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Archive for January, 2013

Eric Foner: Emancipation Proclamation 150 years later

Posted by Mike E on January 15, 2013

“Up to now, we have witnessed only the first act of the civil war – the constitutional waging of war. The second act, the revolutionary waging of war, is at hand.”

Karl Marx 1862

150 years ago this month, the Emancipation Proclamation went into affect — declaring that ending slavery was now a war aim of the Union armies. A war against secession had become a revolutionary war. 

The following essay was written by Eric Foner to commemorate the announcement of this proclamation, which happened in September 1862.

The U.S. Civil War is not just a profound historical event (and one of the rare revolutionary victories in U.S. history) — but also a touchstone for understanding how the U.S. works today — (just look at the debate over the recent films Lincoln and Django!)

The Emancipation Proclamation at 150

by Eric Foner

One hundred and fifty years ago this week occurred one of the crucial turning points of the American civil war and, indeed, of American history. Not on the battlefield, although at Antietam on 17 September 1862, a Union army forced Confederates under Robert E Lee to abandon their invasion of Maryland. Rather, it came five days later, when Abraham Lincoln issued “A Proclamation” warning the south that if the war did not end within 100 days, he would declare slaves in areas under rebellion “forever free”.

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Natalio Pérez: Images from Nepal’s Maoist Congress

Posted by eric ribellarsi on January 15, 2013

These photos come to Kasama from Natalio Pérez, reporting for Winter Has Its End in Nepal. The Winter Has Its End team’s reporting will be coming shortly.

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Kasama to CPN-M: New beginnings on the communist road

Posted by Mike Ely on January 12, 2013

Liam Wright, participant in the Kasama project,  speaking at the opening of the national congress of Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist

Liam Wright, participant in the Kasama project, speaking at the opening of the national congress of Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (more photos to come)

The following letter was shared by some participants in Kasama with the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist at the start of their recent  national congress.

This meeting represented a regroupment of revolutionary forces who were previously part of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) — and who are straining to retake the revolutionary road.

From Participants in the Kasama Project

We would like offer our sincere thanks to the people of Nepal and to the Communists of Nepal for their great contributions to the world, to the cause of collective emancipation.

The revolution in Nepal has, from the onset of the people’s war, had a massive impact. It gave cause for the hopes and dreams of millions of the oppressed to take flight. It touched on the deeply felt need of millions of Nepalese people for liberation and an end to the old, well known poverty and isolation. The revolution here has brought hope to millions the world over who feared it may have become impossible to imagine revolution in today’s world. It has profoundly stirred the whole of the South Asian continent — which is vital for our hopes of world revolution.

Your recent difficult period – with your fight against the capitalist road and its representatives in your own party – is a welcome and much needed step.

For Maoists, it is no surprise to discover that there is two line struggle in great communist parties, or that the niceties of (what Mao called) “sugar-coated bullets” can corrupt some people, or that powerful forces can emerge who want to dismantle peoples power and the peoples armed forces. This is the nature of a revolutionary process. But what cannot be assumed is that people will take it up on themselves to oppose that, with the determination to form a new communist core.

Your fight against the capitalist road is extremely important for Nepal’s people – but also for all of us watching around the world.

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Posted in >> analysis of news, Liam Wright, Nepal, UCP Nepal (Maoist) | 23 Comments »

MXGM: Solidarity with Nepal’s Communist Regroupment

Posted by eric ribellarsi on January 11, 2013

logo_mxgmKasama will be sharing a series of statements in solidarity with the congress of the newly reconstituted Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist. Nepal’s Maoist revolutionaries have regrouped into a new revolutionary party. They are fighting to carve out a new revolutionary path in Nepal. This statement comes to Kasama from the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement.

Greetings of Solidarity from the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement to the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist.

The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) salutes you on the occasion of your Party 7th Congress.

The People’s War and the struggle for New Democracy in Nepal stand as one of the most fundamental contributions to world revolution in our time. We are heartened by your commitment to maintain and advance the struggle and not succumb to the illusions of Parliamentary democracy and the confines of the bourgeois state. We are clear, from our own painful struggles with neo-colonialism and comprador traitors, that we must remain vigilant against the dead ends of revisionism in its many guises.

The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) is an organization of people of Afrikan descent fighting for communism and the self-determination of colonized and oppressed peoples’ within the United States settler colonial empire. We are an integral part of the Black Liberation and Revolutionary Movement in the United States today, and have a long history of struggle going back to the 1960’s, with roots directly drawn from the Revolutionary Action Movement, the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika, the National Black Human Rights Coalition, and the New Afrikan People’s Organization.

People’s War is the road to final victory. We applaud your courage, conviction, and clarity in continuing its march.

Down with revisionism!
Forward to victory!

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
Sunday, January 6, 2013

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BASICS News: Solidarity from Canada to Nepal

Posted by eric ribellarsi on January 11, 2013

The following video of a speech of a comrade from BASICS News, a bi-monthly radical newspaper in Canada, to the Congress of the new formed Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist. Previously we posted the statement of the Revolutionary Initiative from Canada.

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RI: Solidarity with Nepal’s Communist Regroupment

Posted by eric ribellarsi on January 10, 2013

riKasama will be sharing a series of statements in solidarity with the congress of the newly reconstituted Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist. Nepal’s Maoist revolutionaries have regrouped into a new revolutionary party. They are fighting to carve out a new revolutionary path in Nepal. This statement comes to Kasama from the Revolutionary Initiative of Canada.

Revolutionary Initiative sends warm internationalist greetings to the Communist Party of Nepal – Maoist on the occasion of your 7th Congress.

The CPN-M Party has been a source of great inspiration to us revolutionary communists in Canada and throughout the entire International Communist Movememnt since the launch of the People’s War in Nepal.  Your bold and great example in carving out a new power for the people in Nepal stimulated the new vitality of the International Communist Movement throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s, when oppressed and exploited peoples of the world were being told that communism was a failure and that capitalist was the “end of history”.

The CPN-M’s’ creative approach to Maoism, your firm basis amongst the masses, your reliance on concrete study of concrete conditions, and the very open manner in which your Party has conducted its two-line struggle has provided an invaluable examples of how revolutionaries around the world can work to break with both dogmatism and revisionism in their many forms and carry the revolution forward.  We also recognize the great sacrifices that your Party has had to make and we pay homage to the great comrades and fighters that were martyred or injured during the People’s War.

We have watched for years with profound sorrow and concern as some of your former comrade leaders of the United Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist capitulated to imperialism and Indian expansionism; but we were are greatly inspired by your Party’s ability to reconstitute itself on a revolutionary basis.  It is our great hope that your Party will be able to emerge from the current crossroads and lead the transformation of Nepalese society and by doing so greatly advance the cause of revolution in South Asia and around the world.

As this statement is being read here in Nepal today, one of the most significant movements in decades is developing within Canada’s borders right now, a movement spreading as fast as the Occupy movement and the “Arab Spring” before it. This is a movement encompassing the dozens of nations of Indigenous peoples that long preceded the European colonization of the Americas and by any means necessary will long outlive this past five hundred years of European colonization of the Americas up to the present day imperialist world system. Read the rest of this entry »

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