
Welcome to Just Vigilantes Website, this is a work in progress at the moment so do keep checking back to see what we're up to.

Who we are and what we do.

Just Vigilantes is based on a nb Steven a 58' Trad Style boat occupied by Philip, Tamarisk and Penny (the dog), our aim is to cruise the whole of the UK canal network so with this in mind we are currently in the Manchester area however we are willing to take on clients anywhere in the UK (even in bits that don't have canals).

We predominantly work remotely however we are more than willing to travel for client meetings should that be required and would always prefer to meet you face to face in the first instance. Find out more about us.

image of the mouth of ... tunnel.

Why Just Vigilantes

The name is multifaceted, to us it signifies both:
the lawlessness of the internet where everyone takes their personal security and the security of others into their own hands
and echoes the word's origin: as the Spanish for watchman it shares a common route with vigilant.