Koguri's xianbei conquest BC 9 《고구려 선비족 토벌 鮮卑族討伐》
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족 토벌 ← AD3국내성 천도 ;14고구려의현 점령 18 대무신왕 즉위...
The difference between Xianbei(Senbi) and Buyeo 선비족과 부여족의 차이점
백제의 멸망과 야마도왕국의 새 역사 만들기 (Fall of the Baekje Kingdom and Creating a New History of the Yamato Kingdom) http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD∣=sec&si...;
POD 3 Xianbei N Wei Dynasty and Sinification
Course lecture 13-1.
Hong Ri 红日 - Legand of Xian Bei Mountain 鲜卑山的故事
Mongolia History and Origin of Mongol Tribe (Shiwei/Tatar/Mongol) Peoples
Shiwei (simplified Chinese: 室韦; traditional Chinese: 室韋; pinyin: Shìwěi; Wade--Giles: Shih4-wei3) were a Mongolic people that inhabited far-eastern Mongolia,...
중국 오호 십육국 시대 Sixteen Kingdoms of China, (Xianbei Kingdoms)
Course lecture 13-1.
내륙 분열 오호십육국.
부여(기원전 2세기 ~ 494년)는 삼국시대 한민족의 고대국가로 여겨지는 초기 국가(연맹 왕국)들 중 하나로, 지금의 쑹화강 유역을 중심으로 지금의...
A 12-Week Academic Semester in China - Five weeks immersed in language and culture study in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province - One week serving orphanages and ...
선비족이 북쪽을 통일할 때까지 5호가 할거하여 모두 16국〔북위 최호가 지은 『16국춘추(十六國春秋)』에서 비롯〕을 세웠다고 하여 '5호 16국...
흉노와 고구려 前 KIST 교수 이종호 박사 1부 흉노와
Xianbei N Wei Sinification
jay chou karoke yi lu xian bei
jay chou karoke yi lu xian bei.
09202015 Xianbei Bret Nine Abiding Minds
Xianbei Cheng-Chih August 17th 2014
Sunday Dharma Talk at MABA - "The Gotra and its Cultivation"
Хүннү Сяньби, Монгол Түрүг Xiongnu Xianbei, Mongol Gokturk
Бяцхан Монгол бөх.
Xianbei Bret July 20th 2014
Sunday Dharma Talk at MABA "Stream-Entry"
XianBei Biscuit Packing Video 1
How to Pronounce Xianbei
This video shows you how to pronounce Xianbei
03292015 Xianbei Bret Thich Nhat Hanh The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching
Who Is Tengri / Tanri ? The Ancient God Of The Turks
Tengri ( Modern Turkish: Tanrı; Proto-Turkic *teŋri / *taŋrɨ; Mongolian script: ᠲᠨᠭᠷᠢ, Tngri; Modern Mongolian: Тэнгэр, Tenger), is one of the names for the primary chief deity since the early Turkic (Xiongnu, Hunnic, Bulgar) and Mongolic (Xianbei) peoples.
Worship of Tengri is Tengrism. The core beings in Tengrism are Sky-Father (Tengri/Tenger Etseg) and Earth Mother (Eje/Gazar Eej). It involves
☯ The Most Epic Battle Donnie Yen vs Army HD ☯
An Empress and the Warriors: he film is set in ancient China, probably during the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, when China was divided into a number of riv...
History of Northern Qi Top 6 Facts
Facts : 1 History The Chinese state of Northern Qi was the successor state of the Chinese/Xianbei state of Eastern Wei and was founded by Emperor Wenxuan
Facts : 2 Emperor Wenxuan had a Han Chinese father Gao Huan, and a Xianbei mother, Lou Zhaojun
Facts : 3 As Eastern Wei s paramount general Gao Huan was succeeded by his sons Gao Cheng and Gao Yang, who took the throne from Emperor Xiaojing of Ea
The impact of nomadic people from Central Asia on chinese history throughout millenias
Mongols existed long before Cingggis Khan...they had other names along their history NB1: While the (proto) mongolic nature of the Donghu and Xianbei is wide...
China was enslaved for 2000 years.
China was enslaved for 2000 years.
Even the Chinese F word was from Mongolian language, sorry to mention this.
1) Chinese were enslaved by mongol, manchu, xianbei, Khitan, Jurchen empires.
