Daily Archives: 11 January 2016

Empty chair

The other day I heard that for the State of the Union Address in POTUS’s area of the gallery there was to be an empty seat to honor victims of gun violence (which I assume also means gang-bangers who shot … Continue reading

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Posted in Emanations from Penumbras | Tagged , , , , | 24 Comments

Health update

Thanks for the emails and promises of prayers. I was at the doctor today.  I’ve had a couple complications.  Coughing produces … colorful results.  Right now I not feeling horrid, but we are watching for pneumonia. Meanwhile, while I am … Continue reading

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Your Sunday Sermon Notes

Was there a good point – even more than one – in the sermon you heard at your Mass of Sunday obligation? Let us know. NB: I do mean what I wrote: a good point… in the sermon.  Yes, you can … Continue reading

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | 14 Comments

UPDATE: D. Madison: Tabernacles must be moved to center of sanctuaries

UPDATE 11 Jan: Over at Fr. Hunwicke’s fine blog and polyvalent Anglican-Catholic resource, Mutual Enrichment, there is a wonderful quote from Professor Canon Dr Eric Mascall from Corpus Christi (1965), on tabernacles. Fr. H says, “This is pure 24-carat Anglican Patrimony, every single … Continue reading

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | 20 Comments