from my balcony and wanted your opinion about it. Greetings from Switzerland" Brent and Blake Look Over HAARP Evidence.
Original Link From Switzerland From Roter Faden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1QWIHT_EMU&feature;=youtu.be
"Manuel WOlff from "hello, germany!" Shares His New UFO Footage To Thirdphaseofmoon
Manuel Wolff Channel http://youtube.com/user/uiuiui7
[Alberta Canada UFO] 2015 Clarissa Garza Quote "I saw this thing flying over 288 and then off Beltway 8 on 8/22/14. I've never uploaded the video because I was skeptical.https://youtu.be/pQuxy1m42yY"
JD ROCK Quote "I was out in the middle of nowhere and noticed this massive ring on the horizon. I first thought it was a big UFO and then realized it was a 300ft+ round smoke ring. Filmed south of Edson, Alberta, Canada. It was 1 degree Celsius and filmed by my old Samsung Galaxy S3 phone."
I have an additional older video from my quadcopter. I thought it was a bird but it was traveling really fast. IT happens around 2:32 mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYZFXSITxSQ
Walter Ramirez Quote "Hello, just over a month ago my family went to Peru Machu Pichu. My cousin took a picture of his girlfriend with the view of the ruins. They did not notice anything strange at the moment, but when looking at the picture there is a very clear metallic sphere UFO on the picture."
Real UFO's sighting in Perris CA.
Steve Contreras https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP8r9_TFo3c&feature;=youtu.be
Thirdphaseofmoon is looking for the best UFO footage Shot by People Like you from Around The World! Upload your ufo Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! cousinsbrothersproductions@gmail.com Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
Thirdphaseofmoon Album Paul Barrett https://itunes.apple.com/album/third-phase-moon-soundtrack/id838365672
Subscribe Thirdphaseofmoon http://www.youtube.com/user/thirdphaseofmoon?sub_confirmation=1
Incredible UFO Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcWp74Nahz0&list;=LLuBPlZTF6TGO0g58QgcgsxA
Follow On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Thirphaseofmoon
Join Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blake.cousins.3
Thirdphaseofmoon Radio Show Every Friday Night! Check Link for Details http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thirdphaseofmoon-ufo-sightings
Thirdphaseofmoon Blog http://thirdphaseofmoonufo.blogspot.com/
Official Thirdphaseofmoon Website! Check it out! http://www.thirdphaseofmoon.net/
Check out Our Blog For Exclusive Content http://thirdphaseofmoonufo.blogspot.com/
Keep Your Eyes On The Skies!
- published: 01 Jul 2015
- views: 1231554
Iran Nuclear Talks Held in Switzerland PTV World News Today 2015
Iran Nuclear Talks Held in Switzerland PTV World English News Today 2015 - PTV World News Today March 8, 2015 Latest English News Updates 8th March 2015
You ...
Iran Nuclear Talks Held in Switzerland PTV World English News Today 2015 - PTV World News Today March 8, 2015 Latest English News Updates 8th March 2015
You are watching News Clip Broadcast by PTV World News, The Pakistan's 24/7 English News Channel. PTV World broadcast National News, International News including Business, Sports, Weather and Entertainment News. Every night Current Affairs Show, Analysis based programs telecast which focusing on national, international and regional issues. Channel also shows Entertainment, Event Shows, English Dramas, Serials & Soaps, Reality Based Shows, Religious, Social and Cultural programs. Infotainment, Awareness promos, constructive tips & techniques, public service messages are the important part of the transmission.
Iran News Updates 2015 - Latest iranian News Channel
National News, International News, World News, Business, Sports, Weather Updates, Entertainment News, Current Affairs, Analysis, Asia News, News Today, 8th March 2015,
wn.com/Iran Nuclear Talks Held In Switzerland Ptv World News Today 2015
Iran Nuclear Talks Held in Switzerland PTV World English News Today 2015 - PTV World News Today March 8, 2015 Latest English News Updates 8th March 2015
You are watching News Clip Broadcast by PTV World News, The Pakistan's 24/7 English News Channel. PTV World broadcast National News, International News including Business, Sports, Weather and Entertainment News. Every night Current Affairs Show, Analysis based programs telecast which focusing on national, international and regional issues. Channel also shows Entertainment, Event Shows, English Dramas, Serials & Soaps, Reality Based Shows, Religious, Social and Cultural programs. Infotainment, Awareness promos, constructive tips & techniques, public service messages are the important part of the transmission.
Iran News Updates 2015 - Latest iranian News Channel
National News, International News, World News, Business, Sports, Weather Updates, Entertainment News, Current Affairs, Analysis, Asia News, News Today, 8th March 2015,
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 0
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Net Neutrality (HBO)
Cable companies are trying to create an unequal playing field for internet speeds, but they're doing it so boringly that most news outlets aren't covering it.
Cable companies are trying to create an unequal playing field for internet speeds, but they're doing it so boringly that most news outlets aren't covering it.
John Oliver explains the controversy and lets viewers know how they can voice their displeasure to the FCC.
(www.fcc.gov/comments, for any interested parties)
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It's HBO.
wn.com/Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Net Neutrality (Hbo)
Cable companies are trying to create an unequal playing field for internet speeds, but they're doing it so boringly that most news outlets aren't covering it.
John Oliver explains the controversy and lets viewers know how they can voice their displeasure to the FCC.
(www.fcc.gov/comments, for any interested parties)
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It's HBO.
- published: 02 Jun 2014
- views: 10281776
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees (HBO)
Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.
Connect with La...
Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.
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wn.com/Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Migrants And Refugees (Hbo)
Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.
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- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 6451093
News Update: FIFA World Cup Preview: Spain (0-0-0) vs. Switzerland (0-0-0)
Durban, South Africa (Sports Network) - Spain enters the FIFA World Cup on one of the most impressive streaks ever, having won 45 of its last 48 matches with......
Durban, South Africa (Sports Network) - Spain enters the FIFA World Cup on one of the most impressive streaks ever, having won 45 of its last 48 matches with...
wn.com/News Update Fifa World Cup Preview Spain (0 0 0) Vs. Switzerland (0 0 0)
Durban, South Africa (Sports Network) - Spain enters the FIFA World Cup on one of the most impressive streaks ever, having won 45 of its last 48 matches with...
Success story of Tamil Eelam women Dharshika in Switzerland
Success story of Tamil Eelam women Dharshika in Switzerland
Connect with Puthiya Thalaimurai TV Online:
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Success story of Tamil Eelam women Dharshika in Switzerland
Connect with Puthiya Thalaimurai TV Online:
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About Puthiya Thalaimurai TV
Puthiya Thalaimurai TV is a 24x7 live news channel in Tamil launched on August 24, 2011.Due to its independent editorial stance it became extremely popular in India and abroad within days of its launch and continues to remain so till date.The channel looks at issues through the eyes of the common man and serves as a platform that airs people's views.The editorial policy is built on strong ethics and fair reporting methods that does not favour or oppose any individual, ideology, group, government, organisation or sponsor.The channel’s primary aim is taking unbiased and accurate information to the socially conscious common man.
Besides giving live and current information the channel broadcasts news on sports, business and international affairs. It also offers a wide array of week end programmes.
The channel is promoted by Chennai based New Gen Media Corporation. The company also publishes popular Tamil magazines- Puthiya Thalaimurai and Kalvi.
The news center is based in Chennai city, supported by a sprawling network of bureaus all over Tamil Nadu. It has a northern hub in the capital Delhi.The channel is proud of its well trained journalists and employs cutting edge technology for news gathering and processing.
wn.com/Success Story Of Tamil Eelam Women Dharshika In Switzerland
Success story of Tamil Eelam women Dharshika in Switzerland
Connect with Puthiya Thalaimurai TV Online:
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About Puthiya Thalaimurai TV
Puthiya Thalaimurai TV is a 24x7 live news channel in Tamil launched on August 24, 2011.Due to its independent editorial stance it became extremely popular in India and abroad within days of its launch and continues to remain so till date.The channel looks at issues through the eyes of the common man and serves as a platform that airs people's views.The editorial policy is built on strong ethics and fair reporting methods that does not favour or oppose any individual, ideology, group, government, organisation or sponsor.The channel’s primary aim is taking unbiased and accurate information to the socially conscious common man.
Besides giving live and current information the channel broadcasts news on sports, business and international affairs. It also offers a wide array of week end programmes.
The channel is promoted by Chennai based New Gen Media Corporation. The company also publishes popular Tamil magazines- Puthiya Thalaimurai and Kalvi.
The news center is based in Chennai city, supported by a sprawling network of bureaus all over Tamil Nadu. It has a northern hub in the capital Delhi.The channel is proud of its well trained journalists and employs cutting edge technology for news gathering and processing.
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 961
Chandrababu naidu dress code in switzerland attracting everyone (22-01-2015)
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, ...
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
For more latest hot and happening news subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ABNtelugutv?sub_confirmation=1
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wn.com/Chandrababu Naidu Dress Code In Switzerland Attracting Everyone (22 01 2015)
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
For more latest hot and happening news subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ABNtelugutv?sub_confirmation=1
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- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 2697
2014 Breaking News Final Hour the Coming Antichrist one world religion Armageddon
2014 Breaking News Final Hour the Coming Antichrist Armageddon one world religion Last days news prophecy update
Queen of Rome, Queen of ISLAM, Queen of All Th...
2014 Breaking News Final Hour the Coming Antichrist Armageddon one world religion Last days news prophecy update
Queen of Rome, Queen of ISLAM, Queen of All The Marian apparitions plan to unite all religions under the Roman Catholic Church http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/Queen.pdf
Dave Hunt speaker on video - Christian apologist written numerous books on theology, prophecy, cults, and other religions, including critiques of Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism
Ushering in the One-World Religion
CBN.com -- GENEVA, Switzerland — A one world government and a one world religion — it may just sound like fiction from the popular "Left Behind" novel series. But some Christians say this scenario may be closer than most people think.
in Geneva, hundreds of spiritual and religious leaders met at the United Nations for a peace summit.
The summit was endorsed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan who said "the future of the world depends on women."
The UN summit of women religious leaders. Most were from "Eastern religions - Buddhists, Taoists and Hindus.
Gray said, "I was raised Catholic, I bless that base, I think if you have a strong religious base where, whatever it is, then you branch out from there, or expand on it."
Rev. Brown Campbell said, "That's not a purposeful intent. This is a meeting, of course, of people of all religions. There was no mention of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Nor could we find any evangelical Christians either speaking at or attending this world religions summit.
The Geneva summit was a direct outcome of the Millennium World Peace Summit of religious and spiritual leaders held at the United Nations in New York two CNN founder Ted Turner endeared himself to the crowd by promoting the New Age concept that there are many ways to heaven.
"The thing that disturbed me was that my religion, the Christian sect, was very intolerant, not of religious freedom, but we thought we were the only ones going to heaven," Turner said.
Robert Maginnis, a former director of the Family Research Council, said of the summit, "Well, I can see the possibility that it's the globalization of world religion."
Maginnis says I would submit that the United Nations is very anti-life, they are anti-faith, anti-family, they're anti-national sovereignty, but they are pro one-world government," he said.
Christian scholars say the Bible warns of a time when all the world will unite under a false global religious and political system. Maginnis says, it appears the UN could be taking the first steps in that direction.
"You're taking the Muslim community, the Christian community, the Hindus, the Confucians and all the many hundreds of religious groups, trying to identify key leaders, and you are basically trying to co-opt them into cooperating with you," he said.
December 14 2013 Breaking News Biblical Prophecy and current events Countdown to Armageddon - Last days final hour news prophecy update
December 14 2013 Breaking News Time Magazine 2013 Person of the Year Pope Francis Reimagines the Papacy http://poy.time.com/2013/12/11/2013-person-of-the-year-pope-francis-reimagines-the-papacy/#ixzz2nJcosYpO
Biblical Prophecy and current events Countdown to Armageddon - Last days final hour news prophecy update
Dave Hunt explains biblical prophecy A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days
Dave Hunt explains facts about Catholicism Vatican found in the bible - In A Woman Rides the Beast, he identifies the Roman Catholic Church as the Whore of Babylon from the prophecies in chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation.
Revelation 17 New King James Version (NKJV) The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2017&version;=NKJV
Revelation 18 New King James Version (NKJV) The Fall of Babylon the Great http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2018&version;=NKJV
Dave Hunt - All Israel wants is to be left in peace. But if Israel were not there and the Arab world, the Muslim world was not preoccupied with Israel, that didn't have this thorn in its side, which in fact is a fulfillment of prophecy. God said that he would make Jerusalem a burden to the entire world and a cup of trembling, or of terror, to all the nations round about, so this is exactly what the Bible foretold.
Armageddon is an attempt by all the armies of the world, under the leading of Antichrist, to effect what Hitler called "the final solution to the Jewish problem." And it is foretold in the Bible, Ezekiel 38, I believe is about Armageddon.
wn.com/2014 Breaking News Final Hour The Coming Antichrist One World Religion Armageddon
2014 Breaking News Final Hour the Coming Antichrist Armageddon one world religion Last days news prophecy update
Queen of Rome, Queen of ISLAM, Queen of All The Marian apparitions plan to unite all religions under the Roman Catholic Church http://www.eternal-productions.org/PDFS/Queen.pdf
Dave Hunt speaker on video - Christian apologist written numerous books on theology, prophecy, cults, and other religions, including critiques of Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism
Ushering in the One-World Religion
CBN.com -- GENEVA, Switzerland — A one world government and a one world religion — it may just sound like fiction from the popular "Left Behind" novel series. But some Christians say this scenario may be closer than most people think.
in Geneva, hundreds of spiritual and religious leaders met at the United Nations for a peace summit.
The summit was endorsed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan who said "the future of the world depends on women."
The UN summit of women religious leaders. Most were from "Eastern religions - Buddhists, Taoists and Hindus.
Gray said, "I was raised Catholic, I bless that base, I think if you have a strong religious base where, whatever it is, then you branch out from there, or expand on it."
Rev. Brown Campbell said, "That's not a purposeful intent. This is a meeting, of course, of people of all religions. There was no mention of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Nor could we find any evangelical Christians either speaking at or attending this world religions summit.
The Geneva summit was a direct outcome of the Millennium World Peace Summit of religious and spiritual leaders held at the United Nations in New York two CNN founder Ted Turner endeared himself to the crowd by promoting the New Age concept that there are many ways to heaven.
"The thing that disturbed me was that my religion, the Christian sect, was very intolerant, not of religious freedom, but we thought we were the only ones going to heaven," Turner said.
Robert Maginnis, a former director of the Family Research Council, said of the summit, "Well, I can see the possibility that it's the globalization of world religion."
Maginnis says I would submit that the United Nations is very anti-life, they are anti-faith, anti-family, they're anti-national sovereignty, but they are pro one-world government," he said.
Christian scholars say the Bible warns of a time when all the world will unite under a false global religious and political system. Maginnis says, it appears the UN could be taking the first steps in that direction.
"You're taking the Muslim community, the Christian community, the Hindus, the Confucians and all the many hundreds of religious groups, trying to identify key leaders, and you are basically trying to co-opt them into cooperating with you," he said.
December 14 2013 Breaking News Biblical Prophecy and current events Countdown to Armageddon - Last days final hour news prophecy update
December 14 2013 Breaking News Time Magazine 2013 Person of the Year Pope Francis Reimagines the Papacy http://poy.time.com/2013/12/11/2013-person-of-the-year-pope-francis-reimagines-the-papacy/#ixzz2nJcosYpO
Biblical Prophecy and current events Countdown to Armageddon - Last days final hour news prophecy update
Dave Hunt explains biblical prophecy A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days
Dave Hunt explains facts about Catholicism Vatican found in the bible - In A Woman Rides the Beast, he identifies the Roman Catholic Church as the Whore of Babylon from the prophecies in chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation.
Revelation 17 New King James Version (NKJV) The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2017&version;=NKJV
Revelation 18 New King James Version (NKJV) The Fall of Babylon the Great http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2018&version;=NKJV
Dave Hunt - All Israel wants is to be left in peace. But if Israel were not there and the Arab world, the Muslim world was not preoccupied with Israel, that didn't have this thorn in its side, which in fact is a fulfillment of prophecy. God said that he would make Jerusalem a burden to the entire world and a cup of trembling, or of terror, to all the nations round about, so this is exactly what the Bible foretold.
Armageddon is an attempt by all the armies of the world, under the leading of Antichrist, to effect what Hitler called "the final solution to the Jewish problem." And it is foretold in the Bible, Ezekiel 38, I believe is about Armageddon.
- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 185778
Switzerland De-pegs From EU And Joins China With An Offshore Yuan Trading Center- Episode 571
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
More news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.com
Report date: 1.21.2015
Mortgage apps rise as...
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
More news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.com
Report date: 1.21.2015
Mortgage apps rise as sub-prime buyers are allowed to take out mortgages. Building permits slid for the 2nd month in a row.State of The Union based on lies. New reports says unemployment will continue to rise. China and Switzerland are creating a offshore yuan trading center in Zurich which will bypass the dollar.Central bankers pushing war in Ukraine, they do not want peace. The propaganda begins, NATO reporting Russia is invading. Travel warnings in Yemen and Libya, the people are taking back their countries. Biden and Obama push for boots on the ground in Syria. Countries are now limiting the peoples rights. Al-Qaeda making threats of attack in US.
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
wn.com/Switzerland De Pegs From Eu And Joins China With An Offshore Yuan Trading Center Episode 571
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
More news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.com
Report date: 1.21.2015
Mortgage apps rise as sub-prime buyers are allowed to take out mortgages. Building permits slid for the 2nd month in a row.State of The Union based on lies. New reports says unemployment will continue to rise. China and Switzerland are creating a offshore yuan trading center in Zurich which will bypass the dollar.Central bankers pushing war in Ukraine, they do not want peace. The propaganda begins, NATO reporting Russia is invading. Travel warnings in Yemen and Libya, the people are taking back their countries. Biden and Obama push for boots on the ground in Syria. Countries are now limiting the peoples rights. Al-Qaeda making threats of attack in US.
All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.
Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.
Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.
The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 20812
Swiss Telugu NRI Forum celebrates Sri Rama Navami Festival in Switzerland | CVR News
Watch CVR News, the 24/7 news channel with exclusive breaking news, special interviews, latest updates on movies, sports and current affairs.
Watch the video t...
Watch CVR News, the 24/7 news channel with exclusive breaking news, special interviews, latest updates on movies, sports and current affairs.
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wn.com/Swiss Telugu Nri Forum Celebrates Sri Rama Navami Festival In Switzerland | Cvr News
Watch CVR News, the 24/7 news channel with exclusive breaking news, special interviews, latest updates on movies, sports and current affairs.
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- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 222
6/03/2015 -- CERN LHC runs 1st time at full capacity -- 13TeV -- Live video releases
CERN's LHC (Large Hadron Collider) went through a process of beam attenuation since powering up over the past 2 months. Today, June 3 2015, CERN went into ful...
CERN's LHC (Large Hadron Collider) went through a process of beam attenuation since powering up over the past 2 months. Today, June 3 2015, CERN went into full operation using 13 TeV ( teraelectron volts ) of power, a new world record.
Full website post here with links to monitor the experiments live:
Live feeds to CERN here:
A "tera" electron volt is a measurement in the trillions of volts.
TERA .. just like what we use in computer hard drive storage size specification... is fairly easy to understand :) .. We all know a Giga-byte , and a Mega-byte size on a hard drive.. and we all now the next step up from a GIG is a TERA-byte of storage.
Same applies to this voltage terminology.. a TERA electron volt is a TRILLION electron volts. Thus 1 TeV is 1 trillion volts (mathematically expressed for us nerds as 1 X 12th power, or 1 with 12 zeros after 1,000,000,000,000 volts.)
13 TeV = 13,000,000,000,000 volts. :)
Hope that is easy to understand for my non-physics non-quantum mechanic non-electrician viewers !! LOLOLOL .. which is something most of us aren't (including me). Who can understand such power expressed in numbers/text?
The experiments done today, involving the first attenuated + stable beams at full power, proved fully "successful".
Credit for the video to the CERN team.. animation and dubstep music come from CERN directly:
wn.com/6 03 2015 Cern Lhc Runs 1St Time At Full Capacity 13Tev Live Video Releases
CERN's LHC (Large Hadron Collider) went through a process of beam attenuation since powering up over the past 2 months. Today, June 3 2015, CERN went into full operation using 13 TeV ( teraelectron volts ) of power, a new world record.
Full website post here with links to monitor the experiments live:
Live feeds to CERN here:
A "tera" electron volt is a measurement in the trillions of volts.
TERA .. just like what we use in computer hard drive storage size specification... is fairly easy to understand :) .. We all know a Giga-byte , and a Mega-byte size on a hard drive.. and we all now the next step up from a GIG is a TERA-byte of storage.
Same applies to this voltage terminology.. a TERA electron volt is a TRILLION electron volts. Thus 1 TeV is 1 trillion volts (mathematically expressed for us nerds as 1 X 12th power, or 1 with 12 zeros after 1,000,000,000,000 volts.)
13 TeV = 13,000,000,000,000 volts. :)
Hope that is easy to understand for my non-physics non-quantum mechanic non-electrician viewers !! LOLOLOL .. which is something most of us aren't (including me). Who can understand such power expressed in numbers/text?
The experiments done today, involving the first attenuated + stable beams at full power, proved fully "successful".
Credit for the video to the CERN team.. animation and dubstep music come from CERN directly:
- published: 03 Jun 2015
- views: 10103
Black money - India must show valid proofs says Swiss government - Teenmaar news
Switzerland government urged Indian government to show the valid proofs to find out the black money holders accounts list in Swiss Bank.
Watch V6 special prog...
Switzerland government urged Indian government to show the valid proofs to find out the black money holders accounts list in Swiss Bank.
Watch V6 special program Teenmaar news with Ramulamma, Malanna, Chitemma & Mangli in a witty Telangana slang.
Watch first ever a 24/7 Telangana news Channel V6 News, a Journalist - driven channel that covers news updates, politics, sports, entertainment and cinema. The channel telecast special Telangana programs in complete Telangana dialect.
The channel airs shows like '70MM, Rajaakeeyam, Ghadeelu, Creative Box, Teenmaar, Dhoom Dhaam, Mangli Adda, Prateeka Show etc. Sports, Movies, Politics Controversies, Current Affairs, Technology.. you name it and you find it at the click of a button.
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wn.com/Black Money India Must Show Valid Proofs Says Swiss Government Teenmaar News
Switzerland government urged Indian government to show the valid proofs to find out the black money holders accounts list in Swiss Bank.
Watch V6 special program Teenmaar news with Ramulamma, Malanna, Chitemma & Mangli in a witty Telangana slang.
Watch first ever a 24/7 Telangana news Channel V6 News, a Journalist - driven channel that covers news updates, politics, sports, entertainment and cinema. The channel telecast special Telangana programs in complete Telangana dialect.
The channel airs shows like '70MM, Rajaakeeyam, Ghadeelu, Creative Box, Teenmaar, Dhoom Dhaam, Mangli Adda, Prateeka Show etc. Sports, Movies, Politics Controversies, Current Affairs, Technology.. you name it and you find it at the click of a button.
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- published: 09 Dec 2014
- views: 128
Putin: It’s strange when we have to deal with the US in order to discuss issues with Europe
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to a Swiss news channel, sharing his perspective on the current situation in Europe. RT’s Madina Kochenova ha...
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to a Swiss news channel, sharing his perspective on the current situation in Europe. RT’s Madina Kochenova has more.
RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
wn.com/Putin It’S Strange When We Have To Deal With The US In Order To Discuss Issues With Europe
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to a Swiss news channel, sharing his perspective on the current situation in Europe. RT’s Madina Kochenova has more.
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 301
Which Countries Still Use The Military Draft?
What Are The World's Most Powerful Militaries? http://testu.be/1QeAS0Z
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After World War 2, many countries moved away fr...
What Are The World's Most Powerful Militaries? http://testu.be/1QeAS0Z
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
After World War 2, many countries moved away from military conscriptions. How many countries still use the draft?
Learn More:
Lithuania to reintroduce conscription over security concerns
"Lithuania is to reintroduce conscription over concerns about "the current geopolitical environment" in the Baltic states, President Dalia Grybauskaite says."
Military Conscription Policy by Country
"This map shows the status of Conscription Policy by country."
Switzerland referendum voters to keep army conscription
"Swiss voters want to keep the country's compulsory military service, exit polls from the latest national referendum on the topic have suggested."
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Concentration"
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wn.com/Which Countries Still Use The Military Draft
What Are The World's Most Powerful Militaries? http://testu.be/1QeAS0Z
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
After World War 2, many countries moved away from military conscriptions. How many countries still use the draft?
Learn More:
Lithuania to reintroduce conscription over security concerns
"Lithuania is to reintroduce conscription over concerns about "the current geopolitical environment" in the Baltic states, President Dalia Grybauskaite says."
Military Conscription Policy by Country
"This map shows the status of Conscription Policy by country."
Switzerland referendum voters to keep army conscription
"Swiss voters want to keep the country's compulsory military service, exit polls from the latest national referendum on the topic have suggested."
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Concentration"
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TestTube News is committed to answering the smart, inquisitive questions we have about life, society, politics and anything else happening in the news. It's a place where curiosity rules and together we'll get a clearer understanding of this crazy world we live in.
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Special thanks to Jules Suzdaltsev for hosting TestTube!
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 145057
Chandrababu Naidu Switzerland Tour Details (21-01-2015)
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, ...
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
For more latest hot and happening news subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ABNtelugutv?sub_confirmation=1
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wn.com/Chandrababu Naidu Switzerland Tour Details (21 01 2015)
Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
For more latest hot and happening news subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ABNtelugutv?sub_confirmation=1
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- published: 21 Jan 2015
- views: 58
Swaziland: Gold Mine of Marijuana (Part 1/2)
Check out more episodes of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia here: http://bit.ly/1p4lfu9
Swaziland is a landlocked country sandwiched between South Africa and Mozambique...
Check out more episodes of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia here: http://bit.ly/1p4lfu9
Swaziland is a landlocked country sandwiched between South Africa and Mozambique. Despite Swaziland's small size, it boasts more hectares of land dedicated to growing Cannabis than all of India. It is also home to Swazi Gold, the legendary sativa strain.
Hamilton Morris travels to Swaziland hoping to chemically analyze the cannabinoids present in some of the local strains. Instead, he finds a country steeped in political corruption and economic turmoil. Cannabis is viewed by many growers, users, and politicians as a drug that will cause insanity, but it may be Swaziland's only hope for economic stability.
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wn.com/Swaziland Gold Mine Of Marijuana (Part 1 2)
Check out more episodes of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia here: http://bit.ly/1p4lfu9
Swaziland is a landlocked country sandwiched between South Africa and Mozambique. Despite Swaziland's small size, it boasts more hectares of land dedicated to growing Cannabis than all of India. It is also home to Swazi Gold, the legendary sativa strain.
Hamilton Morris travels to Swaziland hoping to chemically analyze the cannabinoids present in some of the local strains. Instead, he finds a country steeped in political corruption and economic turmoil. Cannabis is viewed by many growers, users, and politicians as a drug that will cause insanity, but it may be Swaziland's only hope for economic stability.
Check out the Best of VICE here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Best-Of
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- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 2764558
Black Money : Swiss Bank reveals Two Indian Names - Teenmaar News (26-05-2015)
Two Indian Women Named Sneh Lata Sawhney and Sangita Sawhney figure among scores of foreign nationals with Swiss Bank Accounts.
Watch first ever a 24/7 Telanga...
Two Indian Women Named Sneh Lata Sawhney and Sangita Sawhney figure among scores of foreign nationals with Swiss Bank Accounts.
Watch first ever a 24/7 Telangana news Channel V6 News, a Journalist - driven channel that covers news updates, politics, sports, entertainment and cinema. The channel telecast special Telangana programs in complete Telangana dialect.
The channel airs shows like ' Top News,Taara, 70MM, Ghadeelu,Teenmaar, Dhoom Dhaam, Mangli Adda,Janapadam, Telangana shaakam, Prateeka Show etc'. Sports, Movies, Politics Controversies, Current Affairs, Technology.. you name it and you find it at the click of a button.
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wn.com/Black Money Swiss Bank Reveals Two Indian Names Teenmaar News (26 05 2015)
Two Indian Women Named Sneh Lata Sawhney and Sangita Sawhney figure among scores of foreign nationals with Swiss Bank Accounts.
Watch first ever a 24/7 Telangana news Channel V6 News, a Journalist - driven channel that covers news updates, politics, sports, entertainment and cinema. The channel telecast special Telangana programs in complete Telangana dialect.
The channel airs shows like ' Top News,Taara, 70MM, Ghadeelu,Teenmaar, Dhoom Dhaam, Mangli Adda,Janapadam, Telangana shaakam, Prateeka Show etc'. Sports, Movies, Politics Controversies, Current Affairs, Technology.. you name it and you find it at the click of a button.
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- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 35
Inside Story - Switzerland: Sidestepping banking secrecy
A Swiss government bill was put to parliament to allow Swiss banks to hand over internal information to the US authorities, in a move that was previously out......
A Swiss government bill was put to parliament to allow Swiss banks to hand over internal information to the US authorities, in a move that was previously out...
wn.com/Inside Story Switzerland Sidestepping Banking Secrecy
A Swiss government bill was put to parliament to allow Swiss banks to hand over internal information to the US authorities, in a move that was previously out...
What in the World Just Happened in Switzerland and WHY You should Care!
Euro Crashes Against Swiss Franc
Euro Crashes Against Swiss Franc
The EU is going to launch a very robust quantitative easing program, the Swiss National Bank has thrown in the towel. It was simply going to cost way too much to continue to defend the currency floor. So now there is panic all over Europe. On Thursday, the Swiss franc rose a staggering 30 percent against the euro, and the Swiss stock market plunged by 10 percent. And all over the world, investors, hedge funds and central banks either lost or made gigantic piles of money as currency rates shifted at an unprecedented rate. It is going to take months to really measure the damage that has been done.