Genghis khan's law, killing a chinese = killing a donkey,
Sorry to mention this.
Kublai Khan (The first Mongolian ruler of china) said: what is the use of chinese Sorry to mention this.
2)Just before mongol,
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치. 베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 7편 - 신라구원전과 후연의...
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 6편 - 광개토왕의 즉위와 백제 정벌
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족...
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 1편 - 고구려의 등장.
Great Backje World Festival 세계대백제전 KOREA Great Backje World Festival 세계대백제전 KOREA 世界大百濟展 -충청남도 부여 buyeo , South chungnam ...
석촌동 백제초기 적석총 Ancient Baekje Tombs at Suk Chon Dong, Seoul Oct. 3. 2013.
Koguri's xianbei conquest BC 9 《고구려 선비족 토벌 鮮卑族討伐》
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족 토벌 ← AD3국내성 천도 ;14고구려의현 점령 18 대무신왕 즉위......
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족 토벌 ← AD3국내성 천도 ;14고구려의현 점령 18 대무신왕 즉위...
wn.com/Koguri's Xianbei Conquest Bc 9 《고구려 선비족 토벌 鮮卑族討伐》
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족 토벌 ← AD3국내성 천도 ;14고구려의현 점령 18 대무신왕 즉위...
The difference between Xianbei(Senbi) and Buyeo 선비족과 부여족의 차이점
백제의 멸망과 야마도왕국의 새 역사 만들기 (Fall of the Baekje Kingdom and Creating a New History of the Yamato Kingdom) http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD∣=sec&si......;
백제의 멸망과 야마도왕국의 새 역사 만들기 (Fall of the Baekje Kingdom and Creating a New History of the Yamato Kingdom) http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD∣=sec&si...;
wn.com/The Difference Between Xianbei(Senbi) And Buyeo 선비족과 부여족의 차이점
백제의 멸망과 야마도왕국의 새 역사 만들기 (Fall of the Baekje Kingdom and Creating a New History of the Yamato Kingdom) http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD∣=sec&si...;
Mongolia History and Origin of Mongol Tribe (Shiwei/Tatar/Mongol) Peoples
Shiwei (simplified Chinese: 室韦; traditional Chinese: 室韋; pinyin: Shìwěi; Wade--Giles: Shih4-wei3) were a Mongolic people that inhabited far-eastern Mongolia,......
Shiwei (simplified Chinese: 室韦; traditional Chinese: 室韋; pinyin: Shìwěi; Wade--Giles: Shih4-wei3) were a Mongolic people that inhabited far-eastern Mongolia,...
wn.com/Mongolia History And Origin Of Mongol Tribe (Shiwei Tatar Mongol) Peoples
Shiwei (simplified Chinese: 室韦; traditional Chinese: 室韋; pinyin: Shìwěi; Wade--Giles: Shih4-wei3) were a Mongolic people that inhabited far-eastern Mongolia,...
중국 오호 십육국 시대 Sixteen Kingdoms of China, (Xianbei Kingdoms)
Course lecture 13-1.
내륙 분열 오호십육국.
부여(기원전 2세기 ~ 494년)는 삼국시대 한민족의 고대국가로 여겨지는 초기 국가(연맹 왕국)들 중 하나로, 지금의 쑹화강 유역을 중심으로 지금의...
A 12-Week Academic Semester in Chi...
Course lecture 13-1.
내륙 분열 오호십육국.
부여(기원전 2세기 ~ 494년)는 삼국시대 한민족의 고대국가로 여겨지는 초기 국가(연맹 왕국)들 중 하나로, 지금의 쑹화강 유역을 중심으로 지금의...
A 12-Week Academic Semester in China - Five weeks immersed in language and culture study in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province - One week serving orphanages and ...
선비족이 북쪽을 통일할 때까지 5호가 할거하여 모두 16국〔북위 최호가 지은 『16국춘추(十六國春秋)』에서 비롯〕을 세웠다고 하여 '5호 16국...
흉노와 고구려 前 KIST 교수 이종호 박사 1부 흉노와 사상 최강의 고구려 고구려는 만주를 최초로 지배한...
1. 삭소뱅크 충격 예언 5 - UKIP 압도적 득표 - 코코아 선물 급등 - 아마존 해킹 사고 - 드라기 총재 사퇴 - 위안화 20% 절하 2. 집중 분석 : 제조업...
