10 Things to Know for Today 10 Things to Know for Today

The Latest: Syrian Blamed For Suicide Bombing in IstanbulThe Latest: Syrian Blamed For Suicide Bombing in Istanbul

Kentucky Moves Ahead With Plans to Dismantle Health ExchangeKentucky Moves Ahead With Plans to Dismantle Health Exchange

John Hawkins John Hawkins: Everything You Need To Know About Socialism in 20 Quotes

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money."

Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: 'Messing With the Constitution'

In recent years, a small but growing number of people have advocated a convention of states to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States. The reaction to the proposal has been hostile, out of all proportion to either the originality or the danger of such a convention.

Ron Paul Ron Paul: Oregon Standoff a Sign of Things to Come?

The nation's attention turned to Oregon this week when a group calling itself Citizens for Consti-tutional Freedom seized control of part of a federal wildlife refuge.

Todd Starnes Todd Starnes: Franklin Graham Says Young Pastors are Caught up in Pop Culture

Franklin Graham is a voice crying in the wilderness.

Michael Barone Michael Barone: Census 2015 Shows Increasing Cultural Division and Political Polarization

The Census Bureau has delivered its annual Christmas gift to demographic junkies: its estimates of the populations of the 50 states and the District of Columbia for mid-2015.

Stephen Moore Stephen Moore: Republicans Must Take a Stand for Kids and Minorities

The great Jack Kemp used to say about politicians that "voters don't care what you know until they know that you care." Republicans say they care about the poor and minorities, but do they, really?

David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: Obama: Bitter Partisan and Committed Ideologue to the End -- and Beyond

The liberal media seem perplexed that President Obama plans to deviate from his usual State of the Union practice of "asking" Congress for a laundry list of policy proposals and "not talking about himself."

Mona Charen Mona Charen: Fighting for the Soul of the Republican Party

At a time and day -- 8:30 a.m. on a Saturday -- when most Americans are sleeping in, the Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity convened in the capacious Columbia, South Carolina, convention center.

Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Solutions to Poverty Not Posturing

In sports, if a game plan is not working, the coach changes it. In medicine, if a course of treatment does not cure a disease, doctors try a different approach.

Dennis Prager Dennis Prager: Multiculturalism Trumps Protecting Women from Rape

Since the scores of New Year's Eve sexual attacks on German women by hundreds of men identified as Arab or North African, the left in Germany has faced a dilemma: which to fight for first -- women's human rights or multiculturalism?

Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: What Bernie & The Donald Portend

Three weeks out from the Iowa caucuses, and clarity emerges. Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, is in trouble.

Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Chow Verdict Is an Indictment of the Feds

The verdict is in. On Friday, jurors found 56-year-old Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow guilty on all 162 charges against him, including murder, conspiracy to murder, racketeering, trafficking in stolen goods and 154 counts of money laundering.

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The Bear Smiles

The Sunnis and Shiites may have found a way to resolve their differences. The Kremlin has offered to mediate any divisions between Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Sudan and their allies on one side, and the mullahs in Teheran on the other.

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The Key to It All

What is this thing called a liberal education that we're always hearing about -- and some of us never tire preaching about with your more than kind indulgence?

Rich Galen Rich Galen: The Downton Election

As we spend our Sunday nights glued to the final season of Downton Abbey on PBS, it appears the class system, in 1925, is breaking down far more quickly than those who have been at the top of the food chain can absorb.

Phyllis Schlafly Phyllis Schlafly: Obamacare Is on Life Support

President Obamas eighth veto of his presidency came last Friday, when he quietly nixed legislation passed by Congress to repeal major portions of Obamacare.

Bill Murchison Bill Murchison: How to Help Clinton Win

"This time I'm actually hearing somebody who's telling me the truth; they're actually going to go in and do something they say they're going to do." -- Ted Cruz-supporter Dave Conger, as quoted in The New York Times, Jan. 10, 2016.

Susan Stamper Brown Susan Stamper Brown: Nightmares Are Dreams, Too

Over the holidays, Europeans were rudely awakened from their utopian dream of open borders and peaceful coexistence to discover, as Oscar Wilde once wrote, "...nightmares are dreams too."

D.W. Wilber D.W. Wilber: The Clash of Cultures

Europe is experiencing a crisis of crime as a result of their refugee policies. What they refuse to accept is that which truly lies at the root of the problem - a clash of cultures.

