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Jewish Hypocrisy: An Idle Speculation

wolf_in_sheeps_clothing2,412 words

A hypocrite is someone who professes specific moral convictions, while violating his professions by his actual behavior. A hypocrite resembles, as Charles Dickens tells us, “a direction-post, which is always telling the way to a place, and never goes there.”

A preacher who condemns prostitution but patronizes prostitutes is a hypocrite, as is a bank president who embezzles from his bank but rages against bank robbers. Read more …

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Remembering Anthony M. Ludovici:
January 8, 1882–April 3, 1971

469 words

Anthony Mario Ludovici was born on January 8, 1882.

Ludovici was one of the first and most accomplished translators of Nietzsche into English and a leading exponent of Nietzsche’s thought. Ludovici was also an original philosopher in his own right. In nearly forty books, including eight novels, and hundreds of shorter works, Ludovici set forth his views on metaphysics, religion, ethics, politics, Read more …

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The Secret of Laughter

LaughingMan8,108 words

Editor’s Note:

Since humor is one of the New Right’s most powerful weapons, we should welcome anything that might sharpen our attack, including a theoretical explanation of the nature of humor itself. Anthony M. Ludovici’s 1932 book The Secret of Laughter presents an entirely convincing theory of humor inspired by Thomas Hobbes and Charles Darwin.  Read more …

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Reflections on My Life as a Eugenicist, Part 3

Abbott Handerson Thayer, My Children, detail

Abbott Handerson Thayer, My Children, detail

4,232 words

Part 3 of 4

Robert Klark Graham

Robert Klark Graham invented the plastic used for shatter-proof eyeglasses, and he made a fortune. After he sold his company, he began thinking about how he could use his money to help the world. He talked at length with Hermann J. Mueller, a Nobel Prize-winner in genetics, and they came up with the idea of a sperm bank that would store and distribute the sperm of exceptional men. They named it The Repository for Germinal ChoiceRead more …

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Counter-Currents Radio
Greg Johnson Interviews Paul Waggener

Waggener45:13 / 143 words

Greg Johnson interviews Paul Waggener, musician, artist, author, founding member of the folkish pagan group Wolves of Vinland, and head of Operation Werewolf.

To listen in a player, click here.

To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”  Read more …

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We Must No Longer Wait For Heroes

Luděk Marold (1865-1898) - Allegory with a Woman

Luděk Marold (1865-1898), Allegory with a Woman

340 words

We Must No Longer Wait For Heroes

There’s a certain school of thought that says that
Now that we’ve embraced diversity, we
Cannot be rid of it, no, no matter what
A hellish mistake it’s turned out to be
We must put up with it, endure it, take
It as a given for the rest of all
Eternity, or at least — for the sake
Of accuracy — until we shall fall,
Like all civilizations fall.  Read more …

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Reflections on My Life as a Eugenicist, Part 2

Leto and Her children, Apollo and Diana3,755 words

Part 2 of 4

University of California, Santa Barbara

In 1975, I was excited to begin the doctoral program in Psychobiology at UCSB. It was a far cry from the excellence of Berkeley, but then so were the vast majority of other places. I had always been interested in sex differences, so I began studying the effects of pre-natal hormones on masculine and feminine behavior.  Read more …

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Reflections on My Life as a Eugenicist, Part 1


View of San Francisco from the UC Berkeley campus

2,927 words

Part 1 of 4

One Saturday afternoon when I was 12 years old, I was at home in Memphis sitting in our den, staring into space, when my father walked into the room.

“Marian, are you aware of the fact that intelligence is largely hereditary?” he asked.  Read more …

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DrivePoster1,325 words

Drive, the 2011 award-winning art-house crime thriller, is a modern retelling of the story of the knight in shining armor who saves a damsel in distress from the clutches of evil. Being modern, however, this is not a fairy tale that ends with “. . . happily ever after,” for the modern world cannot offer happiness for the heroic.

The film opens with a handsome young Nordic man (Ryan Gosling) driving through the dark streets of Los Angeles, alone in his 1973 Chevy Malibu. Read more …

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An “M” of Our Own:
Creating an Aryan Version of Fritz Lang’s Masterpiece

LoseyM3,320 words

M (1951)
Directed by Joseph Losey
Produced by Seymour Nebenzal
Writing Credits (in alphabetical order): Leo Katcher (scenario revisions); Fritz Lang (scenario) (uncredited); Norman Reilly Raine (scenario revisions); Waldo Salt (additional dialogue) Thea von Harbou (scenario) (uncredited)
Cast: David Wayne (Martin W. Harrow); Howard Da Silva Read more …

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Ernst von Salomon’s The Outlaws & It Cannot be Stormed

TheOutlaws1,433 words

Ernst von Salomon
The Outlaws
London: Arktos, 2013

Ernst von Salomon
It Cannot Be Stormed
London: Arktos, 2011

I thoroughly enjoyed reading both of these novels by Ernst von Salomon, a German writer, Conservative Revolutionary, and Freikorps member Read more …