美 "북한ㆍ러시아ㆍ이란ㆍ중국 4대 위협국" [앵커] 미국에서 '2015 군사전략 보고서'가 공개됐는데요. 러시아, 이란, 중국과 함께 북한이...
study Chinese in china, learn Chinese in china, learning Chinese in china, study mandarin in china, learn mandarin in china, Chinese l
중국 오호 십육국 시대 Sixteen Kingdoms of China, (Xianbei Kingdoms)
중국 오호 십육국 시대 Sixteen Kingdoms of China, (Xianbei Kingdoms)
wn.com/중국 오호 십육국 시대 Sixteen Kingdoms Of China, (Xianbei Kingdoms)
Course lecture 13-1.
내륙 분열 오호십육국.
부여(기원전 2세기 ~ 494년)는 삼국시대 한민족의 고대국가로 여겨지는 초기 국가(연맹 왕국)들 중 하나로, 지금의 쑹화강 유역을 중심으로 지금의...
A 12-Week Academic Semester in China - Five weeks immersed in language and culture study in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province - One week serving orphanages and ...
선비족이 북쪽을 통일할 때까지 5호가 할거하여 모두 16국〔북위 최호가 지은 『16국춘추(十六國春秋)』에서 비롯〕을 세웠다고 하여 '5호 16국...
흉노와 고구려 前 KIST 교수 이종호 박사 1부 흉노와 사상 최강의 고구려 고구려는 만주를 최초로 지배한...
1. 삭소뱅크 충격 예언 5 - UKIP 압도적 득표 - 코코아 선물 급등 - 아마존 해킹 사고 - 드라기 총재 사퇴 - 위안화 20% 절하 2. 집중 분석 : 제조업...
美 "북한ㆍ러시아ㆍ이란ㆍ중국 4대 위협국" [앵커] 미국에서 '2015 군사전략 보고서'가 공개됐는데요. 러시아, 이란, 중국과 함께 북한이...
study Chinese in china, learn Chinese in china, learning Chinese in china, study mandarin in china, learn mandarin in china, Chinese l
중국 오호 십육국 시대 Sixteen Kingdoms of China, (Xianbei Kingdoms)
중국 오호 십육국 시대 Sixteen Kingdoms of China, (Xianbei Kingdoms)
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 11
Xianbei Cheng-Chih August 17th 2014
Sunday Dharma Talk at MABA - "The Gotra and its Cultivation"...
Sunday Dharma Talk at MABA - "The Gotra and its Cultivation"
wn.com/Xianbei Cheng Chih August 17Th 2014
Sunday Dharma Talk at MABA - "The Gotra and its Cultivation"
Xianbei Bret July 20th 2014
Sunday Dharma Talk at MABA "Stream-Entry"...
Sunday Dharma Talk at MABA "Stream-Entry"
wn.com/Xianbei Bret July 20Th 2014
Sunday Dharma Talk at MABA "Stream-Entry"
How to Pronounce Xianbei
This video shows you how to pronounce Xianbei...
This video shows you how to pronounce Xianbei
wn.com/How To Pronounce Xianbei
This video shows you how to pronounce Xianbei
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 4
Who Is Tengri / Tanri ? The Ancient God Of The Turks
Tengri ( Modern Turkish: Tanrı; Proto-Turkic *teŋri / *taŋrɨ; Mongolian script: ᠲᠨᠭᠷᠢ, Tngri; Modern Mongolian: Тэнгэр, Tenger), is one of the names for the pri...
Tengri ( Modern Turkish: Tanrı; Proto-Turkic *teŋri / *taŋrɨ; Mongolian script: ᠲᠨᠭᠷᠢ, Tngri; Modern Mongolian: Тэнгэр, Tenger), is one of the names for the primary chief deity since the early Turkic (Xiongnu, Hunnic, Bulgar) and Mongolic (Xianbei) peoples.
Worship of Tengri is Tengrism. The core beings in Tengrism are Sky-Father (Tengri/Tenger Etseg) and Earth Mother (Eje/Gazar Eej). It involves shamanism, animism, totemism and ancestor worship.
The oldest form of the name is recorded in Chinese annals from the 4th century BC, describing the beliefs of the Xiongnu. It takes the form 撑犁/Cheng-li, which is hypothesized to be a Chinese transcription of Tängri. (The Proto-Turkic form of the word has been reconstructed as *Teŋri or *Taŋrɨ.) Alternatively, a reconstructed Altaic etymology from *T`aŋgiri ("oath" or "god") would emphasize the god's divinity rather than his domain over the sky.
