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Archive for February, 2010

Des Brannigan was born in Dublin in 1918. His family lived in the basement flat of no.19, North Great Georges Street. He went to sea at an early age, where he first became active in trade unionism, eventually becoming general secretary of the Marine, Port and General Workers’ Union.
In his later years he was […]

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February 28th, 2010,
A number of media outlets persist in describing the dispute between the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union and Green Isle Foods in Naas as being about inappropriate emails.
This is not the case.
The dispute is over the unfair dismissal of three workers and union recognition.
The Labour Court, which has adjudicated on the dispute and […]

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[From Padraig Yeates]
The President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Jack O’Connor and General Secretary David Begg, will both be speaking at the Rally in support of the Green Isle Foods workers and hunger strikers in Naas today (Saturday, February 27th). It is being organised by the Kildare Council of Trade Unions.
It will assemble […]

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Hugh Green has posted an idea Your Country, Your Call which deserves to be that competition’s Killing in the Name.
As outlined on his blog, the idea is:
Mandatory Clown Suits For Social Welfare Recipients

A brief scan of the ideas submitted hitherto reveals, somewhat regrettably, downright hostility to social welfare recipients. Yet […]

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“As Dublin has grown wealthier we have become carcooned basing our personal and city transport system on the car. We know this isn’t working – but what is the alternative and how do we get there? That’s the question we set out to answer with this documentary. We spent months talking to […]

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I swear to youse - I didn’t go looking for this. After I’d finished puking up behind a flower pot during the cocktail reception, Graham Linehan’s site pointed me in the direction of fellow comedy writer, Robert Popper where these 4 or so minutes were lurking. I had foolishly believed Ireland had evolved […]

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Here is a short clip from an interview between Mick O’Reilly and Sam Nolan.
So far we have filmed two sessions with Sam, each two hours long.
We’re hoping to conduct at least three more interviews with Sam over the next month or so.
In this short five-minute clip, Sam talks about trade unionism in […]

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Thanks again to Dave for this.
I know very little about this publication. all information gratefully received.
Contents include interviews with The Stars of Heaven and the Celibate Rifles, and articles on Guernica, The Vipers, and The Waterboys.
The fanzine can be downloaded here, or read below.

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For the past couple of months, myself and Mick O’Reilly (former Irish regional secretary ATGWU) have been conducting a series of interviews with veteran Irish left activists, including Sam Nolan, Des Brannigan, and Joe Deasy. It is hoped that these interviews will be broadcast on DCTV in the near future. In the meantime, here is […]

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I walked by the ruins of the Head Shop on Capel Street there yesterday and thought to meself, ok, maybe this was an accident, but if it was, it was in that ‘knife in the back/worst case of suicide’ kind of way.

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