Meanwhile, the euro is in greater danger than ever. The euro has been declining for months, and now the number one buyer of euros (the Swiss National Bank) has been removed from the equation. As things in Europe continue to get even worse, expect the euro to go to all-time record lows. In addition, it is important to remember that the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s began when Thailand abandoned its currency peg. With this move by Switzerland set off a European financial crisis?
Evangelist Anita Fuentes Website: http://www.emoaf.org/
Join the Conversation and Get Breaking News Headlines @ my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/openyoureyespeople.emoaf
Join me Live Mon, Wed, Fri 5PM PDT End-Time Broadcast: http://www.emoaf.org/Evangelist-Anita-Fuentes-Live-On-Air-Radio-TV-Broadcast.html
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Pick up A CD and by doing so your helping the Urgent and Vital work of this end-time ministry! http://www.emoaf.org/
Will You Help Us Do Even More? Please Donate:
wn.com/What In The World Just Happened In Switzerland And Why You Should Care
Euro Crashes Against Swiss Franc
The EU is going to launch a very robust quantitative easing program, the Swiss National Bank has thrown in the towel. It was simply going to cost way too much to continue to defend the currency floor. So now there is panic all over Europe. On Thursday, the Swiss franc rose a staggering 30 percent against the euro, and the Swiss stock market plunged by 10 percent. And all over the world, investors, hedge funds and central banks either lost or made gigantic piles of money as currency rates shifted at an unprecedented rate. It is going to take months to really measure the damage that has been done.
Meanwhile, the euro is in greater danger than ever. The euro has been declining for months, and now the number one buyer of euros (the Swiss National Bank) has been removed from the equation. As things in Europe continue to get even worse, expect the euro to go to all-time record lows. In addition, it is important to remember that the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s began when Thailand abandoned its currency peg. With this move by Switzerland set off a European financial crisis?
Evangelist Anita Fuentes Website: http://www.emoaf.org/
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- published: 19 Jan 2015
- views: 301
Tibetans protest over Beijing Olympic bid in Switzerland
Tibetan activists in Switzerland protest over Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics bid. Report by Claire Mewse....
Tibetan activists in Switzerland protest over Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics bid. Report by Claire Mewse.
wn.com/Tibetans Protest Over Beijing Olympic Bid In Switzerland
Tibetan activists in Switzerland protest over Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics bid. Report by Claire Mewse.
- published: 11 Jun 2015
- views: 30
Nadigar Sangam Elections - Members of Vishal team addressing reporters in Salem
Nadigar Sangam Elections - Members of Vishal team addressing reporters in Salem
Connect with Puthiya Thalaimurai TV Online:
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest upda...
Nadigar Sangam Elections - Members of Vishal team addressing reporters in Salem
Connect with Puthiya Thalaimurai TV Online:
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest updates : http://bit.ly/1O4soYP
Visit Puthiya Thalaimurai TV WEBSITE: http://puthiyathalaimurai.tv/
Like Puthiya Thalaimurai TV on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PTTVOnlineNews
Follow Puthiya Thalaimurai TV TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PTTVOnlineNews
About Puthiya Thalaimurai TV
Puthiya Thalaimurai TV is a 24x7 live news channel in Tamil launched on August 24, 2011.Due to its independent editorial stance it became extremely popular in India and abroad within days of its launch and continues to remain so till date.The channel looks at issues through the eyes of the common man and serves as a platform that airs people's views.The editorial policy is built on strong ethics and fair reporting methods that does not favour or oppose any individual, ideology, group, government, organisation or sponsor.The channel’s primary aim is taking unbiased and accurate information to the socially conscious common man.
Besides giving live and current information the channel broadcasts news on sports, business and international affairs. It also offers a wide array of week end programmes.
The channel is promoted by Chennai based New Gen Media Corporation. The company also publishes popular Tamil magazines- Puthiya Thalaimurai and Kalvi.
The news center is based in Chennai city, supported by a sprawling network of bureaus all over Tamil Nadu. It has a northern hub in the capital Delhi.The channel is proud of its well trained journalists and employs cutting edge technology for news gathering and processing.
wn.com/Nadigar Sangam Elections Members Of Vishal Team Addressing Reporters In Salem
Nadigar Sangam Elections - Members of Vishal team addressing reporters in Salem
Connect with Puthiya Thalaimurai TV Online:
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest updates : http://bit.ly/1O4soYP
Visit Puthiya Thalaimurai TV WEBSITE: http://puthiyathalaimurai.tv/
Like Puthiya Thalaimurai TV on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PTTVOnlineNews
Follow Puthiya Thalaimurai TV TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PTTVOnlineNews
About Puthiya Thalaimurai TV
Puthiya Thalaimurai TV is a 24x7 live news channel in Tamil launched on August 24, 2011.Due to its independent editorial stance it became extremely popular in India and abroad within days of its launch and continues to remain so till date.The channel looks at issues through the eyes of the common man and serves as a platform that airs people's views.The editorial policy is built on strong ethics and fair reporting methods that does not favour or oppose any individual, ideology, group, government, organisation or sponsor.The channel’s primary aim is taking unbiased and accurate information to the socially conscious common man.
Besides giving live and current information the channel broadcasts news on sports, business and international affairs. It also offers a wide array of week end programmes.
The channel is promoted by Chennai based New Gen Media Corporation. The company also publishes popular Tamil magazines- Puthiya Thalaimurai and Kalvi.
The news center is based in Chennai city, supported by a sprawling network of bureaus all over Tamil Nadu. It has a northern hub in the capital Delhi.The channel is proud of its well trained journalists and employs cutting edge technology for news gathering and processing.
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 154
Economy of Switzerland
The economy of Switzerland is one of the world's most stable economies. Its policy of long-term monetary security and political stability has made Switzerland a safe haven for investors, creating an economy that is increasingly dependent on a steady tide of foreign investment.
Because of the country's small size and high labor specialization, industry and trade are the keys to Switzerland's econom
Hello! Welcome aboard this SWISS A330-300 to Chicago! I went to San Diego from 5th until 19th of September, I chose SWISS, Lufthansa and United to get me the...
SWISS Int'l Airlines Flight Review: LX178 Zurich to Singapore
SWISS International Airlines flight review from Zurich to Singapore. It was pleasant 12hour journey from Switzerland to Singapore onboard SWISS A340-300 airc...
SWISS will renew its long-haul aircraft fleet with Boeing 777
Next year, SWISS will start gradually renewing its long-haul aircraft fleet with brand-new Boeing 777. Our new intercontinental twinjet is extremely reliable, and incorporates state-of-the-art technology. With its advanced engines, the 777 uses much less fuel and emits less carbon dioxide than comparable aircraft. The new SWISS flagship has a range of up to 14,500 kilometres and can carry 340 pass
Flight Report | Swiss Avro RJ100 Business Class Geneva to Copenhagen
Best viewed in HD! Full flight report of my Business Class trip from Geneva to Copenhagen on an Avro RJ100. The ticket was a Swiss promotion fare where you could buy a business class ticket for the price of an economy ticket on this particular route.
Airplane: Avro RJ100
Flight number: LX1286
Seat: 3A
Flight time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Shot with my GoPro Hero 4 Black Edition and Sony RX-100 Cybershot
Hi guys!
Me and my girl decided to spend New Years Eve in London. This was a first time visit for us. We found some great business class deals on Swiss Intl. to London City, so no question what we would book.
Swiss European Business Class product is nothing like the american you know. You get a simple economy class seat. So much for inflight comfort. The difference is the food, lounge access and
Hi guys! I visited Singapore for a few days this october. The outbound flight was on Swiss, and I could use my miles to get upgraded to business class. But t...
Switzerland is more - Amazing Swiss Videos, MySwitzerland, swissinfo
http://www.MySwissVideo.com Welcome to a different Switzerland. Videos with Swiss roots. My Switzerland is more than tourism, mountains, cows, cheese, chocol...
Build global success when you earn your business management degree online from ABMS. Our accredited University give you the skills you need to operate within a multinational enterprise. Details https://www.abmswiss.com
U-N Secretary General Kofi Annan has welcomed the latest political efforts for a peaceful solution of the Kosovo crisis as he was attending The Annual World Economic Forum of business and government leaders in Switzerland.
Swiss President Ruth Dreifus also met U-S Vice-president Al Gore in Davos.
They reviewed a range of issues including the problems over dormant bank accou
Top executives from some of the world's largest corporations have gathered in the Alpine resort of Davos for an annual meeting with government leaders.
U-S President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat are among the 300 politicians taking part in the six-day session.
The heads of Ford Motor Co
Swiss A340-300 Zurich to Bangkok - LX 180 Full Flight
Follow me as I leave ZRH for the overnight flight to Bangkok on Swiss International LX180. This flight was better than the one going to Zurich as the AVOD actually worked and there was something to see out of the windows.
Hi guys! I visited Singapore for a few days this october. The outbound flight was on Swiss, and I could use my miles to get upgraded to business class. The s...
impossible talk, world economic forum, davos, switzerland
Impossible Talk World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. With Lily Cole, impossible founder, Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder and Professor Muhammed Yunus, No...
SWISS, the airline of Switzerland
The SWISS travel experience. Swiss International Air Lines presents its products and services. On the ground and in the air. Enjoy!
President Park's trip to India and Switzerland to focus on creative economy and foreign investment
President Park Geun-hye is set to rack up some serious air miles as she embarks on a nine-day trip to India and Switzerland on Wednesday. Our presidential co...
Swiss Airbus A340-300 Business Class TOTAL PERFECTION Hong Kong-Zürich [AirClips full flight series]
Swiss International Air Lines AG is the flag carrier airline of Switzerland operating scheduled services in Europe and to North America, South America, Africa and Asia. Its main hub is Zurich Airport, with a focus city operation at Geneva International Airport. The airline was formed after the 2002 bankruptcy of Swissair, Switzerland's former flag carrier.
Swiss is a member of the Star Alliance. I
Bizline - Ep46C02 Outcome of President Park's visit to Switzerland
Bizline Ep46 Interview Outcome of President Park's visit to Switzerland and ways to cooperate in realizing creative economy Interviewees:Jorg Al. Reding, Swi...
TEDxEcoleHôtelièreLausanne - Eva Zabey - The economy, it's nature's business
Website: http://tedx.ehl.edu More talks: http://tinyurl.com/TEDxEHLtalks Eva Zabey has lead projects that include the Water Scenarios to 2025, the Global Wat...
Hi Guys
Well, after the mishap of my outbound flight to Las Vegas aboard Edelweiss I decided to show you the excellent and very satisfying service and IFE of Edelweiss Airlines as my latest trip report!
For those who have not seen the outbound flight yet I suggest you watch the other review first, so you’ll get so see what went wrong on the ZRH-LAS leg. For those who have seen it get to see how E
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version
FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.
As we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.
FOUR HORSEMEN is free from mainstream media propaganda -- the film doesn't bash ba
Money & Debt: Crash Course World History 202
In which John Green teaches about filthy, filthy lucre. Money. And Debt. So, what is money? And what is it for? And why do we use money? And why does it all disappear so quickly after payday? John will look into 75% of these questions, and if he doesn't come up with answers, we'll get into some interesting ideas along the way, at least. This week we'll investigate whether money displaces barter, t
Isha Foundation: Sadhguru's speech at World Economic Forum 2006
http://www.ishafoundation.org Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev addresses the World Economic Forum 2006 at Davos, Switzerland. He speaks of the connection between spiri...
Economy of Switzerland
The economy of Switzerland is one of the world's most stable economies. Its policy of long-term monetary security and political stability has made Switzerland a...
The economy of Switzerland is one of the world's most stable economies. Its policy of long-term monetary security and political stability has made Switzerland a safe haven for investors, creating an economy that is increasingly dependent on a steady tide of foreign investment.
Because of the country's small size and high labor specialization, industry and trade are the keys to Switzerland's economic livelihood. Switzerland has achieved one of the highest per capita incomes in the world with low unemployment rates and a balanced budget. The service sector has also come to play a significant economic role.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
wn.com/Economy Of Switzerland
The economy of Switzerland is one of the world's most stable economies. Its policy of long-term monetary security and political stability has made Switzerland a safe haven for investors, creating an economy that is increasingly dependent on a steady tide of foreign investment.
Because of the country's small size and high labor specialization, industry and trade are the keys to Switzerland's economic livelihood. Switzerland has achieved one of the highest per capita incomes in the world with low unemployment rates and a balanced budget. The service sector has also come to play a significant economic role.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 18 Nov 2014
- views: 2
Hello! Welcome aboard this SWISS A330-300 to Chicago! I went to San Diego from 5th until 19th of September, I chose SWISS, Lufthansa and United to get me the......
Hello! Welcome aboard this SWISS A330-300 to Chicago! I went to San Diego from 5th until 19th of September, I chose SWISS, Lufthansa and United to get me the...
wn.com/Swiss A330 300 Zrh Ord Trip Report Economy Class
Hello! Welcome aboard this SWISS A330-300 to Chicago! I went to San Diego from 5th until 19th of September, I chose SWISS, Lufthansa and United to get me the...
- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 29309
author: Amandeuce
SWISS Int'l Airlines Flight Review: LX178 Zurich to Singapore
SWISS International Airlines flight review from Zurich to Singapore. It was pleasant 12hour journey from Switzerland to Singapore onboard SWISS A340-300 airc......
SWISS International Airlines flight review from Zurich to Singapore. It was pleasant 12hour journey from Switzerland to Singapore onboard SWISS A340-300 airc...
wn.com/Swiss Int'l Airlines Flight Review Lx178 Zurich To Singapore
SWISS International Airlines flight review from Zurich to Singapore. It was pleasant 12hour journey from Switzerland to Singapore onboard SWISS A340-300 airc...
SWISS will renew its long-haul aircraft fleet with Boeing 777
Next year, SWISS will start gradually renewing its long-haul aircraft fleet with brand-new Boeing 777. Our new intercontinental twinjet is extremely reliable, a...
Next year, SWISS will start gradually renewing its long-haul aircraft fleet with brand-new Boeing 777. Our new intercontinental twinjet is extremely reliable, and incorporates state-of-the-art technology. With its advanced engines, the 777 uses much less fuel and emits less carbon dioxide than comparable aircraft. The new SWISS flagship has a range of up to 14,500 kilometres and can carry 340 passengers.
Thanks to their wireless internet access, passengers on all SWISS’s new Boeing 777s will be able to surf the web on their own digital devices. So whether it’s for communication, information or simple entertainment, this attractive new feature will ensure that you’re always connected aloft.
Welcome aboard the new SWISS long-haul flagship: the Boeing 777.
wn.com/Swiss Will Renew Its Long Haul Aircraft Fleet With Boeing 777
Next year, SWISS will start gradually renewing its long-haul aircraft fleet with brand-new Boeing 777. Our new intercontinental twinjet is extremely reliable, and incorporates state-of-the-art technology. With its advanced engines, the 777 uses much less fuel and emits less carbon dioxide than comparable aircraft. The new SWISS flagship has a range of up to 14,500 kilometres and can carry 340 passengers.
Thanks to their wireless internet access, passengers on all SWISS’s new Boeing 777s will be able to surf the web on their own digital devices. So whether it’s for communication, information or simple entertainment, this attractive new feature will ensure that you’re always connected aloft.
Welcome aboard the new SWISS long-haul flagship: the Boeing 777.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 72284
Flight Report | Swiss Avro RJ100 Business Class Geneva to Copenhagen
Best viewed in HD! Full flight report of my Business Class trip from Geneva to Copenhagen on an Avro RJ100. The ticket was a Swiss promotion fare where you coul...
Best viewed in HD! Full flight report of my Business Class trip from Geneva to Copenhagen on an Avro RJ100. The ticket was a Swiss promotion fare where you could buy a business class ticket for the price of an economy ticket on this particular route.
Airplane: Avro RJ100
Flight number: LX1286
Seat: 3A
Flight time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Shot with my GoPro Hero 4 Black Edition and Sony RX-100 Cybershot.
Please rate, comment and/or subscribe for more HD Aviation Videos!
wn.com/Flight Report | Swiss Avro Rj100 Business Class Geneva To Copenhagen
Best viewed in HD! Full flight report of my Business Class trip from Geneva to Copenhagen on an Avro RJ100. The ticket was a Swiss promotion fare where you could buy a business class ticket for the price of an economy ticket on this particular route.
Airplane: Avro RJ100
Flight number: LX1286
Seat: 3A
Flight time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Shot with my GoPro Hero 4 Black Edition and Sony RX-100 Cybershot.
Please rate, comment and/or subscribe for more HD Aviation Videos!
- published: 23 Nov 2014
- views: 69
Hi guys!
Me and my girl decided to spend New Years Eve in London. This was a first time visit for us. We found some great business class deals on Swiss Intl. t...
Hi guys!
Me and my girl decided to spend New Years Eve in London. This was a first time visit for us. We found some great business class deals on Swiss Intl. to London City, so no question what we would book.
Swiss European Business Class product is nothing like the american you know. You get a simple economy class seat. So much for inflight comfort. The difference is the food, lounge access and some other priority things like separate check-in etc. Food aboard was pretty good. Unfortunately there was only one option, as you can see in the video I wasn't that happy about it. I hoped for a non seafood meal and did not pre order any food (btw there aren't many choices and I didn't want to have a kosher, non salted diet meal or else.) But shit happens, they served seafood and I got a plain green salad. That's unfortunate but thats ok. Only thing I could wish for SWISS to change is their list of pre-order food, I'd love to see a non-seafood option! (Lufthansa has it!!)
Anyways we arrived safe and sound in a great city. Really enjoyed myself in London! Definitely will be back one day!
If you have any questions just let me know and I'd appreciate a short feedback, trying my best to answer any comments!
Much love,
You can also find me on
wn.com/Business To London | Swiss Intl Airlines | Avro Rj100 | Zrh Lcy
Hi guys!
Me and my girl decided to spend New Years Eve in London. This was a first time visit for us. We found some great business class deals on Swiss Intl. to London City, so no question what we would book.
Swiss European Business Class product is nothing like the american you know. You get a simple economy class seat. So much for inflight comfort. The difference is the food, lounge access and some other priority things like separate check-in etc. Food aboard was pretty good. Unfortunately there was only one option, as you can see in the video I wasn't that happy about it. I hoped for a non seafood meal and did not pre order any food (btw there aren't many choices and I didn't want to have a kosher, non salted diet meal or else.) But shit happens, they served seafood and I got a plain green salad. That's unfortunate but thats ok. Only thing I could wish for SWISS to change is their list of pre-order food, I'd love to see a non-seafood option! (Lufthansa has it!!)
Anyways we arrived safe and sound in a great city. Really enjoyed myself in London! Definitely will be back one day!
If you have any questions just let me know and I'd appreciate a short feedback, trying my best to answer any comments!
Much love,
You can also find me on
- published: 24 Aug 2015
- views: 574
Hi guys! I visited Singapore for a few days this october. The outbound flight was on Swiss, and I could use my miles to get upgraded to business class. But t......
Hi guys! I visited Singapore for a few days this october. The outbound flight was on Swiss, and I could use my miles to get upgraded to business class. But t...
wn.com/Singapore Airlines Singapore Zurich Airbus A380 Economy Class
Hi guys! I visited Singapore for a few days this october. The outbound flight was on Swiss, and I could use my miles to get upgraded to business class. But t...
- published: 05 Dec 2013
- views: 128534
author: Amandeuce
Switzerland is more - Amazing Swiss Videos, MySwitzerland, swissinfo
http://www.MySwissVideo.com Welcome to a different Switzerland. Videos with Swiss roots. My Switzerland is more than tourism, mountains, cows, cheese, chocol......
http://www.MySwissVideo.com Welcome to a different Switzerland. Videos with Swiss roots. My Switzerland is more than tourism, mountains, cows, cheese, chocol...
wn.com/Switzerland Is More Amazing Swiss Videos, Myswitzerland, Swissinfo
http://www.MySwissVideo.com Welcome to a different Switzerland. Videos with Swiss roots. My Switzerland is more than tourism, mountains, cows, cheese, chocol...
Build global success when you earn your business management degree online from ABMS. Our accredited University give you the skills you need to operate within a ...
Build global success when you earn your business management degree online from ABMS. Our accredited University give you the skills you need to operate within a multinational enterprise. Details https://www.abmswiss.com
wn.com/Economy And Finance In Abms Switzerland University
Build global success when you earn your business management degree online from ABMS. Our accredited University give you the skills you need to operate within a multinational enterprise. Details https://www.abmswiss.com
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 3
U-N Secretary General Kofi Annan has welcomed the latest political efforts for a peaceful solution of the Kosovo crisis as he was attending Th...
U-N Secretary General Kofi Annan has welcomed the latest political efforts for a peaceful solution of the Kosovo crisis as he was attending The Annual World Economic Forum of business and government leaders in Switzerland.
Swiss President Ruth Dreifus also met U-S Vice-president Al Gore in Davos.
They reviewed a range of issues including the problems over dormant bank accounts thought to be opened by Jews before World War Two.
Top on Saturday's agenda at the World Economic Forum is likely to be concerns over how to pull Russia and Asia out of their economic crises.
U-N Secretary General Kofi Annan used yet another chance to support the peaceful solution to the Kosovo crisis.
He was speaking in Davos, where he attended the World Economic Forum of business and world leaders.
"Now, on Kosovo. Let me say that I support the efforts being made by the Contact group and by the O-S-C-E and I hope that parties were listening, and that the collective pressure that is being brought by the international community will bear fruits. It is the only political and peaceful solution that in the long term would be valuable. Not the military route"
SUPERCAPTION: Kofi Annan, U-N Secretary General
Meanwhile, the U-S Vice President Al Gore and Swiss President Ruth Dreifus met to discuss another issue.
Dreifus said her government would work more closely with the United States on dormant bank accounts thought to be opened by Jews during the years leading up to World War Two.
"Regarding the money in the accounts, we have noticed that some citizens on the other side of the Atlantic as well as here in Switzerland can have money in another country. We have noted that we have cultural differences as well as differences in our legal system, which have led to misunderstandings."
SUPERCAPTION: Ruth Dreifus, Swiss President
Gore praised Dreifus and the Swiss, saying it was courageous of them to be able to face such a difficult issue from the past.
"We have covered the comprehensive efforts Switzerland has undertaken to address the past. And I'm very pleased that the Swiss are continuing to work through their historians and in other ways to face their past. And on the basis of Switzerland's ongoing efforts and on the basis of my discussion with the President and Foreign Minister, I am pleased to announce a new strengthening of our relationship including the establishment of a new bilateral economic commission. The future of our world, a world that is increasingly integrated through the globalisation process, will be profoundly affected by the kind of courage that is being demonstrated here in confronting the past and charting a course towards the future that includes a new and much closer relationship of cooperation between the United States and Switzerland. It has been a privilege to participate in this historical turning point and I am very grateful to you President Dreifus for your friendship and courtesy."
SUPERCAPTION: Al Gore, US Vice-president
The forum brings together about 1-thousand 600 officials and corporate executives.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/bf70db9d972445c18576d9e6ab59b918
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Switzerland Davos World Economic Forum
U-N Secretary General Kofi Annan has welcomed the latest political efforts for a peaceful solution of the Kosovo crisis as he was attending The Annual World Economic Forum of business and government leaders in Switzerland.
Swiss President Ruth Dreifus also met U-S Vice-president Al Gore in Davos.
They reviewed a range of issues including the problems over dormant bank accounts thought to be opened by Jews before World War Two.
Top on Saturday's agenda at the World Economic Forum is likely to be concerns over how to pull Russia and Asia out of their economic crises.
U-N Secretary General Kofi Annan used yet another chance to support the peaceful solution to the Kosovo crisis.
He was speaking in Davos, where he attended the World Economic Forum of business and world leaders.
"Now, on Kosovo. Let me say that I support the efforts being made by the Contact group and by the O-S-C-E and I hope that parties were listening, and that the collective pressure that is being brought by the international community will bear fruits. It is the only political and peaceful solution that in the long term would be valuable. Not the military route"
SUPERCAPTION: Kofi Annan, U-N Secretary General
Meanwhile, the U-S Vice President Al Gore and Swiss President Ruth Dreifus met to discuss another issue.
Dreifus said her government would work more closely with the United States on dormant bank accounts thought to be opened by Jews during the years leading up to World War Two.
"Regarding the money in the accounts, we have noticed that some citizens on the other side of the Atlantic as well as here in Switzerland can have money in another country. We have noted that we have cultural differences as well as differences in our legal system, which have led to misunderstandings."
SUPERCAPTION: Ruth Dreifus, Swiss President
Gore praised Dreifus and the Swiss, saying it was courageous of them to be able to face such a difficult issue from the past.
"We have covered the comprehensive efforts Switzerland has undertaken to address the past. And I'm very pleased that the Swiss are continuing to work through their historians and in other ways to face their past. And on the basis of Switzerland's ongoing efforts and on the basis of my discussion with the President and Foreign Minister, I am pleased to announce a new strengthening of our relationship including the establishment of a new bilateral economic commission. The future of our world, a world that is increasingly integrated through the globalisation process, will be profoundly affected by the kind of courage that is being demonstrated here in confronting the past and charting a course towards the future that includes a new and much closer relationship of cooperation between the United States and Switzerland. It has been a privilege to participate in this historical turning point and I am very grateful to you President Dreifus for your friendship and courtesy."
SUPERCAPTION: Al Gore, US Vice-president
The forum brings together about 1-thousand 600 officials and corporate executives.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/bf70db9d972445c18576d9e6ab59b918
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Top executives from some of the world's largest corporations have gathered in the Alpine resort of Davos for an annual meeting with government l...
Top executives from some of the world's largest corporations have gathered in the Alpine resort of Davos for an annual meeting with government leaders.
U-S President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat are among the 300 politicians taking part in the six-day session.
The heads of Ford Motor Company, B-P Amoco and Dell Computer are among the business chiefs who will attend the World Economic Forum, created 30 years ago by a Geneva-based foundation.
Davos is used to hoards of foreign tourists who flood into the town at this time of year for a few days' on the ski slopes.
But now the Swiss Alpine resort is seeing the arrival of some visitors with a very different agenda.
The World Economic Forum opened here on Thursday.
Among the first to arrive was Turkish Prime Minister, Bulent Ecevit.
He will be joined over the six days by other world leaders, including U-S President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and South African President Thabo Mbeki.
They will be joined by 12-hundred top business leaders, including Bill Gates of Microsoft and Steve Case of America Online.
The fear is that anti-capitalist protesters will seek to disrupt the summit, just as they did at last year's World Trade Organisation congress in Seattle.
Activists say they are ready to defy a ban on protests and will go ahead with a demonstration during Clinton's visit on Saturday.
Inside the World Economic Forum venue, Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa was among those here for the first day of business.
The annual event has developed a reputation as an opportunity for corporate chiefs to make deals among themselves.
But the meeting's main purpose is to give leaders a chance to discuss subjects ranging from business challenges to scientific breakthroughs and social problems.
The forum kicked off with the Swiss President warning that free trade must be people-friendly.
SOUNDBITE: (English translation)
"Politics must now have a more global reach, and we need to have global rules for economic development. Only this way will people no longer feel powerless vis-a-vis economic forces, and only in this way will citizens be able to participate in the international economic order - an order which is not just something which aims at achieving profit for share holders but which also secures freedom and justice. And only in this way will it be possible for a common belief in progress to become stronger than people's anxiety and their anger."
SUPER CAPTION: Adolf Ogi, Swiss President
The future of globalisation, genetic engineering and the German economy are amongst the topics of discussion at this year's forum.
Other sessions include brain-body links, adventure, life on earth, privatisation and the perception of beauty.
Clinton flies in Saturday for just a few hours - the first visit by a U-S president.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/fcef3b777f7f241de2c90fdffde2d88d
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Switzerland Davos World Economic Forum (2)
Top executives from some of the world's largest corporations have gathered in the Alpine resort of Davos for an annual meeting with government leaders.
U-S President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat are among the 300 politicians taking part in the six-day session.
The heads of Ford Motor Company, B-P Amoco and Dell Computer are among the business chiefs who will attend the World Economic Forum, created 30 years ago by a Geneva-based foundation.
Davos is used to hoards of foreign tourists who flood into the town at this time of year for a few days' on the ski slopes.
But now the Swiss Alpine resort is seeing the arrival of some visitors with a very different agenda.
The World Economic Forum opened here on Thursday.
Among the first to arrive was Turkish Prime Minister, Bulent Ecevit.
He will be joined over the six days by other world leaders, including U-S President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and South African President Thabo Mbeki.
They will be joined by 12-hundred top business leaders, including Bill Gates of Microsoft and Steve Case of America Online.
The fear is that anti-capitalist protesters will seek to disrupt the summit, just as they did at last year's World Trade Organisation congress in Seattle.
Activists say they are ready to defy a ban on protests and will go ahead with a demonstration during Clinton's visit on Saturday.
Inside the World Economic Forum venue, Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa was among those here for the first day of business.
The annual event has developed a reputation as an opportunity for corporate chiefs to make deals among themselves.
But the meeting's main purpose is to give leaders a chance to discuss subjects ranging from business challenges to scientific breakthroughs and social problems.
The forum kicked off with the Swiss President warning that free trade must be people-friendly.
SOUNDBITE: (English translation)
"Politics must now have a more global reach, and we need to have global rules for economic development. Only this way will people no longer feel powerless vis-a-vis economic forces, and only in this way will citizens be able to participate in the international economic order - an order which is not just something which aims at achieving profit for share holders but which also secures freedom and justice. And only in this way will it be possible for a common belief in progress to become stronger than people's anxiety and their anger."
SUPER CAPTION: Adolf Ogi, Swiss President
The future of globalisation, genetic engineering and the German economy are amongst the topics of discussion at this year's forum.
Other sessions include brain-body links, adventure, life on earth, privatisation and the perception of beauty.
Clinton flies in Saturday for just a few hours - the first visit by a U-S president.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/fcef3b777f7f241de2c90fdffde2d88d
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Swiss A340-300 Zurich to Bangkok - LX 180 Full Flight
Follow me as I leave ZRH for the overnight flight to Bangkok on Swiss International LX180. This flight was better than the one going to Zurich as the AVOD actua...