The Turkic form, Tengri, is attested in the 11th century by Mahmud al-Kashgari. In modern Turkish, the derived word "Tanrı" is used as the generic word for "god", or for the Abrahamic God, and is used today by Turkish people to refer to God. The supreme deity of the traditional religion of the Chuvash is Tură.
Other reflexes of the name in modern languages include Mongolian: Тэнгэр ("sky"), Bulgarian: Тангра, Azerbaijani: Tanrı. The Chinese word for "sky" 天 (Mandarin: tiān, Classical Chinese: thīn and Japanese Han Dynasty loanword ten may also be related, possibly a loan from a prehistoric Central Asian language.
According to Dimitrov (1987),Aspandiat is the name given to Tengri by the Persians
Tengri was the national god of the Göktürks, described as the "god of the Turks" (Türük Tängrisi). The Göktürk khans based their power on a mandate from Tengri. These rulers were generally accepted as the sons of Tengri who represented him on Earth. They wore titles such as tengrikut, kutluġ or kutalmysh, based on the belief that they attained the kut, the mighty spirit granted to these rulers by Tengri.
Tengri was the chief deity worshipped by the ruling class of the Central Asian steppe peoples in 6th to 9th centuries (Turkic peoples, Mongols and Hungarians). It lost its importance when the Uighuric kagans proclaimed Manichaeism the state religion in the 8th century. The worship of Tengri was brought into Eastern Europe by the Huns and early Bulgars. It lost its importance when the Uighuric kagans proclaimed Manichaeism the state religion in the 8th century.
Tengri is considered to be the chief god who created all things. In addition to this celestial god, they also had minor divinities that served the purposes of Tengri. As Gök Tanrı, he was the father of the sun (Koyash) and moon (Ay Tanrı) and also Umay, Erlik, and sometimes Ülgen.
Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere. Tengri is considered to be strikingly similar to the Indo-European sky god, *Dyeus, and the structure of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European religion is closer to that of the early Turks than to the religion of any people of Near Eastern or Mediterranean antiquity.
The most important contemporary testimony of Tengri worship is found in the Old Turkic Orkhon inscriptions, dated to the early 8th century. Written in the so-called Orkhon script, these inscriptions record an account of the mythological origins of the Turks. The inscription dedicated to Kul Tigin includes the passages (in the translation provided by the Language Committee of Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan): "When the blue sky [Tengri] above and the brown earth below were created, between them a human being was created. Over the human beings, my ancestors Bumin Kagan and Istemi Kagan ruled. They ruled people by Turkish laws, they led them and succeeded" (face 1, line 1); "Tengri creates death. Human beings have all been created in order to die" (face 2, line 9); "You passed away (lit.: 'went flying') until Tengri gives you life again" (face 2, line 14).
wn.com/Who Is Tengri Tanri The Ancient God Of The Turks
Tengri ( Modern Turkish: Tanrı; Proto-Turkic *teŋri / *taŋrɨ; Mongolian script: ᠲᠨᠭᠷᠢ, Tngri; Modern Mongolian: Тэнгэр, Tenger), is one of the names for the primary chief deity since the early Turkic (Xiongnu, Hunnic, Bulgar) and Mongolic (Xianbei) peoples.
Worship of Tengri is Tengrism. The core beings in Tengrism are Sky-Father (Tengri/Tenger Etseg) and Earth Mother (Eje/Gazar Eej). It involves shamanism, animism, totemism and ancestor worship.
The oldest form of the name is recorded in Chinese annals from the 4th century BC, describing the beliefs of the Xiongnu. It takes the form 撑犁/Cheng-li, which is hypothesized to be a Chinese transcription of Tängri. (The Proto-Turkic form of the word has been reconstructed as *Teŋri or *Taŋrɨ.) Alternatively, a reconstructed Altaic etymology from *T`aŋgiri ("oath" or "god") would emphasize the god's divinity rather than his domain over the sky.
The Turkic form, Tengri, is attested in the 11th century by Mahmud al-Kashgari. In modern Turkish, the derived word "Tanrı" is used as the generic word for "god", or for the Abrahamic God, and is used today by Turkish people to refer to God. The supreme deity of the traditional religion of the Chuvash is Tură.