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Heidegger Did Nothing Wrong

TrawnyConspiracy1,680 words

Peter Trawny
Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy
Trans. Andrew J. Mitchell
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015

Peter Trawny
Freedom to Fail: Heidegger’s Anarchy
Trans. Ian Alexander Moore and Christopher Turner
Cambridge: Polity, 2015  Read more …

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Remembering J. R. R. Tolkien:
January 3, 1892 to September 2, 1973

446 words

“I am in fact a Hobbit.”—J. R. R. Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is a favorite author of New Left “hippies” and New Right nationalists, and for pretty much the same reasons. Tolkien deeply distrusted modernization and industrialization, which replace organic reciprocity between man and nature with technological dominion of man over nature, a relationship that deforms and devalues both poles. Read more …

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Remembering Pierre Drieu La Rochelle:
January 3, 1893 to March 15, 1945

97 words

Pierre Drieu La RochellePierre Drieu La Rochelle was born on this day in 1893. In commemoration, I wish to draw your attention to the following works on this site:

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Copies Remain of the Limited Hardcover Edition of The Lightning & the Sun

The Lightning and the Sun102 words

There are 15 copies remaining of our beautiful limited edition of 200 numbered hardcover copies of Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun. Once this edition is exhausted, it is sure to become a collector’s item, fetching high prices in the used market.

The Lightning and the Sun: $50 + $5 US postage = $55 Read more …

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Counter-Currents/North American New Right Newsletter: December 2015

Castelo de Sao Jorge, Lisboa by Hannes Kilian 1969777 words

Dear Friends of Counter-Currents,

December was a very strong month, although due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, our traffic declined starting on the Tuesday before Christmas. For the second month running, we put exactly 100 posts on the site. I want to thank our hard-working authors and translators for making this level of performance possible. Read more …

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2016: Looking Forward

fri_wand754 words

January is named for Janus, the Roman god with two faces, one looking back on the past, the other looking forward to the future. I like to spend New Year’s Eve and Day alone, imitating Janus by reflecting on the old year and planning for the new one. Whereas 2013 and 2014 were turbulent and chaotic years for me, 2015 was relatively peaceful and highly productive. I hope that 2016 will be similar. I’ll be doing the same sorts of things, just more and better.  Read more …

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2015: The Year in White Nationalism

Still_Life_with_Fruit_and_Champagne1,284 words

2015 was a very good year for White Nationalism, European ethnonationalism, and allied movements, and I have every reason to hope that 2016 will be even better.

History is Full of Surprises

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Now Available in Kindle!
Green Nazis in Space!

SpaceNazis-CoverWorking-FinalCover737 words

James J. O’Meara
Green Nazis in Space! New Essays on Literature, Art, & Culture
Edited by Greg Johnson
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2015
252 pages

Kindle: $2.99

Print edition release date: January 25, 2016

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An American Son

4,059 words

Fireworks-kidTony: The morning of the day I got sick, I been thinking. It’s good to be in something from the ground floor. I came in too late for that, I know. But lately, I’m getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over.

Dr. Melfi: Many Americans, I think, feel that way.

Tony: I think about my father. He never reached the heights like me. But in a lotta ways he had it better. He had his people. They had their standards. They had pride. Today, whadda we got?

The Sopranos, Episode 1, “Pilot”  Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio
Greg Johnson Interviews Kevin MacDonald on Trump, 2015, & the Next Current Year

macdonald257:53 / 214 words

Greg Johnson interviews Kevin MacDonald about the Donald Trump candidacy and other significant events in 2015, his hopes and predictions for 2016, and his work-in-progress on the nature of the European mind.

To listen in a player, click hereRead more …

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The Conundrum of the Kipling
Rudyard Kipling, 1865–1936

kipling1,421 words

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born 150 years ago today in Bombay, India, to a cultivated English family of artists and academics. After an often unhappy childhood at school in England, he returned to his beloved India where he worked as a journalist, short-story writer, and author of light verse (including the original Barrack-Room Ballads).  Read more …

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Remembering Rudyard Kipling:
December 30, 1865 to January 18, 1936

3,063 words

John Collier, Portrait of Rudyard Kipling, circa 1891

John Collier, Portrait of Rudyard Kipling, circa 1891

Nobel Prize-winning poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling was born on this day in 1865. For an introduction to his life and works, see the following articles on this site.