Follow me as I leave ZRH for the overnight flight to Bangkok on Swiss International LX180. This flight was better than the one going to Zurich as the AVOD actually worked and there was something to see out of the windows.
wn.com/Swiss A340 300 Zurich To Bangkok Lx 180 Full Flight
Follow me as I leave ZRH for the overnight flight to Bangkok on Swiss International LX180. This flight was better than the one going to Zurich as the AVOD actually worked and there was something to see out of the windows.
- published: 02 Jan 2015
- views: 457
Hi guys! I visited Singapore for a few days this october. The outbound flight was on Swiss, and I could use my miles to get upgraded to business class. The s......
Hi guys! I visited Singapore for a few days this october. The outbound flight was on Swiss, and I could use my miles to get upgraded to business class. The s...
wn.com/Business To Singapore. Swiss Lx178 Zurich Singapore A340 300
Hi guys! I visited Singapore for a few days this october. The outbound flight was on Swiss, and I could use my miles to get upgraded to business class. The s...
- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 29943
author: Amandeuce
impossible talk, world economic forum, davos, switzerland
Impossible Talk World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. With Lily Cole, impossible founder, Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder and Professor Muhammed Yunus, No......
Impossible Talk World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. With Lily Cole, impossible founder, Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder and Professor Muhammed Yunus, No...
wn.com/Impossible Talk, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland
Impossible Talk World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. With Lily Cole, impossible founder, Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder and Professor Muhammed Yunus, No...
SWISS, the airline of Switzerland
The SWISS travel experience. Swiss International Air Lines presents its products and services. On the ground and in the air. Enjoy!...
The SWISS travel experience. Swiss International Air Lines presents its products and services. On the ground and in the air. Enjoy!
wn.com/Swiss, The Airline Of Switzerland
The SWISS travel experience. Swiss International Air Lines presents its products and services. On the ground and in the air. Enjoy!
President Park's trip to India and Switzerland to focus on creative economy and foreign investment
President Park Geun-hye is set to rack up some serious air miles as she embarks on a nine-day trip to India and Switzerland on Wednesday. Our presidential co......
President Park Geun-hye is set to rack up some serious air miles as she embarks on a nine-day trip to India and Switzerland on Wednesday. Our presidential co...
wn.com/President Park's Trip To India And Switzerland To Focus On Creative Economy And Foreign Investment
President Park Geun-hye is set to rack up some serious air miles as she embarks on a nine-day trip to India and Switzerland on Wednesday. Our presidential co...
Swiss Airbus A340-300 Business Class TOTAL PERFECTION Hong Kong-Zürich [AirClips full flight series]
Swiss International Air Lines AG is the flag carrier airline of Switzerland operating scheduled services in Europe and to North America, South America, Africa a...
Swiss International Air Lines AG is the flag carrier airline of Switzerland operating scheduled services in Europe and to North America, South America, Africa and Asia. Its main hub is Zurich Airport, with a focus city operation at Geneva International Airport. The airline was formed after the 2002 bankruptcy of Swissair, Switzerland's former flag carrier.
Swiss is a member of the Star Alliance. It is a subsidiary of the Lufthansa Group, with headquarters at EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg near Basel, Switzerland, and an office at Zurich Airport in Kloten, Switzerland. The company's registered office is in Basel. The airline uses the IATA Code LX that it inherited from the Swiss regional airline Crossair (Swissair's code was SR). The ICAO code is SWR, inherited from Swissair (Crossair's was CRX), in order to keep international traffic rights.
Following Lufthansa Group takeover, the regional fleet was changed from Crossair's Embraer ERJs and Saabs to Avro RJs, which are flown by a wholly owned subsidiary, Swiss European Air Lines. The rest of the fleet, apart from the regional jets, was also rationalised and is now all Airbus.
The airline reconstruction also caused Swiss to renegotiate their supplier contracts, which include ground handling, maintenance, food service, and labour. Lufthansa continues to maintain Swiss as a separate brand.
The A340-300 flies 295 passengers in a typical three-class cabin layout over 6,700 nautical miles (12,400 km). This is the initial version, having flown on 25 October 1991, and entered service with Lufthansa and Air France in March 1993. It is powered by four CFMI CFM56-5C engines and uses the Honeywell 331–350 APU, similar to the -200. Its closest competitor is the Boeing 777-200ER. The A340-300 will be superseded by the A350-900.
The A340-300E, often mislabelled as A340-300X, has an increased MTOW of up to 275 tonnes (606,000 lb) and is powered by the more powerful 34,000 lbf (150 kN) thrust CFMI CFM56-5C4 engines. Typical range with 295 passengers is between 7,200 to 7,400 nautical miles (13,300 to 13,700 km). The largest operator of this type is Lufthansa, who has operated a fleet of 30 aircraft. The A340-300 Enhanced is the latest version of this model and was first delivered to South African Airways in 2003, with Air Mauritius receiving the A340-300 Enhanced into its fleet in 2006. It received newer CFM56-5C4/P engines and improved avionics and fly-by-wire systems developed for the A340-500 and -600.
wn.com/Swiss Airbus A340 300 Business Class Total Perfection Hong Kong Zürich Airclips Full Flight Series
Swiss International Air Lines AG is the flag carrier airline of Switzerland operating scheduled services in Europe and to North America, South America, Africa and Asia. Its main hub is Zurich Airport, with a focus city operation at Geneva International Airport. The airline was formed after the 2002 bankruptcy of Swissair, Switzerland's former flag carrier.
Swiss is a member of the Star Alliance. It is a subsidiary of the Lufthansa Group, with headquarters at EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg near Basel, Switzerland, and an office at Zurich Airport in Kloten, Switzerland. The company's registered office is in Basel. The airline uses the IATA Code LX that it inherited from the Swiss regional airline Crossair (Swissair's code was SR). The ICAO code is SWR, inherited from Swissair (Crossair's was CRX), in order to keep international traffic rights.
Following Lufthansa Group takeover, the regional fleet was changed from Crossair's Embraer ERJs and Saabs to Avro RJs, which are flown by a wholly owned subsidiary, Swiss European Air Lines. The rest of the fleet, apart from the regional jets, was also rationalised and is now all Airbus.
The airline reconstruction also caused Swiss to renegotiate their supplier contracts, which include ground handling, maintenance, food service, and labour. Lufthansa continues to maintain Swiss as a separate brand.
The A340-300 flies 295 passengers in a typical three-class cabin layout over 6,700 nautical miles (12,400 km). This is the initial version, having flown on 25 October 1991, and entered service with Lufthansa and Air France in March 1993. It is powered by four CFMI CFM56-5C engines and uses the Honeywell 331–350 APU, similar to the -200. Its closest competitor is the Boeing 777-200ER. The A340-300 will be superseded by the A350-900.
The A340-300E, often mislabelled as A340-300X, has an increased MTOW of up to 275 tonnes (606,000 lb) and is powered by the more powerful 34,000 lbf (150 kN) thrust CFMI CFM56-5C4 engines. Typical range with 295 passengers is between 7,200 to 7,400 nautical miles (13,300 to 13,700 km). The largest operator of this type is Lufthansa, who has operated a fleet of 30 aircraft. The A340-300 Enhanced is the latest version of this model and was first delivered to South African Airways in 2003, with Air Mauritius receiving the A340-300 Enhanced into its fleet in 2006. It received newer CFM56-5C4/P engines and improved avionics and fly-by-wire systems developed for the A340-500 and -600.
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 83
Bizline - Ep46C02 Outcome of President Park's visit to Switzerland
Bizline Ep46 Interview Outcome of President Park's visit to Switzerland and ways to cooperate in realizing creative economy Interviewees:Jorg Al. Reding, Swi......
Bizline Ep46 Interview Outcome of President Park's visit to Switzerland and ways to cooperate in realizing creative economy Interviewees:Jorg Al. Reding, Swi...
wn.com/Bizline Ep46C02 Outcome Of President Park's Visit To Switzerland
Bizline Ep46 Interview Outcome of President Park's visit to Switzerland and ways to cooperate in realizing creative economy Interviewees:Jorg Al. Reding, Swi...
TEDxEcoleHôtelièreLausanne - Eva Zabey - The economy, it's nature's business
Website: http://tedx.ehl.edu More talks: http://tinyurl.com/TEDxEHLtalks Eva Zabey has lead projects that include the Water Scenarios to 2025, the Global Wat......
Website: http://tedx.ehl.edu More talks: http://tinyurl.com/TEDxEHLtalks Eva Zabey has lead projects that include the Water Scenarios to 2025, the Global Wat...
wn.com/Tedxecolehôtelièrelausanne Eva Zabey The Economy, It's Nature's Business
Website: http://tedx.ehl.edu More talks: http://tinyurl.com/TEDxEHLtalks Eva Zabey has lead projects that include the Water Scenarios to 2025, the Global Wat...
- published: 29 Feb 2012
- views: 7600
author: TEDx Talks
Hi Guys
Well, after the mishap of my outbound flight to Las Vegas aboard Edelweiss I decided to show you the excellent and very satisfying service and IFE of E...
Hi Guys
Well, after the mishap of my outbound flight to Las Vegas aboard Edelweiss I decided to show you the excellent and very satisfying service and IFE of Edelweiss Airlines as my latest trip report!
For those who have not seen the outbound flight yet I suggest you watch the other review first, so you’ll get so see what went wrong on the ZRH-LAS leg. For those who have seen it get to see how Edelweiss is if everything is working.
After a quick ride and easy check-in I find myself aboard Edelweiss A330-200, an aircraft which recently has been totally refurbished with all new Business Class, Economy Max and Economy, new seats with a state-of-the-art entertainment system. Refusing to work on my outbound flight, now perfectly doing its job, the IFE convinced me with a really sensitive touchscreen and very fast working system. But have a look yourself in the review.
The food aboard was of great quality, as always with Edelweiss, and the quantity was good too. Being a leisure airlines someone would not expect such great service. I totally recommend flying edelweiss, but best if you book through SWISS, because that way you get to earn miles. If you book through edelweiss, no miles credited to your account!!! (yeah I found out the hard way)
Anyhow, hope you enjoy my Edelweiss Long Haul review and hope I could make you think of choosing edelweiss maybe for your next leisure trip or, if you live in paradise, why not hop on a Edelweiss Plane and check out switzerland ;)
Wishing you all the best!
You can also find me on
wn.com/Returning From Vegas | Edelweiss A332 Economy | Las Zrh |
Hi Guys
Well, after the mishap of my outbound flight to Las Vegas aboard Edelweiss I decided to show you the excellent and very satisfying service and IFE of Edelweiss Airlines as my latest trip report!
For those who have not seen the outbound flight yet I suggest you watch the other review first, so you’ll get so see what went wrong on the ZRH-LAS leg. For those who have seen it get to see how Edelweiss is if everything is working.
After a quick ride and easy check-in I find myself aboard Edelweiss A330-200, an aircraft which recently has been totally refurbished with all new Business Class, Economy Max and Economy, new seats with a state-of-the-art entertainment system. Refusing to work on my outbound flight, now perfectly doing its job, the IFE convinced me with a really sensitive touchscreen and very fast working system. But have a look yourself in the review.
The food aboard was of great quality, as always with Edelweiss, and the quantity was good too. Being a leisure airlines someone would not expect such great service. I totally recommend flying edelweiss, but best if you book through SWISS, because that way you get to earn miles. If you book through edelweiss, no miles credited to your account!!! (yeah I found out the hard way)
Anyhow, hope you enjoy my Edelweiss Long Haul review and hope I could make you think of choosing edelweiss maybe for your next leisure trip or, if you live in paradise, why not hop on a Edelweiss Plane and check out switzerland ;)
Wishing you all the best!
You can also find me on
- published: 06 Jan 2015
- views: 2485
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version
FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.
As we will never return to 'business as ...
FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.
As we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.
FOUR HORSEMEN is free from mainstream media propaganda -- the film doesn't bash bankers, criticise politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.
"It's Inside Job with bells on, and a frequently compelling thesis thanks to Ashcroft's crack team of talking heads -- economists, whistleblowers and Noam Chomsky, all talking with candour and clarity." - Total Film
"Four Horsemen is a breathtakingly composed jeremiad against the folly of Neo-classical economics and the threats it represents to all we should hold dear."
- Harold Crooks, The Corporation (Co-Director) Surviving Progress (Co-Director/Co-Writer)
Follow us on https://www.twitter.com/RenegadeEcon
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wn.com/Four Horsemen Feature Documentary Official Version
FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.
As we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.
FOUR HORSEMEN is free from mainstream media propaganda -- the film doesn't bash bankers, criticise politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.
"It's Inside Job with bells on, and a frequently compelling thesis thanks to Ashcroft's crack team of talking heads -- economists, whistleblowers and Noam Chomsky, all talking with candour and clarity." - Total Film
"Four Horsemen is a breathtakingly composed jeremiad against the folly of Neo-classical economics and the threats it represents to all we should hold dear."
- Harold Crooks, The Corporation (Co-Director) Surviving Progress (Co-Director/Co-Writer)
Follow us on https://www.twitter.com/RenegadeEcon
on https://www.facebook.com/RenEconomist
or visit our website http://www.renegadeeconomist.com
Support us by subscribing here http://bit.ly/1db4xVQ
- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 2974550
Money & Debt: Crash Course World History 202
In which John Green teaches about filthy, filthy lucre. Money. And Debt. So, what is money? And what is it for? And why do we use money? And why does it all dis...
In which John Green teaches about filthy, filthy lucre. Money. And Debt. So, what is money? And what is it for? And why do we use money? And why does it all disappear so quickly after payday? John will look into 75% of these questions, and if he doesn't come up with answers, we'll get into some interesting ideas along the way, at least. This week we'll investigate whether money displaces barter, then leads to war, slavery, and what we think of as civilized social orders. We'll also see what old Adam Smith thinks of big money, no whammies, this week on Crash Course.
We'll also talk quite a bit about Debt: The First 5000 Years by David Graeber. You can buy that book here: http://dft.ba/-debt5000
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Also, if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content.
wn.com/Money Debt Crash Course World History 202
In which John Green teaches about filthy, filthy lucre. Money. And Debt. So, what is money? And what is it for? And why do we use money? And why does it all disappear so quickly after payday? John will look into 75% of these questions, and if he doesn't come up with answers, we'll get into some interesting ideas along the way, at least. This week we'll investigate whether money displaces barter, then leads to war, slavery, and what we think of as civilized social orders. We'll also see what old Adam Smith thinks of big money, no whammies, this week on Crash Course.
We'll also talk quite a bit about Debt: The First 5000 Years by David Graeber. You can buy that book here: http://dft.ba/-debt5000
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Also, if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content.
- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 785547
Isha Foundation: Sadhguru's speech at World Economic Forum 2006
http://www.ishafoundation.org Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev addresses the World Economic Forum 2006 at Davos, Switzerland. He speaks of the connection between spiri......
http://www.ishafoundation.org Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev addresses the World Economic Forum 2006 at Davos, Switzerland. He speaks of the connection between spiri...
wn.com/Isha Foundation Sadhguru's Speech At World Economic Forum 2006
http://www.ishafoundation.org Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev addresses the World Economic Forum 2006 at Davos, Switzerland. He speaks of the connection between spiri...
Switzerland Culture-Food
This is my video about the culture of Switzerland for a scholarship. This video is for educational purposes only and no money is being made off of it. I do n...
Americans Try German Food For The First Time
That's German engineering at its finest, if you ask me."
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Sailing On
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Stuart Friedel
Matt Tkocz
When White People Listen to Indian Music
Click here to share this on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http://youtu.be/qSMdro7dFKM Click here to Tweet this video: http://clicktotweet.com...
Visita a Zurich: Aelpli Bar - Música Tradicional Suiza [ Traditional Swiss Music ]
Disfrutando de música tradicional en el Aelpli Bar de Zurich. Música tradicional Suiza. Aelpli Bar - Zürich. Buen lugar para escuchar música suiza y tomar al...
The team at Kreuzlingen, Switzerland are building safety awareness through rap music
In the spirit of Amcor's proactive Safety culture, a group of Amcor Flexibles Kreuzlingen co-workers from Switzerland made a Safety Rap video showing how we take action and take care of each other.
Their effort to take this initiative with the rap video shows how Amcor’s Safety value is embraced by our co-workers. Thomas Rimmele, head of the site's printing department, collaborated with YouTube
How to make Swiss Raclette: One of my fav foods!
I love Raclette! This meal is traditionally eaten in fall and winter, not so much in the warmer times of the year. The raclette stove can also be used as a t...
Swiss Week Shanghai 2014 - Lifestyle
Visit the Swissweek in Shanghai to learn more about Switzerland, its culture, music, food, people and traditions. Listen to Alphorn music, try the Swiss beer and eat some Swiss cheese and chocolate. Free entrance. It's on Huaihai Rd. Park near Pu'An Rd.
Traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue
Forget the corn starch and flour, this is the way to make the best Traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue. An old family recipe (from Switzerland) shared with you. Creamy, delicious.
Swedish Stereotypes (w/PewDiePie)
We talk with Swedish expert PewDiePie about Swedish stereotypes. GMM #544!
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Americans Try Surströmming (The Smelliest Food In The World)
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Moonlight Sonata
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Mürren, Switzerland: Cow Culture
Alpine farms welcome travelers for a peek at the cheese making action and each village takes pride in its own cheese. For more information on the Rick Steves...
I will remember this day forever. Enjoy! Video in German (with English subtitles) next week :D
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Ellie Newman, Ellie, German candy, Germany, German chocolates, chocolate, Lindt, marzipan, Switzerland, Swiss chocolate, Ritter sport, candy, weird chocolate,
Americans Try Balkan Food With Their Uber Driver
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Thanks To Milan, Aroma Cafe, and the drivers of Los Angeles.
Henry Goldman
Keith Habersberger - https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedkeith
Zermatt, Switzerland in the heart of the Alps
http://tourvideos.com/ We're heading for Zermatt, Switzerland one of the most beautiful towns in the Alps, surrounded by mountain peaks up to 15000 feet hig...
Southern California Ambassadors of Music, July 27, 2012, Switzerland, enjoying local culture
California Ambassadors of Music, July 27, 2012, enjoying some local color in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, with some local music and dancing.
37 McDonald's Foods You Probably Haven't Tried
Mcdonald's is verrry multicultural Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nk9ncq Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://...
Simplification of Swiss culture
Taking in Swiss heritage in Monroe
The Swiss of Monroe are gearing up for Green County Cheese Days that runs Sept. 19th-21st. Sherry Anderegg, a historian, explains a recent dinner at Turner Hall that featured traditional food...
Americans Try Bizarre European Food
Snails, minced sheep's innards, and fish cured with poison. Watch Americans try these amazing European delicacies for the first time.
Bord De Marne
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Flag of the United Kingdom / Wikimedia Commons
Flag of France / Wikimedia Commons
Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country (Official Music Video)
"Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold from "City of Evil", available now. Download on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Xc2jMr Connect With Avenged Sevenfold: Website: http...
Switzerland jura Tamil Cultural Festival 2015
சுவிஸ் யூரா மாநிலத்தில் வசிக்கும் நண்பர்கள் வட்டத்தால் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்ட கலைமாலை 2015.
Chiavenna city tour and crossing the border to Switzerland
Lately Audrey and I have seen a shift in our travel preference from larger urban centers to more remote quiet towns. Coming from Milan to Chiavenna allowed us to slow down the pace of our travels and really get to experience what this quaint town situated in the Italian Alps has to offer. During the two days we spent here we had an opportunity to visit an Italian castle, a grotto restaurant, an ar
American Teens Try British Chocolates
A chocolate revolution.
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Merrie England
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Notre Dame High School
Switzerland Culture-Food
This is my video about the culture of Switzerland for a scholarship. This video is for educational purposes only and no money is being made off of it. I do n......
This is my video about the culture of Switzerland for a scholarship. This video is for educational purposes only and no money is being made off of it. I do n...
wn.com/Switzerland Culture Food
This is my video about the culture of Switzerland for a scholarship. This video is for educational purposes only and no money is being made off of it. I do n...
Americans Try German Food For The First Time
That's German engineering at its finest, if you ask me."
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That's German engineering at its finest, if you ask me."
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Sailing On
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Stuart Friedel
Matt Tkocz
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/Americans Try German Food For The First Time
That's German engineering at its finest, if you ask me."
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Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/18yCF0b
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Sailing On
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Stuart Friedel
Matt Tkocz
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 26 Sep 2014
- views: 301
When White People Listen to Indian Music
Click here to share this on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http://youtu.be/qSMdro7dFKM Click here to Tweet this video: http://clicktotweet.com......
Click here to share this on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http://youtu.be/qSMdro7dFKM Click here to Tweet this video: http://clicktotweet.com...
wn.com/When White People Listen To Indian Music
Click here to share this on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http://youtu.be/qSMdro7dFKM Click here to Tweet this video: http://clicktotweet.com...
Visita a Zurich: Aelpli Bar - Música Tradicional Suiza [ Traditional Swiss Music ]
Disfrutando de música tradicional en el Aelpli Bar de Zurich. Música tradicional Suiza. Aelpli Bar - Zürich. Buen lugar para escuchar música suiza y tomar al......
Disfrutando de música tradicional en el Aelpli Bar de Zurich. Música tradicional Suiza. Aelpli Bar - Zürich. Buen lugar para escuchar música suiza y tomar al...
wn.com/Visita A Zurich Aelpli Bar Música Tradicional Suiza Traditional Swiss Music
Disfrutando de música tradicional en el Aelpli Bar de Zurich. Música tradicional Suiza. Aelpli Bar - Zürich. Buen lugar para escuchar música suiza y tomar al...
- published: 05 May 2014
- views: 133
author: enviajados
The team at Kreuzlingen, Switzerland are building safety awareness through rap music
In the spirit of Amcor's proactive Safety culture, a group of Amcor Flexibles Kreuzlingen co-workers from Switzerland made a Safety Rap video showing how we tak...
In the spirit of Amcor's proactive Safety culture, a group of Amcor Flexibles Kreuzlingen co-workers from Switzerland made a Safety Rap video showing how we take action and take care of each other.
Their effort to take this initiative with the rap video shows how Amcor’s Safety value is embraced by our co-workers. Thomas Rimmele, head of the site's printing department, collaborated with YouTube rapper and printer, Thomas Schneider, to write the lyrics. Rob Dunsire, Global Account Manager, translated the lyrics into English, careful to keep the flow and rhythm of the rhymes. The video stars our very own shopfloor co-workers from Kreuzlingen, and was made with the help of some friends: Fitim Rustemi, created the concept, shot and cut the video and Konrad Feucht made the beats and created the music.
wn.com/The Team At Kreuzlingen, Switzerland Are Building Safety Awareness Through Rap Music
In the spirit of Amcor's proactive Safety culture, a group of Amcor Flexibles Kreuzlingen co-workers from Switzerland made a Safety Rap video showing how we take action and take care of each other.
Their effort to take this initiative with the rap video shows how Amcor’s Safety value is embraced by our co-workers. Thomas Rimmele, head of the site's printing department, collaborated with YouTube rapper and printer, Thomas Schneider, to write the lyrics. Rob Dunsire, Global Account Manager, translated the lyrics into English, careful to keep the flow and rhythm of the rhymes. The video stars our very own shopfloor co-workers from Kreuzlingen, and was made with the help of some friends: Fitim Rustemi, created the concept, shot and cut the video and Konrad Feucht made the beats and created the music.
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 7
How to make Swiss Raclette: One of my fav foods!
I love Raclette! This meal is traditionally eaten in fall and winter, not so much in the warmer times of the year. The raclette stove can also be used as a t......
I love Raclette! This meal is traditionally eaten in fall and winter, not so much in the warmer times of the year. The raclette stove can also be used as a t...
wn.com/How To Make Swiss Raclette One Of My Fav Foods
I love Raclette! This meal is traditionally eaten in fall and winter, not so much in the warmer times of the year. The raclette stove can also be used as a t...
Swiss Week Shanghai 2014 - Lifestyle
Visit the Swissweek in Shanghai to learn more about Switzerland, its culture, music, food, people and traditions. Listen to Alphorn music, try the Swiss beer an...
Visit the Swissweek in Shanghai to learn more about Switzerland, its culture, music, food, people and traditions. Listen to Alphorn music, try the Swiss beer and eat some Swiss cheese and chocolate. Free entrance. It's on Huaihai Rd. Park near Pu'An Rd.
wn.com/Swiss Week Shanghai 2014 Lifestyle
Visit the Swissweek in Shanghai to learn more about Switzerland, its culture, music, food, people and traditions. Listen to Alphorn music, try the Swiss beer and eat some Swiss cheese and chocolate. Free entrance. It's on Huaihai Rd. Park near Pu'An Rd.
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 91
Traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue
Forget the corn starch and flour, this is the way to make the best Traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue. An old family recipe (from Switzerland) shared with you. Cre...
Forget the corn starch and flour, this is the way to make the best Traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue. An old family recipe (from Switzerland) shared with you. Creamy, delicious.
wn.com/Traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue
Forget the corn starch and flour, this is the way to make the best Traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue. An old family recipe (from Switzerland) shared with you. Creamy, delicious.
- published: 11 Dec 2014
- views: 510
Swedish Stereotypes (w/PewDiePie)
We talk with Swedish expert PewDiePie about Swedish stereotypes. GMM #544!
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/5xHfh194ypU
For a free trial of Lynda.com go to ...
We talk with Swedish expert PewDiePie about Swedish stereotypes. GMM #544!
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/5xHfh194ypU
For a free trial of Lynda.com go to - http://lynda.com/rhettandlink
Check out PewDiePie - https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie
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Listen to Ear Biscuits!
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Good Mythical Morning is available for download on iTunes!
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Audio Podcast: http://bit.ly/zSewZ6
We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show "Good Mythical Morning" at youtube.com/rhettandlink2. Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best, mythical beast. - Rhett & Link
Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box
Go to http://rhettandlink.com/contact for details.
Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine
Writer, Producer, Camera: Edward Coleman
Editor, Graphics: Morgan Locke
Production Assistant: Alexander Punch
Show Graphics Package and Lighting: Ben Eck
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Set dresser: Cassie Cobb
Set construction: Jason Inman
Wheel music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
Microphone: The Mouse from Blue Microphones: http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
wn.com/Swedish Stereotypes (W Pewdiepie)
We talk with Swedish expert PewDiePie about Swedish stereotypes. GMM #544!
Good Mythical MORE: http://youtu.be/5xHfh194ypU
For a free trial of Lynda.com go to - http://lynda.com/rhettandlink
Check out PewDiePie - https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie
SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: http://bit.ly/subrl2 ****
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NEXT episode:
Link Coming Soon!
Get the GMM Coffee Mug!
Get the GMM Signed Poster plus the GMM T-shirt!
MAIN YOUTUBE CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Listen to Ear Biscuits!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/ear-biscuits/id717407884
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/earbiscuits
JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity!
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FOLLOW our INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/rhettandlink
JOIN our circle on GOOGLE PLUS: https://plus.google.com/+rhettandlink
Good Mythical Morning is available for download on iTunes!
Video Podcast: http://bit.ly/xuJVPc
Audio Podcast: http://bit.ly/zSewZ6
We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show "Good Mythical Morning" at youtube.com/rhettandlink2. Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best, mythical beast. - Rhett & Link
Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box
Go to http://rhettandlink.com/contact for details.
Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine
Writer, Producer, Camera: Edward Coleman
Editor, Graphics: Morgan Locke
Production Assistant: Alexander Punch
Show Graphics Package and Lighting: Ben Eck
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro Music: Pomplamoose http://www.youtube.com/pomplamoosemusic
Set dresser: Cassie Cobb
Set construction: Jason Inman
Wheel music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
Microphone: The Mouse from Blue Microphones: http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
- published: 08 Oct 2014
- views: 176758
Americans Try Surströmming (The Smelliest Food In The World)
Can you make it through this video without barfing?
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Moonlight Sonata
Can you make it through this video without barfing?
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Moonlight Sonata
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/Americans Try Surströmming (The Smelliest Food In The World)
Can you make it through this video without barfing?
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Moonlight Sonata
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 27 Jun 2015
- views: 4645665
Mürren, Switzerland: Cow Culture
Alpine farms welcome travelers for a peek at the cheese making action and each village takes pride in its own cheese. For more information on the Rick Steves......
Alpine farms welcome travelers for a peek at the cheese making action and each village takes pride in its own cheese. For more information on the Rick Steves...
wn.com/Mürren, Switzerland Cow Culture
Alpine farms welcome travelers for a peek at the cheese making action and each village takes pride in its own cheese. For more information on the Rick Steves...
I will remember this day forever. Enjoy! Video in German (with English subtitles) next week :D
Subscribe for videos every Saturday!
I will remember this day forever. Enjoy! Video in German (with English subtitles) next week :D
Subscribe for videos every Saturday!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeoooJules
Music: bensound.com
Ellie Newman, Ellie, German candy, Germany, German chocolates, chocolate, Lindt, marzipan, Switzerland, Swiss chocolate, Ritter sport, candy, weird chocolate, weird, flavor, German culture, mint, blueberry, strawberry, honey, salt, almond, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, vlog, comedy, I AM SO AMAZING, taste test, Lindor, baileys chocolate, baileys, marzipan, praline, caramel, nougat, German food, hi how u doin
wn.com/German Swiss Chocolate Haul
I will remember this day forever. Enjoy! Video in German (with English subtitles) next week :D
Subscribe for videos every Saturday!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeoooJules
Music: bensound.com
Ellie Newman, Ellie, German candy, Germany, German chocolates, chocolate, Lindt, marzipan, Switzerland, Swiss chocolate, Ritter sport, candy, weird chocolate, weird, flavor, German culture, mint, blueberry, strawberry, honey, salt, almond, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, vlog, comedy, I AM SO AMAZING, taste test, Lindor, baileys chocolate, baileys, marzipan, praline, caramel, nougat, German food, hi how u doin
- published: 29 Aug 2015
- views: 556
Americans Try Balkan Food With Their Uber Driver
Watch more episodes of "Take Us To Your Food"
Thanks To Milan, Arom...
Watch more episodes of "Take Us To Your Food"
Thanks To Milan, Aroma Cafe, and the drivers of Los Angeles.
