Monday, December 7, 2015

Gun Control: An Incipient Tyranny's Desperate Last Stand

Something big is about to happen.

The governing establishment sees it coming, is terrified of the people, and desperately wants them disarmed. It really isn't hard to understand why that would be the case. After all, if your power and wealth depended upon lying to the people, abolishing their freedom, destroying their livelihoods, and sending their sons and daughters off to die in pointless wars, would you want them to have weapons?

The American people are buying guns and ammunition in record numbers in absolute defiance of a massive and coordinated gun control propaganda campaign. According to The New York Times, gun sales haven’t just been spiking after the San Bernardino terror attack. More Americans had their backgrounds checked to buy guns on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) than any other single day on record. Some 185,345 had their backgrounds checked on that day alone, a 5 percent increase from the year before. Gun sales are on a trajectory to set an all time national annual record.

The people are increasingly angry and fed up. In June of last year, the Gallup polling organization reported that Americans' confidence in all three branches of the U.S. government had fallen, reaching record lows for the Supreme Court (30%) and Congress (7%), and a six-year low for the presidency (29%). The presidency had the largest drop of the three branches, down seven points from its previous rating of 36%.  Then, just last month, a Pew Research Center poll found that 27 percent of registered voters think of government as an enemy, up 8 points since 1996. If those poll results aren't ringing alarm bells throughout the halls of power in Washington, they should be. These are pre-revolutionary numbers.

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda once said, "Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth." When it comes to advancing the gun control agenda, the establishment is a one-trick pony that follows Goebbels advice to the letter: It launches a blizzard of lies and then depends upon its reliably-controlled "news" and entertainment media to disseminate them. Here are some of the most recent examples.
"There is a gun for roughly every man, woman and child in America. So how can you, with a straight face, make the argument that more guns will make us safer?" President Barack Obama, October 1, 2015
 "Between 2001-2013, more than 150,000 people were killed by gun violence in the United States." President Barack Obama, December 6, 2015 
"Can President Obama Actually DO Anything About the Epidemic of Gun Violence?" Daily KOS
“The San Bernardino Shooting Is The Second Mass Shooting Today and the 355th This Year.” Washington Post
All of these, except for the last, amount to fairly standard "gun control" distortions. All of them suffer from the same problems and are easily discredited by real data as will be seen shortly.

There is, of course, no such thing as "gun violence". Neither is there "knife violence", nor "ax violence", nor "club violence". Inanimate objects do not commit violence. People do that. Guns, like knives, axes, and clubs, are inanimate objects without any volition. No one has ever been murdered by an inanimate object. Many are murdered with inanimate objects (including guns)--but the killings are always committed by people. The term "gun violence" is a propaganda device intended to divert attention from a real problem that its politically correct inventors need desperately to prevent the public from considering, about which more shortly.

With respect to the Washington Post headline, these deliberately misleading figures come from a ferociously anti-gun web site called The site conflates "mass shootings" with "mass killings". Included in the count are gang shootings, robberies and other violent outbreaks that do not result in fatalities. It is ironic that most of these "mass shootings" are suffered by the unfortunate residents of Chicago (the President's home town) and other urban locations which have been controlled by anti-gun Democrat administrations f,or decades. Apparently, "Black Lives Do Not Matter", when the mayor is a Democrat.

The anti-gun Left is and has always been completely out of touch with reality. Consider (1) its continued focus on "gun violence" instead of overall violence; (2) its insistence that semi-automatic rifles are "assault weapons";  (3) its continued claim that the U.S. has an unusually high murder rate; and (4) its repeated assertion that the widespread private ownership of firearms is responsible for the murder rate. The facts are readily available to anyone who cares to look for them and they still are not being accurately reported by the establishment media.

The U.S. homicide rate per 100,000 population has been dropping since 1993 and is now at its lowest level since 1968! Exceptions are cities which have the tightest restrictions on the private ownership of firearms such as Obama's Chicago.  (See FBI-Uniform Crime Reports.)

The U.S. homicide rate (murders per 100,000 population) ranks 108th of the 207 countries for which data are reported according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime’s most recent report (see All countries reporting higher murder rates than the U.S. require firearm registration and have very restrictive (virtually prohibitive) licensing requirements. Bear in mind that these data are from “the most recent year reported” and are subject to change as new information is added.