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Thoughts on the European New Right, Part 4

3,285 words

Stag at Sharkeys by George Bellows

George Bellows, Stag at Sharkey’s, 1909

Part 4 of 4

The Battle to the Death for Pure Honor

Tomislav Sunic writes:

In the eyes of the New Right, unlike continental Europeans, Anglo-Saxon peoples fail to perceive the importance of organic community Read more …

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Applied Dysgenics

1,175 words

BoschGardenSisterSowIt’s not often that a book gives you an idea for dystopian fiction; the last time I decided to write a dystopia, the idea came from a Pulp song. But the reprint of Applied Eugenics by Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson — a 1918 pop-science study of exactly what it sounds like — is an unusual volume.  Read more …

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Thoughts on the European New Right, Part 3

Greek, Silver tetradrachm, minted in Athens, c.460-455 BC2,926 words

Part 3 of 4

The Power of Reason

The European New Right (ENR) agrees with Pareto, Spengler, and Schmitt that the West took a wrong turn in the eighteenth century by advocating a program for the enlightenment of the human mind Read more …

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Crowdsourcing Appeal
Lost Speeches by Jonathan Bowden

Megaphone132 words

Counter-Currents’ project of transcribing all of Jonathan Bowden’s British National Party stump speeches has hit a snag. We have 12 complete speeches so far. We also have two incomplete speeches.  Read more …

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A Final Fundraiser Appeal
Introducing the Counter-Currents Foundation

338 words

Counter-Currents rests on your shoulders too!

Counter-Currents rests on your shoulders too!

The Current Year 2015 has been Counter-Currents’ best in terms of traffic. More than one million unique visitors came to Counter-Currents in 2015. That means that more people than ever before are consuming free online information on New Right ideas. But our book sales and financial support have not grown proportionately. So far, in 2015, of the more than one million unique visitors to the website, 324 have given donations. That’s a lot of free riders on the Atlas-like shoulders of very few individuals. Read more …

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Tarantino’s Western Yawnfest
The Hateful Eight

Hateful8969 words 

First things first, here’s the basic outline of the plot. The plot is, in any case, pretty basic. Spoiler warning: the following review reveals plot content that will save you wasting time and money. A bounty hunter named John Ruth (played by Kurt Russell) is on his way to Red Rock by stagecoach and handcuffed to his prisoner Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh), part of the Domergue Gang, who will be sentenced to hang there.

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Thoughts on the European New Right, Part 2

OwlsWindow3,744 words

Part 2 of 4

On Faustian Technology

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Lawrence Dennis: 1893–1977

lawrence-dennis1,743 words

December 25, Christmas Day, is also the birthday of one of the most exotic and courageous thinkers ever to stride across the American political stage: Lawrence Dennis.

Now, there are three basic facts everyone learns about Mr. Dennis at the outset.

One: he was a leading Right-wing economic and political theorist of the 1930s and ’40s—an American fascist if you will. Read more …

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Thoughts on the European New Right, Part 1

cloister3,909 words

Part 1 of 4


The European New Right (ENR), born in 1968 in France, is the only school of thought that offers a comprehensive philosophical alternative to both the Left and the mainstream Right; not a political alternative or a cohesive popular movement, but a body of thought, an interpretative framework with distinctive concepts, major texts and authors pointing to a solid intellectual alternative to the establishment. Read more …

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Now Available in Kindle!
Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country

NiceWhiteCountryCover1,797 words

Greg Johnson
Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2015
250 pages

Kindle: $4.99

Hardcover: $35

Paperback: $20

Print edition release date: Monday, December 28

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Thoughts on Debt Repudiation

Merry-Joseph Blondel, 1781–1853, “Solon, Legislator of Athens”

2,349 words /15:14

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French translation here

In Ancient Athens, debtors who were unable to pay their creditors lost their land and were reduced to serfs who had to give their landlords one sixth of their produce in perpetuity. Read more …

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Money for Nothing

2,947 words / 18:40

Audio version: To listen in a player, click here; to download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as”; to subscribe to our podcasts, click here.

Translations: CzechFrench, Greek, SpanishSwedish

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The End of Globalization

Graphic by Harold Arthur McNeill

Graphic by Harold Arthur McNeill

1,900 words

Audio version: To listen in a player, click here; to download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as”; to subscribe to our podcasts, click here.

Translations:  French, Portuguese, Slovak

The market is an inherently global institution. The market is non-racist, non-nationalist, and non-religious, for as long as decisions are made solely in monetary terms, the race, nationality, and religion of buyers and sellers simply do not matter. Often, they are completely unknown.  Read more …

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Now Available in Kindle!
Heidegger in Chicago:
A Comedy of Errors

416 words

HeideggerinChicagoCropJef Costello
Heidegger in Chicago: A Comedy of Errors
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2015
144 pages

Kindle edition: $2.99

Hardcover: $30

Paperback: $16

Print edition release date: Monday, December 28th

What would have happened if the notoriously obscure German philosopher Martin Heidegger had visited America? Read more …

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Remembering Filippo Marinetti:
December 22, 1876 to December 2, 1944

Marinetti150 words

Those on the Right who believe that modern art is always “decadent” need to come to grips with Italian Futurism. In commemoration of the birthday of Filippo Marinetti, the founder of Italian Futurism and one of the prophets of Fascism, I would like to draw your attention to several writings on this website.

