Based in Irvine, California, REPTILES magazine is a North American consumer magazine dedicated to the reptile and amphibian pet hobby, specializing in the keeping and breeding of these animals.
Fancy Publications, later BowTie Inc., launched the magazine in October 1993. After a year of publishing bimonthly, REPTILES went monthly in December 1994 due to the more widespread keeping of reptiles and amphibians as pets and the resulting increasing popularity of the magazine.
Tips and information on keeping and breeding different herps usually make up the bulk of an issue’s feature articles, but other article topics frequently include field herping, reptile and amphibian health, conservation, and current trends in the hobby. Many contests are held for readers, as well, sponsored by a variety of reptile product manufacturers who provide prizes.
Although popular pet animals, such as bearded dragons, corn snakes, red-eared sliders, leopard geckos, crested geckos, Pac Man frogs, ball pythons, red-footed tortoises and many other common species often appear in the magazine, REPTILES also publishes articles about less commonly kept animals, such as Asian box turtles, Aldabra giant tortoises, various types of chameleons, black headed pythons, and occasionally venomous snakes and crocodilians.