Gun ownership data comes from Although the U.S. leads the world in per capita ownership of firearms, more than one-half of the countries in the world have a higher murder rate than the United States, many of them much higher. If private firearms ownership “causes” murder, the U.S. murder rate should be the highest by far. It’s not even close.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. reported 14,196 murders in 2013, continuing a decline that has been occurring since 1993. To put these data in perspective, had the U.S. experienced El Salvador’s homicide rate, there would have been 218,039 murders and yet private firearms ownership is 15.3 times that of El Salvador! Greenland’s rate applied to our population would have resulted in 60,496 murders. In the face of these data, it is impossible to honestly believe that there is any meaningful correlation between private gun ownership and national murder rates.

It is also absolutely clear that the propensity to commit murder (and the probability of being murdered) is not equally distributed among the U.S. population. Black Americans kill and are killed at eight times the rate observed in the rest of the population. Again, see FBI-Uniform Crime Reports. The effect of this unequal distribution on the national murder rate is enormous. When the black murder rate is “normalized” to those levels observed in the rest of the U.S. population, the U.S. murder rate is cut virtually in half and falls close to rates seen in Western Europe and Canada. These data do not support the idea that there exists any causal relationship between national murder rates and private firearm ownership. These data make the Washington political establishment very nervous. The attack on the Second Amendment serves the purpose of diverting attention away from this undeniable but very Politically Incorrect fact, a diversion that may well be deliberate.

The mass killing at San Bernardino appear to be the result of a terrorist attack. The mass killings at Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Sandy Hook and Roseburg are of a very different type and the perpetrators have very different motivations although every single one of them took place in a "gun free zone", assuring the perpetrators of an unlimited supply of defenseless victims. Unlike the street killings that account for most U.S. murders in which black Americans are disproportionately both victims and killers, in mass killing incidents the killers tend to be White or Asian male mental patients. There are reasons for that difference which the political establishment absolutely refuses to consider.

Prior to 1968, there were virtually no mass killings in the United States and it was possible for anyone to purchase any legal fire arm with no background check. Guns could be mail-ordered from catalog stores such as Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Wards, JC Penny, or Spiegels and they would be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Then, beginning in the decade of the 1970s,  the U.S. experienced a dramatic increase in the number of mass killings. Two factors accompanied that increase and both warrant exploration.

Throughout the 1970s, mental health care reform emptied out the state mental hospitals and made it much more difficult to have dangerous mental patients involuntarily committed for treatment.

Then, in 1987, the “anti-depressant” PROZAC was approved and widely prescribed followed by ZOLOFT, PAXIL and other SSRI drugs. Known side effects include suicide ideation and violent behavior. Most—if not all—of the mass killers from 1980 on were taking one or more of these drugs.

There is simply no demonstrable causal relationship between the private ownership of firearms and murder. In fact, despite an explosion in new gun sales, the trends shown on the graph below have actually accelerated.


This site is not affiliated with any political party. Its goals are to advocate for individual liberty, traditional morality, and domestic peace and to resist all forms of tyranny and statism. It reflects the point of view of a life-long constitutionalist and recovering Republican. If you are among the millions trying to understand what has happened to the GOP, please visit "Who Killed the Republican Party?" If you agree with the content of this post, please feel free to print and distribute it or forward the link to your political representatives at the state and federal level Thank you for your interest.  

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Immigration: A Nation-Destroying Weapon of War!

Last night's bloody terrorist attacks in Paris should send alarm bells ringing all across the county. It's time for action.

Generations of Americans have been taught that state and nation mean the same thing. They do not. A state is a self-governing political entity. A nation is a tightly-knit group of people that share a common culture.

The American people have been deceived into believing that their political state (the United States) was under attack when, in fact, it is the nation's culture and Western Civilization itself that is being systematically destroyed. 

The main problem with immigration for the United States is not economic although politicians in both parties want desperately to make that the only focus. It is not even that illegal immigrants have broken the law. No, the problem is far more serious. Immigration degrades and ultimately destroys our native culture and replaces it with immigrant culture. If immigration is left unchecked, the United States will become a third world country before the decade is out!

Last night's horrific attack in Paris is the inevitable result of Globalist policies. and they bear full responsibility for the deaths and violence that their criminally-insane open borders policies have produced. Unless we immediately obtain control of our borders and expel all illegal immigrants, the violence we will shortly face will be far worse than anything that has happened in France,

While it is true that the American nation was founded by European immigrants, our immigration policy was not driven by an infatuation with "diversity". Post-revolution immigration to the United States took place from in four great waves (1790 to 1820, 1820 to 1860, 1880 to 1914, and 1965 to present). These waves are definable by the nationalities of immigrants and their reasons for immigrating. The 1880 to 1914 immigration wave did include immigrants from  China, Japan, and other Asian countries, but until 1965 the majority of immigrants to the United States were of European origin.

