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Voa News | 2016-01-09

Central Africans in Diaspora Praise Recent CAR Elections

Mariama Diallo After years of unrest, the Central African Republic recently observed peaceful elections. Now, two candidates and former prime ministers, Anicet...

Yahoo Daily News | 2016-01-08

How apprehended refugees could reshape Germany's asylyum debate

Two asylum seekers have been arrested and more than a dozen others are suspected in connection with the recent attack on women in Cologne, further intensifying...

Mashable | 2016-01-08

German Inventor's 'Sperm Switch' Could Be Male Contraceptive Device

A German inventor has come up with a “sperm switch,” which could serve as a male contraceptive device and an alternative to vasectomy, according to Mashable.... | 2016-01-08

New Sound Wave Discovery May Lead To Needle-Less Vaccinations Via Nebulizer

Australian researchers have announced a breakthrough that “sounds” like it could change medicine forever with a revolutionary discovery that can deliver...

The Guardian | 2016-01-08

Copies of Hitler's Mein Kampf go on sale in Germany for first time in 70 years

Expired copyright leads team of researchers to produce annotated version of text that formed the basis for Nazism...

Open Minds Worldwide

Creators Syndicate | 2016-01-10

Is Obama a Threat to the 2nd Amendment?

In the old Charles Atlas ad, a 97-pound weakling lounging on the beach gets sand kicked in his face...

Alternet | 2016-01-10

Ted Cruz Goes Into Full Creep Mode

Celebrating tears trutherism and child abuse! President Obama's emotional plea for action on gun...

Alternet | 2016-01-09

How Vibrators Have Become Ambitious Tech Products

The vibrator’s long, slow march from taboo to mainstream (and maybe even cool) has been all about...

The Washington Post | 2016-01-09

How the NRA slimed CNN on Fox News

At Thursday night’s CNN town hall event on guns, President Obama ripped the National Rifle...

Alternet | 2016-01-09

1 Year After Hebdo Attack, Satirists Still Take Risks Media Won't

Irony, snarky comedy and satire still remain our best weapons against political folly and media...