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The Leicester Speech

leicester-city-centre3,474 words

Editor’s Note:

This is the transcript by V. S. of one Jonathan Bowden’s shorter British National Party stump speeches, delivered in Leicester on December 6, 2008. The speech can be viewed on YouTube here. If you have corrections please post them as comments below. 

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Some Thoughts on Yule

StonehengeSunset3,344 words

Yule is the midwinter festival celebrated by my ancestors and by Germanic neo-pagans today. Midwinter is a time when much of nature seems to die or to depart. The trees are stripped of their leaves. The birds abandon us, flying off to warmer climes. Bears, badgers, chipmunks, and squirrels hibernate. Water freezes over. The earth is covered in ice and snow, so that nothing can grow. The air is so chilled that when we are out in it for too long, death becomes something tangible, and we rush inside.  Read more …

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Albion’s Hidden Numina
Folk Horror Revival

FolkHorrorRevival2,512 words

Katherine Beem and Andy Paciorek, eds.
Folk Horror Revival: Field Studies
Wyrd Harvest Press, 2015

The term “folk horror” is a relatively recent invention that can be applied to a wide range of artistic creations, not all of them belonging to the horror genre. It was popularized by the 2010 BBC TV documentary A History of Horror where the term was used to describe three horror films: Witchfinder General, The Blood on Satan’s Claw, and The Wicker Man. Read more …

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Now in Audio Version!
Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens

star-wars-force-awakens-official-poster1,686 words / 9:44

German translation here

Audio Version: To listen to the audio in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here

The new Star Wars movie is exactly what I deduced it would be from the trailers and the fact that it was directed by J. J. Abrams, a filmmaker so vulgar and artless that he makes Jerry Bruckheimer seem like Ingmar Bergman. Read more …

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Copies Remain of the Limited Hardcover Edition of The Lightning & the Sun

The Lightning and the Sun102 words

There are 18 copies remaining of our beautiful limited edition of 200 numbered hardcover copies of Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun. Once this edition is exhausted, it is sure to become a collector’s item, fetching high prices in the used market.

The Lightning and the Sun: $50 + $5 US postage = $55 Read more …

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Greg Johnson Interviews Vox Day (Transcript)

VoxCuckservative11,108 words

Editor’s Note:

This is the transcript by V.S. of Greg Johnson’s interview with Vox Day on his new book Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America co-authored with John Red Eagle. To listen to the audio in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here.

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The Token President:
Obama’s Hollow Legacy

4,403 words

President Barack Hussein Obama II, as he likes to emphasize, is the first Black(/White) President of the United States of America, with “a mother from Kansas and a father from Kenya.” He is both a multiracial individual and a “third culture kid” Read more …

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A Tale of Two Petitions

Trumpetition545 words

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . Actually scratch that first part, and underline the second.

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Wotan as Archetype:
The Carl Jung Essay

Franz von Stuck, "The Wild Hunt"

Franz von Stuck, The Wild Hunt, 1899

9,822 words

In the denazification atmosphere following World War II Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology, found himself accused of having ‘Nazi’ sympathies. While Jung was a man of the ‘Right’[1] his essay explaining Hitlerism as an evocation of Wotan as a repressed archetype of the German collective unconscious put him on the long suspect list of intellectuals who were accused of being apologists for National Socialism.[2] He was fortunate to have been in a neutral nation in the aftermath of World War II.

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The Métis’ Choice:
Three Immature Half-Castes . . . & a Free Man

2,288 words

Lady Elizabeth Murray and Dido Belle, once attributed to ZoffanyMany mixed-race individuals, or métis, remain in an immature, adolescent stage of permanent race hatred. (I cannot estimate the proportion, but it seems frightfully high.) As I have suggested, the pain of the métis should motivate him to work towards sparing his compatriots, those who share at least some of his blood and spirit, from suffering the same ordeal. Read more …

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The Greenwich Speech

greenwich-england-london8,888 words

Editor’s Note:

This is the transcript by V. S. of one Jonathan Bowden’s best British National Party stump speeches, delivered in Greenwich on July 30th, 2009. The speech can be viewed on YouTube here. If you have corrections please post them as comments below. 

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Now in Audio Version
In Defense of Prejudice

M&Ms2,584 words / 16:05

Audio version: To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here.