By the way, despite the rabid posturing of pro-immigration politicians in both parties, the illegal immigrant problem can be solved quite easily without forcibly rounding people up and driving them back across the border. All that is necessary is that the U.S. government stop subsidizing the invasion. What does this mean?
  • No federal or state benefits of any kind for anyone in the country illegally. That includes school and "health care".
  • No employment for anyone in the country illegally and jail time for any employer who knowingly hires illegal immigrants.
  • No "sanctuary cities" and jail time for any local government that knowingly impedes deportation efforts.
Once the gravy-train shuts down, millions of illegals will deport themselves.

From 1790 to 1964, America's immigration policy reflected an understanding of the need to preserve the nation's majority-based culture. For the most part, immigrants coming over prior to 1965 came seeking political freedom and economic opportunity. They wanted to be assimilated into the American culture and become "Americans". Then came Lyndon Johnson's 1964 "war on poverty" with its generous welfare state benefits and the nearly simultaneous enactment of The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the 50th anniversary of which we "celebrate" this year. The old immigration quota system, based on national origin, was abolished and replaced with a new immigration policy based on political correctness

The Globalists are intent on achieving the total destruction of all nations, correctly seeing them as competitors for people's loyalty. When they achieve the effective destruction of nations in a region, they move to consolidate their power by establishing a "super state". The European Union serves as their structural template, the next step toward the establishment of a One World Government under Globalist control. As this is written, all of Europe is imploding, collapsing under the weight of a massive wave of anti-Western immigrants. Millions are fleeing Globalist-spawned violence in their homelands

The American nation is next on the block. Globalist efforts to destroy America's national culture are not limited to the political and legal arenas. Media and educational establishments have engaged in decades-long propaganda and re-education campaigns extolling the virtues of "diversity" while demonizing positive references to the majority's national culture, including its Western European ethnic origins, as "racism". That is the motive behind this week's literally insane "anti-racism" campaign on the campus of the University of Missouri which led to the resignation of the University's President and Chancellor,

From 1790 to 1964, America's immigration policy reflected an understanding of the need to preserve the nation's majority-based culture. Immigrants coming over prior to 1965 came seeking political freedom and economic opportunity. They wanted to be assimilated into the American culture and become "Americans". Then came Lyndon Johnson's 1964 "war on poverty" with its generous welfare state benefits and the nearly simultaneous enactment of The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the 50th anniversary of which we "celebrate" this year. The old immigration quota system, based on national origin, was abolished and replaced with a new immigration policy based on political correctness and driven by a desire to provide access to taxpayer funded benefits. 

The Globalist's war on the American nation was underway.



This site is not affiliated with any political party. Its goals are to advocate for individual liberty, traditional morality, and domestic peace and to resist all forms of tyranny and statism. It reflects the point of view of a life-long constitutionalist and recovering Republican. If you are among the millions trying to understand what has happened to the GOP, please visit "Who Killed the Republican Party?" If you agree with the content of this post, please feel free to print and distribute it or forward the link to your political representatives at the state and federal level Thank you for your interest.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Mighty Blow for Social Justice! (Satire Ahead)

Ferguson's 6'5" 290 lb Michael Brown delivers social justice to a clerk.
What a country!

Let us all extend a heartfelt "thanks" to the mostly black students, university administrators, much of the Mizzou faculty (including football coach Gary Pinkel), MU's board of Curators, Governor Jay Nixon, U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, and the entire national and local "journalism" establishment. Thanks to their combined efforts, White racism (there is no other kind) at the University of Missouri has been dealt a devastating defeat. CNN went so far as to link the coup which ousted the University President and Chancellor to last year's Ferguson violence and the "Black Lives Matter" movement. That link is clearly warranted.

The current crisis began in September, when the incredibly courageous Student Government President Payton Head took to Facebook to complain about bigotry and anti-homosexual and anti-transgender attitudes at the school after unidentified people riding in the back of a pickup truck (who may or may not have been students) allegedly screamed racial slurs at him.

Head, who was unaccountably elected as Student Government President by the Mizzou student body (which is 80% white and therefore, by definition, racist), explained his action in a statement which was quickly brought to national attention by an attentive and sympathetic press. "For those of you who wonder why I'm always talking about the importance of inclusion and respect, it's because I've experienced moments like this multiple times at THIS university, making me not feel included here," he wrote.

In fact, it is hard to imagine the pain and fear that MU's racist environment inflicted on minority students. Some of these racist actions are hard to imagine. For example, in 2010, five years prior to Payton Head's terrifying experience, vicious white bigots deliberately scattered cotton balls outside the Black Culture Center, an act of micro-aggression clearly calculated to intimidate. Then, in October a drunken white student allegedly disrupted the Legion of Black Collegians, an African-American student group, while the group prepped for homecoming and used a racial slur when he was asked to leave. Exactly how a drunk white guy managed to escape unscathed is unexplained. Also left unexplained is how an organization that calls itself "the Legion of Black Collegians" escapes being tagged as racist. How long would "the Legion of White Collegians" last at MU?