Henry Goldman
Keith Habersberger - https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedkeith
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From hilarious social segments to amazing how-to's and DIYs, BuzzFeed Yellow will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the little things that matter in life. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more yellow.
wn.com/Americans Try Balkan Food With Their Uber Driver
Watch more episodes of "Take Us To Your Food"
Thanks To Milan, Aroma Cafe, and the drivers of Los Angeles.
Henry Goldman
Keith Habersberger - https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedkeith
Tasty short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from BuzzFeed. From hilarious social segments to amazing how-to's and DIYs, BuzzFeed Yellow will entertain, educate, spark conversation about all the little things that matter in life. Just like BuzzFeedVideo, but more yellow.
- published: 30 Oct 2014
- views: 1671420
Zermatt, Switzerland in the heart of the Alps
http://tourvideos.com/ We're heading for Zermatt, Switzerland one of the most beautiful towns in the Alps, surrounded by mountain peaks up to 15000 feet hig......
http://tourvideos.com/ We're heading for Zermatt, Switzerland one of the most beautiful towns in the Alps, surrounded by mountain peaks up to 15000 feet hig...
wn.com/Zermatt, Switzerland In The Heart Of The Alps
http://tourvideos.com/ We're heading for Zermatt, Switzerland one of the most beautiful towns in the Alps, surrounded by mountain peaks up to 15000 feet hig...
Southern California Ambassadors of Music, July 27, 2012, Switzerland, enjoying local culture
California Ambassadors of Music, July 27, 2012, enjoying some local color in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, with some local music and dancing....
California Ambassadors of Music, July 27, 2012, enjoying some local color in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, with some local music and dancing.
wn.com/Southern California Ambassadors Of Music, July 27, 2012, Switzerland, Enjoying Local Culture
California Ambassadors of Music, July 27, 2012, enjoying some local color in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, with some local music and dancing.
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 60
author: mevans7777
37 McDonald's Foods You Probably Haven't Tried
Mcdonald's is verrry multicultural Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nk9ncq Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://......
Mcdonald's is verrry multicultural Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nk9ncq Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://...
wn.com/37 Mcdonald's Foods You Probably Haven't Tried
Mcdonald's is verrry multicultural Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nk9ncq Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Post to Twitter: http://...
Taking in Swiss heritage in Monroe
The Swiss of Monroe are gearing up for Green County Cheese Days that runs Sept. 19th-21st. Sherry Anderegg, a historian, explains a recent dinner at Turner Hall...
The Swiss of Monroe are gearing up for Green County Cheese Days that runs Sept. 19th-21st. Sherry Anderegg, a historian, explains a recent dinner at Turner Hall that featured traditional food...
wn.com/Taking In Swiss Heritage In Monroe
The Swiss of Monroe are gearing up for Green County Cheese Days that runs Sept. 19th-21st. Sherry Anderegg, a historian, explains a recent dinner at Turner Hall that featured traditional food...
Americans Try Bizarre European Food
Snails, minced sheep's innards, and fish cured with poison. Watch Americans try these amazing European delicacies for the first time.
Bord De Marne
Snails, minced sheep's innards, and fish cured with poison. Watch Americans try these amazing European delicacies for the first time.
Bord De Marne
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
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Flag of Finland / Wikimedia Commons
Helix pomatia (escargot de bourgogne) / Wikimedia Commons
Helix pomatia (escargot de bourgogne) / Wikimedia Commons
Helix pomatia (escargot de bourgogne) / Wikimedia Commons
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/Americans Try Bizarre European Food
Snails, minced sheep's innards, and fish cured with poison. Watch Americans try these amazing European delicacies for the first time.
Bord De Marne
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Flag of the United Kingdom / Wikimedia Commons
Flag of France / Wikimedia Commons
Flag of Ireland / Wikimedia Commons
Flag of Scotland / Wikimedia Commons
Flag of Sweden / Wikimedia Commons
Flag of Norway / Wikimedia Commons
Flag of Finland / Wikimedia Commons
Helix pomatia (escargot de bourgogne) / Wikimedia Commons
Helix pomatia (escargot de bourgogne) / Wikimedia Commons
Helix pomatia (escargot de bourgogne) / Wikimedia Commons
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 5208526
Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country (Official Music Video)
"Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold from "City of Evil", available now. Download on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Xc2jMr Connect With Avenged Sevenfold: Website: http......
"Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold from "City of Evil", available now. Download on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Xc2jMr Connect With Avenged Sevenfold: Website: http...
wn.com/Avenged Sevenfold Bat Country (Official Music Video)
"Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold from "City of Evil", available now. Download on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Xc2jMr Connect With Avenged Sevenfold: Website: http...
Switzerland jura Tamil Cultural Festival 2015
சுவிஸ் யூரா மாநிலத்தில் வசிக்கும் நண்பர்கள் வட்டத்தால் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்ட கலைமாலை 2015.
சுவிஸ் யூரா மாநிலத்தில் வசிக்கும் நண்பர்கள் வட்டத்தால் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்ட கலைமாலை 2015.
wn.com/Switzerland Jura Tamil Cultural Festival 2015
சுவிஸ் யூரா மாநிலத்தில் வசிக்கும் நண்பர்கள் வட்டத்தால் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்ட கலைமாலை 2015.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 321
Chiavenna city tour and crossing the border to Switzerland
Lately Audrey and I have seen a shift in our travel preference from larger urban centers to more remote quiet towns. Coming from Milan to Chiavenna allowed us t...
Lately Audrey and I have seen a shift in our travel preference from larger urban centers to more remote quiet towns. Coming from Milan to Chiavenna allowed us to slow down the pace of our travels and really get to experience what this quaint town situated in the Italian Alps has to offer. During the two days we spent here we had an opportunity to visit an Italian castle, a grotto restaurant, an artisan's workshop and attend the Bresaola festival just to name a few. One of the highlights was waking up early enough to drive across to Switzerland to eat some Swiss chocolate and snap a few photos of the ice capped mountains in the distance. Out of all the places I had a chance to visit in Italy I liked Chiavenna the most and would gladly return again someday in the future.
Chiavenna city tour and crossing the border to Switzerland:
So Hello again from Italy! Today we are visiting a town called Chiavenna which is just two hours by train from Milan. A super easy day trip and it is a beautiful town. Very colorful, so we're going to be showing you some of the attractions around town as well as the outskirts.
So next up we're about to visit Palazzo Vertemate Franchi. So let's go in and find out who used to live here.
This Renaissance masterpiece was commissioned by the Vertemate Franchi family, which was one of the wealthiest families in the area. Within the walls of their property you'll find manicured Italian gardens, a chestnut grove, an array of fruit trees, and even a vineyard. Needless to say, this place would have been quite impressive back in the 16th century.
So I've learned two things about this palace. First off, they have the only walled vineyard in all of Chiavenna. And I also learned that the family had their own chapel because they were very noble and didn't like mixing with the commoners at the local church service.
After touring the outside, we went inside the palazzo where we found painted ceilings, secret compartments meant for spying, and tiny beds because apparently people used to sleep seated and propped on pillows back in the day.
So we are standing next to the portrait of Aloisius who was a member of the family. Now apparently he was a bit of a womanizer. He really liked the ladies and these days his ghost roams the halls looking for women. So beware if you visit.
We also made sure to have a drink at the nearby fountain of youth.
Apparently if you drink this water you're going to be young and healthy the rest of your life. So I'm going to go have some. Maybe have a bath in there. I could use a bath.
That's ice cold and I got it all over my mouth. Feeling young and healthy right already? Oh, yeah. Sure.
Don't bite me now that I'm petting you. Don't bite me. Your friend is just angry that's all. Jealous. Oh, bye puppy. Bye puppy. You're very very cute. Very very sweet. Okay, bye puppy.
Awe, you're cute. Yeah.
We then visited the Acquafraggia Waterfalls which were visited by Leonardo Da Vinci himself. Apparently he was so impressed by their beauty that he even wrote about them in his journal.
From there we headed to a local artisan's workshop who works with pietra ollare - a local stone that he uses to create both art and cooking pots.
Speaking Italian.
And because we suffer from just-one-more-country-syndrome, we couldn't resist crossing a nearby border. Yes, we went to Switzerland!
Where we were based in Italy we were only 10 kilometers away from Switzerland so we thought why not drive over here and pickup some chocolate. Yum! Swiss chocolate!
So I'm going to try my Swiss chocolate in Switzerland. We chose some beautiful views over here. Trust me, there are mountains covered in snow. It is just that the fog is rolling in at the moment but it is a pretty setting.
Anyways, time for the chocolate. And look, it opens like an envelope. I broke the envelope. Fancy. The chocolate is like a letter in the envelope. Oh la lah.
Swiss chocolate. It is so innovative. And this is milk chocolate I believe. Wow, that looks thick.
Ready to try some? Oh, yeah. Mmmmm.
Oh, wow.
That is so creamy and rich. Um, I think there is like a nougat filling in the middle because it is really soft and extra creamy. Oh my. What kind of chocolate is this? Mmm.
Almond cream. Good stuff guys. It was worth the drive out here.
Where are we? Switzerland!
So I wasn't lying about the views. You can actually see the mountains now and they are pretty majestic.
And that's a wrap for our time in Chiavenna. It was a short and sweet visit, but it made us hungry to come back to the Alps!
This is part of our Travel in Italy series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Italian culture, Italian arts, Italian foods, Italian religion, Italian cuisine and Italian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/Chiavenna City Tour And Crossing The Border To Switzerland
Lately Audrey and I have seen a shift in our travel preference from larger urban centers to more remote quiet towns. Coming from Milan to Chiavenna allowed us to slow down the pace of our travels and really get to experience what this quaint town situated in the Italian Alps has to offer. During the two days we spent here we had an opportunity to visit an Italian castle, a grotto restaurant, an artisan's workshop and attend the Bresaola festival just to name a few. One of the highlights was waking up early enough to drive across to Switzerland to eat some Swiss chocolate and snap a few photos of the ice capped mountains in the distance. Out of all the places I had a chance to visit in Italy I liked Chiavenna the most and would gladly return again someday in the future.
Chiavenna city tour and crossing the border to Switzerland:
So Hello again from Italy! Today we are visiting a town called Chiavenna which is just two hours by train from Milan. A super easy day trip and it is a beautiful town. Very colorful, so we're going to be showing you some of the attractions around town as well as the outskirts.
So next up we're about to visit Palazzo Vertemate Franchi. So let's go in and find out who used to live here.
This Renaissance masterpiece was commissioned by the Vertemate Franchi family, which was one of the wealthiest families in the area. Within the walls of their property you'll find manicured Italian gardens, a chestnut grove, an array of fruit trees, and even a vineyard. Needless to say, this place would have been quite impressive back in the 16th century.
So I've learned two things about this palace. First off, they have the only walled vineyard in all of Chiavenna. And I also learned that the family had their own chapel because they were very noble and didn't like mixing with the commoners at the local church service.
After touring the outside, we went inside the palazzo where we found painted ceilings, secret compartments meant for spying, and tiny beds because apparently people used to sleep seated and propped on pillows back in the day.
So we are standing next to the portrait of Aloisius who was a member of the family. Now apparently he was a bit of a womanizer. He really liked the ladies and these days his ghost roams the halls looking for women. So beware if you visit.
We also made sure to have a drink at the nearby fountain of youth.
Apparently if you drink this water you're going to be young and healthy the rest of your life. So I'm going to go have some. Maybe have a bath in there. I could use a bath.
That's ice cold and I got it all over my mouth. Feeling young and healthy right already? Oh, yeah. Sure.
Don't bite me now that I'm petting you. Don't bite me. Your friend is just angry that's all. Jealous. Oh, bye puppy. Bye puppy. You're very very cute. Very very sweet. Okay, bye puppy.
Awe, you're cute. Yeah.
We then visited the Acquafraggia Waterfalls which were visited by Leonardo Da Vinci himself. Apparently he was so impressed by their beauty that he even wrote about them in his journal.
From there we headed to a local artisan's workshop who works with pietra ollare - a local stone that he uses to create both art and cooking pots.
Speaking Italian.
And because we suffer from just-one-more-country-syndrome, we couldn't resist crossing a nearby border. Yes, we went to Switzerland!
Where we were based in Italy we were only 10 kilometers away from Switzerland so we thought why not drive over here and pickup some chocolate. Yum! Swiss chocolate!
So I'm going to try my Swiss chocolate in Switzerland. We chose some beautiful views over here. Trust me, there are mountains covered in snow. It is just that the fog is rolling in at the moment but it is a pretty setting.
Anyways, time for the chocolate. And look, it opens like an envelope. I broke the envelope. Fancy. The chocolate is like a letter in the envelope. Oh la lah.
Swiss chocolate. It is so innovative. And this is milk chocolate I believe. Wow, that looks thick.
Ready to try some? Oh, yeah. Mmmmm.
Oh, wow.
That is so creamy and rich. Um, I think there is like a nougat filling in the middle because it is really soft and extra creamy. Oh my. What kind of chocolate is this? Mmm.
Almond cream. Good stuff guys. It was worth the drive out here.
Where are we? Switzerland!
So I wasn't lying about the views. You can actually see the mountains now and they are pretty majestic.
And that's a wrap for our time in Chiavenna. It was a short and sweet visit, but it made us hungry to come back to the Alps!
This is part of our Travel in Italy series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Italian culture, Italian arts, Italian foods, Italian religion, Italian cuisine and Italian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 18 Oct 2015
- views: 31
American Teens Try British Chocolates
A chocolate revolution.
Check out Buzzfeed's new Cute Or Not app!
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
A chocolate revolution.
Check out Buzzfeed's new Cute Or Not app!
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Merrie England
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Notre Dame High School
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
wn.com/American Teens Try British Chocolates
A chocolate revolution.
Check out Buzzfeed's new Cute Or Not app!
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Merrie England
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Notre Dame High School
BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedVideo is BuzzFeed's original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form BuzzFeed videos for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Video will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com
- published: 27 Feb 2015
- views: 3862839
Switzerland's Healthcare Explained!
Switzerland! It's a gorgeous alpine nation of 8 million people. It's a parliamentary republic made up of 26 cantons. I've never been, but I hear great things...
Modeling Swiss Health Care
When Congress returns from the holidays, negotiators will try to finalize the health care reform bill. As Richard Roth reports, could Switzerland's health ca...
Swiss Life - In a nutshell: Health insurance in Switzerland
In Switzerland the mandatory basic health insurance provides you with a sound basic coverage. However not all treatment costs are covered: there can be gaps - specially when it comes to your individual requirements.
Supplementary insurance offers a smart complement to basic insurance to close these gaps.
This animation gives you an quick overview regarding health insurance.
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard
To learn more about the health benefits of foods, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com Here are some of the important health benefits of swiss chard.
MEI - Report on the health care system in Switzerland
As a part of its research program on the various health care systems around the world, Jasmin Guénette, vice president of the Montreal Economic Institute (ME...
Healthy Cooking 1: Swiss Chard & Mushrooms Recipe: Celina Food Smarty
Healthy Cooking 1: Swiss Chard & Mushrooms Recipe: Celina Food Smarty In this video Celina shows you and easy way how to cook Swiss Chard & Mushrooms. It's n...
Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls - Kinetic Health
Swiss Ball hamstring curls are a great way to strengthen your hamstrings. This video provides you with two ways to perform this exercise a beginner and a mor...
Swiss Health Center, Switzerland - Reportage video institutionnel
Reportage-decouverte de 15m sur le Swiss Health Center, centre médical engagé dans une variété de programmes de santé et de revitalisation gouvernés par le docteur Schroeder. Nichés au coeur des Alpes Suisses dans la prestigieuse ville de Crans Montana et accueillis au sein du Grand Hôtel du Golf & Palace, les séjours de remise en forme combinent le cadre fastueux d’un palace 5 étoiles et les poin
The 5 Health Benefits of Eating Swiss Chard
Maintaining an overall healthy diet not only offers your body the energy and nutrition that it needs to function, but offers several health benefits as well.
Healthy Gut Healthy Body: Intestinal health & chronic disease
This public lecture event was given by Dr. Thomas Rau MD - head of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland and author of both Biological Medicine: the Future of Natural Healing - and - The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health.
The topic of this informative lecture was about the link between intestinal health & chronic disease and how the root of your health starts in your gut.
The unexpected popularity o
Swiss Health Zielmarkt Golfstaaten
Image / B2B, 2009 Kunde: Swiss Health, SECO, Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftsdepartement, (neue Exportinitiative) Aufgabe: Gewinnen hochkarätiger Patienten (...
Swiss Federal Office of Public Health ads
Four spots by Euro RSCG Zurich.
Hair Health Benefits of Swiss Chard - Swiss Chard Benefits
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com
Here are some of the hair health benefits of swiss chard.
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for pr
Swiss Diamond Hotel Venus Health Wellness&Spa;
Shoulder Exercises - Y's On The Swiss Ball - Kinetic Health
This exercise focuses on straightening the upper shoulders, rotator cuff and mid-thoracic area. (Traps, Rhomboids, posterior deltoid, and upper thoracic para...
Swiss Scientists' New 'Health Calculator' Estimates Your Chances For Living Another Decade.
Full story at http://www.viralspell.com/swiss-scientists-new-health-calculator-estimates-your-chances-for-living-another-decade/. Scientists at the Universit...
Top 4 Nutrients in Swiss Chard - Health Benefits of Swiss Chard
Recipes4Health: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2bZhXBHIb51n1fE3VWPmcQ/videos
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com
Follow us on Twitter: @foods4health1
Here are the top 4 nutrients that are found in swiss chard based upon the daily value percentage they provide.
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only
Swiss Diamond Hotel - Venus Wellness Health and Spa
Swiss Diamond Hotel Prishtina wellness and spa center.
CNN - Dutch Health Care System.flv
The Dutch health insurance system Before you come to the Netherlands, you should inquire whether your current health insurance will suffice in the Netherland...
Swiss chard health benefits
For further information log on to www.gandhijinaturecure.com
Mobile number + 91 94446 31778, 94440 41062
Dr.Madhuram Sekar speaks on the health benefits of Swiss chard. These simple measures can be adopted by everybody and benefit from a healthy life.
Swiss Ball Lower Body Exercises - Exercícios Com Bola Suíça - Health And Fitness #1
Swiss Ball Lower Body Exercises - 15 Repetitions
• Increases muscle tone
• Increases muscle strength
• Improves flexibility
• Improves stability
• Improves posture
• Improves coordination
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard - Super Leafy Vegetable - Swiss Chard Health Benefits
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard - Super Leafy Vegetable - Swiss Chard Health Benefits
Swiss chard nutritional facts
Swiss chard, like spinach, is the store-house of many phytonutrients that have health promotional and disease prevention properties.
Chard is very low in calories and fats, recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs.
It is also rich source of omega-3 fatt
Switzerland's Healthcare Explained!
Switzerland! It's a gorgeous alpine nation of 8 million people. It's a parliamentary republic made up of 26 cantons. I've never been, but I hear great things......
Switzerland! It's a gorgeous alpine nation of 8 million people. It's a parliamentary republic made up of 26 cantons. I've never been, but I hear great things...
wn.com/Switzerland's Healthcare Explained
Switzerland! It's a gorgeous alpine nation of 8 million people. It's a parliamentary republic made up of 26 cantons. I've never been, but I hear great things...
Modeling Swiss Health Care
When Congress returns from the holidays, negotiators will try to finalize the health care reform bill. As Richard Roth reports, could Switzerland's health ca......
When Congress returns from the holidays, negotiators will try to finalize the health care reform bill. As Richard Roth reports, could Switzerland's health ca...
wn.com/Modeling Swiss Health Care
When Congress returns from the holidays, negotiators will try to finalize the health care reform bill. As Richard Roth reports, could Switzerland's health ca...
- published: 03 Jan 2010
- views: 1800
author: CBS
Swiss Life - In a nutshell: Health insurance in Switzerland
In Switzerland the mandatory basic health insurance provides you with a sound basic coverage. However not all treatment costs are covered: there can be gaps - s...
In Switzerland the mandatory basic health insurance provides you with a sound basic coverage. However not all treatment costs are covered: there can be gaps - specially when it comes to your individual requirements.
Supplementary insurance offers a smart complement to basic insurance to close these gaps.
This animation gives you an quick overview regarding health insurance.
wn.com/Swiss Life In A Nutshell Health Insurance In Switzerland
In Switzerland the mandatory basic health insurance provides you with a sound basic coverage. However not all treatment costs are covered: there can be gaps - specially when it comes to your individual requirements.
Supplementary insurance offers a smart complement to basic insurance to close these gaps.
This animation gives you an quick overview regarding health insurance.
- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 22
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard
To learn more about the health benefits of foods, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com Here are some of the important health benefits of swiss chard....
To learn more about the health benefits of foods, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com Here are some of the important health benefits of swiss chard.
wn.com/Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard
To learn more about the health benefits of foods, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com Here are some of the important health benefits of swiss chard.
wn.com/Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard
MEI - Report on the health care system in Switzerland
As a part of its research program on the various health care systems around the world, Jasmin Guénette, vice president of the Montreal Economic Institute (ME......
As a part of its research program on the various health care systems around the world, Jasmin Guénette, vice president of the Montreal Economic Institute (ME...
wn.com/Mei Report On The Health Care System In Switzerland
As a part of its research program on the various health care systems around the world, Jasmin Guénette, vice president of the Montreal Economic Institute (ME...
- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 2530
author: IEDMmtl
Healthy Cooking 1: Swiss Chard & Mushrooms Recipe: Celina Food Smarty
Healthy Cooking 1: Swiss Chard & Mushrooms Recipe: Celina Food Smarty In this video Celina shows you and easy way how to cook Swiss Chard & Mushrooms. It's n......
Healthy Cooking 1: Swiss Chard & Mushrooms Recipe: Celina Food Smarty In this video Celina shows you and easy way how to cook Swiss Chard & Mushrooms. It's n...
wn.com/Healthy Cooking 1 Swiss Chard Mushrooms Recipe Celina Food Smarty
Healthy Cooking 1: Swiss Chard & Mushrooms Recipe: Celina Food Smarty In this video Celina shows you and easy way how to cook Swiss Chard & Mushrooms. It's n...
- published: 29 Dec 2010
- views: 15141
author: PsycheTruth
Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls - Kinetic Health
Swiss Ball hamstring curls are a great way to strengthen your hamstrings. This video provides you with two ways to perform this exercise a beginner and a mor......
Swiss Ball hamstring curls are a great way to strengthen your hamstrings. This video provides you with two ways to perform this exercise a beginner and a mor...
wn.com/Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls Kinetic Health
Swiss Ball hamstring curls are a great way to strengthen your hamstrings. This video provides you with two ways to perform this exercise a beginner and a mor...
Swiss Health Center, Switzerland - Reportage video institutionnel
Reportage-decouverte de 15m sur le Swiss Health Center, centre médical engagé dans une variété de programmes de santé et de revitalisation gouvernés par le doct...
Reportage-decouverte de 15m sur le Swiss Health Center, centre médical engagé dans une variété de programmes de santé et de revitalisation gouvernés par le docteur Schroeder. Nichés au coeur des Alpes Suisses dans la prestigieuse ville de Crans Montana et accueillis au sein du Grand Hôtel du Golf & Palace, les séjours de remise en forme combinent le cadre fastueux d’un palace 5 étoiles et les pointures Suisses du service médical et de bien-être tout au long de l'année.
Amediart - © Tous droits réservés
wn.com/Swiss Health Center, Switzerland Reportage Video Institutionnel
Reportage-decouverte de 15m sur le Swiss Health Center, centre médical engagé dans une variété de programmes de santé et de revitalisation gouvernés par le docteur Schroeder. Nichés au coeur des Alpes Suisses dans la prestigieuse ville de Crans Montana et accueillis au sein du Grand Hôtel du Golf & Palace, les séjours de remise en forme combinent le cadre fastueux d’un palace 5 étoiles et les pointures Suisses du service médical et de bien-être tout au long de l'année.
Amediart - © Tous droits réservés
- published: 05 Feb 2015
- views: 11
The 5 Health Benefits of Eating Swiss Chard
Maintaining an overall healthy diet not only offers your body the energy and nutrition that it needs to function, but offers several health benefits as well....
Maintaining an overall healthy diet not only offers your body the energy and nutrition that it needs to function, but offers several health benefits as well.
wn.com/The 5 Health Benefits Of Eating Swiss Chard
Maintaining an overall healthy diet not only offers your body the energy and nutrition that it needs to function, but offers several health benefits as well.
- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 123
author: kevin81622
Healthy Gut Healthy Body: Intestinal health & chronic disease
This public lecture event was given by Dr. Thomas Rau MD - head of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland and author of both Biological Medicine: the Future of Na...
This public lecture event was given by Dr. Thomas Rau MD - head of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland and author of both Biological Medicine: the Future of Natural Healing - and - The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health.
The topic of this informative lecture was about the link between intestinal health & chronic disease and how the root of your health starts in your gut.
The unexpected popularity of this event caused hundreds of people to be turned away at the door, after room capacity had been reached.
Brought to you by Biomedicine.com
wn.com/Healthy Gut Healthy Body Intestinal Health Chronic Disease
This public lecture event was given by Dr. Thomas Rau MD - head of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland and author of both Biological Medicine: the Future of Natural Healing - and - The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health.
The topic of this informative lecture was about the link between intestinal health & chronic disease and how the root of your health starts in your gut.
The unexpected popularity of this event caused hundreds of people to be turned away at the door, after room capacity had been reached.
Brought to you by Biomedicine.com
- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 5705
Swiss Health Zielmarkt Golfstaaten
Image / B2B, 2009 Kunde: Swiss Health, SECO, Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftsdepartement, (neue Exportinitiative) Aufgabe: Gewinnen hochkarätiger Patienten (......
Image / B2B, 2009 Kunde: Swiss Health, SECO, Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftsdepartement, (neue Exportinitiative) Aufgabe: Gewinnen hochkarätiger Patienten (...
wn.com/Swiss Health Zielmarkt Golfstaaten
Image / B2B, 2009 Kunde: Swiss Health, SECO, Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftsdepartement, (neue Exportinitiative) Aufgabe: Gewinnen hochkarätiger Patienten (...
Hair Health Benefits of Swiss Chard - Swiss Chard Benefits
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com
Here are some of the hair health benefits of swiss chard.
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com
Here are some of the hair health benefits of swiss chard.
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.
wn.com/Hair Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard Swiss Chard Benefits
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com
Here are some of the hair health benefits of swiss chard.
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.
- published: 28 Jun 2014
- views: 3
Shoulder Exercises - Y's On The Swiss Ball - Kinetic Health
This exercise focuses on straightening the upper shoulders, rotator cuff and mid-thoracic area. (Traps, Rhomboids, posterior deltoid, and upper thoracic para......
This exercise focuses on straightening the upper shoulders, rotator cuff and mid-thoracic area. (Traps, Rhomboids, posterior deltoid, and upper thoracic para...
wn.com/Shoulder Exercises Y's On The Swiss Ball Kinetic Health
This exercise focuses on straightening the upper shoulders, rotator cuff and mid-thoracic area. (Traps, Rhomboids, posterior deltoid, and upper thoracic para...
Swiss Scientists' New 'Health Calculator' Estimates Your Chances For Living Another Decade.
Full story at http://www.viralspell.com/swiss-scientists-new-health-calculator-estimates-your-chances-for-living-another-decade/. Scientists at the Universit......
Full story at http://www.viralspell.com/swiss-scientists-new-health-calculator-estimates-your-chances-for-living-another-decade/. Scientists at the Universit...
wn.com/Swiss Scientists' New 'Health Calculator' Estimates Your Chances For Living Another Decade.
Full story at http://www.viralspell.com/swiss-scientists-new-health-calculator-estimates-your-chances-for-living-another-decade/. Scientists at the Universit...
Top 4 Nutrients in Swiss Chard - Health Benefits of Swiss Chard
Recipes4Health: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2bZhXBHIb51n1fE3VWPmcQ/videos
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffo...
Recipes4Health: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2bZhXBHIb51n1fE3VWPmcQ/videos
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com
Follow us on Twitter: @foods4health1
Here are the top 4 nutrients that are found in swiss chard based upon the daily value percentage they provide.
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.
wn.com/Top 4 Nutrients In Swiss Chard Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard
Recipes4Health: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2bZhXBHIb51n1fE3VWPmcQ/videos
To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com
Follow us on Twitter: @foods4health1
Here are the top 4 nutrients that are found in swiss chard based upon the daily value percentage they provide.
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 14
CNN - Dutch Health Care System.flv
The Dutch health insurance system Before you come to the Netherlands, you should inquire whether your current health insurance will suffice in the Netherland......
The Dutch health insurance system Before you come to the Netherlands, you should inquire whether your current health insurance will suffice in the Netherland...
wn.com/Cnn Dutch Health Care System.Flv
The Dutch health insurance system Before you come to the Netherlands, you should inquire whether your current health insurance will suffice in the Netherland...
- published: 20 Dec 2011
- views: 91857
author: istip
Swiss chard health benefits
For further information log on to www.gandhijinaturecure.com
Mobile number + 91 94446 31778, 94440 41062
Dr.Madhuram Sekar speaks on the health benefits of Swi...
For further information log on to www.gandhijinaturecure.com
Mobile number + 91 94446 31778, 94440 41062
Dr.Madhuram Sekar speaks on the health benefits of Swiss chard. These simple measures can be adopted by everybody and benefit from a healthy life.
wn.com/Swiss Chard Health Benefits
For further information log on to www.gandhijinaturecure.com
Mobile number + 91 94446 31778, 94440 41062
Dr.Madhuram Sekar speaks on the health benefits of Swiss chard. These simple measures can be adopted by everybody and benefit from a healthy life.
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 11
Swiss Ball Lower Body Exercises - Exercícios Com Bola Suíça - Health And Fitness #1
Swiss Ball Lower Body Exercises - 15 Repetitions
• Increases muscle tone
• Increases muscle strength
• Improves flexibility
• Improves stability
• Improves po...