Other reflexes of the name in modern languages include Mongolian: Тэнгэр ("sky"), Bulgarian: Тангра, Azerbaijani: Tanrı. The Chinese word for "sky" 天 (Mandarin: tiān, Classical Chinese: thīn and Japanese Han Dynasty loanword ten may also be related, possibly a loan from a prehistoric Central Asian language.
According to Dimitrov (1987),Aspandiat is the name given to Tengri by the Persians
Tengri was the national god of the Göktürks, described as the "god of the Turks" (Türük Tängrisi). The Göktürk khans based their power on a mandate from Tengri. These rulers were generally accepted as the sons of Tengri who represented him on Earth. They wore titles such as tengrikut, kutluġ or kutalmysh, based on the belief that they attained the kut, the mighty spirit granted to these rulers by Tengri.
Tengri was the chief deity worshipped by the ruling class of the Central Asian steppe peoples in 6th to 9th centuries (Turkic peoples, Mongols and Hungarians). It lost its importance when the Uighuric kagans proclaimed Manichaeism the state religion in the 8th century. The worship of Tengri was brought into Eastern Europe by the Huns and early Bulgars. It lost its importance when the Uighuric kagans proclaimed Manichaeism the state religion in the 8th century.
Tengri is considered to be the chief god who created all things. In addition to this celestial god, they also had minor divinities that served the purposes of Tengri. As Gök Tanrı, he was the father of the sun (Koyash) and moon (Ay Tanrı) and also Umay, Erlik, and sometimes Ülgen.
Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere. Tengri is considered to be strikingly similar to the Indo-European sky god, *Dyeus, and the structure of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European religion is closer to that of the early Turks than to the religion of any people of Near Eastern or Mediterranean antiquity.
The most important contemporary testimony of Tengri worship is found in the Old Turkic Orkhon inscriptions, dated to the early 8th century. Written in the so-called Orkhon script, these inscriptions record an account of the mythological origins of the Turks. The inscription dedicated to Kul Tigin includes the passages (in the translation provided by the Language Committee of Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan): "When the blue sky [Tengri] above and the brown earth below were created, between them a human being was created. Over the human beings, my ancestors Bumin Kagan and Istemi Kagan ruled. They ruled people by Turkish laws, they led them and succeeded" (face 1, line 1); "Tengri creates death. Human beings have all been created in order to die" (face 2, line 9); "You passed away (lit.: 'went flying') until Tengri gives you life again" (face 2, line 14).
- published: 03 Jun 2015
- views: 1
☯ The Most Epic Battle Donnie Yen vs Army HD ☯
An Empress and the Warriors: he film is set in ancient China, probably during the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, when China was divided into a number of riv......
An Empress and the Warriors: he film is set in ancient China, probably during the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, when China was divided into a number of riv...
wn.com/☯ The Most Epic Battle Donnie Yen Vs Army Hd ☯
An Empress and the Warriors: he film is set in ancient China, probably during the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, when China was divided into a number of riv...
History of Northern Qi Top 6 Facts
Facts : 1 History The Chinese state of Northern Qi was the successor state of the Chinese/Xianbei state of Eastern Wei and was founded by Emperor Wenxuan
Facts ...