Graduate student Jonathan Butler felt so strongly about what was happening on campus that he stopped eating. Early last week, he launched a hunger strike, vowing to keep it up until Wolfe stepped down. After Wolfe's announcement, Butler ended his strike and tweeted, "More change is to come!! #TheStruggleContinues."

L'Damian Washington, a former wide receiver on the football team, said that he was happy the team was able to add leverage to Butler's hunger strike and that the protest wasn't just about Missouri or being black. It was about discrimination in all forms everywhere, he said. "Only a minority knows what it feels like to be a minority on campus," he said.

If Washington's point was that Mizzou's football and basketball team members have been singled out for special attention in the past, he is absolutely correct. Perhaps the football team's unselfish willingness to go on strike for the cause is an attempt to make amends. According to ESPN's Outside the Lines report, the University of Missouri had 63 criminal cases involving 46 athletes (almost all of whom were black) during the five-year time period from 2009 through 2014. Twelve athletes were involved in more than one incident, Outside the Lines found, and Missouri had the second-highest number of allegations of sexual assault, violence against women, and harassment. If you cannot understand how serial rape and criminal assault attacks pale in comparison to deliberate cotton ball distribution and name calling, you are self-evidently a candidate for mandatory re-education.

I do want to express my sincere thanks to the administration, faculty and the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri.  Your abject moral cowardice has given me back at least three hours per weekend, From now on, instead of watching Mizzou football, I'll be doing something more constructive with my time.  I hope everyone who values truth and honor will join me by staying as far away as possible from Arrowhead Stadium this Saturday.

Frank Brady

This site is not affiliated with any political party. Its goals are to advocate for individual liberty, traditional morality, and domestic peace and to resist all forms of tyranny and statism. It reflects the point of view of a life-long constitutionalist and recovering Republican. If you are among the millions trying to understand what has happened to the GOP, please visit "Who Killed the Republican Party?" If you agree with the content of this post, please feel free to print and distribute it or forward the link to your political representatives at the state and federal level Thank you for your interest.  

Saturday, October 10, 2015

An Open Letter to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter

The "Project for a New American Century" Comes to an End
Dear Mr. Secretary:

I listened with care to your September 30th press briefing about ongoing developments in Syria. It truly was a remarkable performance. Not one word to come out of your mouth was true. Because of establishment news organization complicity, your lies will go unchallenged. That's unfortunate because, unless the American people awaken quickly, we are all at imminent risk of dying by the millions in a nuclear World War of Washington's making.

As you well know, Russia has not committed aggression in Syria. Syria's so-called "civil war" was initiated by a standard "color revolution" destabilization team staffed by US State Department-sponsored NGOs, the CIA, and NATO Special Operations units. The destabilization team stood up, financed, trained and armed a small group of radical Sunni dissidents for the purpose of overthrowing the Assad government. The anti-Assad Coalition (that is, the governments of the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and selected NATO nations, most prominently Turkey), then systematically escalated its aggression against Syria and is now illegally engaged in conventional military attacks. Turkey has gone so far as to brazenly move its troops well into Syrian territory. Russia is lawfully responding to a request from the internationally-recognized Syrian government for help in defending itself against a Coalition-sponsored insurrection.

Unfortunately, official lies have become the norm. Washington lies about literally everything. It lies about the unemployment rate, the inflation rate, and the general condition of the economy. Your press briefing continued an unbroken string of official lies about Washington's "regime change" operations. These are acts of criminal aggression under  international law that have sown death and destruction from the Balkans through north Africa and the Middle East to the Ukraine. However, your remarks were uniquely important in one respect: they significantly escalated the demonization campaign against Russia in general and Vladimir Putin in particular. More importantly, in the Ukraine and in Syria, the Coalition is directly threatening vital Russian strategic interests. Russia is not Iraq, Putin is not Saddam Hussein, and the potential for a clash between Russian and Coalition forces is very great. The Coalition's arrogant and foolish aggression has created a dangerous military situation that now poses an existential threat to the lives of millions around the world.

Syria became a primary target because it is allied with Iran and with Russia. For Washington's neocon empire builders, the road to world domination has always run from Damascus through Tehran to Moscow. It is worth noting that the Syrian government is the only one in the region to actively defend the Christian minority against attacks by radical Islamists. Although the Syrian regime is autocratic, Western-educated Bashar al-Assad is a virtual Captain Kangaroo as compared to the hideous "Royal Family" of American ally Saudi Arabia, a gang of brutal thugs which routinely lops off more of its own subjects' heads and hands than does ISIS of its enemies.

