- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 5636
Saint Denis (also called Dionysius, Dennis, or Denys) is a Christian martyr and saint. In the third century, he was Bishop of Paris. He was martyred in connection with the Decian persecution of Christians, shortly after A.D. 250. After his head was chopped off, Denis is said to have picked it up and walked ten kilometres (six miles), preaching a sermon the entire way, making him one of many cephalophores in hagiology. He is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as patron of Paris, France and as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. The medieval and modern French name "Denis" derives from the ancient name Dionysius.
Gregory of Tours states that Denis was bishop of the Parisii and was martyred by being beheaded by a sword. The earliest document giving an account of his life and martyrdom, the "Passio SS. Dionysii Rustici et Eleutherii" dates from c. 600, is mistakenly attributed to the poet Venantius Fortunatus, and is legendary. Nevertheless, it appears from the Passio that Denis was sent from Italy to convert Gaul in the third century, forging a link with the "apostles to the Gauls" reputed to have been sent out under the direction of Pope Fabian. This was after the persecutions under Emperor Decius had all but dissolved the small Christian community at Lutetia. Denis, with his inseparable companions Rusticus and Eleutherius, who were martyred with him, settled on the Île de la Cité in the River Seine. Roman Paris lay on the higher ground of the Left Bank, away from the river.
"O problema do ser, do destino e da dor" Da obra do imortal Leon Denis (Leonardo Pereira).
Palestra "Vida e Obra de Léon Denis, o Apóstolo do Espiritismo" - William Jacob - Espiritismo
Livros que Iluminam - Obras de Léon Denis (parte 1)
A vida de Léon Denis - Filosofando - Parte 1 (16/03/2016)
Dans l'Invisible, Spiritisme et Médiumnité [Livre Audio] Léon Denis 1/4
Estudos Paltalk - Depois da Morte - Biografia de Léon Denis
Après la Mort [Livre Audio] Léon Denis 1/3
Bibliossíntese O PROBLEMA DO SER, DO DESTINO E DA DOR Léon Denis
Série Espirita: Documentário sobre Leon Denis
Leon Denis assina mensagem especular por Divaldo Franco
La Grande Énigme - Dieu et l'univers [Livre Audio] Léon Denis
(S. Cossette / S. Cossette)
Au fond d'un puits elle a jete ses promesses
Un jour de pluie, dans un geste de detresse
Mais tous les mots du monde se perdent dans un puits
En remontant la corde saans effort
J'ai su qu'il etait vide... le seau etait vide
Elle a pris la sortie de secours
Le chemin plus court
Elle a bati une forteresse
Loin de nous
Derriere un mur elle s'est cachee... peu sereine
A la pleine lune, j'ai meme chante a sa fenetre
Mais tous les airs du monde ne peuvent percer un mur
Elle a tire les rideaux
Et sa lampe s'est essoufflee depuis, son ombre aussi
Elle a pris la sortie de secours
Le chemin le plus court
Elle a bati une forteresse
Et ferme a double tour
Elle a quitte sans regarder autour
Pour un aller sans retour
Elle a bati une forteresse
Loin de nous
Tous les voeux du monde ne peuvent prendre vie
Mes prieres, mes offrandes et mes gestes
Ont tous atterri... au fond de son puits