Facts : 1 History The Chinese state of Northern Qi was the successor state of the Chinese/Xianbei state of Eastern Wei and was founded by Emperor Wenxuan
Facts : 2 Emperor Wenxuan had a Han Chinese father Gao Huan, and a Xianbei mother, Lou Zhaojun
Facts : 3 As Eastern Wei s paramount general Gao Huan was succeeded by his sons Gao Cheng and Gao Yang, who took the throne from Emperor Xiaojing of Eastern Wei in 550 and established Northern Qi as Emperor Wenxuan
Facts : 4 Although Northern Qi was plagued by violence and/or incompetent emperors (Emperor Wenxuan, Emperor Wucheng, and Gao Wei), corrupt officials, and deteriorating armies for most of its existence, it was the strongest state of the three main Chinese states (along with Northern Zhou state and Chen Dynasty) when it was established
Facts : 5 Emperor Wenxuan s son Gao Shaoyi, the Prince of Fanyang, under protection by Tujue, later declared himself the emperor of Northern Qi in exile, but was turned over by Tujue to Northern Zhou in 580 and exiled to modern Sichuan
Facts : 6 It is a matter of controversy whether Gao Shaoyi should properly be considered a Northern Qi emperor, but in any case the year 577 is generally considered by historians as the ending date for Northern Qi
wn.com/History Of Northern Qi Top 6 Facts
Facts : 1 History The Chinese state of Northern Qi was the successor state of the Chinese/Xianbei state of Eastern Wei and was founded by Emperor Wenxuan
Facts : 2 Emperor Wenxuan had a Han Chinese father Gao Huan, and a Xianbei mother, Lou Zhaojun
Facts : 3 As Eastern Wei s paramount general Gao Huan was succeeded by his sons Gao Cheng and Gao Yang, who took the throne from Emperor Xiaojing of Eastern Wei in 550 and established Northern Qi as Emperor Wenxuan
Facts : 4 Although Northern Qi was plagued by violence and/or incompetent emperors (Emperor Wenxuan, Emperor Wucheng, and Gao Wei), corrupt officials, and deteriorating armies for most of its existence, it was the strongest state of the three main Chinese states (along with Northern Zhou state and Chen Dynasty) when it was established
Facts : 5 Emperor Wenxuan s son Gao Shaoyi, the Prince of Fanyang, under protection by Tujue, later declared himself the emperor of Northern Qi in exile, but was turned over by Tujue to Northern Zhou in 580 and exiled to modern Sichuan
Facts : 6 It is a matter of controversy whether Gao Shaoyi should properly be considered a Northern Qi emperor, but in any case the year 577 is generally considered by historians as the ending date for Northern Qi
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 0
The impact of nomadic people from Central Asia on chinese history throughout millenias
Mongols existed long before Cingggis Khan...they had other names along their history NB1: While the (proto) mongolic nature of the Donghu and Xianbei is wide......
Mongols existed long before Cingggis Khan...they had other names along their history NB1: While the (proto) mongolic nature of the Donghu and Xianbei is wide...
wn.com/The Impact Of Nomadic People From Central Asia On Chinese History Throughout Millenias
Mongols existed long before Cingggis Khan...they had other names along their history NB1: While the (proto) mongolic nature of the Donghu and Xianbei is wide...
China was enslaved for 2000 years.
China was enslaved for 2000 years.
Even the Chinese F word was from Mongolian language, sorry to mention this.
1) Chinese were enslaved by mongol, manchu, xian...
China was enslaved for 2000 years.
Even the Chinese F word was from Mongolian language, sorry to mention this.
1) Chinese were enslaved by mongol, manchu, xianbei, Khitan, Jurchen empires.
Genghis khan's law, killing a chinese = killing a donkey,
Sorry to mention this.
Kublai Khan (The first Mongolian ruler of china) said: what is the use of chinese Sorry to mention this.
2)Just before mongol, jurchen was the master of china for about 100 years.
Jurchen defeated china and took two chinese kings as slaves.
Men of chinese royal family were sold into slavery in exchange for horses with a ratio of ten men for one horse.
Jingkang Incident - Wikipedia
The population rate was less than 1 million jurchens VS 100 millions Chinese.
3) Mongols ruled china for about 100 years,
Mongol conquest of the Song dynasty - Wikipedia
In all places ruled by mongols, Chinese were the lowest class, the 4th class.
The population rate was less than 1 million mongols VS 100 millions Chinese.
4) After china gained its freedom.
Mongols defeated china again and took a chinese king.
Tumu Crisis - Wikipedia
5) Manchus ruled china for 300 years till 1911.
Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia
The population rate was 100,000,000 chinese VS 1.000.000 manchus.
A small American and European army took Beijing easily in 1900.
Eight-Nation Alliance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6) Japan invaded china (1937-1945), and killed tens millions chinese. (The highest figure is 32 million.)
Three millions chinese women were ….ed.
Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia
Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
In WWII, japan took the chinese capital and lost only 2000 soldiers.
Battle of Nanking - Wikipedia
All Chinese big cities were ruled by japan in WWII, included Beijing, shanghai.
Russia and USA saved China.
US killed 1 million Japanese soldiers and lost 100,000.
wn.com/China Was Enslaved For 2000 Years.
China was enslaved for 2000 years.
Even the Chinese F word was from Mongolian language, sorry to mention this.
1) Chinese were enslaved by mongol, manchu, xianbei, Khitan, Jurchen empires.