Long-held beliefs die hard. After nearly a half-century of Cold War between the former Soviet Union and the United States, many American patriots do not understand how much Russia has changed since the USSR collapsed in 1991, Russia is not the USSR and its government is not Communist. Today Russia is struggling to develop a functioning market-based economy after 74 years of communist tyranny. This struggle has been made much more difficult by a legacy of entrenched corruption and Western-imposed "economic sanctions".

Beyond the economy, there are several other politically-important facts about today's Russia that will come as news to many because the establishment media has not reported them. That failure to inform is not accidental. Conservatives and constitutionalists will be astonished by the extent to which Russia and the United States have swapped positions. In many important respects, Russia now appears to be a more Christian (and perhaps more Free) country than the United States.

Russia and Gun Control

Source: Russia Today, November 19, 2014
In an amendment to its tough gun control laws, the Russian government eases restrictions, allowing citizens to carry licensed weapons for the purposes of ‘self-defense.’
Until now Russian gun enthusiasts were only permitted to carry firearms for hunting or target shooting after obtaining a license through the Interior Ministry. Russian gun licenses are to be renewed every five years, and applicants face strict background checks and are required to take gun safety courses. 
The addendum to the law now lists self-defense as a legally acceptable reason for carrying a weapon.

Russia, Christian Values and Homosexuality

MOSCOW — At the height of the Cold War, it was common for American conservatives to label the officially atheist Soviet Union a “godless nation.”
More than two decades on, history has come full circle, as the Kremlin and its allies in the Russian Orthodox Church hurl the same allegation at the West.
“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent keynote speech. “Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation." 
In his state of the nation address in mid-December, Mr. Putin also portrayed Russia as a staunch defender of “traditional values” against what he depicted as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the former KGB officer insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from slipping into “chaotic darkness.”  
As part of this defense of “Christian values,” Russia has adopted a law banning “homosexual propaganda” and another that makes it a criminal offense to “insult” the religious sensibilities of believers.
Russia and Abortion
The Ministry of Health in Russia has signed an agreement with the Russian Orthodox Church that includes prevention of abortion and provision of palliative care. The agreement signed by Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova and Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church was published on the website of the Synodal Department for ROC [Russian Orthodox Church] Church Charity and Social Service. 
Article 9 of the 21 article agreement establishes cooperation “on the protection of maternal and child health, including reproductive health, promotion of family values and prevention of abortion.”
Because misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies were instrumental in bringing disaster to the world, I would remind readers to keep in mind Mark Twain's powerful and pertinent observation, "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."


Frank Brady

This site is not affiliated with any political party. Its goals are to advocate for individual liberty, traditional morality, and domestic peace and to resist all forms of tyranny and statism. It reflects the point of view of a life-long constitutionalist and recovering Republican. If you are among the millions trying to understand what has happened to the GOP, please visit "Who Killed the Republican Party?" If you agree with the content of this post, please feel free to print and distribute it or forward the link to your political representatives at the state and federal level Thank you for your interest.  

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Roseburg Massacre and Washington's Incurable Madness

The blood of the Roseburg massacre victims had not yet dried on the classroom floor before President Obama went into hysterical hyperdrive, demanding that the entire country be declared a "gun free zone" and threatening to bypass Congress to make it happen. Every word he uttered was false.

We've been here before. Immediately following the Sandy Hook massacre, Obama, his posse, and the establishment news media launched a coordinated blizzard of misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies to exploit the shock and horror that tragic event generated ("never let a good tragedy go to waste") in an effort to ram through national gun control legislation. That non-stop 24/7 effort just may have been the greatest public relations miscalculation in political history. The American people's riposte was a stunning act of immediate and unremitting defiance. They queued up for hours to buy virtually every firearm of any type that could be found available for sale in the United States (plus all available ammunition stocks) and placed additional firearms and ammunition orders amounting to a year's worth of manufacturing output!