Slovak translation here

Years ago, a friend told me a parable about a species of hominid that did not live to inherit the earth. These hominids regarded each and every entity as entirely unique. Read more …

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The Great Reserve Army of Populism

1,212 words

SilentMajorityIn great battles – one thinks here of classic Napoleonic set pieces like Austerlitz, Borodino, or Waterloo – the key to victory are the reserves. You send in this division or that one, and the enemy counters. Then, when the enemy is matching you but overcommitted, you then strike decisively with your reserves and roll him up like a rug.  Read more …

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The Call of the Blood:
Some Advice to Multiracial Children & Third Culture Kids

2,045 words

The métis – individuals who are multiracial or multicultural – is by definition conflicted in his identity. He is, as is well known, part of two worlds but is a full member of neither. The result is a great deal of suffering and incomprehension, as the métis must struggle to imperfectly conform to the norms of two different worlds and feel alienation at being a partial foreigner in both.  Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio
Greg Johnson Interviews Patrick Le Brun on Le Pen & Trump

Marine Le Pen and her niece Marion Maréchal-Le Pen

Marine Le Pen and her niece Marion Maréchal-Le Pen

77:45 / 169 words

Greg Johnson interviews Patrick Le Brun about the French National Front’s performance in the recent French regional elections and the Trump insurgency in the United States.

To listen in a player, click hereRead more …

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Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America
Greg Johnson Interviews Vox Day

VoxCuckservative81:39 / 300 words

Greg Johnson interviews Vox Day on his new book Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America co-authored with John Red Eagle.

To listen in a player, click here.

To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”

To subscribe to our podcasts, click here.

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Don’t Tread on Dhimmi:
The Alt-Right Guide to Islam

3,284 words


The Muslim perpetrators of the San Bernardino massacre

In the aftermath of failures to manage diversity in Paris and San Bernardino, cucking for Islam is now in vogue among the signaling classes. After all, not all Muslims are terrorists, and as a designated oppressed group—a group identified as a permanent victim in Western society and therefore morally authoritative over indigenous Whites and encouraged to rent-seek—they apparently require White liberal apologists to champion their cause.  Read more …

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Nazi Barbie is Sooo Fierce!
Camille Paglia vs. Taylor Swift

Camille Paglia: To use her own words, she "thinks like a man and writes obnoxious books."

Camille Paglia, who says she “thinks like a man and writes obnoxious books.”

1,860 words

Every time you turn around, someone’s hanging another Hakenkreuz on our Tay Tay. Latest and most famous culprit is Camille Paglia, that shooting star of the 1990s critical firmament. On Thursday this acerbic counter-feminist had a piece in the Hollywood Reporter in which she denounced Taylor Swift as a “Nazi Barbie” for swanning around with equally gorgeous female celebs. Almost immediately the story was picked up by The New Republic and New York magazine, as well as the NY Post, the Daily Mail, US magazine, and lord knows where else.

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Why I’m Scared of Widows & Orphans


“One week they’re reading the children’s illustrated Koran; the next they’ve got a big-boy suicide vest.”

2,122 words

There’s a lot of raspberrying and dismissiveness in the debate over whether to let the wave of “Syrian” “refugees” wash up on U.S. shores. In the partisan sandbox-fights to which we tend to reduce even the most serious questions, it’s easy to forget that in a case like this, there is probably a strong moral argument to be made on either side.  Read more …

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The Metapolitics of Taylor Swift


Checking the lights in Sydney

1,719 words

It’s a big weekend for Taylor Swift. She winds up her record-breaking 1989 World Tour on Saturday, December 12, in Melbourne and reaches the ripe old age of 26 on Sunday, December 13. So now is a good time to sit back and think about what it all means.

What exactly is the significance of Taylor in pop music, modern aesthetics, and Western culture in general? Read more …

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The Nazi Next Time

775 words

TrumpDebateAfter Trump the deluge?

The hysterical angst of the Republican Establishment concerning the rise of Trump is glorious to observe. Of course, the interesting thing is their complete lack of self-awareness, their lack of understanding that they themselves are responsible for the predicament they find themselves in.  Read more …

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A Waste of Space:
Some Thoughts on the Fabulous Career of Philip Johnson, Architect

PhilipJohnson5,595 words

“Architecture is the art of how to waste space.” — Philip Johnson[1]

“You know I’ve always wanted to pretend to be an architect.” — George Costanza [2]

“Don’t be stupid, be a smarty / Come and join the Nazi Party” — Mel Brooks, The Producers

Damn you, Philip Johnson! Read more …

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Framing Finance

FramingFinance6,952 words

Alex Preda
Framing Finance: The Boundaries of Markets and Modern Capitalism
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009

How is it that formerly socially unacceptable activities become acceptable? One can point to numerous examples throughout history of seemingly sudden reversals or alterations of social norms. Some of these, of course, work in favor of the greater good (however defined), others clearly do not. Read more …

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White Men Wanted

RedheadBanner866 words

German translation here

Meeting up with Nationalist types can often be a bit of a ‘downer’. A recurring complaint is that mixed-race babies seem to be everywhere and white women have been brainwashed into chasing black men to the exclusion of men of their own race.

