Thanks, But No.

12 01 2016

Your Blogmeister’s Hotel Room

Call me clairvoyant if you want.  I just happen to think that clairvoyance is just a synonym for paying close attention, being sufficiently cynical and not drinking anyone’s Kool-Aid.

A Preview of a Morrow Coming Attraction

12 01 2016

Downtown; Clayton; Jefferson City

“We did everything we could.”

This is more or less what they will say at tomorrow’s press conference.

Well That’s Easy

12 01 2016


Fox 59 Indianapolis:

Indiana’s gun laws are again in the spotlight here and nationwide after some recent remarks by President Obama.

The president blamed Indiana’s gun laws for gun violence in Chicago during a town hall meeting Thursday. The comments echoed similar ones he made in October.

“Well, the problem is, is that about 30, 40 percent of those guns are coming from Indiana, across the border, where there are much laxer laws,” President Obama said.

Well then using that logic, all of Indiana should be a crime ridden hell hole, because that’s where the evil undocumented transactions are happening.

But, we already know that Indiana has magic dirt, and certain parts of Chicago have tragic dirt.

Or, maybe Trump’s great wall should go between Illinois and Indiana, not the United States and Mexico.  Or better yet, it should go around certain parts of Chicago, almost making those parts an open air prison.

Name That Tune

12 01 2016


Let’s get it, peanut gallery.

What in this busts a bromide advanced by many urban politicians?

Read carefully.

State of the Onion

12 01 2016

Washington, D.C.; Columbia, South Carolina

A non-white giving both the SOTU and the Republican response.

Yay, Amurrika.

Some Time Tonight

12 01 2016


P-D feed.  When it happens, it’ll be the first to tell.

While the subcommittee of owners considering L.A. relocation and stadium proposals recommended Carson over Inglewood with a 5-1 vote earlier today, the first vote of all the owners had Inglewood with a 20-12 lead over Carson, which mean Kroenke only needs to find four more votes, which he probably will by tonight.

I anticipate that tonight, he’ll get his 24, and they’ll grease the skids with Spanos and the pro-Carson people to get enough to flip by promising to plow the $1.1 billion of relocation fees that the league will get from Kroenke and Spanos into the war chest to build Carson, which should help grease that proposal’s own political skids, as it’s going to rely on a fair amount of public money.  Which means the Rams in Inglewood and the Chargers in Carson, both with their new buildings.  In fact, both venues could be done at about the same time, which means that Spanos will never have to be a tenant of Kroenke’s, and the only thing they’ll have to share are the temporary accommodations at The Coliseum.

Donald’s FUD, Revisited

12 01 2016


I wrote in this space last week that Trump’s slick rhetoric about Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be President based on the “natural born citizen” clause was him spreading FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) about Cruz.  FUD is a tactic that Microsoft turned into an art form awhile back to use against its actual or perceived threats.

I wasn’t happy with Trump doing this at first, because Trump’s Obama birtherism killed his nascent 2012 campaign back in the summer of 2011.  However, I’m starting to change my mind about at least the effectiveness of the tactic; I think Trump learned from the first go-around, and is a lot more sly and clever about deploying it this time.  And the other factor is this:  Judge the results.  People are actually arguing the yeas and nays of Cruz’s eligibility, and Cruz’s poll numbers both in Iowa and nationally are going down.  I don’t think Trump cares about the actual answer to eligible or no as much as he cares that people are arguing about it in the first place, the argument creates the FUD which hurts Cruz.

I also now think that Trump’s birther FUD re Cruz is a backhanded under the table attempt to get a mulligan at the Obama birther issue.


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