Swiss Ball Lower Body Exercises - 15 Repetitions
• Increases muscle tone
• Increases muscle strength
• Improves flexibility
• Improves stability
• Improves posture
• Improves coordination
wn.com/Swiss Ball Lower Body Exercises Exercícios Com Bola Suíça Health And Fitness 1
Swiss Ball Lower Body Exercises - 15 Repetitions
• Increases muscle tone
• Increases muscle strength
• Improves flexibility
• Improves stability
• Improves posture
• Improves coordination
- published: 23 Oct 2015
- views: 76
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard - Super Leafy Vegetable - Swiss Chard Health Benefits
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard - Super Leafy Vegetable - Swiss Chard Health Benefits
Swiss chard nutritional facts
Swiss chard, like spinach, is the store-hou...
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard - Super Leafy Vegetable - Swiss Chard Health Benefits
Swiss chard nutritional facts
Swiss chard, like spinach, is the store-house of many phytonutrients that have health promotional and disease prevention properties.
Chard is very low in calories and fats, recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs.
It is also rich source of omega-3 fatty acids; vitamin-A, and flavonoids anti-oxidants like ß-carotene, a-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin. Carotenes convert to vitamin A inside the body.
It is also rich in B-complex group of vitamins such as folates, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and pantothenic acid that are essential for optimum cellular metabolic functions.
Alternative Medicine
Follow as on Google+
Follow as on Twitter
Benefits of Wellness
wn.com/Health Benefits Of Swiss Chard Super Leafy Vegetable Swiss Chard Health Benefits
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard - Super Leafy Vegetable - Swiss Chard Health Benefits
Swiss chard nutritional facts
Swiss chard, like spinach, is the store-house of many phytonutrients that have health promotional and disease prevention properties.
Chard is very low in calories and fats, recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs.
It is also rich source of omega-3 fatty acids; vitamin-A, and flavonoids anti-oxidants like ß-carotene, a-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin. Carotenes convert to vitamin A inside the body.
It is also rich in B-complex group of vitamins such as folates, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and pantothenic acid that are essential for optimum cellular metabolic functions.
Alternative Medicine
Follow as on Google+
Follow as on Twitter
Benefits of Wellness
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 2
Best of Swiss Sports
The best of swiss sports.
Hornussen - the sport of Swiss farmers
Hornussen is a traditional team sport popular in the countryside of German-speaking Switzerland. swissinfo attended preparations for a match of the current c...
Tina Turner & Children Beyond - "When You Sing" - Swiss Sports Awards - December 11, 2011 (HQ)
BUY 'BEYOND' on Amazon! Click here: http://goo.gl/uYccFZ BUY 'CHILDREN BEYOND' On Amazon! Click here: http://goo.gl/vfrDek Visit: http://tinaturnerblog.com/ ...
All the right moves by onerepublic - swiss sports awards
Onerepublic adds a few members to their set.
Automatic Swiss Sports Watch WRYST 2824 Limited Edition
Wryst introduce its first spectacular automatic sports watch with elegance and style. The Wryst '2824' pays tribute to watchmaking excellence and Swiss tradition with the legendary workhorse movement ETA 2824-2. The sumptuous combination of Black and Rose Gold details are stylish and highly refined.
Stoeckli Swiss Sports AG
There is only one ski manufacturer in the skiing nation of Switzerland and that is Stoeckli. Stoeckli's development process is just as innovative as the comp...
Indo Swiss Sports Club 13th International Shuttle Badminton tournament & Multicultural Gala
Indo Swiss Sports Club 13th International Shuttle Badminton Tournament & Multicultural Gala
mYinsanity on Swiss Sports TV - RTS Sports
mYinsanity was recently featured on the national Swiss French Sports programm. Get some insights of the mYi Gaming House.
Swiss sports stars wish the Davis Cup team good luck
A variety of Swiss sport stars wish the Swiss Davis Cup Team the best of luck for the semi-final vs Italy on 12 - 14 September 2014. #SupportTheSwiss www.swisstennis.ch/daviscup.
EMOTION Credit Suisse Sports Award
Swiss Sport Emotions 2014
RTS Production
Nathan & Lu Movie
Gustavo and Marisol. Wedding Trailer. Swiss Sports Club
Tina Turner & Children Beyond - medley - Swiss Sports Awards - December 11, 2011
Visit: http://tinaturnerblog.com/ Like: http://FB.com/TinaTurnerBlog Follow: http://twitter.com/tinaturnerblog For a better quality version, please go here: ...
Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2012 Beach Volley
Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2012 Beach Volley Training und Spiel.
Swiss Sports Week 2014
Bilder der Woche "Swiss Sports Week 2014" Aldiana Side
Catamaran Sailing Swiss Sports Week 2014 - Side
Catamaran Sailing Swiss Sports Week 2014 - Side
1992 - K-Swiss sports commercial
1992 - K-Swiss sports commercial.
Hurricane force winds flatten Swiss sports festival
Hurricane force winds flatten Swiss sports festival
freak conditions in Switzerland have injured at least 39 people and caused major damage to property. The sudden storm struck last night, taking many by surpr...
Doris Arnold and Alex Shchukin Showcase Swiss Pole Sports Championship 2015
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Стильные и недорогие часы Military Army Strap Sports Men's Swiss Military Watch мини обзор
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Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2013 Beach Volleyball
Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2013 Beach Volleyball.
Swiss Military Sports Sunglasses Set
Hornussen - the sport of Swiss farmers
Hornussen is a traditional team sport popular in the countryside of German-speaking Switzerland. swissinfo attended preparations for a match of the current c......
Hornussen is a traditional team sport popular in the countryside of German-speaking Switzerland. swissinfo attended preparations for a match of the current c...
wn.com/Hornussen The Sport Of Swiss Farmers
Hornussen is a traditional team sport popular in the countryside of German-speaking Switzerland. swissinfo attended preparations for a match of the current c...
Tina Turner & Children Beyond - "When You Sing" - Swiss Sports Awards - December 11, 2011 (HQ)
BUY 'BEYOND' on Amazon! Click here: http://goo.gl/uYccFZ BUY 'CHILDREN BEYOND' On Amazon! Click here: http://goo.gl/vfrDek Visit: http://tinaturnerblog.com/ ......
BUY 'BEYOND' on Amazon! Click here: http://goo.gl/uYccFZ BUY 'CHILDREN BEYOND' On Amazon! Click here: http://goo.gl/vfrDek Visit: http://tinaturnerblog.com/ ...
wn.com/Tina Turner Children Beyond When You Sing Swiss Sports Awards December 11, 2011 (Hq)
BUY 'BEYOND' on Amazon! Click here: http://goo.gl/uYccFZ BUY 'CHILDREN BEYOND' On Amazon! Click here: http://goo.gl/vfrDek Visit: http://tinaturnerblog.com/ ...
Automatic Swiss Sports Watch WRYST 2824 Limited Edition
Wryst introduce its first spectacular automatic sports watch with elegance and style. The Wryst '2824' pays tribute to watchmak...
Wryst introduce its first spectacular automatic sports watch with elegance and style. The Wryst '2824' pays tribute to watchmaking excellence and Swiss tradition with the legendary workhorse movement ETA 2824-2. The sumptuous combination of Black and Rose Gold details are stylish and highly refined.
wn.com/Automatic Swiss Sports Watch Wryst 2824 Limited Edition
Wryst introduce its first spectacular automatic sports watch with elegance and style. The Wryst '2824' pays tribute to watchmaking excellence and Swiss tradition with the legendary workhorse movement ETA 2824-2. The sumptuous combination of Black and Rose Gold details are stylish and highly refined.
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 9
Stoeckli Swiss Sports AG
There is only one ski manufacturer in the skiing nation of Switzerland and that is Stoeckli. Stoeckli's development process is just as innovative as the comp......
There is only one ski manufacturer in the skiing nation of Switzerland and that is Stoeckli. Stoeckli's development process is just as innovative as the comp...
wn.com/Stoeckli Swiss Sports Ag
There is only one ski manufacturer in the skiing nation of Switzerland and that is Stoeckli. Stoeckli's development process is just as innovative as the comp...
- published: 04 Aug 2008
- views: 3131
author: scinadr
Indo Swiss Sports Club 13th International Shuttle Badminton tournament & Multicultural Gala
Indo Swiss Sports Club 13th International Shuttle Badminton Tournament & Multicultural Gala...
Indo Swiss Sports Club 13th International Shuttle Badminton Tournament & Multicultural Gala
wn.com/Indo Swiss Sports Club 13Th International Shuttle Badminton Tournament Multicultural Gala
Indo Swiss Sports Club 13th International Shuttle Badminton Tournament & Multicultural Gala
- published: 22 Nov 2015
- views: 67
mYinsanity on Swiss Sports TV - RTS Sports
mYinsanity was recently featured on the national Swiss French Sports programm. Get some insights of the mYi Gaming House....
mYinsanity was recently featured on the national Swiss French Sports programm. Get some insights of the mYi Gaming House.
wn.com/Myinsanity On Swiss Sports Tv Rts Sports
mYinsanity was recently featured on the national Swiss French Sports programm. Get some insights of the mYi Gaming House.
- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 221
Swiss sports stars wish the Davis Cup team good luck
A variety of Swiss sport stars wish the Swiss Davis Cup Team the best of luck for the semi-final vs Italy on 12 - 14 September 2014. #SupportTheSwiss www.swisst...
A variety of Swiss sport stars wish the Swiss Davis Cup Team the best of luck for the semi-final vs Italy on 12 - 14 September 2014. #SupportTheSwiss www.swisstennis.ch/daviscup.
wn.com/Swiss Sports Stars Wish The Davis Cup Team Good Luck
A variety of Swiss sport stars wish the Swiss Davis Cup Team the best of luck for the semi-final vs Italy on 12 - 14 September 2014. #SupportTheSwiss www.swisstennis.ch/daviscup.
EMOTION Credit Suisse Sports Award
Swiss Sport Emotions 2014
RTS Production
Nathan & Lu Movie...
Swiss Sport Emotions 2014
RTS Production
Nathan & Lu Movie
wn.com/Emotion Credit Suisse Sports Award
Swiss Sport Emotions 2014
RTS Production
Nathan & Lu Movie
- published: 25 Dec 2014
- views: 30
Tina Turner & Children Beyond - medley - Swiss Sports Awards - December 11, 2011
Visit: http://tinaturnerblog.com/ Like: http://FB.com/TinaTurnerBlog Follow: http://twitter.com/tinaturnerblog For a better quality version, please go here: ......
Visit: http://tinaturnerblog.com/ Like: http://FB.com/TinaTurnerBlog Follow: http://twitter.com/tinaturnerblog For a better quality version, please go here: ...
wn.com/Tina Turner Children Beyond Medley Swiss Sports Awards December 11, 2011
Visit: http://tinaturnerblog.com/ Like: http://FB.com/TinaTurnerBlog Follow: http://twitter.com/tinaturnerblog For a better quality version, please go here: ...
Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2012 Beach Volley
Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2012 Beach Volley Training und Spiel....
Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2012 Beach Volley Training und Spiel.
wn.com/Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2012 Beach Volley
Swiss Sports Week Djerba 2012 Beach Volley Training und Spiel.
- published: 22 May 2012
- views: 146
author: Jürg Wirth
Swiss Sports Week 2014
Bilder der Woche "Swiss Sports Week 2014" Aldiana Side...
Bilder der Woche "Swiss Sports Week 2014" Aldiana Side
wn.com/Swiss Sports Week 2014
Bilder der Woche "Swiss Sports Week 2014" Aldiana Side
- published: 01 Jun 2014
- views: 315
Catamaran Sailing Swiss Sports Week 2014 - Side
Catamaran Sailing Swiss Sports Week 2014 - Side...
Catamaran Sailing Swiss Sports Week 2014 - Side
wn.com/Catamaran Sailing Swiss Sports Week 2014 Side
Catamaran Sailing Swiss Sports Week 2014 - Side
- published: 02 Jun 2014
- views: 178
Hurricane force winds flatten Swiss sports festival
freak conditions in Switzerland have injured at least 39 people and caused major damage to property. The sudden storm struck last night, taking many by surpr......
freak conditions in Switzerland have injured at least 39 people and caused major damage to property. The sudden storm struck last night, taking many by surpr...
wn.com/Hurricane Force Winds Flatten Swiss Sports Festival
freak conditions in Switzerland have injured at least 39 people and caused major damage to property. The sudden storm struck last night, taking many by surpr...
- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 50
author: WLNNews
Doris Arnold and Alex Shchukin Showcase Swiss Pole Sports Championship 2015
Follow us:
Poleranking brings you the newest pole dance videos from competitions and pole shows around the world.
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Poleranking brings you the newest pole dance videos from competitions and pole shows around the world.
Poleranking предлагает вам самые последний пол дэнс видео с конкурсов и шоу со всего мира!
wn.com/Doris Arnold And Alex Shchukin Showcase Swiss Pole Sports Championship 2015
Follow us:
Poleranking brings you the newest pole dance videos from competitions and pole shows around the world.
Poleranking предлагает вам самые последний пол дэнс видео с конкурсов и шоу со всего мира!
- published: 17 Jan 2015
- views: 1823
Вскрытие посылки с Aliexpress (Military Army Strap Sports Men's Swiss Military Watch)
Подписываемся на канал, ставим лайки, впереди много нового и интересного! Ссылка на товар: ∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇ (Внимание! Данная ссылка предоставлена в ...
Подписываемся на канал, ставим лайки, впереди много нового и интересного! Ссылка на товар: ∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇ (Внимание! Данная ссылка предоставлена в ознакомительных целях! Автор видео не несет ответственности за ненадлежащую работу продавцов Aliexpress, китайской, российской таможни, а так же Почты России и Китая и т.д...):
Watch: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Cool-Design-High-quality-rubber-strap-Military-Army-Strap-Sports-Men-s-Swiss-Military-Watch/694318734.html
wn.com/Вскрытие Посылки С Aliexpress (Military Army Strap Sports Men's Swiss Military Watch)
Подписываемся на канал, ставим лайки, впереди много нового и интересного! Ссылка на товар: ∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇∇ (Внимание! Данная ссылка предоставлена в ознакомительных целях! Автор видео не несет ответственности за ненадлежащую работу продавцов Aliexpress, китайской, российской таможни, а так же Почты России и Китая и т.д...):
Watch: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Cool-Design-High-quality-rubber-strap-Military-Army-Strap-Sports-Men-s-Swiss-Military-Watch/694318734.html
- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 635
Стильные и недорогие часы Military Army Strap Sports Men's Swiss Military Watch мини обзор
Стильные и недорогие часы, распаковка и мини обзор, приятного Вам просмотра!
Покупал здесь http://ali...
Стильные и недорогие часы, распаковка и мини обзор, приятного Вам просмотра!
Покупал здесь http://ali.pub/7nbea
Для коммерческих предложений / For commercial proposals a1exrea1@mail.ru
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wn.com/Стильные И Недорогие Часы Military Army Strap Sports Men's Swiss Military Watch Мини Обзор
Стильные и недорогие часы, распаковка и мини обзор, приятного Вам просмотра!
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Для коммерческих предложений / For commercial proposals a1exrea1@mail.ru
Добро пожаловать на наш сайт http://www.bad-android.com/
Все смартфоны здесь https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPpt_st3dp3C98Q0pB9vYHUl2-vTG7NGv
Как правильно выбрать китайский смартфон https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWh_SHFMRlA
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Вам понравилось отметьте "лайком" спасибо за ре пост!
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Моя партнерка, рекомендую! http://www.air.io/?page_id=1432&aff;=698
- published: 06 Jan 2015
- views: 5093
Download Opera Coast for IOS - http://goo.gl/CAikRP
Enter the Tour de Prank Contest - http://goo.gl/P64Gvd
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Twitter - http://twitter.com/isekctv
Instagram - http://instagram.com/isekc
Shirts/Hats - http://isekc.spreadshirt.com
Swiss Plush ลดน้ำหนักด้วย นวัตกรรมใหม่ล่าสุด @รายการ Celebrity Wanted 15/8/2557-ทางTrue Inside
Swiss Plush ลดน้ำหนักด้วย นวัตกรรมใหม่ล่าสุดกับผลลัพธ์ชัดเจนที่สุดของที่สุด
@รายการ Celebrity Wanted 15/8/2557
-ทางTrue Inside
CSA Celebrity Speakers - Jim Lawless Keynote Speech at the Swiss Economic Forum
Jim Lawless
Acknowledged Expert on Change and Team Motivation
Jim Lawless is one of the most inspirational and highly sought-after business speakers in Europe. He is the only authority on change and personal development to have put his life on the line to prove his theories. In 2010 Jim broke the British No Limits freediving record and became the deepest British freediver in history and the first
Celebrity Trainer - The 6 best swiss ball exercises
K SWISS Tubes with Celebrity Jilian Michaels
K-Swiss & Charlie Sloth Challenge Scott Mills To Step Up His Sneaker Game
Sports lifestyle brand K-Swiss has enlisted BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra trainer connoisseur, Charlie Sloth, to challenge his celebrity friends to re-energise their tired, 'dead' trainers for a fresh new pair of K-Swiss. In addition to the celebrity trainer overhaul, Charlie will then take the challenge to the public with the aim to update the kicks of any Brits who need them, personally delivering it to
Kenny Powers - K-Swiss CEO video (Uncensored)
Amazing. Kenny Powers becomes CEO of K-Swiss, and enlists the help of Michael Bay, Matt Cassel, Jillian Michaels, MMA Champion Jon "Bones" New video ft. Matt...
Denver's Red Rock - Pop Rock "Hero" - Celebrity Artists - Swiss Major
A hug for Pop + a kiss for Rock n' Roll = Love for Swiss Major.
K-Swiss & Charlie Sloth Challenge MistaJam To Step Up His Sneaker Game
Sports lifestyle brand K-Swiss has enlisted BBC Radio 1 Xtra DJ and trainer connoisseur, Charlie Sloth, to challenge his celebrity friends to re-energise the...
Celebrity Bullshit And More Shit...Episode #2.. Discussing Alicia keys & Swiss Beatz engaged
In this Episode the Panel discusses Alicia keys & Swiss Beatz getting engaged and a few other controversial topics.
Swiss luxury shop denies racism towards Oprah
Swiss luxury shop denies racism towards Oprah
The owner of a luxury goods shop in Zurich has denied that racism was involved when Oprah Winfrey was discouraged from buying a 35,000 Swiss franc handbag. The U.S. talk show host, recently named the world's most powerful celebrity, was in Switzerland for the wedding of singer Tina Turner when the broadcaster said in two U.S. interviews that a sales as
Ankita Makwana is a Swiss and Indian celebrity, model and actress. UNSEEN LATEST VIDEO
Ankita Makwana is a Swiss and Indian celebrity, model and actress. She is currently acting in an upcoming Bollywood thriller film Fever. She is founder of two film production companies, Rebelmango and Am films.
Nigella Lawson for Whittakers Chocolate 1. Taking on the Swiss.
Nigella Lawson TV commercial for Whittakers chocolate. Restricted to New Zealand market.
Victorinox - Swiss Army Knife - VIP in Manufacture
Victorinox Swiss Army Manufacture in Ibach. Celebrity and VIP.
In 1897 the Original Swiss Army Knife was created in the small village of Ibach, Switzerland. Since that time, Victorinox has become well-known in more than 100 countries for precision, quality, functionality and versatility. This century old heritage has been extended to Swiss Army Watches, which r
Swiss-Albanian Triple Threat Patrick Nuo ... Famous?
We caught foreign "celebrity" Patrick Nuo from "Ich bin ein Star -- Holt mich heir raus!" who tells our camera man how he relates to megastar Leonardo DiCaprio.
Kitchen Magic Season 4: Swiss Roll By Danger Zone Participants | 22nd Sep 2015 | Full Episode
In this round of 'Sea Food' , five of the danger zone candidates participate in a fresh round. Here they have to make Swiss Roll.
Kitchen Magic is a pioneering Malayalam cookery reality show on Kairali TV, hosted by celebrity chef Lekshmi Nair. Aspiring chefs from different parts of South India display their culinary skills in innovative, creative, healthy and hygienic ways in the competition, wh
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Purchase on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/swiss-cheese-riddim/id1024951136
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Artiste -Vershon
Song - Bubble Fi Me
Produced by Riddim Soldiers
Best of Elite – Dancehall Reggae Hip Hop Celebrity Press
Reviewing the hottest entertainment, latest news, celebrity news, gossips, music you love and fashion throughout Jamaica, Canada, NY
VATICANO - Swiss Guard Cook Book "Buon Apettito"
Showing just how much they enjoy a good meal, the Pope’s Swiss Guards have released a cookbook.
It’s called “Buon Appetito: Recipes, stories and celebrity portraits.”
Written by two Swiss guards, (imagini David Geisser and Erwin Niederberger) and edited by their Colonel (imagini Daniel R. Anrig), the idea was born from one of them, who used to be a cook himself.
Daniel Craigs Tattoos - SPECTRE Interview (Swiss Energy 25.10.15)
Nives Arrigoni interviewing Daniel Craig
Nives Arrigoni is a celebrity journalist working at swiss radio "Energy"
Daniel Craig wird interviewt von Nives Arrigoni.
Nives Arrigoni ist eine Journalistin beim schweizer Radio "Energy"
For entertainment purposes only, I do not claim ownership or rights of this production. Copyright is held by its respective owners.
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Purchase on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/swiss-cheese-riddim/id1024951136
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015 Artiste -Melloquence
Song - Nuh Boring
Produced by Riddim Soldiers
Best of Elite – Dancehall Reggae Hip Hop Celebrity Press
Reviewing the hottest entertainment, latest news, celebrity news, gossips, music you love and fashion throughout Jamaica, Canada
It's a Wig Swiss Lace Front Wig SWISS LACE ASCONA Review
Today's review is It's a Wig Synthetic Hair Lace Front Wig - Swiss Lace ASCONA. I have her in the color TT BURG.
❤︎ Be sure to checkout MORE of my wig reviews here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdEx_2uIcSim_JsFvRD3Lz174TSFUfYEA and even more beauty, fashion and hair related items on my beauty blog - http://www.girlratesworld.com
❤︎ Subscribe to my channel » http://bit.ly/1DJE0Qi for n
Kitchen Magic Season 4 | 23rd September 2015 | Full Episode
Kitchen Magic is a pioneering Malayalam cookery reality show on Kairali TV, hosted by celebrity chef Lekshmi Nair. Aspiring chefs from different parts of South India display their culinary skills in innovative, creative, healthy and hygienic ways in the competition, which is judged by chef Lekshmi Nair.
Kairali TV is a channel owned and operated by Malayalam Communications Ltd. With programs like
Top 6 Most Valued Celebrity Charity Projects
www.miss-swiss.com @Miss__Swiss
From Bon Jovi's Soul Kitchen, to Angelina Jolie travelling the world as the UN's Good Will Ambassador, we have heard about numerous celebrities and billionaires giving their wealth away and all for a good cause. Based on a study conducted by Forbes, we take a look at celebrities' who have made as much use as possible of their personal fame for charitable causes:
Download Opera Coast for IOS - http://goo.gl/CAikRP
Enter the Tour de Prank Contest - http://goo.gl/P64Gvd
Click To Subscribe - http://bit.ly/Subscribe2iSekC
Download Opera Coast for IOS - http://goo.gl/CAikRP
Enter the Tour de Prank Contest - http://goo.gl/P64Gvd
Click To Subscribe - http://bit.ly/Subscribe2iSekC
Twitter - http://twitter.com/isekctv
Instagram - http://instagram.com/isekc
Shirts/Hats - http://isekc.spreadshirt.com
wn.com/Celebrities In Switzerland
Download Opera Coast for IOS - http://goo.gl/CAikRP
Enter the Tour de Prank Contest - http://goo.gl/P64Gvd
Click To Subscribe - http://bit.ly/Subscribe2iSekC
Twitter - http://twitter.com/isekctv
Instagram - http://instagram.com/isekc
Shirts/Hats - http://isekc.spreadshirt.com
- published: 14 Oct 2014
- views: 41787
Swiss Plush ลดน้ำหนักด้วย นวัตกรรมใหม่ล่าสุด @รายการ Celebrity Wanted 15/8/2557-ทางTrue Inside
Swiss Plush ลดน้ำหนักด้วย นวัตกรรมใหม่ล่าสุดกับผลลัพธ์ชัดเจนที่สุดของที่สุด
@รายการ Celebrity Wanted 15/8/2557
-ทางTrue Inside...
Swiss Plush ลดน้ำหนักด้วย นวัตกรรมใหม่ล่าสุดกับผลลัพธ์ชัดเจนที่สุดของที่สุด
@รายการ Celebrity Wanted 15/8/2557
-ทางTrue Inside
wn.com/Swiss Plush ลดน้ำหนักด้วย นวัตกรรมใหม่ล่าสุด รายการ Celebrity Wanted 15 8 2557 ทางTrue Inside
Swiss Plush ลดน้ำหนักด้วย นวัตกรรมใหม่ล่าสุดกับผลลัพธ์ชัดเจนที่สุดของที่สุด
@รายการ Celebrity Wanted 15/8/2557
-ทางTrue Inside
- published: 19 Aug 2014
- views: 1640
CSA Celebrity Speakers - Jim Lawless Keynote Speech at the Swiss Economic Forum
Jim Lawless
Acknowledged Expert on Change and Team Motivation
Jim Lawless is one of the most inspirational and highly sought-after business speakers in Europe....
Jim Lawless
Acknowledged Expert on Change and Team Motivation
Jim Lawless is one of the most inspirational and highly sought-after business speakers in Europe. He is the only authority on change and personal development to have put his life on the line to prove his theories. In 2010 Jim broke the British No Limits freediving record and became the deepest British freediver in history and the first to break the magic 100m barrier on a single breath of air. He put his life on the line to go from 36 year old, 12 stone, smoking, drinking, (and non-riding) business consultant to a 9 stone jockey competing in his first televised race in just 12 months to prove the power of the 'Ten Rules for Taming Tigers'.
For more about Jim Lawless please visit:
wn.com/Csa Celebrity Speakers Jim Lawless Keynote Speech At The Swiss Economic Forum
Jim Lawless
Acknowledged Expert on Change and Team Motivation
Jim Lawless is one of the most inspirational and highly sought-after business speakers in Europe. He is the only authority on change and personal development to have put his life on the line to prove his theories. In 2010 Jim broke the British No Limits freediving record and became the deepest British freediver in history and the first to break the magic 100m barrier on a single breath of air. He put his life on the line to go from 36 year old, 12 stone, smoking, drinking, (and non-riding) business consultant to a 9 stone jockey competing in his first televised race in just 12 months to prove the power of the 'Ten Rules for Taming Tigers'.
For more about Jim Lawless please visit:
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 7
K-Swiss & Charlie Sloth Challenge Scott Mills To Step Up His Sneaker Game
Sports lifestyle brand K-Swiss has enlisted BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra trainer connoisseur, Charlie Sloth, to challenge his celebrity friends to re-energise their ti...
Sports lifestyle brand K-Swiss has enlisted BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra trainer connoisseur, Charlie Sloth, to challenge his celebrity friends to re-energise their tired, 'dead' trainers for a fresh new pair of K-Swiss. In addition to the celebrity trainer overhaul, Charlie will then take the challenge to the public with the aim to update the kicks of any Brits who need them, personally delivering it to their doorstep.
The first episode in this 'fly on the wall' three-part mini-series, catches BBC Radio 1 presenter Scott Mills at the local west-End coffee shop. It is not long until the best looking fat guy; Charlie Sloth, brings his California Love challenge straight to the feet of Scott Mills to help his good mate pick up his trainer game.
In addition to the celebrity challenge, the people's prince, Charlie Sloth, is taking on an even bigger task! Launching on 25th October until 2nd December 2013, K-Swiss Facebook fans will be asked to nominate one of their friends who are in need of a trainer makeover. To enter, fans will be asked to explain why the friend deserves a new pair of K-Swiss trainers. Charlie Sloth will then personally deliver a pair of trainers to their door.
'K-Swiss California Love', is a glossy, documentary style mini-series following Charlie Sloth to LA to explore the origins of hip hop, it's rise, it's fall and its resurgence in the UK. Charlie then comes back to the UK to educate us on what he has found.
To keep up to date with the latest information, find us on Instagram.com/kswissuk, Facebook.com/K-Swiss.UK or follow us on twitter at KSwiss_UK
wn.com/K Swiss Charlie Sloth Challenge Scott Mills To Step Up His Sneaker Game
Sports lifestyle brand K-Swiss has enlisted BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra trainer connoisseur, Charlie Sloth, to challenge his celebrity friends to re-energise their tired, 'dead' trainers for a fresh new pair of K-Swiss. In addition to the celebrity trainer overhaul, Charlie will then take the challenge to the public with the aim to update the kicks of any Brits who need them, personally delivering it to their doorstep.
The first episode in this 'fly on the wall' three-part mini-series, catches BBC Radio 1 presenter Scott Mills at the local west-End coffee shop. It is not long until the best looking fat guy; Charlie Sloth, brings his California Love challenge straight to the feet of Scott Mills to help his good mate pick up his trainer game.
In addition to the celebrity challenge, the people's prince, Charlie Sloth, is taking on an even bigger task! Launching on 25th October until 2nd December 2013, K-Swiss Facebook fans will be asked to nominate one of their friends who are in need of a trainer makeover. To enter, fans will be asked to explain why the friend deserves a new pair of K-Swiss trainers. Charlie Sloth will then personally deliver a pair of trainers to their door.
'K-Swiss California Love', is a glossy, documentary style mini-series following Charlie Sloth to LA to explore the origins of hip hop, it's rise, it's fall and its resurgence in the UK. Charlie then comes back to the UK to educate us on what he has found.
To keep up to date with the latest information, find us on Instagram.com/kswissuk, Facebook.com/K-Swiss.UK or follow us on twitter at KSwiss_UK
- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 104934
Kenny Powers - K-Swiss CEO video (Uncensored)
Amazing. Kenny Powers becomes CEO of K-Swiss, and enlists the help of Michael Bay, Matt Cassel, Jillian Michaels, MMA Champion Jon "Bones" New video ft. Matt......