I am notoriously positive and optimistic about things in general, but am I naive?  Read more …

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I Am Not Going To Roar

Vincent Van Gough, Peasant Woman Binding Sheaves after Millet, 1889

Vincent Van Gough, Peasant Woman Binding Sheaves, after Millet, 1889

3,557 words

Women today are defined though the agencies of one non-desirable camp or the other. Frankly, the liberal and the oppressed camps are equally repellent. Either women “are” hairy-armpit-proud man-hating leftist-agenda queers who welcome diversity, godless paganism (if you’ve ever been to a goddess circle you understand what I mean by godless) espousing only womyn-power focused gender politics — OR women “are” soft-headed Republican sweet cheeks who get their nails done, support our troops, knit hats for premature babies, eat too much chocolate once a month, and have no brains for real politics, Read more …

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Daniel Friberg:
Sweden & the Real Right

RealRightReturns1,583 words

Daniel Friberg
The Real Right Returns: A Handbook for the True Opposition
London: Arktos, 2015

As with any revealed religion, you have to be skeptical when a political text promises to show you the Way. Ah, so you know a secret about power relations in society that isn’t apparent to the naked eye? Where have we heard that before, Comrade?

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White Nationalism Explained with Charts, Part IV:
Who Are We?

v6hbw556 words

Part 4 of 4

1. Global Genetic Distance

Who are White people? People of European descent are a diverse group of peoples who have been molded by tens of thousands of years of evolutionary history in Europe. Read more …

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Six Sonnets

Richard Moore

654 words


The wind is blowing through the blighted birch.
Its wormy leaves all toss with gay abandon.
Father, you planted it the year Alf Landon
fought for the good old days. I watch it lurch
beside your hillhouse, where you let me perch,
and still the parlor-pinks and liberals land in
the Government, the moon, this field I stand in;
the rights of man scream from each Negro church.  Read more …

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White Nationalism Explained with Charts, Part III:
Jewish Privilege

1,156 words

HappyMechantDollarPart 3 of 4

Perhaps the most controversial issue of all, indeed even among White Nationalists, is the so-called Jewish question.

1. Race in the Ivy Leagues

The Ivy League universities are no doubt the most important institutions preparing the American ruling elite. Yesterday’s Harvard and Yale graduates are tomorrow’s high-flying bankers, lawyers, politicians, and media executives.  Read more …

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White Nationalism Explained with Charts, Part II:
Towards White Minorityhood

Europe2050569 words

Part 2 of 4

1. American Whites: A Minority by 2043

The Founding Fathers created the United States of America as a country for people of European descent, White people. Read more …

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An Open Letter to about Syrian Refugees

CUV5S7_UsAASBWn711 words

I keep getting emails from because I stupidly started a petition to oppose the housing of refugees in the US. Needless to say, all of their emails are an attempt to tug at my heart strings in hopes that I will see the light and accept multiculturalism as my personal lord and savior. Read more …

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White Nationalism Explained with Charts, Part I:
Non-Whites in America

PieChart21,140 words

Part 1 of 4

White Nationalism, the idea that people of European-descent should live freely in their own homelands, has been receiving growing attention in recent years. While pro-White advocacy has been systematically stigmatized for decades in the mainstream media and wider society, relatively free speech on the Internet has led a growing number of Whites, especially young men, to embrace White identity. Read more …

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A Sense of Life:
Ayn Rand & White Nationalism

Randstamp4,876 words

The story is clichéd. A teenager discovers a book. It challenges his religion. It rips apart his morality. He radically changes his behavior within days. The path of his life is forever altered. As Jerome Tuccille titled his book about the libertarian movement, It Usually Begins with Ayn Rand.

Even a casual glance at the American scene shows Rand’s influence is growing. Sales of Atlas Shrugged are brisk, Read more …

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All They Have Is Fear

3,230 words

Progressives use every man’s natural fear of showing fear to manipulate him — inventing fake “phobias” and implying he is afraid of everything they want. Read more …

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To a Reluctant Bridegroom

9fahrenkrog1,576 words

Translations: Dutch, FrenchSpanish, Swedish

Dear X,

After our recent conversation, I decided to write down some of my arguments. Then it occurred to me that your questions and concerns are probably shared by many of your fellow white millennials. So I decided to turn this into an “open letter.”

Like a lot of young, racially conscious white men, you believe that it is important to reverse our race’s demographic decline. Read more …

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Courage is an Exercise:
Lessons from CasaPound


CasaPound’s Blocco Studentesco

2,682 words

Translations: Czech, German

Meeting CasaPound

I arrived in a largely non-White neighborhood and made my way down the street. Read more …

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On Mortality

DeathBarcelona2,012 words

German translation here

There will come a day when you will die.

The truck driving in the opposite lane will skid and crush the hood of your car, smashing you to a pulp.

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Bowden on Islam:
The Manchester Speech

BukharaTiles7,915 words

Editor’s Note:

This is the transcript by V. S. of Jonathan Bowden’s British National Party stump speech in Manchester on February 1, 2006. A few unintelligible words are marked ???. If you can understand what he is saying, or if you have corrections, please post them as comments below. The title is editorial.