The anti-gun Left is and has always been completely out of touch with reality. Consider (1) its continued focus on "gun violence" instead of overall violence; (2) its insistence that semi-automatic rifles are "assault weapons;  (3) its continued claim that the U.S. has an unusually high murder rate; and (4) its repeated assertion that the widespread private ownership of firearms is responsible for the murder rate. The facts are readily available to anyone who cares to look for them and they still are not being accurately reported by the establishment media.
  • The U.S. homicide rate per 100,000 population has been dropping since 1993 and is now at its lowest level since 1968! Exceptions are cities which have the tightest restrictions on the private ownership of firearms such as Obama's Chicago.  (See FBI-Uniform Crime Reports.) 
  • The U.S. homicide rate (murders per 100,000 population) ranks 108th of the 207 countries for which data are reported according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime’s most recent report (see All countries reporting higher murder rates than the U.S. require firearm registration and have very restrictive (virtually prohibitive) licensing requirements. Bear in mind that these data are from “the most recent year reported” and are subject to change as new information is added.
  • Gun ownership data comes from Although the U.S. leads the world in per capita ownership of firearms, more than one-half of the countries in the world have a higher murder rate than the United States, many of them much higher. If private firearms ownership “causes” murder, the U.S. murder rate should be the highest by far. It’s not even close.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. reported 14,196 murders in 2013, continuing a decline that has been occurring since 1993. To put these data in perspective, had the U.S. experienced El Salvador’s homicide rate, there would have been 218,039 murders and yet private firearms ownership is 15.3 times that of El Salvador! Greenland’s rate applied to our population would have resulted in 60,496 murders. In the face of these data, it is impossible to honestly believe that there is any meaningful correlation between private gun ownership and national murder rates.

It is also absolutely clear that the propensity to commit murder (and the probability of being murdered) is not equally distributed among the U.S. population. Black Americans kill and are killed at eight times the rate observed in the rest of the population. Again, see FBI-Uniform Crime Reports. The effect of this unequal distribution on the national murder rate is enormous. When the black murder rate is “normalized” to those levels observed in the rest of the U.S. population, the U.S. murder rate is cut virtually in half and falls close to rates seen in Western Europe and Canada. These data do not support the idea that there exists any causal relationship between national murder rates and private firearm ownership.

Mass killings at Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Sandy Hook and Roseburg are of a very different type and the perpetrators have very different motivations. Unlike the street killings that account for most U.S. murders in which black Americans are disproportionately both victims and killers, in mass killing incidents the killers tend to be White or Asian male mental patients. There is a reason for that.

Prior to 1968, there were virtually no mass killings in the United States and it was possible for anyone to purchase any legal fire arm with no background check. Guns could be mail-ordered from catalog stores such as Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Wards, JC Penny, or Spiegels and they would be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Then, beginning in the decade of the 1970s,  the U.S. experienced a dramatic increase in the number of mass killings. Two factors accompanied that increase and both warrant exploration.
  • Throughout the 1970s, mental health care reform emptied out the state mental hospitals and made it much more difficult to have dangerous mental patients involuntarily committed for treatment.
    • In 1987, the “anti-depressant” PROZAC was approved and widely prescribed followed by ZOLOFT, PAXIL and other SSRI drugs. Known side effects include suicide ideation and violent behavior. Most—if not all—of the mass killers from 1980 on were taking one or more of these drugs.
    The Roseburg tragedy invokes feelings of shock, horror, and great sadness in all of us. It is essential that we identify and understand the true causes. It will be a greater tragedy still if we allow this terrible event to be exploited to advance a dangerous political agenda that will do nothing positive and place all Americans at risk.

    Friday, September 11, 2015

    9-11: In Memory of ALL of Our Dead and Wounded

    Today is the 14th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. Somber ceremonies are being held in New York, Washington, and many other sites around the country in memory of the people who were murdered on this date in 2001. It is important to remember the 2,977 innocent victims of the 9-11 atrocity and to grieve with their survivors. The trauma of that terrible spectacle should never be forgotten nor should any of the tragedies that followed.

    The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan had absolutely nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks that are now officially blamed on a Saudi-Egyptian terror team. It is well documented that the U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were being planned more than a year prior to the 9-11 attacks by George W. Bush's defense policy advisors, including Dick Cheney. The 9-11 attacks were an excuse for aggression that was already in the works. Every official justification for these invasions put forward by Washington was a deliberate official Lie.

    How it can be that the nation seems to have forgotten that more than twice as many brave young Americans died for nothing in Afghanistan and Iraq than were killed on 9-11? Each and every one of the 6,853 American troops killed in those wars is dead as the direct result of an official Lie. How is it that the bi-partisan gang of politicians who sent these patriotic young men and women to their doom have not been brought to account?

    Today the names of those who died 14 years ago today in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania will be solemnly recited, one after another. Where are the ceremonies reciting the names of the brave young Americans who died for nothing in the U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan? That list of innocent and brave dead is more than twice as long as the list being read today.

    Nor is that by any means all.

    How many Americans have any idea that more than 1 million brave young Americans have been wounded, many of them grievously, in support of Washington's Iraq and Afghanistan Lie? How is it that the establishment press never reports those numbers?