Amazing. Kenny Powers becomes CEO of K-Swiss, and enlists the help of Michael Bay, Matt Cassel, Jillian Michaels, MMA Champion Jon "Bones" New video ft. Matt...
wn.com/Kenny Powers K Swiss Ceo Video (Uncensored)
Amazing. Kenny Powers becomes CEO of K-Swiss, and enlists the help of Michael Bay, Matt Cassel, Jillian Michaels, MMA Champion Jon "Bones" New video ft. Matt...
- published: 11 Jul 2011
- views: 4219244
author: kfpisreal
Denver's Red Rock - Pop Rock "Hero" - Celebrity Artists - Swiss Major
A hug for Pop + a kiss for Rock n' Roll = Love for Swiss Major.
A hug for Pop + a kiss for Rock n' Roll = Love for Swiss Major.
wn.com/Denver's Red Rock Pop Rock Hero Celebrity Artists Swiss Major
A hug for Pop + a kiss for Rock n' Roll = Love for Swiss Major.
- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 30
K-Swiss & Charlie Sloth Challenge MistaJam To Step Up His Sneaker Game
Sports lifestyle brand K-Swiss has enlisted BBC Radio 1 Xtra DJ and trainer connoisseur, Charlie Sloth, to challenge his celebrity friends to re-energise the......
Sports lifestyle brand K-Swiss has enlisted BBC Radio 1 Xtra DJ and trainer connoisseur, Charlie Sloth, to challenge his celebrity friends to re-energise the...
wn.com/K Swiss Charlie Sloth Challenge Mistajam To Step Up His Sneaker Game
Sports lifestyle brand K-Swiss has enlisted BBC Radio 1 Xtra DJ and trainer connoisseur, Charlie Sloth, to challenge his celebrity friends to re-energise the...
- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 123510
author: RWD
Celebrity Bullshit And More Shit...Episode #2.. Discussing Alicia keys & Swiss Beatz engaged
In this Episode the Panel discusses Alicia keys & Swiss Beatz getting engaged and a few other controversial topics....
In this Episode the Panel discusses Alicia keys & Swiss Beatz getting engaged and a few other controversial topics.
wn.com/Celebrity Bullshit And More Shit...Episode 2.. Discussing Alicia Keys Swiss Beatz Engaged
In this Episode the Panel discusses Alicia keys & Swiss Beatz getting engaged and a few other controversial topics.
- published: 05 Feb 2010
- views: 278
Swiss luxury shop denies racism towards Oprah
Swiss luxury shop denies racism towards Oprah
The owner of a luxury goods shop in Zurich has denied that racism was involved when Oprah Winfrey was discouraged ...
Swiss luxury shop denies racism towards Oprah
The owner of a luxury goods shop in Zurich has denied that racism was involved when Oprah Winfrey was discouraged from buying a 35,000 Swiss franc handbag. The U.S. talk show host, recently named the world's most powerful celebrity, was in Switzerland for the wedding of singer Tina Turner when the broadcaster said in two U.S. interviews that a sales assistant had refused to show her the crocodile handbag, saying it was "too expensive" and steering her towards other, cheaper ones.
wn.com/Swiss Luxury Shop Denies Racism Towards Oprah
Swiss luxury shop denies racism towards Oprah
The owner of a luxury goods shop in Zurich has denied that racism was involved when Oprah Winfrey was discouraged from buying a 35,000 Swiss franc handbag. The U.S. talk show host, recently named the world's most powerful celebrity, was in Switzerland for the wedding of singer Tina Turner when the broadcaster said in two U.S. interviews that a sales assistant had refused to show her the crocodile handbag, saying it was "too expensive" and steering her towards other, cheaper ones.
- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 38988
Ankita Makwana is a Swiss and Indian celebrity, model and actress. UNSEEN LATEST VIDEO
Ankita Makwana is a Swiss and Indian celebrity, model and actress. She is currently acting in an upcoming Bollywood thriller film Fever. She is founder of two f...
Ankita Makwana is a Swiss and Indian celebrity, model and actress. She is currently acting in an upcoming Bollywood thriller film Fever. She is founder of two film production companies, Rebelmango and Am films.
wn.com/Ankita Makwana Is A Swiss And Indian Celebrity, Model And Actress. Unseen Latest Video
Ankita Makwana is a Swiss and Indian celebrity, model and actress. She is currently acting in an upcoming Bollywood thriller film Fever. She is founder of two film production companies, Rebelmango and Am films.
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 28
Nigella Lawson for Whittakers Chocolate 1. Taking on the Swiss.
Nigella Lawson TV commercial for Whittakers chocolate. Restricted to New Zealand market....
Nigella Lawson TV commercial for Whittakers chocolate. Restricted to New Zealand market.
wn.com/Nigella Lawson For Whittakers Chocolate 1. Taking On The Swiss.
Nigella Lawson TV commercial for Whittakers chocolate. Restricted to New Zealand market.
- published: 25 Sep 2013
- views: 2874
Victorinox - Swiss Army Knife - VIP in Manufacture
Victorinox Swiss Army Manufacture in Ibach. Celebrity and VIP.
In 1897 the Original Swiss Army Knife was created in the sma...
Victorinox Swiss Army Manufacture in Ibach. Celebrity and VIP.
In 1897 the Original Swiss Army Knife was created in the small village of Ibach, Switzerland. Since that time, Victorinox has become well-known in more than 100 countries for precision, quality, functionality and versatility. This century old heritage has been extended to Swiss Army Watches, which reflect the ingenious design and outstanding durability Victorinox has come to stand for over the years. Uncompromising craftsmanship makes these watches worthy to carry the "cross and shield" emblem that symbolizes the legend of Victorinox and the Swiss Army Brand.
Whether you're going around the corner or around the globe, classically styled Swiss Army watches will make sure that you're equipped for life's adventures. No matter what those adventures might be.
The VICTORINOX "Swiss Army Knife" is over 100 Years Old. This useful pocket Multi-Tool was legally registered on June 12, 1897. Over 34,000 of these pocket tools with the distinctive Swiss cross leave the factory in central Switzerland each day. Ninety per cent are for export to over 100 different countries and serve as ambassadors for Switzerland.
Karl Elsener, the company founder, wanted to create work in sparsely industrialized central Switzerland and counter the emigration spawned by unemployment. To go from hand-crafting to industrial production was at the time adventurous and required enormous determination. Today, this family business in Schwyz provides 950 jobs.
After the soldier's knife, which every recruit receives upon entering the army, Karl Elsener developed a new, elegant and light weight pocket knife, with six practical tools. He called this new model the "Officers and Sports Knife".
After an unparalleled success story around the world, the VICTORINOX "Swiss Army Knife" is even orbiting the earth as part of the standard equipment of the Space Shuttle Crew. The knife has also been successfully proven on expeditions: in the arctic ice of the North Pole; on the highest peak on earth, Mount Everest; in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon, and elsewhere. Time and again, it has been a life saver in situations of extreme danger and great need. The New York Museum of Modern Art and the State Museum for Applied Art in Munich have selected it for their collection of excellence in design, and, since Lyndon B. Johnson, US presidents present guests with VICTORINOX pocket knives.
Today, the "Officers' Knife" is available in over 100 different models. Each knife must undergo seamless quality controls before being released for sale.
wn.com/Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Vip In Manufacture
Victorinox Swiss Army Manufacture in Ibach. Celebrity and VIP.
In 1897 the Original Swiss Army Knife was created in the small village of Ibach, Switzerland. Since that time, Victorinox has become well-known in more than 100 countries for precision, quality, functionality and versatility. This century old heritage has been extended to Swiss Army Watches, which reflect the ingenious design and outstanding durability Victorinox has come to stand for over the years. Uncompromising craftsmanship makes these watches worthy to carry the "cross and shield" emblem that symbolizes the legend of Victorinox and the Swiss Army Brand.
Whether you're going around the corner or around the globe, classically styled Swiss Army watches will make sure that you're equipped for life's adventures. No matter what those adventures might be.
The VICTORINOX "Swiss Army Knife" is over 100 Years Old. This useful pocket Multi-Tool was legally registered on June 12, 1897. Over 34,000 of these pocket tools with the distinctive Swiss cross leave the factory in central Switzerland each day. Ninety per cent are for export to over 100 different countries and serve as ambassadors for Switzerland.
Karl Elsener, the company founder, wanted to create work in sparsely industrialized central Switzerland and counter the emigration spawned by unemployment. To go from hand-crafting to industrial production was at the time adventurous and required enormous determination. Today, this family business in Schwyz provides 950 jobs.
After the soldier's knife, which every recruit receives upon entering the army, Karl Elsener developed a new, elegant and light weight pocket knife, with six practical tools. He called this new model the "Officers and Sports Knife".
After an unparalleled success story around the world, the VICTORINOX "Swiss Army Knife" is even orbiting the earth as part of the standard equipment of the Space Shuttle Crew. The knife has also been successfully proven on expeditions: in the arctic ice of the North Pole; on the highest peak on earth, Mount Everest; in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon, and elsewhere. Time and again, it has been a life saver in situations of extreme danger and great need. The New York Museum of Modern Art and the State Museum for Applied Art in Munich have selected it for their collection of excellence in design, and, since Lyndon B. Johnson, US presidents present guests with VICTORINOX pocket knives.
Today, the "Officers' Knife" is available in over 100 different models. Each knife must undergo seamless quality controls before being released for sale.
- published: 19 Dec 2007
- views: 32917
Swiss-Albanian Triple Threat Patrick Nuo ... Famous?
We caught foreign "celebrity" Patrick Nuo from "Ich bin ein Star -- Holt mich heir raus!" who tells our camera man how he relates to megastar Leonardo DiCaprio....
We caught foreign "celebrity" Patrick Nuo from "Ich bin ein Star -- Holt mich heir raus!" who tells our camera man how he relates to megastar Leonardo DiCaprio.
wn.com/Swiss Albanian Triple Threat Patrick Nuo ... Famous
We caught foreign "celebrity" Patrick Nuo from "Ich bin ein Star -- Holt mich heir raus!" who tells our camera man how he relates to megastar Leonardo DiCaprio.
- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 5767
author: TMZ
Kitchen Magic Season 4: Swiss Roll By Danger Zone Participants | 22nd Sep 2015 | Full Episode
In this round of 'Sea Food' , five of the danger zone candidates participate in a fresh round. Here they have to make Swiss Roll.
Kitchen Magic is a pioneering...
In this round of 'Sea Food' , five of the danger zone candidates participate in a fresh round. Here they have to make Swiss Roll.
Kitchen Magic is a pioneering Malayalam cookery reality show on Kairali TV, hosted by celebrity chef Lekshmi Nair. Aspiring chefs from different parts of South India display their culinary skills in innovative, creative, healthy and hygienic ways in the competition, which is judged by chef Lekshmi Nair among others.
Watch more episodes at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRUWHfiqj8TSXmQdLW5SlA7fExBurePnJoM
Kairali TV is a channel owned and operated by Malayalam Communications Ltd. With programs like JB Junction, Magic Oven, Flavours of India, Patturummaal, Gandharva Sangeetham etc, Kairali TV is among the most leading Malayalam television channels with a large number of followers from around the globe. Kairali TV has been successful in delivering quality contents both online and in television for over 12 years.
For more: http://www.kairalitv.in/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KairaliOnline
Circle us on G+: https://plus.google.com/+KairaliOnline
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wn.com/Kitchen Magic Season 4 Swiss Roll By Danger Zone Participants | 22Nd Sep 2015 | Full Episode
In this round of 'Sea Food' , five of the danger zone candidates participate in a fresh round. Here they have to make Swiss Roll.
Kitchen Magic is a pioneering Malayalam cookery reality show on Kairali TV, hosted by celebrity chef Lekshmi Nair. Aspiring chefs from different parts of South India display their culinary skills in innovative, creative, healthy and hygienic ways in the competition, which is judged by chef Lekshmi Nair among others.
Watch more episodes at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRUWHfiqj8TSXmQdLW5SlA7fExBurePnJoM
Kairali TV is a channel owned and operated by Malayalam Communications Ltd. With programs like JB Junction, Magic Oven, Flavours of India, Patturummaal, Gandharva Sangeetham etc, Kairali TV is among the most leading Malayalam television channels with a large number of followers from around the globe. Kairali TV has been successful in delivering quality contents both online and in television for over 12 years.
For more: http://www.kairalitv.in/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KairaliOnline
Circle us on G+: https://plus.google.com/+KairaliOnline
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kairalitv.in
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheKairaliTV
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 1533
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Purchase on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/swiss-cheese-riddim/id1024951136
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Artiste -Versho...
Purchase on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/swiss-cheese-riddim/id1024951136
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Artiste -Vershon
Song - Bubble Fi Me
Produced by Riddim Soldiers
Best of Elite – Dancehall Reggae Hip Hop Celebrity Press
Reviewing the hottest entertainment, latest news, celebrity news, gossips, music you love and fashion throughout Jamaica, Canada, NY and L.A.
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Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.
wn.com/Vershon Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Purchase on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/swiss-cheese-riddim/id1024951136
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Artiste -Vershon
Song - Bubble Fi Me
Produced by Riddim Soldiers
Best of Elite – Dancehall Reggae Hip Hop Celebrity Press
Reviewing the hottest entertainment, latest news, celebrity news, gossips, music you love and fashion throughout Jamaica, Canada, NY and L.A.
Visit: http://bestofelite.com/
Join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BestOfEliteM... Twitter: https://twitter.com/BOE_Media
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Pb...
Like our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/dancehallsed...
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For Inquiries email: danceseduction@gmail.com
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Vershon - Bubble Fi Me |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.
- published: 07 Aug 2015
- views: 919
VATICANO - Swiss Guard Cook Book "Buon Apettito"
Showing just how much they enjoy a good meal, the Pope’s Swiss Guards have released a cookbook.
It’s called “Buon Appetito: Recipes, stories and celebrity portr...
Showing just how much they enjoy a good meal, the Pope’s Swiss Guards have released a cookbook.
It’s called “Buon Appetito: Recipes, stories and celebrity portraits.”
Written by two Swiss guards, (imagini David Geisser and Erwin Niederberger) and edited by their Colonel (imagini Daniel R. Anrig), the idea was born from one of them, who used to be a cook himself.
wn.com/Vaticano Swiss Guard Cook Book Buon Apettito
Showing just how much they enjoy a good meal, the Pope’s Swiss Guards have released a cookbook.
It’s called “Buon Appetito: Recipes, stories and celebrity portraits.”
Written by two Swiss guards, (imagini David Geisser and Erwin Niederberger) and edited by their Colonel (imagini Daniel R. Anrig), the idea was born from one of them, who used to be a cook himself.
- published: 25 Nov 2014
- views: 669
Daniel Craigs Tattoos - SPECTRE Interview (Swiss Energy 25.10.15)
Nives Arrigoni interviewing Daniel Craig
Nives Arrigoni is a celebrity journalist working at swiss radio "Energy"
Daniel Craig wird interviewt von Nives Arrigo...
Nives Arrigoni interviewing Daniel Craig
Nives Arrigoni is a celebrity journalist working at swiss radio "Energy"
Daniel Craig wird interviewt von Nives Arrigoni.
Nives Arrigoni ist eine Journalistin beim schweizer Radio "Energy"
For entertainment purposes only, I do not claim ownership or rights of this production. Copyright is held by its respective owners.
wn.com/Daniel Craigs Tattoos Spectre Interview (Swiss Energy 25.10.15)
Nives Arrigoni interviewing Daniel Craig
Nives Arrigoni is a celebrity journalist working at swiss radio "Energy"
Daniel Craig wird interviewt von Nives Arrigoni.
Nives Arrigoni ist eine Journalistin beim schweizer Radio "Energy"
For entertainment purposes only, I do not claim ownership or rights of this production. Copyright is held by its respective owners.
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 9
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Purchase on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/swiss-cheese-riddim/id1024951136
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015 Artiste -Mell...
Purchase on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/swiss-cheese-riddim/id1024951136
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015 Artiste -Melloquence
Song - Nuh Boring
Produced by Riddim Soldiers
Best of Elite – Dancehall Reggae Hip Hop Celebrity Press
Reviewing the hottest entertainment, latest news, celebrity news, gossips, music you love and fashion throughout Jamaica, Canada, NY and L.A.
Visit: http://bestofelite.com/
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IG : http://instagram.com/onedancehall/
For Inquiries email: danceseduction@gmail.com
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.
wn.com/Melloquence Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Purchase on itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/swiss-cheese-riddim/id1024951136
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015 Artiste -Melloquence
Song - Nuh Boring
Produced by Riddim Soldiers
Best of Elite – Dancehall Reggae Hip Hop Celebrity Press
Reviewing the hottest entertainment, latest news, celebrity news, gossips, music you love and fashion throughout Jamaica, Canada, NY and L.A.
Visit: http://bestofelite.com/
Join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BestOfEliteM... Twitter: https://twitter.com/BOE_Media
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Pb...
Like our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/dancehallsed...
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For Inquiries email: danceseduction@gmail.com
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
Melloquence - Nuh Boring |Swiss Cheese Riddim| August 2015
FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.
- published: 07 Aug 2015
- views: 405
It's a Wig Swiss Lace Front Wig SWISS LACE ASCONA Review
Today's review is It's a Wig Synthetic Hair Lace Front Wig - Swiss Lace ASCONA. I have her in the color TT BURG.
❤︎ Be sure to checkout MORE of my wig reviews...
Today's review is It's a Wig Synthetic Hair Lace Front Wig - Swiss Lace ASCONA. I have her in the color TT BURG.
❤︎ Be sure to checkout MORE of my wig reviews here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdEx_2uIcSim_JsFvRD3Lz174TSFUfYEA and even more beauty, fashion and hair related items on my beauty blog - http://www.girlratesworld.com
❤︎ Subscribe to my channel » http://bit.ly/1DJE0Qi for new videos weekly!
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Thanks so much for watching, subscribing, and liking! ♥
* Freetress Equal TAMMI Wig Review
* Outre Natural Yaki Wig Review
* Freetress Sweet Blossom
* Friday Night Hair GLS09 Review
* Outre Peruvian Batik Wig Review
* Bisa Wig Review
* Feeling Myself Nicki Minaj and Beyonce
* Sensationnel Liran Wig
* Friday Night Hair GLS35
* Helen Wig Janet Collection Review
* Janet Collection Wig Tango
* Acacia Wig Review - Outre
* Nadia Jazz Wig Review
* Outre Kylie Wig Review
* Freetress Equal Suzie Wig
* ISIS Brown Sugar BS607 Wig
* Sensationnel Crystal Wig
* Outre Vicky Wig Boo Boo Kitty Inspiration #Empire
* Janet Collection Mommy II Wig
* GLS25 Wig Friday Night Hair
* Miss Helen Wig Janet Collection
* 21 Tress H-Blossom Wig Review
* BH Cosmetics Matte Lipstick Swatches
* 21Tress Scarlett Wig Review
* Friday Night Hair GLS28 Wig Review
* RPGShow Wig Review NW001s - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA39pjeIkMU
Girl Rates World Beauty Blog: Beauty Reviews | Fashion Trends | Makeup Tutorials | Beauty Tips | Celebrity News | Girlratesworld.com
wn.com/It's A Wig Swiss Lace Front Wig Swiss Lace Ascona Review
Today's review is It's a Wig Synthetic Hair Lace Front Wig - Swiss Lace ASCONA. I have her in the color TT BURG.
❤︎ Be sure to checkout MORE of my wig reviews here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdEx_2uIcSim_JsFvRD3Lz174TSFUfYEA and even more beauty, fashion and hair related items on my beauty blog - http://www.girlratesworld.com
❤︎ Subscribe to my channel » http://bit.ly/1DJE0Qi for new videos weekly!
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Thanks so much for watching, subscribing, and liking! ♥
* Freetress Equal TAMMI Wig Review
* Outre Natural Yaki Wig Review
* Freetress Sweet Blossom
* Friday Night Hair GLS09 Review
* Outre Peruvian Batik Wig Review
* Bisa Wig Review
* Feeling Myself Nicki Minaj and Beyonce
* Sensationnel Liran Wig
* Friday Night Hair GLS35
* Helen Wig Janet Collection Review
* Janet Collection Wig Tango
* Acacia Wig Review - Outre
* Nadia Jazz Wig Review
* Outre Kylie Wig Review
* Freetress Equal Suzie Wig
* ISIS Brown Sugar BS607 Wig
* Sensationnel Crystal Wig
* Outre Vicky Wig Boo Boo Kitty Inspiration #Empire
* Janet Collection Mommy II Wig
* GLS25 Wig Friday Night Hair
* Miss Helen Wig Janet Collection
* 21 Tress H-Blossom Wig Review
* BH Cosmetics Matte Lipstick Swatches
* 21Tress Scarlett Wig Review
* Friday Night Hair GLS28 Wig Review
* RPGShow Wig Review NW001s - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA39pjeIkMU
Girl Rates World Beauty Blog: Beauty Reviews | Fashion Trends | Makeup Tutorials | Beauty Tips | Celebrity News | Girlratesworld.com
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 126
Kitchen Magic Season 4 | 23rd September 2015 | Full Episode
Kitchen Magic is a pioneering Malayalam cookery reality show on Kairali TV, hosted by celebrity chef Lekshmi Nair. Aspiring chefs from different parts of South ...
Kitchen Magic is a pioneering Malayalam cookery reality show on Kairali TV, hosted by celebrity chef Lekshmi Nair. Aspiring chefs from different parts of South India display their culinary skills in innovative, creative, healthy and hygienic ways in the competition, which is judged by chef Lekshmi Nair.
Kairali TV is a channel owned and operated by Malayalam Communications Ltd. With programs like JB Junction, Magic Oven, Flavours of India, Patturummaal, Gandharva Sangeetham etc, Kairali TV is among the most leading Malayalam television channels with a large number of followers from around the globe. Kairali TV has been successful in delivering quality contents both online and in television for over 12 years.
For more: http://www.kairalitv.in/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KairaliOnline
Circle us on G+: https://plus.google.com/+KairaliOnline
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kairalitv.in
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheKairaliTV
wn.com/Kitchen Magic Season 4 | 23Rd September 2015 | Full Episode
Kitchen Magic is a pioneering Malayalam cookery reality show on Kairali TV, hosted by celebrity chef Lekshmi Nair. Aspiring chefs from different parts of South India display their culinary skills in innovative, creative, healthy and hygienic ways in the competition, which is judged by chef Lekshmi Nair.
Kairali TV is a channel owned and operated by Malayalam Communications Ltd. With programs like JB Junction, Magic Oven, Flavours of India, Patturummaal, Gandharva Sangeetham etc, Kairali TV is among the most leading Malayalam television channels with a large number of followers from around the globe. Kairali TV has been successful in delivering quality contents both online and in television for over 12 years.
For more: http://www.kairalitv.in/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/KairaliOnline
Circle us on G+: https://plus.google.com/+KairaliOnline
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kairalitv.in
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheKairaliTV
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 119
Top 6 Most Valued Celebrity Charity Projects
www.miss-swiss.com @Miss__Swiss
From Bon Jovi's Soul Kitchen, to Angelina Jolie travelling the world as the UN's Good Will Ambassador, we have heard about numer...
www.miss-swiss.com @Miss__Swiss
From Bon Jovi's Soul Kitchen, to Angelina Jolie travelling the world as the UN's Good Will Ambassador, we have heard about numerous celebrities and billionaires giving their wealth away and all for a good cause. Based on a study conducted by Forbes, we take a look at celebrities' who have made as much use as possible of their personal fame for charitable causes:
wn.com/Top 6 Most Valued Celebrity Charity Projects
www.miss-swiss.com @Miss__Swiss
From Bon Jovi's Soul Kitchen, to Angelina Jolie travelling the world as the UN's Good Will Ambassador, we have heard about numerous celebrities and billionaires giving their wealth away and all for a good cause. Based on a study conducted by Forbes, we take a look at celebrities' who have made as much use as possible of their personal fame for charitable causes:
- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 1644
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Switzerland Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Switzerland Travel Guide travel channel full episodes
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Travel Guide - Switzerland
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents… A handy travel guide for anyone visiting the mountainous European country of Switzerland.
10 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland - Switzerland Travel Guide
Switzerland Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland
List of Best Places to Visit in Switzerland: 1. Zurich, 2. Lucerne, 3. Jungfrau Region, 4. Bern, 5. Lake Geneva, 6. Lugano, 7. Zermatt, 8. Geneva, 9. Lausanne, 10. Interlaken
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 2nd Floor, 01 Le Duan Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatour
A Trip to Zurich - English Travel Guide HD
visit http://www.killerwal.com please subscribe my channel: http://www.youtube.com/killerwalcom Hi, my name is Phil from the german travel blog www.killerwal...
Geneva (Switzerland) - Ren Travel Guide Travel Video
Filmed with: Sony Nex 5N, 18 - 55mm Lens, Kelda 0.45X Lens Adapter The Hague Mini Motion Stabilizer http://rentravelguide.com.
The beauty of Switzerland
Discover Switzerland by train, bus and boat!
Just imagine - a country where travel by public transport is as exciting as it is relaxing. Whether you're heading for the heights, travelling from city to city or off the beaten tourist track - in Switzerland, trains, buses and boats are always ready and waiting to take you to your dream destination. With a single ticket, the Swiss Pass, you can see
Switzerland Travel Guide - Dos and Donts
http://www.traveltaboo.com. A dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Switzerland. Come to visit this websi...
Top 5 Travel Attractions, Bern (Switzerland) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Bern, Switzerland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I wo...
Zurich,Switzerland - Travel Guide
Nestling amidst in hills and laskes, Zurich and the surrounding region offer a unique blend of adventure, enjoyment, nature and culture seasoned with the bes...
A Grand Tour of Switzerland, by train
Greentraveller's Grand Tour of Switzerland, in association with Swiss Travel System and Inntravel. For more information about booking this trip, including pr...
Top 10 Swiss German Phrases - Zurich, Switzerland Travel Guide
Switzerland has four main local languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Of which German, in fact Swiss German, is the most common. Here are our top ...
A Tourist's Guide to Zurich, Switzerland
I visit the largest city in Switzerland, ambling through the cobblestone streets of the Old Town, savouring the churches, the Radhus, and of course, the lake.
Bern, Switzerland - Travel Guide
Touring through Bern, Switzerland. If your looking for a historic yet cosmopolitan experience while in beautiful switzerland go no further than the Swiss cap...
Travel and Tourism | I Love Switzerland | Switzerland Travel Guide ♥
Travel and Tourism Switzerland is the best place. Switzerland (/ˈswɪtsərlənd/; German: Schweiz [ˈʃvaɪts];French: Suisse [sɥis(ə)]; Italian: Svizzera [ˈzvittsera]; Romansh: Svizra [ˈʒviːtsrɐ] or [ˈʒviːtsʁːɐ]), officially the Swiss Confederation (Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica, hence its abbreviation CH), is a country in Europe. While still named the "Swiss Confederation" for historical reasons, mod
Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide http://goo.gl/APp...
We head to Switerzland to spend a week in Geneva, one of the world's most cosmopolitan and international cities in the world!
This trip was made possible by Visit Geneva & My Switzerland. Check out their websites for more travel inspiration!
:::Visit Geneva:::
- Web: http://www.geneve-tourisme.ch/en/home/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeneveTourisme
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Visit
Geneva, Switzerland - Travel Guide
"The Capital of Peace." Embedded between nearby Alpine peaks and the hilly terrain of the Jura, the French speaking city of Geneva lies in the bay where the Rhone leaves Lake Geneva. With its humanitarian tradition and cosmopolitan flair, the European seat of the UNO and headquarters of the Red Cross long ago earned the city the moniker "Capital of Peace."
Website: www.SwitzerlandRewards.com
Chapel Bridge, Lucerne - Switzerland Travel Guide
Said to be the longest covered bridge, Chapel Bridge also depicts Lucerne's history. Behind me is Lucerne's Kapellbrucke or Chapel Bridge. Probably one of th...
Travel Switzerland - Tips on Using Public Transportation in Zurich
Learn how to ride common form of public transport in Zurich. (Zurich, Switzerland) It is easy to navigate around Zurich. You can use the city's extensive tra...
Lausanne,Switzerland - Travel Guide
When in the Lake Geneva area, be sure to visit the Olympic capital of Lausanne. Lausanne is the second largest city on Lake Geneva and combines a dynamic commercial town with the locality of a holiday resort. It is the capital of the canton of Vaud and is also a lively university and convention town.
For more info visit:
Website: www.SwitzerlandRewards.com
Twitter: http://twi
Bahnhofstrasse Neighborhood, Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide
An area known for some of the world's largest banks and upscale shopping. Getting There/Directions Tram - Number 6, 7, 11, Or 13 to Bahnhofstrasse/HB station...
Switzerland Travel Guide - Swiss Town of St. Moritz
Take a tour of Swiss Town of St. Moritz in St. Moritz, Switzerland -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The glistenin...
Exploring Basel, Switzerland | Travel Vlog
A quick walk and travel vlog in Basel, Switzerland! Thank you for watching!! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/GreekVlogger Electra Asteri channel http://youtube.com/...
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Switzerland Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Switzerland Travel Guide travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
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Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Switzerland Travel Guide travel channel full episodes
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- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 0
Travel Guide - Switzerland
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents… A handy travel guide for anyone visiting the mountainous European country of Switzerland....
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents… A handy travel guide for anyone visiting the mountainous European country of Switzerland.
wn.com/Travel Guide Switzerland
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents… A handy travel guide for anyone visiting the mountainous European country of Switzerland.
10 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland - Switzerland Travel Guide
Switzerland Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland
List of Best Places to Visit in Switzerland: 1. Zurich, 2. Lucerne, 3. Jungfrau Region, 4. Bern...
Switzerland Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland
List of Best Places to Visit in Switzerland: 1. Zurich, 2. Lucerne, 3. Jungfrau Region, 4. Bern, 5. Lake Geneva, 6. Lugano, 7. Zermatt, 8. Geneva, 9. Lausanne, 10. Interlaken
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 2nd Floor, 01 Le Duan Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Music: "Brittle Rille"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Creative Commons Photos in Flickr.