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The Other Europe:
An Interview on Intermarium

Tomasz-Szczepanski3,818 words

Interview and translation by Jarosław Ostrogniew; French translation here

Tomasz Szczepański (Barnim Regalica) was born in 1964 in Szczecin (Poland). He is a historian (Ph.D. in humanities), writer, essayist, and activist, and an advocate of Zadruga (Polish pagan nationalism) and indigenous Slavic faith.

He was an anti-communist activist beginning in 1984, Read more …

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Every 4.8 Seconds a White Woman or Girl Is Raped by Muslims in Europe

rotherham-muslim-rape-gangs1,129 words

Memes have power. Statistics have power. Which of us have not heard the statistic, bandied around universities, that 1 in 3 female college students will be sexually assaulted? Whether or not that statistic is accurate, it is a demonstration of the great ability of “sticky” facts and figures to permeate and influence the public discourse.

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After the Paris Massacre

Welcome1,215 words

German translation here

On November 14th, the day after the deadly attacks in Paris by Muslim terrorists, pianist Davide Martello set up his portable grand piano close to the Bataclan Theatre where 89 of the victims were murdered. Read more …

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The Coming Pedophile Rape Epidemic

From the (((Saatchi))) collection

From the (((Saatchi))) collection

1,232 words

Slovak translation here

I first drafted this essay back in June of 2012 after reading an article on CNN by a Jewish homosexual named James Cantor entitled “Do Pedophiles Deserve Sympathy?” In it, Cantor argues that pedophiles should not be morally condemned as people who fail to do the right thing, but pitied as people who are born with abnormal brains.

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The Counter-Currents H. P. Lovecraft Prize for Literature

LovecraftPrize1crop270 words

On Sunday, November 8, the World Fantasy Awards announced that their prize bust would no longer bear the image of H. P. Lovecraft. Lovecraft, of course, was chosen for the honor because he is one of the giants of science fiction and fantasy literature. But he was also a racist and xenophobe, and this is The Current Year, so Lovecraft must be purged to spare the feelings of lesser men.

I suspect, however, that if Lovecraft were alive, the antipathy would be mutual. Read more …

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Sound as a Pound

12226283_10206590828304314_1627461731_n2,652 words

Italian translation here

One of the most interesting and original political movements to arise in Italy in recent years is CasaPound Italia (CPI). Depending on which point you view them from in the old political spectrum, the group either repackages Right-wing extremism for a younger generation or simply beats the hard Left at its own “revolutionary” game but in pursuit of traditionalist mainstream objectives like securing family, community, and nation against the forces of unrestricted globalism.

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State-Sanctioned Child Rape


“Jessica (aged 13), a girl transformed within two years from a good-natured 13-year-old with dreams of becoming a professional dancer to a broken, twice-pregnant abuse victim.” – The Times

2,150 words

As the story has now broken that young white girls were systematically kidnapped, intimidated, raped and abused by primarily men of Pakistani, Kashmiri, and Afghan origin, the mainstream media machine has gone into full spin to distract from the obvious racial hatred behind the crimes. Even as us whites are marked for abuse and murder by street gangs of invading races, we are chastised for even noticing that we are under attack.

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Hope for the Future

Helios8,619 words

Editor’s Note:

The following text is the transcript by V. S. of Jonathan Bowden’s London Forum lecture in London on December 3, 2011. I want to thank Michèle Renouf and Jez Turner for making the recording available.    Read more …

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Bowl Cuts & Hate Facts:
The Comedy of Million Dollar Extreme

3,387 words


Sam Hyde

For decades upon decades, Jews have used irony and sarcasm to great effect in their war against whites. Their ancient hatred coupled with their undeniable dominance of the various entertainment industries has allowed for the mass expression of anti-white messages across the globe. Read more …

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Why “White” Nationalism?

 Edward Wadsworth, Dazzle-ships in Drydock at Liverpool, 1919

Edward Wadsworth, Dazzle-ships in Drydock at Liverpool, 1919

1,169 words

Translations: FrenchGerman, Polish, RussianSlovak, Spanish

Why do I call myself a White Nationalist? As an American of European descent, my primary concern is the survival of my race, both on this continent and around the globe. In every white homeland, more whites are dying than being born, and our people are being replaced by highly fertile non-whites. If these trends are not reversed, our race will become extinct. As I have argued, the best way to save our race is to create homogeneously white homelands, with pro-natal, pro-eugenic policies. Read more …

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Remembering Willis Carto:
July 17, 1926–October 26, 2015

carto19602,000 words

Willis Allison Carto died Monday night in Virginia, full of years (89), achievements, and honors. But this memorial tribute is nevertheless way overdue. If you know the broad outlines of Mr. Carto’s life (biography review here) you know that he was, for well over a half-century, the founder and patron of those political movements we now variously call Paleoconservatism, Race-Realism, White Nationalism . . . or Alt Right.

