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1,058 jobs available in Darwin

Darwin has a population of approximately 129, 062 and is the capital of the Northern Territory. It's location at the very top of Australia has enabled Darwin to be act as a significant link to South East Asia, particularly in regards to East Timor and Indonesia. Mostly, it experiences warm to hot weather and is also subject to a cyclone season and monsoons.

The city has twice been practically, entirely rebuilt. The first time because of Japanese air raids during World War Two and the second time due to Cyclone Tracy which savaged the city in 1974. This means that Darwin is actually one of Australia's more modern capitals.

Darwin has many, beautiful beaches but is also home to deadly box-jellyfish, seen from October-May. Saltwater crocodiles are also commonly seen creatures that swim about in the various waterways around Darwin and have even been spotted in the Harbour or local beaches.

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