Photos Credited:
10. Interlaken
Andrew Bossi: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:5634_-_Schynige_Platte_-_View_of_Interlaken_and_Thunersee.JPG
Kosala Bandara: www.flickr.com/photos/kosalabandara/14000864726
9. Lausanne
Rama: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lausanne_img_0586.jpg
Peter Hedlund: www.flickr.com/photos/57943984@N00/14602308554
8. Geneva
User:Nauticashades: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Geneva_From_Cathedral.JPG
Andrey Pshenichny: www.flickr.com/photos/beta-robot/5580153077
7. Zermatt
Chris James: www.flickr.com/photos/christopherdale/4930501983
Russ2009: www.flickr.com/photos/16329417@N05/8245142826
6. Lugano
Tobias4242: www.flickr.com/photos/76382390@N06/14450557237
bristley: www.flickr.com/photos/bristley/35975243
5. Lake Geneva
Muhaidib: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Montreux,_Switzerland.JPG
Jelle Drok: www.flickr.com/photos/29850501@N06/3864569736
4. Bern
Guido Gloor Modjib: www.flickr.com/photos/glodjib/6950208992
Patty Ho: www.flickr.com/photos/patio/7996298701
3. Jungfrau Region
Ed Coyle: www.flickr.com/photos/joxur223/3797048134
Lie: www.flickr.com/photos/8458761@N08/5885638220
2. Lucerne
dicau58: www.flickr.com/photos/dicau58/11518548174
Jason: www.flickr.com/photos/jason_selby/11137919853
1. Zurich
MadGeographer: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Z%C3%BCrich.jpg
Kent Kanouse: www.flickr.com/photos/kkanouse/15849918033
wn.com/10 Best Places To Visit In Switzerland Switzerland Travel Guide
Switzerland Travel Guide: 10 Best Places to Visit in Switzerland
List of Best Places to Visit in Switzerland: 1. Zurich, 2. Lucerne, 3. Jungfrau Region, 4. Bern, 5. Lake Geneva, 6. Lugano, 7. Zermatt, 8. Geneva, 9. Lausanne, 10. Interlaken
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 2nd Floor, 01 Le Duan Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Music: "Brittle Rille"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Creative Commons Photos in Flickr.
Photos Credited:
10. Interlaken
Andrew Bossi: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:5634_-_Schynige_Platte_-_View_of_Interlaken_and_Thunersee.JPG
Kosala Bandara: www.flickr.com/photos/kosalabandara/14000864726
9. Lausanne
Rama: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lausanne_img_0586.jpg
Peter Hedlund: www.flickr.com/photos/57943984@N00/14602308554
8. Geneva
User:Nauticashades: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Geneva_From_Cathedral.JPG
Andrey Pshenichny: www.flickr.com/photos/beta-robot/5580153077
7. Zermatt
Chris James: www.flickr.com/photos/christopherdale/4930501983
Russ2009: www.flickr.com/photos/16329417@N05/8245142826
6. Lugano
Tobias4242: www.flickr.com/photos/76382390@N06/14450557237
bristley: www.flickr.com/photos/bristley/35975243
5. Lake Geneva
Muhaidib: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Montreux,_Switzerland.JPG
Jelle Drok: www.flickr.com/photos/29850501@N06/3864569736
4. Bern
Guido Gloor Modjib: www.flickr.com/photos/glodjib/6950208992
Patty Ho: www.flickr.com/photos/patio/7996298701
3. Jungfrau Region
Ed Coyle: www.flickr.com/photos/joxur223/3797048134
Lie: www.flickr.com/photos/8458761@N08/5885638220
2. Lucerne
dicau58: www.flickr.com/photos/dicau58/11518548174
Jason: www.flickr.com/photos/jason_selby/11137919853
1. Zurich
MadGeographer: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Z%C3%BCrich.jpg
Kent Kanouse: www.flickr.com/photos/kkanouse/15849918033
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 1
A Trip to Zurich - English Travel Guide HD
visit http://www.killerwal.com please subscribe my channel: http://www.youtube.com/killerwalcom Hi, my name is Phil from the german travel blog www.killerwal......
visit http://www.killerwal.com please subscribe my channel: http://www.youtube.com/killerwalcom Hi, my name is Phil from the german travel blog www.killerwal...
wn.com/A Trip To Zurich English Travel Guide Hd
visit http://www.killerwal.com please subscribe my channel: http://www.youtube.com/killerwalcom Hi, my name is Phil from the german travel blog www.killerwal...
Geneva (Switzerland) - Ren Travel Guide Travel Video
Filmed with: Sony Nex 5N, 18 - 55mm Lens, Kelda 0.45X Lens Adapter The Hague Mini Motion Stabilizer http://rentravelguide.com....
Filmed with: Sony Nex 5N, 18 - 55mm Lens, Kelda 0.45X Lens Adapter The Hague Mini Motion Stabilizer http://rentravelguide.com.
wn.com/Geneva (Switzerland) Ren Travel Guide Travel Video
Filmed with: Sony Nex 5N, 18 - 55mm Lens, Kelda 0.45X Lens Adapter The Hague Mini Motion Stabilizer http://rentravelguide.com.
The beauty of Switzerland
Discover Switzerland by train, bus and boat!
Just imagine - a country where travel by public transport is as exciting as it is relaxing. Whether you're headi...
Discover Switzerland by train, bus and boat!
Just imagine - a country where travel by public transport is as exciting as it is relaxing. Whether you're heading for the heights, travelling from city to city or off the beaten tourist track - in Switzerland, trains, buses and boats are always ready and waiting to take you to your dream destination. With a single ticket, the Swiss Pass, you can see the most spectacular scenic splendours, enjoy unspoilt natural beauty and explore a myriad of museums. Swiss Travel System takes you on a journey through a promised land of timeless travel treasures.
wn.com/The Beauty Of Switzerland
Discover Switzerland by train, bus and boat!
Just imagine - a country where travel by public transport is as exciting as it is relaxing. Whether you're heading for the heights, travelling from city to city or off the beaten tourist track - in Switzerland, trains, buses and boats are always ready and waiting to take you to your dream destination. With a single ticket, the Swiss Pass, you can see the most spectacular scenic splendours, enjoy unspoilt natural beauty and explore a myriad of museums. Swiss Travel System takes you on a journey through a promised land of timeless travel treasures.
- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 444490
Switzerland Travel Guide - Dos and Donts
http://www.traveltaboo.com. A dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Switzerland. Come to visit this websi......
http://www.traveltaboo.com. A dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Switzerland. Come to visit this websi...
wn.com/Switzerland Travel Guide Dos And Donts
http://www.traveltaboo.com. A dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as Switzerland. Come to visit this websi...
- published: 08 Mar 2011
- views: 18839
author: traveltaboo
Top 5 Travel Attractions, Bern (Switzerland) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Bern, Switzerland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I wo......
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Bern, Switzerland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I wo...
wn.com/Top 5 Travel Attractions, Bern (Switzerland) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Bern, Switzerland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I wo...
- published: 13 Jul 2010
- views: 48439
author: geobeats
Zurich,Switzerland - Travel Guide
Nestling amidst in hills and laskes, Zurich and the surrounding region offer a unique blend of adventure, enjoyment, nature and culture seasoned with the bes......
Nestling amidst in hills and laskes, Zurich and the surrounding region offer a unique blend of adventure, enjoyment, nature and culture seasoned with the bes...
wn.com/Zurich,Switzerland Travel Guide
Nestling amidst in hills and laskes, Zurich and the surrounding region offer a unique blend of adventure, enjoyment, nature and culture seasoned with the bes...
A Grand Tour of Switzerland, by train
Greentraveller's Grand Tour of Switzerland, in association with Swiss Travel System and Inntravel. For more information about booking this trip, including pr......
Greentraveller's Grand Tour of Switzerland, in association with Swiss Travel System and Inntravel. For more information about booking this trip, including pr...
wn.com/A Grand Tour Of Switzerland, By Train
Greentraveller's Grand Tour of Switzerland, in association with Swiss Travel System and Inntravel. For more information about booking this trip, including pr...
Top 10 Swiss German Phrases - Zurich, Switzerland Travel Guide
Switzerland has four main local languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Of which German, in fact Swiss German, is the most common. Here are our top ......
Switzerland has four main local languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Of which German, in fact Swiss German, is the most common. Here are our top ...
wn.com/Top 10 Swiss German Phrases Zurich, Switzerland Travel Guide
Switzerland has four main local languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Of which German, in fact Swiss German, is the most common. Here are our top ...
- published: 12 May 2010
- views: 21428
author: geobeats
A Tourist's Guide to Zurich, Switzerland
I visit the largest city in Switzerland, ambling through the cobblestone streets of the Old Town, savouring the churches, the Radhus, and of course, the lake....
I visit the largest city in Switzerland, ambling through the cobblestone streets of the Old Town, savouring the churches, the Radhus, and of course, the lake.
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Zurich, Switzerland
I visit the largest city in Switzerland, ambling through the cobblestone streets of the Old Town, savouring the churches, the Radhus, and of course, the lake.
- published: 31 Jul 2011
- views: 33670
Bern, Switzerland - Travel Guide
Touring through Bern, Switzerland. If your looking for a historic yet cosmopolitan experience while in beautiful switzerland go no further than the Swiss cap......
Touring through Bern, Switzerland. If your looking for a historic yet cosmopolitan experience while in beautiful switzerland go no further than the Swiss cap...
wn.com/Bern, Switzerland Travel Guide
Touring through Bern, Switzerland. If your looking for a historic yet cosmopolitan experience while in beautiful switzerland go no further than the Swiss cap...
Travel and Tourism | I Love Switzerland | Switzerland Travel Guide ♥
Travel and Tourism Switzerland is the best place. Switzerland (/ˈswɪtsərlənd/; German: Schweiz [ˈʃvaɪts];French: Suisse [sɥis(ə)]; Italian: Svizzera [ˈzvittsera...
Travel and Tourism Switzerland is the best place. Switzerland (/ˈswɪtsərlənd/; German: Schweiz [ˈʃvaɪts];French: Suisse [sɥis(ə)]; Italian: Svizzera [ˈzvittsera]; Romansh: Svizra [ˈʒviːtsrɐ] or [ˈʒviːtsʁːɐ]), officially the Swiss Confederation (Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica, hence its abbreviation CH), is a country in Europe. While still named the "Swiss Confederation" for historical reasons, modern Switzerland is a federal directorial republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities, called Bundesstadt ("federal city").The country is situated in Western and Central Europe, where it is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. Switzerland is a landlocked country geographically divided between the Alps, the Swiss Plateau and the Jura, spanning an area of 41,285 km2 (15,940 sq mi). While the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, the Swiss population of approximately 8 million people is concentrated mostly on the Plateau, where the largest cities are to be found; among them are the two global and economic centres of Zürich and Geneva.
The establishment of the Swiss Confederation is traditionally dated to 1 August 1291, which is celebrated annually as Swiss National Day. The country has a long history of armed neutrality—it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815—and did not join the United Nations until 2002. Nevertheless, it pursues an active foreign policy and is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world. In addition to being the birthplace of the Red Cross, Switzerland is home to numerous international organizations, including the second largest UN office. On the European level, it is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association, but notably, it is not part of the European Union, nor the European Economic Area (and thus does not use the Euro currency). However the country does participate in the Schengen Area and the EU's single market through a number of bilateral treaties.
Straddling the intersection of Germanic and Romance Europe, Switzerland comprises four main linguistic and cultural regions: German, French, Italian and Romansh. Therefore, the Swiss, although predominantly German-speaking, do not form a nation in the sense of a common ethnicity or language; rather, Switzerland's strong sense of identity and community is founded on a common historical background, shared values such as federalism and direct democracy, and Alpine symbolism.
Switzerland ranks high in several metrics of national performance, including government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, economic competitiveness, and human development. It has the highest nominal wealth per adult (financial and non-financial assets) in the world according to Credit Suisse and the eighth-highest per capita gross domestic product on the IMF list. Zürich and Geneva each have been ranked among the top cities with the highest quality of life in the world (the former coming second globally according to Mercer).
I ♥ Switzerland.
I ♥ Travel and Tourism.
Thanks you for watching!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC50waBNDX6nFuSIaIaluYiA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1456659161310163/
wn.com/Travel And Tourism | I Love Switzerland | Switzerland Travel Guide ♥
Travel and Tourism Switzerland is the best place. Switzerland (/ˈswɪtsərlənd/; German: Schweiz [ˈʃvaɪts];French: Suisse [sɥis(ə)]; Italian: Svizzera [ˈzvittsera]; Romansh: Svizra [ˈʒviːtsrɐ] or [ˈʒviːtsʁːɐ]), officially the Swiss Confederation (Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica, hence its abbreviation CH), is a country in Europe. While still named the "Swiss Confederation" for historical reasons, modern Switzerland is a federal directorial republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities, called Bundesstadt ("federal city").The country is situated in Western and Central Europe, where it is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. Switzerland is a landlocked country geographically divided between the Alps, the Swiss Plateau and the Jura, spanning an area of 41,285 km2 (15,940 sq mi). While the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, the Swiss population of approximately 8 million people is concentrated mostly on the Plateau, where the largest cities are to be found; among them are the two global and economic centres of Zürich and Geneva.
The establishment of the Swiss Confederation is traditionally dated to 1 August 1291, which is celebrated annually as Swiss National Day. The country has a long history of armed neutrality—it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815—and did not join the United Nations until 2002. Nevertheless, it pursues an active foreign policy and is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world. In addition to being the birthplace of the Red Cross, Switzerland is home to numerous international organizations, including the second largest UN office. On the European level, it is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association, but notably, it is not part of the European Union, nor the European Economic Area (and thus does not use the Euro currency). However the country does participate in the Schengen Area and the EU's single market through a number of bilateral treaties.
Straddling the intersection of Germanic and Romance Europe, Switzerland comprises four main linguistic and cultural regions: German, French, Italian and Romansh. Therefore, the Swiss, although predominantly German-speaking, do not form a nation in the sense of a common ethnicity or language; rather, Switzerland's strong sense of identity and community is founded on a common historical background, shared values such as federalism and direct democracy, and Alpine symbolism.
Switzerland ranks high in several metrics of national performance, including government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, economic competitiveness, and human development. It has the highest nominal wealth per adult (financial and non-financial assets) in the world according to Credit Suisse and the eighth-highest per capita gross domestic product on the IMF list. Zürich and Geneva each have been ranked among the top cities with the highest quality of life in the world (the former coming second globally according to Mercer).
I ♥ Switzerland.
I ♥ Travel and Tourism.
Thanks you for watching!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC50waBNDX6nFuSIaIaluYiA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1456659161310163/
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 65
Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide http://goo.gl/APp......
Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide http://goo.gl/APp...
wn.com/Zurich Switzerland Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide http://goo.gl/APp...
We head to Switerzland to spend a week in Geneva, one of the world's most cosmopolitan and international cities in the world!
This trip was made possible by V...
We head to Switerzland to spend a week in Geneva, one of the world's most cosmopolitan and international cities in the world!
This trip was made possible by Visit Geneva & My Switzerland. Check out their websites for more travel inspiration!
:::Visit Geneva:::
- Web: http://www.geneve-tourisme.ch/en/home/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeneveTourisme
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Visit.Geneva
:::My Switzerland:::
- Web: http://www.myswitzerland.com/en-us/home.html
- Twiter: https://twitter.com/MySwitzerland_e
-YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/myswitzerland
Accommodation provided by East West Hotel
- http://www.eastwesthotel.ch/en/
SUBSCRIBE for New travel videos every Tuesday! http://www.youtube.com/user/vagabroth...
VAGABROTHERS: We're Marko and Alex Ayling, brothers, backpackers, and bloggers on a mission to explore the world through its people. Winners of My Destination's global travel-video competition "The Biggest, Baddest, Bucket List" which paid us to travel the world for six months, checking off our travel bucket list and documenting the adventure on YouTube. See the full BBBTV web-series here: http://bit.ly/1kDkPtB
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/vagabrothers
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers
INSTAGRAM: https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers
WEB: http://www.vagabrothers.com
This film was made with:
- F-Stop Satori Backpack: http://bit.ly/1o9EiUa
- Canon Rebel T3i DSLR Camera: http://amzn.to/1rtIN0W
- Canon EF-S 18-200mm Zoom Lens: http://amzn.to/1qqwI79
- Canon Powershot S120: http://amzn.to/1DnMrhs
- Go Pro Hero 3+: http://amzn.to/1qSmySV
- Go Pro Suction Cup Mount: http://amzn.to/1r51tow
- Go Pro Accessory Kit: http://amzn.to/1rtIQcZ
- Promaster CX525 Tripod: http://amzn.to/1CbyPEG
- Promaster Superlite 3-Way Head: http://amzn.to/1ypnbaO
- SD 32GB Memory Sticks: http://amzn.to/1mqOxYJ
- Sennheiser MKE 400 Shotgun Mike: http://amzn.to/1mqOBHT
- Zoom H1 Portable Digital Recorder: http://amzn.to/XVPSuY
- Joby GP3 GorillaPod: http://amzn.to/1mKPDPn
- Pico Flex Table Dolly: http://amzn.to/1ogQvXg
- Pelican 0915 Black SD Memory Card Protective Case: http://amzn.to/1smkuUy
wn.com/Geneva Capital Of World Citizens
We head to Switerzland to spend a week in Geneva, one of the world's most cosmopolitan and international cities in the world!
This trip was made possible by Visit Geneva & My Switzerland. Check out their websites for more travel inspiration!
:::Visit Geneva:::
- Web: http://www.geneve-tourisme.ch/en/home/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeneveTourisme
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Visit.Geneva
:::My Switzerland:::
- Web: http://www.myswitzerland.com/en-us/home.html
- Twiter: https://twitter.com/MySwitzerland_e
-YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/myswitzerland
Accommodation provided by East West Hotel
- http://www.eastwesthotel.ch/en/
SUBSCRIBE for New travel videos every Tuesday! http://www.youtube.com/user/vagabroth...
VAGABROTHERS: We're Marko and Alex Ayling, brothers, backpackers, and bloggers on a mission to explore the world through its people. Winners of My Destination's global travel-video competition "The Biggest, Baddest, Bucket List" which paid us to travel the world for six months, checking off our travel bucket list and documenting the adventure on YouTube. See the full BBBTV web-series here: http://bit.ly/1kDkPtB
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/vagabrothers
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers
INSTAGRAM: https://www.facebook.com/Vagabrothers
WEB: http://www.vagabrothers.com
This film was made with:
- F-Stop Satori Backpack: http://bit.ly/1o9EiUa
- Canon Rebel T3i DSLR Camera: http://amzn.to/1rtIN0W
- Canon EF-S 18-200mm Zoom Lens: http://amzn.to/1qqwI79
- Canon Powershot S120: http://amzn.to/1DnMrhs
- Go Pro Hero 3+: http://amzn.to/1qSmySV
- Go Pro Suction Cup Mount: http://amzn.to/1r51tow
- Go Pro Accessory Kit: http://amzn.to/1rtIQcZ
- Promaster CX525 Tripod: http://amzn.to/1CbyPEG
- Promaster Superlite 3-Way Head: http://amzn.to/1ypnbaO
- SD 32GB Memory Sticks: http://amzn.to/1mqOxYJ
- Sennheiser MKE 400 Shotgun Mike: http://amzn.to/1mqOBHT
- Zoom H1 Portable Digital Recorder: http://amzn.to/XVPSuY
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- Pico Flex Table Dolly: http://amzn.to/1ogQvXg
- Pelican 0915 Black SD Memory Card Protective Case: http://amzn.to/1smkuUy
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 1270
Geneva, Switzerland - Travel Guide
"The Capital of Peace." Embedded between nearby Alpine peaks and the hilly terrain of the Jura, the French speaking city of Geneva lies in the bay where the Rho...
"The Capital of Peace." Embedded between nearby Alpine peaks and the hilly terrain of the Jura, the French speaking city of Geneva lies in the bay where the Rhone leaves Lake Geneva. With its humanitarian tradition and cosmopolitan flair, the European seat of the UNO and headquarters of the Red Cross long ago earned the city the moniker "Capital of Peace."
Website: www.SwitzerlandRewards.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SwissRewards
Facebook: http://bit.ly/on.fb.me/SwissRewardsOnFB
wn.com/Geneva, Switzerland Travel Guide
"The Capital of Peace." Embedded between nearby Alpine peaks and the hilly terrain of the Jura, the French speaking city of Geneva lies in the bay where the Rhone leaves Lake Geneva. With its humanitarian tradition and cosmopolitan flair, the European seat of the UNO and headquarters of the Red Cross long ago earned the city the moniker "Capital of Peace."
Website: www.SwitzerlandRewards.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SwissRewards
Facebook: http://bit.ly/on.fb.me/SwissRewardsOnFB
- published: 25 Feb 2011
- views: 16295
Chapel Bridge, Lucerne - Switzerland Travel Guide
Said to be the longest covered bridge, Chapel Bridge also depicts Lucerne's history. Behind me is Lucerne's Kapellbrucke or Chapel Bridge. Probably one of th......
Said to be the longest covered bridge, Chapel Bridge also depicts Lucerne's history. Behind me is Lucerne's Kapellbrucke or Chapel Bridge. Probably one of th...
wn.com/Chapel Bridge, Lucerne Switzerland Travel Guide
Said to be the longest covered bridge, Chapel Bridge also depicts Lucerne's history. Behind me is Lucerne's Kapellbrucke or Chapel Bridge. Probably one of th...
- published: 12 May 2010
- views: 2600
author: geobeats
Travel Switzerland - Tips on Using Public Transportation in Zurich
Learn how to ride common form of public transport in Zurich. (Zurich, Switzerland) It is easy to navigate around Zurich. You can use the city's extensive tra......
Learn how to ride common form of public transport in Zurich. (Zurich, Switzerland) It is easy to navigate around Zurich. You can use the city's extensive tra...
wn.com/Travel Switzerland Tips On Using Public Transportation In Zurich
Learn how to ride common form of public transport in Zurich. (Zurich, Switzerland) It is easy to navigate around Zurich. You can use the city's extensive tra...
- published: 13 May 2010
- views: 6589
author: geobeats
Lausanne,Switzerland - Travel Guide
When in the Lake Geneva area, be sure to visit the Olympic capital of Lausanne. Lausanne is the second largest city on Lake Geneva and combines a dynamic commer...
When in the Lake Geneva area, be sure to visit the Olympic capital of Lausanne. Lausanne is the second largest city on Lake Geneva and combines a dynamic commercial town with the locality of a holiday resort. It is the capital of the canton of Vaud and is also a lively university and convention town.
For more info visit:
Website: www.SwitzerlandRewards.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SwissRewards
Facebook: http://bit.ly/on.fb.me/SwissRewardsOnFB
wn.com/Lausanne,Switzerland Travel Guide
When in the Lake Geneva area, be sure to visit the Olympic capital of Lausanne. Lausanne is the second largest city on Lake Geneva and combines a dynamic commercial town with the locality of a holiday resort. It is the capital of the canton of Vaud and is also a lively university and convention town.
For more info visit:
Website: www.SwitzerlandRewards.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SwissRewards
Facebook: http://bit.ly/on.fb.me/SwissRewardsOnFB
- published: 22 Feb 2011
- views: 11383
Bahnhofstrasse Neighborhood, Zurich - Switzerland Travel Guide
An area known for some of the world's largest banks and upscale shopping. Getting There/Directions Tram - Number 6, 7, 11, Or 13 to Bahnhofstrasse/HB station......
An area known for some of the world's largest banks and upscale shopping. Getting There/Directions Tram - Number 6, 7, 11, Or 13 to Bahnhofstrasse/HB station...
wn.com/Bahnhofstrasse Neighborhood, Zurich Switzerland Travel Guide
An area known for some of the world's largest banks and upscale shopping. Getting There/Directions Tram - Number 6, 7, 11, Or 13 to Bahnhofstrasse/HB station...
- published: 13 May 2010
- views: 13525
author: geobeats
Switzerland Travel Guide - Swiss Town of St. Moritz
Take a tour of Swiss Town of St. Moritz in St. Moritz, Switzerland -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The glistenin......
Take a tour of Swiss Town of St. Moritz in St. Moritz, Switzerland -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The glistenin...
wn.com/Switzerland Travel Guide Swiss Town Of St. Moritz
Take a tour of Swiss Town of St. Moritz in St. Moritz, Switzerland -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The glistenin...
- published: 18 Jan 2011
- views: 6100
author: geobeats
Exploring Basel, Switzerland | Travel Vlog
A quick walk and travel vlog in Basel, Switzerland! Thank you for watching!! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/GreekVlogger Electra Asteri channel http://youtube.com/......
A quick walk and travel vlog in Basel, Switzerland! Thank you for watching!! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/GreekVlogger Electra Asteri channel http://youtube.com/...
wn.com/Exploring Basel, Switzerland | Travel Vlog
A quick walk and travel vlog in Basel, Switzerland! Thank you for watching!! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/GreekVlogger Electra Asteri channel http://youtube.com/...
Switzerland Vlog
Hey guys so this if my first ever vlog and I was super excited to be filming this video for you guys! We went to Switzerland for Christmas and I decided to vlog it for you guys because we had a great time! Hope you guys enjoyed this video,if you did make sure to like,comment and subscribe!
What's your uploading day?
I upload every sunday so make sure to come back!
when is your birthday?
Running wild in Zimmerwald (Bern, Switzerland) - Ver 2
Happy New Year rom Judith Wyder!
Wish you all a great start into the year 2016! Enjoy your sport! Enjoy life!
[kane beautiful goal vs switzerland MD7 First Edit In 2016 Happy New Year To Everyone]
[kane beautiful goal vs switzerland MD7]
Switzerland 11
Switzerland 12
Switzerland 13
Switzerland 14
Tourism and Events Management IN ABMS SWITZERLAND UNIVERSITY
The Bachelor (BBA) in International Tourism and Events Management study program is useful for students are looking for more managerial skills in this field. Details www.abmswiss.com
Strategic Information Systems Analysis Doctorate at ABMS SWITZERLAND UNIVERSITY
Information technology (IT) is a strategic asset that is being used to mould competitive strategies and change organisational processes. Deyails www.abmswiss.com
International Tourism and Hospitality Management in ABMS SWITZERLAND UNIVERSITY
The Bachelor in International Hotel and Hospitality Management is designed for students who are aspiring to hold careers in the management industry. Details www.abmswiss.com
Bachelor (BBA) in Nutrition and Culinary Arts is a study program for students that want to strengthen their skills in the health and food focusing mainly on the managerial elements. Details www.abmswiss.com
E Orchestra w/ pictures of Switzerland
Song written by Jones
Pictures by Jack Vogue
Switzerland with SWISS. #InLoveWithSwitzerland
A look at Winter Wonderland with Swiss International Air Lines.
As a group from South Africa we all fell in love with Switzerland as we discovered a Taste of Winter with visits to Lucerne, Engelberg-Titlus, the Montreux Riviera, Vevey, Saas-Fee and Bern. Staying at Hotel Waldstätterhof Luzern, Eurotel Montreux and The Capra Saas-Fee as we took in Christmas markets, ate traditional Swiss food, did
Hôtel Montpelier, Bagnes, Switzerland
http://www.gohotels.com/en-location/bagnes-ch.htm - Hôtel Montpelier, Bagnes, Switzerland
Mahesh Babu with His Family in Switzerland - Filmy Focus
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - http://goo.gl/z5qwPV
Enjoy and stay connected with us!!
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UFO March 8, 1976 Switzerland
UFO March 8, 1976 Switzerland
UFO March 18, 1975 Switzerland
UFO March 18, 1975 Switzerland
Manage and lead business enterprises in a global environment with an online e-Business and e-Marketing (Social Media) diploma at ABMS. Details www.abmswiss.com
Tampuhan sa Switzerland
With hazel almirante
Best Swith Rider - Switzerland best drifting And Motorcycles
Best Swith Rider - Switzerland best drifting And Motorcycles
918239821118 Babaji expert for black magic In japan kenya switzerland
Baden Switzerland Snowfall November 2015
Saxaafadda oo u Kuurgashay KHilaafka ka Taagan Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee dalka Switzerland
Saxaafadda ayaa u Kuurgashay KHilaafka ka Taagan Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee dalka Switzerland "Warfidiyeenka shantasoomaaliya"
Switzerland Vlog
Hey guys so this if my first ever vlog and I was super excited to be filming this video for you guys! We went to Switzerland for Christmas and I decided to vlog...
Hey guys so this if my first ever vlog and I was super excited to be filming this video for you guys! We went to Switzerland for Christmas and I decided to vlog it for you guys because we had a great time! Hope you guys enjoyed this video,if you did make sure to like,comment and subscribe!
What's your uploading day?
I upload every sunday so make sure to come back!
when is your birthday?
19th of July 2002
How old are you?
What do you use to edit?
imovie and final cut pro
What do you use to film?
Canon EOS
Social Media:
Email(Business inquires only):jiarui7788@gmail.com
No copy right intended!
Disclaimer I do not own any music in this video all credit does to the original artist.
wn.com/Switzerland Vlog
Hey guys so this if my first ever vlog and I was super excited to be filming this video for you guys! We went to Switzerland for Christmas and I decided to vlog it for you guys because we had a great time! Hope you guys enjoyed this video,if you did make sure to like,comment and subscribe!
What's your uploading day?
I upload every sunday so make sure to come back!
when is your birthday?
19th of July 2002
How old are you?
What do you use to edit?
imovie and final cut pro
What do you use to film?
Canon EOS
Social Media:
Email(Business inquires only):jiarui7788@gmail.com
No copy right intended!
Disclaimer I do not own any music in this video all credit does to the original artist.
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 5
Running wild in Zimmerwald (Bern, Switzerland) - Ver 2
Happy New Year rom Judith Wyder!
Wish you all a great start into the year 2016! Enjoy your sport! Enjoy life!...
Happy New Year rom Judith Wyder!
Wish you all a great start into the year 2016! Enjoy your sport! Enjoy life!
wn.com/Running Wild In Zimmerwald (Bern, Switzerland) Ver 2
Happy New Year rom Judith Wyder!
Wish you all a great start into the year 2016! Enjoy your sport! Enjoy life!
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 21
Tourism and Events Management IN ABMS SWITZERLAND UNIVERSITY
The Bachelor (BBA) in International Tourism and Events Management study program is useful for students are looking for more managerial skills in this field. Det...