    Each airing of a "Wounded Warrior Project" commercial should generate absolute fury in the hearts of every American. The elected officials who lied us into these wars are directly and criminally responsible for the tragic life-changing injuries sustained by these patriotic young men and women. Have these murderous and maiming war criminals (and that is what they are under the Nuremberg standard) been held accountable? No, in their contemptuous arrogance they continue to bask in the limelight, sneering at public apathy and ignorance even as they push for new wars of aggression in pursuit of their insane dreams of Empire.

    The magnitude and scope of the catastrophe that this bipartisan gang of power-mad lunatics has wrought continues to expand exponentially. As this is written, Europe is being overrun by people fleeing their planned campaign of serial aggressions, a campaign that now stretches from Libya to Iraq to the Ukraine. Europe is simply the latest casualty. If you doubt that such an official campaign exists, by all means please download and read Rebuilding America's Defenses, a "report" commissioned by Dick Cheney and delivered in September, 2000, two months before the Presidential Election and one year before the attacks of 9-11. Repeatedly citing the existence of Saddam Hussein's regime and the entire list of "regime change" targets as justification, this Blue Print for American policy advocated the imposition of U.S. mandates around the world to establish a de facto American Empire. Page 63 contains the following provocative and very interesting sentence.
    "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event-like a new Pearl Harbor."
    The attack of 9-11 provided that "catalyzing event". It was shortly followed by the invasion of Iraq which, as President Bush's inner circle knew full well, had absolutely no involvement in the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. That is the smoking gun and the entire world is about to reap the full consequences of Washington's treachery.


    This site is not affiliated with any political party. Its goals are to advocate for individual liberty, traditional morality, and domestic peace and to resist all forms of tyranny and statism. It reflects the point of view of a life-long constitutionalist and recovering Republican. If you are among the millions trying to understand what has happened to the GOP, please visit "Who Killed the Republican Party?" If you agree with the content of this post, please feel free to print and distribute it or forward the link to your political representatives at the state and federal level Thank you for your interest.  

    Monday, August 10, 2015

    Last Chance: Either Stand with Evil or Renounce It!

    Satan truly is loose in the Land!
    The national election of 2016 is more than a year away, 457 days to be exact. Already establishment media outlets are filling the air with the unremitting mind-numbing noise.

    Last Thursday night, ten carefully selected Republican Sock Puppets were on display as the Fox News channel aired what was billed as the first nationally-televised debate among GOP Presidential candidates. Matt Drudge reports that a record 24 million people tuned in to watch, lured by the opportunity to see billionaire reality-TV star and casino magnate Donald Trump in action. The heavily-promoted debate had all the excitement, substance and authenticity of a World Wrestling Federation championship match. Not to be outdone, the first nationally-televised Democrat Sock Puppet debate will be held on October 13th in a yet-to-be-disclosed Nevada city and will be carried by CNN.

    None of this Kabuki Theater matters in the slightest. The "Two Party System" is a complete fraud, trotted out every four years to mollify us unsuspecting rubes. There is really only one political party and it is the Washington Party. It makes not the slightest difference whether the Democrat wing or the Republican wing of the Washington Party "wins" in 2016. The same criminal cartel will remain in power. Step-by-step, our oligarch masters will continue to:
    • Systematically dismantle the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
    • Flood our cities and towns with millions of illegal aliens as it works toward granting them stealth amnesty.
    • Attack traditional moral and religious values.
    • Promote homosexuality and other deviant sexual behaviors.
    • Support and fund abortion on demand.
    • Engage in limitless deficit spending to fund blatantly unconstitutional activities.
    • Intervene in medical and hospital care, destroying the private practice of medicine and inflicting tremendous economic damage in the process.
    • Intervene in endless and unwinnable military conflicts that are none of our business. 
    • Commit war crimes in our name, killing hundreds of thousands of civilian non-combatants, including women and children, throughout the Middle East.
    • Subvert governments around the world to impose "regime change".
    • Secretly imprison and kill anyone, including Americans, without due process, anywhere in the world at the President's sole discretion.
    • Torture prisoners using methods that violate the Geneva Conventions and the Constitution.
    • Support the Federal Reserve's destruction of the U.S. economy and its currency.
    • Confiscate and dispose of the private property of Americans without due process.

    Renouncing Evil as a Personal Moral Imperative

    Recent pubic opinion polls (see the graphs which follow) confirm the American people's loss of confidence in political institutions, political parties, and the establishment media. Donald Trump's standing in presidential candidate popularity polls is a direct reflection of that confidence loss. "The Donald" leads the pack precisely because he is not seen to be a politician.

