Monthly Archives: January 2007

Iran Threat? Nobody Told the Iraqis…

Iraq’s President Talabani, a Kurd, in Tehran with Iran’s supreme leader It’s amazing, frankly, that even as the Scooter Libby trial reveals the machinations of an Administration determined to prevent any jabs of reality from puncturing the “Iraq threat” scarecrow … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 31 Comments

Carter as Holocaust Denier?

Watching American Israel advocates pile onto Jimmy Carter in paroxysms of nationalist rage at his impudence for comparing the conditions of West Bank Palestinians to those of black South Africans under apartheid, I’ve been struck — as I’ve written below … Continue reading

Posted in A Wondering Jew, Situation Report | 18 Comments

That Stubborn Iran Pot Refuses to Boil

Iran’s president welcomes Bush’s favorite Iraqi Shiite leader Abdulaziz al-Hakim to Tehran The bad news for the “1938″ crowd — the bomb-Iran alarmists led by Benjamin “Newt”-anyahu (who seems to have learned from Gingrich that a discredited crank can still … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 8 Comments

Should Israel be in Bush’s Back Seat?

Ever since Israel’s invasion of Lebanon last summer, I’ve been wondering about the changing nature of the U.S.-Israel relationship — it was plain in that conflict that the Bush Administration actually wanted Israel to go a lot further than Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 14 Comments

Israelis, Jimmy Carter and Apartheid

Hebron settlers attack a Palestinian passerby Jimmy Carter has been branded as everything from an agent of Saudi Arabia to a cyrpto anti-Semite in a campaign of unprecedented hysteria by a Zionist establishment desperate to squelch any discussion in America … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 15 Comments

Strange Liberators

You can be sure that Dr. Martin Luther King’s politics will be scrubbed clean of most of its content when President George W. Bush celebrates the public holiday named in his honor on Monday. In order to honor Dr. King’s … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 5 Comments

Bush’s New Iraq Plan: Bomb Tehran

Critics are right to label President Bush’s new Iraq plan an “escalation,” but what was most clear from his speech announcing it is that the object of this escalation is not Iraq, but Iran. For all the smarmy talk about … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 89 Comments

Condi’s Savage War on the Palestinians

In the coming weeks, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will cluck regretfully about the violence unfolding in the Palestinian territories as if the chaos in Gaza has as little to do with her as, say, the bizarrely warm winter weather … Continue reading

Posted in Featured Analysis, Situation Report, Unholy War | 25 Comments

What the Saddam Lynching Tells Us About Iraq

You have to wonder what President Bush would have made of the image — had he been shown the tape — of Saddam Hussein being strung up by a bunch of masked toughs, while all around the small crowd in … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 24 Comments