The Bachelor (BBA) in International Tourism and Events Management study program is useful for students are looking for more managerial skills in this field. Details www.abmswiss.com
wn.com/Tourism And Events Management In Abms Switzerland University
The Bachelor (BBA) in International Tourism and Events Management study program is useful for students are looking for more managerial skills in this field. Details www.abmswiss.com
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Strategic Information Systems Analysis Doctorate at ABMS SWITZERLAND UNIVERSITY
Information technology (IT) is a strategic asset that is being used to mould competitive strategies and change organisational processes. Deyails www.abmswiss.co...
Information technology (IT) is a strategic asset that is being used to mould competitive strategies and change organisational processes. Deyails www.abmswiss.com
wn.com/Strategic Information Systems Analysis Doctorate At Abms Switzerland University
Information technology (IT) is a strategic asset that is being used to mould competitive strategies and change organisational processes. Deyails www.abmswiss.com
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 1
International Tourism and Hospitality Management in ABMS SWITZERLAND UNIVERSITY
The Bachelor in International Hotel and Hospitality Management is designed for students who are aspiring to hold careers in the management industry. Details www...
The Bachelor in International Hotel and Hospitality Management is designed for students who are aspiring to hold careers in the management industry. Details www.abmswiss.com
wn.com/International Tourism And Hospitality Management In Abms Switzerland University
The Bachelor in International Hotel and Hospitality Management is designed for students who are aspiring to hold careers in the management industry. Details www.abmswiss.com
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Bachelor (BBA) in Nutrition and Culinary Arts is a study program for students that want to strengthen their skills in the health and food focusing mainly on the...
Bachelor (BBA) in Nutrition and Culinary Arts is a study program for students that want to strengthen their skills in the health and food focusing mainly on the managerial elements. Details www.abmswiss.com
wn.com/Doctorate In Nutrition Inabms Switzerland University
Bachelor (BBA) in Nutrition and Culinary Arts is a study program for students that want to strengthen their skills in the health and food focusing mainly on the managerial elements. Details www.abmswiss.com
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 2
E Orchestra w/ pictures of Switzerland
Song written by Jones
Pictures by Jack Vogue...
Song written by Jones
Pictures by Jack Vogue
wn.com/E Orchestra W Pictures Of Switzerland
Song written by Jones
Pictures by Jack Vogue
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 7
Switzerland with SWISS. #InLoveWithSwitzerland
A look at Winter Wonderland with Swiss International Air Lines.
As a group from South Africa we all fell in love with Switzerland as we discovered a Taste of W...
A look at Winter Wonderland with Swiss International Air Lines.
As a group from South Africa we all fell in love with Switzerland as we discovered a Taste of Winter with visits to Lucerne, Engelberg-Titlus, the Montreux Riviera, Vevey, Saas-Fee and Bern. Staying at Hotel Waldstätterhof Luzern, Eurotel Montreux and The Capra Saas-Fee as we took in Christmas markets, ate traditional Swiss food, did city walking and scooter tours and had lessons in chocolate making and skiing. It was incredible! Here is a taste of what it looked like.
Read more about my time in Switzerland here: http://theincidentaltourist.com/tagged/Switzerland/
Websites you'll need:
Swiss International Air Lines - https://www.swiss.com/
Switzerland Tourism - http://www.myswitzerland.com/
Lucerne Tourism - http://www.luzern.com/en/
Engelberg-Titlis - http://www.engelberg.ch/en/
Montreux Riviera | Vevey - http://www.montreuxriviera.com/en/
Saas Fee - http://www.saas-fee.ch/en/
The Capra, Saas Fee - http://www.capra.ch/
Bern - http://www.bern.com/en/
Editing by Eden Weiss.
Music Vindata ft. Kenzie May - All I Really Need.
Switzerland | Schweiz | Suisse | Svizzera #InLoveWithSwitzerland
wn.com/Switzerland With Swiss. Inlovewithswitzerland
A look at Winter Wonderland with Swiss International Air Lines.
As a group from South Africa we all fell in love with Switzerland as we discovered a Taste of Winter with visits to Lucerne, Engelberg-Titlus, the Montreux Riviera, Vevey, Saas-Fee and Bern. Staying at Hotel Waldstätterhof Luzern, Eurotel Montreux and The Capra Saas-Fee as we took in Christmas markets, ate traditional Swiss food, did city walking and scooter tours and had lessons in chocolate making and skiing. It was incredible! Here is a taste of what it looked like.
Read more about my time in Switzerland here: http://theincidentaltourist.com/tagged/Switzerland/
Websites you'll need:
Swiss International Air Lines - https://www.swiss.com/
Switzerland Tourism - http://www.myswitzerland.com/
Lucerne Tourism - http://www.luzern.com/en/
Engelberg-Titlis - http://www.engelberg.ch/en/
Montreux Riviera | Vevey - http://www.montreuxriviera.com/en/
Saas Fee - http://www.saas-fee.ch/en/
The Capra, Saas Fee - http://www.capra.ch/
Bern - http://www.bern.com/en/
Editing by Eden Weiss.
Music Vindata ft. Kenzie May - All I Really Need.
Switzerland | Schweiz | Suisse | Svizzera #InLoveWithSwitzerland
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 16
Hôtel Montpelier, Bagnes, Switzerland
http://www.gohotels.com/en-location/bagnes-ch.htm - Hôtel Montpelier, Bagnes, Switzerland...
http://www.gohotels.com/en-location/bagnes-ch.htm - Hôtel Montpelier, Bagnes, Switzerland
wn.com/Hôtel Montpelier, Bagnes, Switzerland
http://www.gohotels.com/en-location/bagnes-ch.htm - Hôtel Montpelier, Bagnes, Switzerland
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Mahesh Babu with His Family in Switzerland - Filmy Focus
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - http://goo.gl/z5qwPV
Enjoy and stay connected with us!!
Like us: http://...
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - http://goo.gl/z5qwPV
Enjoy and stay connected with us!!
Like us: http://www.facebook.com/FilmyFocusOfficial
Follow us : http://www.twitter.com/FilmyFocus
Circle us : http://goo.gl/IH0oCE
wn.com/Mahesh Babu With His Family In Switzerland Filmy Focus
Visit our infotainment partner : http://Wirally.com
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel - http://goo.gl/z5qwPV
Enjoy and stay connected with us!!
Like us: http://www.facebook.com/FilmyFocusOfficial
Follow us : http://www.twitter.com/FilmyFocus
Circle us : http://goo.gl/IH0oCE
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 120
UFO March 8, 1976 Switzerland
UFO March 8, 1976 Switzerland...
UFO March 8, 1976 Switzerland
wn.com/Ufo March 8, 1976 Switzerland
UFO March 8, 1976 Switzerland
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 0
UFO March 18, 1975 Switzerland
UFO March 18, 1975 Switzerland...
UFO March 18, 1975 Switzerland
wn.com/Ufo March 18, 1975 Switzerland
UFO March 18, 1975 Switzerland
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Manage and lead business enterprises in a global environment with an online e-Business and e-Marketing (Social Media) diploma at ABMS. Details www.abmswiss.com...
Manage and lead business enterprises in a global environment with an online e-Business and e-Marketing (Social Media) diploma at ABMS. Details www.abmswiss.com
wn.com/E Business Diploma At Abms Switzerland University
Manage and lead business enterprises in a global environment with an online e-Business and e-Marketing (Social Media) diploma at ABMS. Details www.abmswiss.com
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 3
Tampuhan sa Switzerland
With hazel almirante...
With hazel almirante
wn.com/Tampuhan Sa Switzerland
With hazel almirante
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Best Swith Rider - Switzerland best drifting And Motorcycles
Best Swith Rider - Switzerland best drifting And Motorcycles...
Best Swith Rider - Switzerland best drifting And Motorcycles
wn.com/Best Swith Rider Switzerland Best Drifting And Motorcycles
Best Swith Rider - Switzerland best drifting And Motorcycles
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 1
918239821118 Babaji expert for black magic In japan kenya switzerland
For more information;
Call +918239821118.
wn.com/918239821118 Babaji Expert For Black Magic In Japan Kenya Switzerland
For more information;
Call +918239821118.
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Saxaafadda oo u Kuurgashay KHilaafka ka Taagan Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee dalka Switzerland
Saxaafadda ayaa u Kuurgashay KHilaafka ka Taagan Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee dalka Switzerland "Warfidiyeenka shantasoomaaliya"...
Saxaafadda ayaa u Kuurgashay KHilaafka ka Taagan Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee dalka Switzerland "Warfidiyeenka shantasoomaaliya"
wn.com/Saxaafadda Oo U Kuurgashay Khilaafka Ka Taagan Safaaradda Soomaaliya Ee Dalka Switzerland
Saxaafadda ayaa u Kuurgashay KHilaafka ka Taagan Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee dalka Switzerland "Warfidiyeenka shantasoomaaliya"
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 35
Beautiful Places To See- Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Beautiful Places To See- Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Sail boats roll and excursion steamers leave their wakes on the turquoise waters of Lakes Thun and Brienz. And on the shores, in tributary valleys and on sunny ledges, you'll discover picturesque villages of richly decorated chalets and guest houses in what surely is the embodiment of Swiss-style comfort and serenity or Kleine Scheidegg, Schi
Switzerland from Above - Top Sights (HD)
Relax and enjoy the landscapes and history of Switzerland, in beautiful HD video. Great if you plan to visit, or if you want to learn more about Switzerland.
This journey is Romont, the Chartreuse de la Valsainte (ancient monastery), Lake Geneva, Montreaux (of Jazz Festival fame), Verbier (famous ski resort), Valais (mountains), brief flight over Italy, then Locarno and Ascona on the shores of La
Family Travel with Colleen Kelly: Switzerland Part 1
Join us for a family adventure in beautiful Switzerland!
Switzerland's Great Cities
In this episode, we'll focus on the often-overlooked cities of Switzerland—Luzern, Bern, Zurich, and Lausanne, enjoy the country's urban charms, get some exercise, enjoy eye-opening art, and ponder a few Swiss innovations, all before a backdrop of stunning natural beauty.
© 2008 Rick Steves' Europe
Al Jazeera World - Guns in Switzerland
Switzerland is proud of being a democracy, of being internationally neutral and of not having been involved in conflict since a civil war in 1848. But is still has the second largest armed force per head of population in the world. Why?
Military service is mandatory with almost all eligible males trained as soldiers and women also serving as volunteers: "For me, joining the army was patriotic dec
Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Switzerland's Jungfrau Region: Best of the Alps
If Heidi is alive, she's in this sky-high corner of the Swiss Alps, with cowbells ringing on breathtaking ridges. After settling into a traditional village where locals scythe hay by hand, we hike and bike. We blast an alphorn, get sprayed by waterfalls raging deep inside a mountain, and munch muesli for breakfast at 10,000 feet. For a finale, we ride Europe's highest railway up the mighty Jungfra
June in Switzerland Tourism Video Swiss Travel System
June in Switzerland - Plane, train, boat and bus.
Switzerland trip - spring season.
We enjoyed Switzerland a lot, especially the area we stayed Interlaken, spectacular view of lakes, stunning mountains and Swiss alps surrounded area, very be...
Masonic Switzerland - Home of the Pharaohs (TPS)
The Pharaoh Show Switzerland ✚ Feature-length documentary from the knowledgeable Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross a South African born historian, researcher and activist ...
[The Friends in Switzerland] ep.4 Eng sub
Everlasting Idol group, Super Junior!
Members got special day off for 10 years debut.
Lee Teuk, not knowing how to fully enjoy his break time,
on the other hand Ryeo Wook already planned his trip to Europe.
Therefore, Lee Teuk is about to join Ryeo Wook's trip to Europe.
Canada Switzerland 2015 Women's World Cup Full Game BBC FIFA Match Round of 16 1-0
For more full USMNT, USWNT and other international games on youtube, check out both my channels:
For more US Soccer matches visit http://usasoccerarchives.com
Switzerland Cameroon 2015 Women's World Cup Full Game BBC FIFA Match
That's it! I have now uploaded every single game from The FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015 onto this youtube channel. Enjoy!
Jeremy Clarkson's Motorworld Switzerland
Golden Pass Panoramic (Switzerland): Front Cabin View
One of the brightest stars in Switzerland’s rail network, the GoldenPass line stretches nearly 150 miles from Lucerne to Lake Geneva. We enjoyed unforgettable views from Zweisimmen to Montreux from the cabin of this scenic train (July 2011)
2016 IIHF World Juniors - Canada vs Switzerland December 29th 2015 (HD)
2016 IIHF World Juniors - Canada vs Switzerland
SUI - Damien Riat ASST : Noah Rod, Denis Malgin
SUI - Dario Meyer ASST: Marco Forrer, Julien Privet
CAN - Dylan Strome ASST: Thomas Chabot, Lawson Crouse
CAN - Joe Hicketts ASST: Lawson Crouse
CAN - Brayden Point - Shootout Goal
CAN - Mathew Barzal - Shootout Goal
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Alps of France and Switzerland
From the French town of Chamonix, we hop on a gondola lift with Rick and glide past Mt. Blanc and glistening glaciers, touching down in Italy. Then we train over to Appenzell, Switzerland, on the Glacier Express Railway and find Swiss traditions thriving in yodel-happy, cowbell country.
© 2005 Rick Steves' Europe (recorded in 1997)
Travel Documentary 2015 - Travel In Style Series 11- Sweden.And.Switzerland
SUBSCRIBE MY CHANEL MORE NEW Videos: If you like my channel.Pls like share and comment! Thanks For Watching!
the voice of switzerland 2014 - blind auditions - part 3 ( HD )
WNT vs. Switzerland: Live Stream - Aug. 20, 2014
The U.S. Women’s National Team will face Switzerland for the first time in its history when the two teams square off on Aug. 20 at WakeMed Soccer Park in a match that sold out its 10,000 tickets on July 25. The match kicks off at 7:30 p.m. ET
More info: http://www.ussoccer.com
Subscribe to U.S. Soccer on YouTube!
U.S. Soccer
2015 Algarve Cup • USA vs Switzerland (720p)
USWNT vs. Switzerland in Women's Football (Soccer)
FIFA World Cup 2010. Group H. Spain - Switzerland
2014 07 01 r16 Argentina vs Switzerland
Beautiful Places To See- Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Beautiful Places To See- Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Sail boats roll and excursion steamers leave their wakes on the turquoise waters of Lakes Thun and Brien...
Beautiful Places To See- Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Sail boats roll and excursion steamers leave their wakes on the turquoise waters of Lakes Thun and Brienz. And on the shores, in tributary valleys and on sunny ledges, you'll discover picturesque villages of richly decorated chalets and guest houses in what surely is the embodiment of Swiss-style comfort and serenity or Kleine Scheidegg, Schilthorn, Lauberhorn and Männlichen have skiing on top-flight downhill runs in the higher reaches of the Alps.
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wn.com/Beautiful Places To See Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Beautiful Places To See- Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Sail boats roll and excursion steamers leave their wakes on the turquoise waters of Lakes Thun and Brienz. And on the shores, in tributary valleys and on sunny ledges, you'll discover picturesque villages of richly decorated chalets and guest houses in what surely is the embodiment of Swiss-style comfort and serenity or Kleine Scheidegg, Schilthorn, Lauberhorn and Männlichen have skiing on top-flight downhill runs in the higher reaches of the Alps.
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- published: 12 Jul 2014
- views: 33857
Switzerland from Above - Top Sights (HD)
Relax and enjoy the landscapes and history of Switzerland, in beautiful HD video. Great if you plan to visit, or if you want to learn more about Switzerland.
Relax and enjoy the landscapes and history of Switzerland, in beautiful HD video. Great if you plan to visit, or if you want to learn more about Switzerland.
This journey is Romont, the Chartreuse de la Valsainte (ancient monastery), Lake Geneva, Montreaux (of Jazz Festival fame), Verbier (famous ski resort), Valais (mountains), brief flight over Italy, then Locarno and Ascona on the shores of Lake Maggiore.
Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/user/worldfromaboveHD?sub_confirmation=1
wn.com/Switzerland From Above Top Sights (Hd)
Relax and enjoy the landscapes and history of Switzerland, in beautiful HD video. Great if you plan to visit, or if you want to learn more about Switzerland.
This journey is Romont, the Chartreuse de la Valsainte (ancient monastery), Lake Geneva, Montreaux (of Jazz Festival fame), Verbier (famous ski resort), Valais (mountains), brief flight over Italy, then Locarno and Ascona on the shores of Lake Maggiore.
Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/user/worldfromaboveHD?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 215556
Family Travel with Colleen Kelly: Switzerland Part 1
Join us for a family adventure in beautiful Switzerland!...
Join us for a family adventure in beautiful Switzerland!
wn.com/Family Travel With Colleen Kelly Switzerland Part 1
Join us for a family adventure in beautiful Switzerland!
- published: 16 Jul 2015
- views: 18
Switzerland's Great Cities
In this episode, we'll focus on the often-overlooked cities of Switzerland—Luzern, Bern, Zurich, and Lausanne, enjoy the country's urban charms, get some exerci...
In this episode, we'll focus on the often-overlooked cities of Switzerland—Luzern, Bern, Zurich, and Lausanne, enjoy the country's urban charms, get some exercise, enjoy eye-opening art, and ponder a few Swiss innovations, all before a backdrop of stunning natural beauty.
© 2008 Rick Steves' Europe
wn.com/Switzerland's Great Cities
In this episode, we'll focus on the often-overlooked cities of Switzerland—Luzern, Bern, Zurich, and Lausanne, enjoy the country's urban charms, get some exercise, enjoy eye-opening art, and ponder a few Swiss innovations, all before a backdrop of stunning natural beauty.
© 2008 Rick Steves' Europe
- published: 19 Aug 2013
- views: 78085
Al Jazeera World - Guns in Switzerland
Switzerland is proud of being a democracy, of being internationally neutral and of not having been involved in conflict since a civil war in 1848. But is still ...
Switzerland is proud of being a democracy, of being internationally neutral and of not having been involved in conflict since a civil war in 1848. But is still has the second largest armed force per head of population in the world. Why?
Military service is mandatory with almost all eligible males trained as soldiers and women also serving as volunteers: "For me, joining the army was patriotic decision," says Sergeant Laetitia Geiser. "I'm intrigued when it comes to serving my country."
Military training camps are a common across Switzerland, as are civilians carrying shotguns over their shoulders.
Behind only the US and Yemen in the number of guns per capita; there are around 29 guns for every 100 people. And in a country of only 8 million people, that means at least one in four households has a gun.
The pro-military culture has made target shooting a popular national sport, even amongst children. "I inherited my passion for shooting from my parents," says nine-year old Luca.
Despite the strong gun culture, there are rarely more than forty gun homicides a year, compared with the US - with its 30,000 gun murders a year and 31 every day.
Nonetheless, a fresh debate over gun control has been rekindled in Switzerland.
Sandro Cattacin from Geneva University doesn't believe keeping arms at home creates greater security; and anti-gun lobbyist Amanda Gavilanes launched a campaign five years ago with the slogan "for a better protection from armed violence."
But with guns so engrained in Swiss culture and the crime statistics so relatively low, is it a debate that will ever lead anywhere?
wn.com/Al Jazeera World Guns In Switzerland
Switzerland is proud of being a democracy, of being internationally neutral and of not having been involved in conflict since a civil war in 1848. But is still has the second largest armed force per head of population in the world. Why?
Military service is mandatory with almost all eligible males trained as soldiers and women also serving as volunteers: "For me, joining the army was patriotic decision," says Sergeant Laetitia Geiser. "I'm intrigued when it comes to serving my country."
Military training camps are a common across Switzerland, as are civilians carrying shotguns over their shoulders.
Behind only the US and Yemen in the number of guns per capita; there are around 29 guns for every 100 people. And in a country of only 8 million people, that means at least one in four households has a gun.
The pro-military culture has made target shooting a popular national sport, even amongst children. "I inherited my passion for shooting from my parents," says nine-year old Luca.
Despite the strong gun culture, there are rarely more than forty gun homicides a year, compared with the US - with its 30,000 gun murders a year and 31 every day.
Nonetheless, a fresh debate over gun control has been rekindled in Switzerland.
Sandro Cattacin from Geneva University doesn't believe keeping arms at home creates greater security; and anti-gun lobbyist Amanda Gavilanes launched a campaign five years ago with the slogan "for a better protection from armed violence."
But with guns so engrained in Swiss culture and the crime statistics so relatively low, is it a debate that will ever lead anywhere?
- published: 07 Oct 2015
- views: 376
Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
wn.com/Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 291960
Switzerland's Jungfrau Region: Best of the Alps
If Heidi is alive, she's in this sky-high corner of the Swiss Alps, with cowbells ringing on breathtaking ridges. After settling into a traditional village wher...
If Heidi is alive, she's in this sky-high corner of the Swiss Alps, with cowbells ringing on breathtaking ridges. After settling into a traditional village where locals scythe hay by hand, we hike and bike. We blast an alphorn, get sprayed by waterfalls raging deep inside a mountain, and munch muesli for breakfast at 10,000 feet. For a finale, we ride Europe's highest railway up the mighty Jungfrau for hot cocoa, glacier sledding, and oh-wow views.
© 2002 Rick Steves' Europe
wn.com/Switzerland's Jungfrau Region Best Of The Alps
If Heidi is alive, she's in this sky-high corner of the Swiss Alps, with cowbells ringing on breathtaking ridges. After settling into a traditional village where locals scythe hay by hand, we hike and bike. We blast an alphorn, get sprayed by waterfalls raging deep inside a mountain, and munch muesli for breakfast at 10,000 feet. For a finale, we ride Europe's highest railway up the mighty Jungfrau for hot cocoa, glacier sledding, and oh-wow views.
© 2002 Rick Steves' Europe
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 98906
Switzerland trip - spring season.
We enjoyed Switzerland a lot, especially the area we stayed Interlaken, spectacular view of lakes, stunning mountains and Swiss alps surrounded area, very be......
We enjoyed Switzerland a lot, especially the area we stayed Interlaken, spectacular view of lakes, stunning mountains and Swiss alps surrounded area, very be...
wn.com/Switzerland Trip Spring Season.
We enjoyed Switzerland a lot, especially the area we stayed Interlaken, spectacular view of lakes, stunning mountains and Swiss alps surrounded area, very be...
- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 69
author: BozzoRoxy
Masonic Switzerland - Home of the Pharaohs (TPS)
The Pharaoh Show Switzerland ✚ Feature-length documentary from the knowledgeable Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross a South African born historian, researcher and activist ......
The Pharaoh Show Switzerland ✚ Feature-length documentary from the knowledgeable Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross a South African born historian, researcher and activist ...
wn.com/Masonic Switzerland Home Of The Pharaohs (Tps)
The Pharaoh Show Switzerland ✚ Feature-length documentary from the knowledgeable Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross a South African born historian, researcher and activist ...
[The Friends in Switzerland] ep.4 Eng sub
Everlasting Idol group, Super Junior!
Members got special day off for 10 years debut.
Lee Teuk, not knowing how to fully enjoy his break time,
on the other ha...
Everlasting Idol group, Super Junior!
Members got special day off for 10 years debut.
Lee Teuk, not knowing how to fully enjoy his break time,
on the other hand Ryeo Wook already planned his trip to Europe.
Therefore, Lee Teuk is about to join Ryeo Wook's trip to Europe.
wn.com/The Friends In Switzerland Ep.4 Eng Sub
Everlasting Idol group, Super Junior!
Members got special day off for 10 years debut.
Lee Teuk, not knowing how to fully enjoy his break time,
on the other hand Ryeo Wook already planned his trip to Europe.
Therefore, Lee Teuk is about to join Ryeo Wook's trip to Europe.
- published: 05 Jan 2016
- views: 1155
Canada Switzerland 2015 Women's World Cup Full Game BBC FIFA Match Round of 16 1-0
For more full USMNT, USWNT and other international games on youtube, check out both my channels:
For more full USMNT, USWNT and other international games on youtube, check out both my channels:
For more US Soccer matches visit http://usasoccerarchives.com
wn.com/Canada Switzerland 2015 Women's World Cup Full Game BBC Fifa Match Round Of 16 1 0
For more full USMNT, USWNT and other international games on youtube, check out both my channels:
For more US Soccer matches visit http://usasoccerarchives.com
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 2123
Switzerland Cameroon 2015 Women's World Cup Full Game BBC FIFA Match
That's it! I have now uploaded every single game from The FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015 onto this youtube channel. Enjoy!...
That's it! I have now uploaded every single game from The FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015 onto this youtube channel. Enjoy!
wn.com/Switzerland Cameroon 2015 Women's World Cup Full Game BBC Fifa Match
That's it! I have now uploaded every single game from The FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015 onto this youtube channel. Enjoy!
- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 4
Golden Pass Panoramic (Switzerland): Front Cabin View
One of the brightest stars in Switzerland’s rail network, the GoldenPass line stretches nearly 150 miles from Lucerne to Lake Geneva. We enjoyed unforgettable v...
One of the brightest stars in Switzerland’s rail network, the GoldenPass line stretches nearly 150 miles from Lucerne to Lake Geneva. We enjoyed unforgettable views from Zweisimmen to Montreux from the cabin of this scenic train (July 2011)
wn.com/Golden Pass Panoramic (Switzerland) Front Cabin View
One of the brightest stars in Switzerland’s rail network, the GoldenPass line stretches nearly 150 miles from Lucerne to Lake Geneva. We enjoyed unforgettable views from Zweisimmen to Montreux from the cabin of this scenic train (July 2011)
- published: 31 Jan 2015
- views: 10
2016 IIHF World Juniors - Canada vs Switzerland December 29th 2015 (HD)
2016 IIHF World Juniors - Canada vs Switzerland
SUI - Damien Riat ASST : Noah Rod, Denis Malgin
SUI - Dario Meyer ASST: Marco Forrer, Julien Privet
CAN - Dylan ...
2016 IIHF World Juniors - Canada vs Switzerland
SUI - Damien Riat ASST : Noah Rod, Denis Malgin
SUI - Dario Meyer ASST: Marco Forrer, Julien Privet
CAN - Dylan Strome ASST: Thomas Chabot, Lawson Crouse
CAN - Joe Hicketts ASST: Lawson Crouse
CAN - Brayden Point - Shootout Goal
CAN - Mathew Barzal - Shootout Goal
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wn.com/2016 Iihf World Juniors Canada Vs Switzerland December 29Th 2015 (Hd)
2016 IIHF World Juniors - Canada vs Switzerland
SUI - Damien Riat ASST : Noah Rod, Denis Malgin
SUI - Dario Meyer ASST: Marco Forrer, Julien Privet
CAN - Dylan Strome ASST: Thomas Chabot, Lawson Crouse
CAN - Joe Hicketts ASST: Lawson Crouse
CAN - Brayden Point - Shootout Goal
CAN - Mathew Barzal - Shootout Goal
Did You Like It? Subscribe For More!
Try to "Like" Every Video.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DRL_Productions
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DRL-Productions/217215095025262?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
- published: 29 Dec 2015
- views: 416
Alps of France and Switzerland
From the French town of Chamonix, we hop on a gondola lift with Rick and glide past Mt. Blanc and glistening glaciers, touching down in Italy. Then we train ove...
From the French town of Chamonix, we hop on a gondola lift with Rick and glide past Mt. Blanc and glistening glaciers, touching down in Italy. Then we train over to Appenzell, Switzerland, on the Glacier Express Railway and find Swiss traditions thriving in yodel-happy, cowbell country.
© 2005 Rick Steves' Europe (recorded in 1997)
wn.com/Alps Of France And Switzerland
From the French town of Chamonix, we hop on a gondola lift with Rick and glide past Mt. Blanc and glistening glaciers, touching down in Italy. Then we train over to Appenzell, Switzerland, on the Glacier Express Railway and find Swiss traditions thriving in yodel-happy, cowbell country.
© 2005 Rick Steves' Europe (recorded in 1997)
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 25799
Travel Documentary 2015 - Travel In Style Series 11- Sweden.And.Switzerland
SUBSCRIBE MY CHANEL MORE NEW Videos: If you like my channel.Pls like share and comment! Thanks For Watching!
SUBSCRIBE MY CHANEL MORE NEW Videos: If you like my channel.Pls like share and comment! Thanks For Watching!
wn.com/Travel Documentary 2015 Travel In Style Series 11 Sweden.And.Switzerland
SUBSCRIBE MY CHANEL MORE NEW Videos: If you like my channel.Pls like share and comment! Thanks For Watching!
- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 3073
the voice of switzerland 2014 - blind auditions - part 3 ( HD )
wn.com/The Voice Of Switzerland 2014 Blind Auditions Part 3 ( Hd )
- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 158611
author: Carly
WNT vs. Switzerland: Live Stream - Aug. 20, 2014
The U.S. Women’s National Team will face Switzerland for the first time in its history when the two teams square off on Aug. 20 at WakeMed Soccer Park in a matc...
The U.S. Women’s National Team will face Switzerland for the first time in its history when the two teams square off on Aug. 20 at WakeMed Soccer Park in a match that sold out its 10,000 tickets on July 25. The match kicks off at 7:30 p.m. ET
More info: http://www.ussoccer.com
Subscribe to U.S. Soccer on YouTube!
U.S. Soccer
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wn.com/Wnt Vs. Switzerland Live Stream Aug. 20, 2014
The U.S. Women’s National Team will face Switzerland for the first time in its history when the two teams square off on Aug. 20 at WakeMed Soccer Park in a match that sold out its 10,000 tickets on July 25. The match kicks off at 7:30 p.m. ET
More info: http://www.ussoccer.com
Subscribe to U.S. Soccer on YouTube!
U.S. Soccer
...on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ussoccer
...on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ussoccer
...on Instagram: http://www.instagram/ussoccer
- published: 21 Aug 2014
- views: 71452
2015 Algarve Cup • USA vs Switzerland (720p)
USWNT vs. Switzerland in Women's Football (Soccer)...
USWNT vs. Switzerland in Women's Football (Soccer)
wn.com/2015 Algarve Cup • USA Vs Switzerland (720P)
USWNT vs. Switzerland in Women's Football (Soccer)
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 476