Larry Kelley Larry Kelley: Forgetting What It Was Like to Live in a Free Country

A new Gallup poll concludes that Americans hate their government much more than they did when Obama first took office.

Tom Purcell Tom Purcell: Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The smart car is upon us and self-driving automobiles soon will be commonplace which will be the buzz at this week's 2016 Detroit Auto Show.

Robert Knight Robert Knight: ACLU Kicks God Out of School in Ben Franklin’s Backyard

Glenview Elementary School in Haddon Heights, New Jersey, was already far along the safe road to political correctness.

John Hanlon John Hanlon: The 10 Best Movies of 2015

With the Golden Globe awards airing last Sunday and the Oscar nominations coming out later this week, I recently took a look at the films of the past year and come up with my annual list of the ten best movies of the year.

Rachel Alexander Rachel Alexander: Right to Try: The FDA Has the Blood of Millions of Americans on its Hands

Darcy Olsen, CEO and president of the Goldwater Institute, has written a must-read book for anyone facing a serious ailment, The Right to Try: How the Federal Government Prevents Americans from Getting the Life-Saving Treatments They Need.

Devon Herrick Devon Herrick: The ‘Unaffordable Care Act’ Causing High Medical Bills for Insured People

Liberal public health advocates and left-of-center health policy wonks have long thought every American needs health insurance (they dont, but thats another discussion).

Tom Purcell Tom Purcell: Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The smart car is upon us and self-driving automobiles soon will be commonplace - which will be the buzz at this week's 2016 Detroit Auto Show.

Report: Obama Wants to Become UN Secretary General, Netanyahu Doing Everything He Can to Stop Him
No Powerball Winner, So Jackpot Up To $1.3 Billion
The New Right: Warriors For The Poor
Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina Cut From Main GOP Debate Lineup
Report: The UN, Not the State Dept, Makes First Pick About Which Syrian Refugees Can Come to America
Congressman’s ‘Deck of 52’ Highlights Terrorist Supporters Iran Deal May Free From Sanctions
New Polls: Trump Leads in NH, Neck-and-Neck With Cruz in Iowa
Uh Oh: FBI's Hillary Probe Expands Again, Now Investigating Public Corruption, Sources Say
Oil Prices Settle at $31.41 Per Barrel, Lowest Since 2003
Hillary: Look, My Latest Classified Email Problem is Just Another Fake Controversy
Fmr US Ambassador To Israel Urged Clinton To Push For ‘Game Changing’ Protests Against Israel
Horror: Number of Alleged New Year's Eve Sexual Assaults and Attacks By Muslim Refugees in Germany Reaches 500
Clinton Campaign 'Nervous' About Iowa, NH
Rand Paul: Supreme Court Would Have to Decide Cruz's Eligibility
10 Things to Know for Today
EU Foreign Policy Chief Says Iran Sanctions to End Soon
Police Probe Tip That Radical Group Wants to Harm Officers
Syrian Refugee Among First Lady's Guests for State of Union
Critics Challenge Hillary's Record on North Korea Aggression
Some Maine Democrats to Press for Impeachment of Gov. LePage
Whoa: Federal Agencies Sure Are Stocking Up On The Tactical Gear, Huh?
US B-52 Bomber Flies Over South Korea in Show of Force
McConnell: No Intention of Pushing For New War Powers Vote
What: Sean Penn Conducted a Rolling Stone Interview With ‘El Chapo’ Before His Recapture
Join Conservatives on FB!
How Do You Feel About A Version Of RFRA Being Signed Into Law In Indiana?
Cruz, Trump Up in Iowa, But Talk of 'Takedown' Effort Fades
Mississippi Town Reverses Itself And Says 'No' To Refugees
Trump Escalates Attacks On Ted Cruz's Eligibility To Run
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss CPAC 2016
WATCH: Kerry Says China Can't Continue Its "Business as Usual" Approach Towards North Korea
Things to Know: The Armed Standoff in Oregon
'He Wants To Deport Our Families': Marco Rubio Heckled At Poverty Forum
If Obama Wanted To Curb Gun Violence, He Wouldn’t Appoint ‘Subpar’ Judges Who Let Straw Purchasers Off Easy