    Millions of Americans feel helpless as the oligarch's evil agenda is brutally implemented by elected officials in defiance of the Constitution and the people's wishes. Motivated by a sense of civic responsibility, many cast their ballots for "the lesser of two evils" every four years, hoping that this time things will change. Of course, their hopes are futile because, by federal law, the Republican and Democrat parties are in total control of ballot access. No candidate for national office can appear on the ballot without their approval. Both Republican and Democrat national parties are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Welfare/Warfare State, two heads of a single monstrous body. Both are committed to the same evil agenda and both serve the same master, That master is not the American people.

    There is only one moral option: Refuse to participate! Don't vote for any candidates for national office. Mark that section of your ballot "NOTA" (for "none of the above").

    It doesn't matter how much you despise "the other guy". Do not let yourself be rope-a-doped again. Even when your "lesser of two evils" candidate wins, you still lose. History and personal experience prove that our past participation, no matter how passionate, has done nothing to slow the advance of the oligarch's agenda. When we cast our ballot for candidates who are committed to that agenda, we facilitate evil and become complicit in it. Conversely, our deliberate informed refusal to vote for such candidates serves as an announcement that we will no longer participate in a corrupt and rigged system. We are withdrawing our grant of moral authority to act in our name, a step that should be of paramount importance to Christians and to all who believe in God's goodness and oppose evil.

    Renouncing Evil as a Nonviolent Act of Revolution

    Even the most powerful totalitarian dictatorships must have tacit support from the people in order to stay in power. Authoritarian regimes almost never fall as a direct result of armed revolutionary action by opposition groups. Instead, although some violence may occur, they fall when the people withdraw their grant of moral authority to govern.

    I happened to be watching television in December of 1989 when the Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, appeared on the balcony of his Presidential Palace in Bucharest to harangue the furious revolutionary mob gathered in the square below. I will never forget the look of abject terror that flashed across his face at the moment he realized with fatal certainty that his regime was finished. He fled Bucharest only to be captured and executed by firing squad on Christmas day after a drum head trial. Although his overthrow was the most violent revolutionary act to occur during the collapse of the Warsaw Pact state governments, it was the loss of his government's moral authority, not armed force, that ultimately brought him down, To further make the point, the Soviet Union was never more powerful in terms of military firepower than when it finally collapsed with a whimper in 1991.

    In June of last year, the Gallup polling organization reported that Americans' confidence in all three branches of the U.S. government has fallen, reaching record lows for the Supreme Court (30%) and Congress (7%), and a six-year low for the presidency (29%). The presidency had the largest drop of the three branches this year, down seven percentage points from its previous rating of 36%. If this level of antipathy isn't ringing alarm bells throughout the halls of power in Washington, it should be. These are pre-revolutionary numbers.

    As this is written, the Internet is abuzz with widespread anxiety. Millions of people are sensing impending disaster. the exact nature of which is a matter of much conjecture. Theories about the nature of the feared disaster include:
    • An imminent financial collapse.
    • Declaration of martial law.
    • A mass casualty event at the hands of a terrorist organization or foreign power. 
    • An asteroid strike or some other extinction-level event.
    There may well be other theories that I have missed but, in any case, much of the anxiety is a direct result of inexplicable and unusual federal behavior, real and perceived.

    The trends shown on the above graph and their downward trajectory are very likely the reasons that the federal government has been stocking up on ammunition and positioning military forces around the country. Although it is true that the United States government possesses the most powerful military force on the planet and owns incredible killing machines, it is also true that the people upon whom it must rely to pull the triggers have parents, siblings, and children who will be in harm's way should Washington attempt to impose its will on the population by force of arms. Ceausescu learned the hard way that familial ties trump military discipline when the chips are really down.

    It is my hope that this post goes viral and is widely read. Should it come to pass that a national election is actually held on November 8 2016, perhaps the refusal of enough of us to participate in that farce will cause the oligarchs to experience their own personal Ceausescu-like "balcony moment" and head for the hills leaving "we, the people" to sort out our own affairs. Of course, in the event any of the worst-case disaster speculations come to pass, Washington may no longer matter but at the very least the condition of our souls will surely have been improved by our noble intentions


    This site is not affiliated with any political party. Its goals are to advocate for individual liberty, traditional morality, and domestic peace and to resist all forms of tyranny and statism. It reflects the point of view of a life-long constitutionalist and recovering Republican. If you are among the millions trying to understand what has happened to the GOP, please visit "Who Killed the Republican Party?" If you agree with the content of this post, please feel free to print and distribute it or forward the link to your political representatives at the state and federal level Thank you for your interest.