Thursday, January 09, 2014

A Russian looks sadly at the West

The Russians have problems of their own with migrations of peoples but, even so, it's refreshing to hear Russian state officials speak out against liberalism.

The latest is the chairman of the State Duma International Affairs' Committee, Alexei Pushkov. I don't have a complete transcript of his speech, but the highlights aren't bad. He said:
Russia is not suggesting that Western societies live according to our patterns but advocates the right of all countries and societies to live the way they find necessary instead of becoming targets of aggressive exports of values of the radical liberal revolution.

He complained that the West was witnessing an,
“accelerated de-Christianization” that is occurring “under the slogan of forming an indivisible world without borders, in particular, between sexes.

The objective”, he continued, “is to develop a qualitatively new society with no states, borders, moral norms or foundations of civilization.”

He believes it is intended to make the West,
“a common economic space… where free individuals without nationality will be roaming allegedly protected by certain norms of law but being objects of merciless manipulation, stripped of links to their land, history, religion or family in the civilized meaning of the word.”

I don't think his words will have much influence on the Western elites. But they should encourage us to keep up our own resistance to what is happening in our own countries.


  1. As John Derbyshire notes, Russians generally don't share the West's white ethnomasochism.


    ... great numbers of Russians love Russia. In a conversation with a young Russian woman—college graduate, worldly, excellent English—I mentioned having dined at the Yesenin Café, which is named for a Russian poet, an old favorite of mine. She said she was a Yesenin fan, too. “I love his verses. So patriotic.” Imagine hearing that from a college-educated American girl!

    Perhaps that’s why Russia’s rulers, as cynical and ruthless as they are, hold off on bringing in Muslims and Africans to break the ethnic back of their people. Nobody has yet managed to make any large number of Russians hate their own ancestors.

    Russia’s post-Soviet rulers are certainly very wicked people. They have sucked their country’s precious natural resources out of the ground, sold them on world markets, and pocketed the proceeds, leaving Ivan and Katya to trudge through freezing mud for a lousy wage or starvation-level pension.

    But are they more wicked than the Anglosphere’s rulers, who have swamped their own people with millions of hesperophobic welfare-dependent foreigners from regions of low mean IQ and high mean criminality—mullahs, muggers, and moochers—just for the satisfaction of humiliating their own domestic enemies? Will they, in the long run, have done more to destroy their nation than our rulers have done to destroy ours? History will tell.

  2. It looks to me like Russia is offering itself as an alternative to the West, strategically yes, but more ideologically.

    Russia's foreign policy is proving effective because it is self-interested, in an old-fashioned nationalistic way, while America's foreign policy no longer has much to do with what is good for America but rather what is good for a ruling elite that doesn't really identify with working class white America but rather with "internationalist" ideas and elites.

    Russia appeals to the self-interest of its allies (try convincing Assad that Washington is his friend and Moscow is not, after Moscow saved Syria from an American strike), while America is pushing policies that are genocidal for white countries. When Wesley Clarke said there was no room for ethnically pure states in Europe (though apparently Africa and Asia are fine) and backed it up by bombing Serbia, that was a death-threat to any white country that wants to retain its ethnic composition - like Ukraine, for instance.

    So despite America's power and wealth, gradually things seem to be drifting in Russia's favor. And since the Russians are winning, they want to advance.

    Where is America weakest? Not in aircraft carriers or bullion but in its values, which are unpopular, not just in America but in white countries generally. White parents don't want their children educated in homosexuality, for example, but Western states with little democratic accountability (despite legacy democratic forms) go ahead and force that kind of social change anyway.

    So Russia is sending signals that it holds opposing views. It doesn't suppress Christianity, it supports it. It doesn't require school-children to be indoctrinated in homosexuality, it forbids it. And so on. Where the anti-white, anti-democratic ruling class of the West says A, the Russians say "not A but B".

    This is great. I hope the Russians keep going with and find a lot of support. I think we should all speak up.

    This is evil, and should be fought, whether by Russia or anyone else: "a common economic space… where free individuals without nationality will be roaming allegedly protected by certain norms of law but being objects of merciless manipulation, stripped of links to their land, history, religion or family in the civilized meaning of the word.”

    (And "free" also of democratic rights, as on the most important issues like non-white mass immigration and forced assimilation, the Western governments do what they want without letting white people vote on it, and without even letting ordinary people voice their objections and questions without being called "racists" and "horrible bigots".)

    The "cost" of morally supporting Russia is a more influential and stronger Russia. But there is nothing wrong with a strong and influential Russia. The problem with Russia was Bolshevism. That era is over.

    1. "but Western states with little democratic accountability (despite legacy democratic forms) go ahead and force that kind of social change anyway."

      Democracy is never going to save us. It never did work well and it's now hopelessly broken.

      The worst crime of the US has been its attempt to export democracy to the rest of the world.



  4. As Pushkov noted, Moldova “was bound to organise regular gay [pride] parades as a condition for signing the Association Agreement with the EU.” That might be funny if it wasn’t so sinister when one really thinks about it.

    Indeed. What is happening in all white countries and only in white countries, including mass non-white immigration and forced assimilation as well as the promotion of homosexuality aimed essentially at the white population, is extremely sinister.

    And it is a top-down, undemocratic process, one in which the (white) masses don't get to vote and in which they speak up anyway they are defamed as "bigots", "homophobic" and "horrible racists" and if they so much as tweet out of line the police may come for them at 3am (as has happened in the United Kingdom).

  5. There is a lot of cowardice in the increasingly totalitarian, anti-white and anti-Christian Western world.

    But there is also a lot to be afraid of. Bullied and Badgered, Pressured and Purged.

    The system we live under increasingly resembles the system the East Germans lived under. It's based on two simple ideas that work:
    1. To cow people, you don't always need to use extreme and dramatic threats, just threats big enough to work.
    2. No particular job is a "human right", yet people's self-images, self-worth and entire lives are bound up with their jobs.

    That's all it takes. With that you can push so many people toward professing and internalizing your agenda that the remainder are marginalized, scorned and powerless.

    Of course right-liberalism goes a long way to facilitate the system of totalitarian left-liberalism, by making career the meaning of life, and by vitiating many natural attachments in favor of the "level playing field".

  6. UK Law To Criminalize Anything The Marxist Establishment Wants. This is RT (TV network), formerly called Russia Today, calling out the Establishment of a key Western power for being increasingly Marxist!

  7. The only reason Russia as any defense against Liberalism is beacuse of the horror the Russian people endured under the Soviet Union. The Russian people and their leaders have no desire to return to the old system or be subjected to the new system that is the European Union.

  8. It was quite interesting to watch Putin call out the past Bolsheviks, when returning their religious texts to them, it was on RT a while ago. It's why Eastern Europe and Russia have such immunity to cultural Marxist propaganda today.

    On a Machiavellian scale I hope our current day Bolsheviks hyper-extend as they did in the past. I think rapid population growth in the 3rd world, the slowing and growing expense of resource extraction rates, plus the power shift of West to East is frightening to the Cultural Marxists in the West, forcing them to hyper-extend which will serve our cause ironically.

  9. Russia’s post-Soviet rulers are certainly very wicked people. They have sucked their country’s precious natural resources out of the ground, sold them on world markets, and pocketed the proceeds, leaving Ivan and Katya to trudge through freezing mud for a lousy wage or starvation-level pension.

    Maybe Derbyshire should read up more on Lenin and Stalin, and the rest of the Commie cronies who ran the USSR. Apparentely, the USA is now a quasi-marxist state and Russia is leading the free world. Who would have thought 30 years ago.-Norm