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Yukio Mishima

MishimaSpeaks8,859 words

Editor’s Note:

The following text is the transcript by V. S. of Jonathan Bowden’s New Right lecture in London on December 10, 2011. I want to thank Michèle Renouf for making the recording available.   

Mishima’s life was dedicated to a return of the spirit of the samurai and a belief in Yamamoto Jōchō’s book Hagakure, which is partly the 17th-century bible of samurai morality Read more …

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Reframing the Jewish Question

Reframing904 words

Translations: GermanSlovak, Spanish

When I first became interested in White Nationalism, I noticed that the basic principle of ethnonationalism was always framed as distinct from the Jewish question. Ethnonationalism is the idea that racial and ethnic diversity within the same political system are sources of strife, and that peace and harmony Read more …

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“Set Aside Your Humility & Lead”
Ruuben Kaalep Interviews Greg Johnson

NorthernSwords2,466 words / 21:57

To listen in a player, click here.

To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”  Read more …

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The Refutation of Libertarianism

1,210 words

Translations: Dutch, French 1, French 2, SlovakSpanish

Statue-of-Liberty-Buried-Under-Desert-Sand-110724Author’s Note:

The following text is the talk I delivered at the London Forum on October 3, 2015. I wish to thank Jez Turner, the London Forum team, and their faithful audience for making this talk possible.
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Toward a Baltic-Black Sea Union:
“Intermarium” as a Viable Model for White Revival

Intermarium1,389 words

Russian translation here

Events in Europe have been developing at great speed in the last couple of years. There was the Ukrainian Revolution, which induced an aggressive Russian response, revealing the dormant anti-western, anti-white feelings in its leadership and the majority of its populace. Then came the onslaught of non-white invaders, ludicrously referred to as “refugees” by the anti-white establishment and media, which is taking place at hitherto unprecedented proportions.  Read more …

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Michel Houellebecq’s Submission

Submission3,425 words

Translations: French, Slovak

Michel Houellebecq
Submission: A Novel
Trans. Lorin Stein
London: Heinemann, 2015

Michel Houellebecq is one of the finest novelists living today. His most recent novel, Submission, is now out in English. It confirms my long-held suspicion that Houellebecq is a man of the Right, whether or not he admits it to us, or even to himself.

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Counter-Currents Radio
Daniel Friberg on the Swedish New Right

rrr-margins58:38 / 206 words

To listen in a player, click here.

To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”

To subscribe to our podcasts, click hereRead more …

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Islamism, Violence, & Global Theocracy

Islamism5,136 words

French translation here

Roxanne L. Euben and Muhammad Qasim Zaman, eds.
Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought: Texts and Contexts from al-Banna to Bin Laden
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009

There is a tendency among people concerned one way or another with Islam to resort to various cherry-picked Quranic teachings and quotes in order to demonstrate that Islam is either “good” or “bad.” Read more …

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The Heresy of Christian Zionism:
Israel, Christianity, & Genesis 12.2-3


Rembrandt, Abraham and Issac, 1634

5,602 words

The name “Israel” denotes today a small mideast nation-state which came into existence as a state in 1948 after a war of independence. About 70% of this nation-state’s citizens are Jews, and Israel identifies itself as a Jewish state. It won a significant military victory over its Arab neighbors in 1967.

If someone today says “Israel,” he is likely referring to this modern state in the Middle East, just as if someone speaks of “France” he means a state in Europe.

“Israel” once meant something significantly different. Read more …

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Fourth Generation Warfare & White Preservationism

3-format432,983 words

So far in 2015 the issue of racialized political violence has been front and center. The White Preservation movement specifically has been thrust into the headlines in the aftermath of the Charleston massacre committed by Dylann Roof.

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White Genocide

RaceMixing2,239 words

Translations: FrenchGerman, SlovakSpanish

White Nationalists are united in the belief that our race is threatened with simple biological extinction. Read more …

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I Am a World-Historical Individual

Franz von Stuck, "The Spirit of Victory"

Franz von Stuck, “The Spirit of Victory”

2,338 words

Russian translation here

I realized the other night that I cannot remember a time in my life when I did not believe that I would make history. I have always had the unshakeable conviction that I am a man of destiny. (To be exact: a man of destiny, adventure, and romance.) In part, I have my mother to thank for this. Read more …

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Why Race is Not a “Social Construct”

Leonardo da Vinci,Study of a skull, between 1510 and 1511

Leonardo da Vinci, Study of a skull, between 1510 and 1511

3,138 words

Translations: French, Slovak, Spanish

Race realism is one of the intellectual foundations of White Nationalism. Race realism is the thesis that racial differences are objective facts of nature, which pre-exist human consciousness, human society, and even the human race itself—since there were different species and subspecies before mankind emerged. Read more …

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