Genghis khan's law, killing a chinese = killing a donkey,
Sorry to mention this.
Kublai Khan (The first Mongolian ruler of china) said: what is the use of chinese Sorry to mention this.
2)Just before mongol, jurchen was the master of china for about 100 years.
Jurchen defeated china and took two chinese kings as slaves.
Men of chinese royal family were sold into slavery in exchange for horses with a ratio of ten men for one horse.
Jingkang Incident - Wikipedia
The population rate was less than 1 million jurchens VS 100 millions Chinese.
3) Mongols ruled china for about 100 years,
Mongol conquest of the Song dynasty - Wikipedia
In all places ruled by mongols, Chinese were the lowest class, the 4th class.
The population rate was less than 1 million mongols VS 100 millions Chinese.
4) After china gained its freedom.
Mongols defeated china again and took a chinese king.
Tumu Crisis - Wikipedia
5) Manchus ruled china for 300 years till 1911.
Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia
The population rate was 100,000,000 chinese VS 1.000.000 manchus.
A small American and European army took Beijing easily in 1900.
Eight-Nation Alliance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6) Japan invaded china (1937-1945), and killed tens millions chinese. (The highest figure is 32 million.)
Three millions chinese women were ….ed.
Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia
Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia
In WWII, japan took the chinese capital and lost only 2000 soldiers.
Battle of Nanking - Wikipedia
All Chinese big cities were ruled by japan in WWII, included Beijing, shanghai.
Russia and USA saved China.
US killed 1 million Japanese soldiers and lost 100,000.
- published: 25 Dec 2015
- views: 10
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리...
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치. 베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 7편 - 신라구원전과 후연의...
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
wn.com/베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치. 베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 7편 - 신라구원전과 후연의...
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 0
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 6편 - 광개토왕의 즉위와 백제 정벌
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족...
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌....
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족...
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 1편 - 고구려의 등장.
Great Backje World Festival 세계대백제전 KOREA Great Backje World Festival 세계대백제전 KOREA 世界大百濟展 -충청남도 부여 buyeo , South chungnam ...
석촌동 백제초기 적석총 Ancient Baekje Tombs at Suk Chon Dong, Seoul Oct. 3. 2013.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치.
공식홈페이지 : EBS, Korean History, 2007-09-22, 한성백제 비밀의 문, 풍납토성 오랫동안 베일에 가려져 있던 백제 초기의 도읍이 풍납토성...
part1. (엄마rap) 공주도 탈수이써어~ 나레이션(다흰): 왕자님이 말을 태워주는거야. (엄마rap) 같이탈수 있는거야 (다흰rap) 와하아~공주님이 나가신다하하흐 공주님 ...
김선일한국화화실 2013 한성백제박물관 견학01 /백제 비석 서울,2천년 고도로 다시 서다. 한성백제박물관은 대한민국 역사상 처음
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 6편 - 광개토왕의 즉위와 백제 정벌
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 6편 - 광개토왕의 즉위와 백제 정벌
wn.com/베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 6편 광개토왕의 즉위와 백제 정벌
Goguryeo (Yuri king) and Senbi tribe (Xianbei) BC 37년 주몽 고구려 건국 36 비류국 정복 32 행인국 정복 28 복옥저 멸망 19 유리왕 즉위 17 황조가 지음 9 선비족...
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 2편 - 대무신왕 무휼과 낙랑정벌.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 1편 - 고구려의 등장.
Great Backje World Festival 세계대백제전 KOREA Great Backje World Festival 세계대백제전 KOREA 世界大百濟展 -충청남도 부여 buyeo , South chungnam ...
석촌동 백제초기 적석총 Ancient Baekje Tombs at Suk Chon Dong, Seoul Oct. 3. 2013.
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치.
공식홈페이지 : EBS, Korean History, 2007-09-22, 한성백제 비밀의 문, 풍납토성 오랫동안 베일에 가려져 있던 백제 초기의 도읍이 풍납토성...
part1. (엄마rap) 공주도 탈수이써어~ 나레이션(다흰): 왕자님이 말을 태워주는거야. (엄마rap) 같이탈수 있는거야 (다흰rap) 와하아~공주님이 나가신다하하흐 공주님 ...
김선일한국화화실 2013 한성백제박물관 견학01 /백제 비석 서울,2천년 고도로 다시 서다. 한성백제박물관은 대한민국 역사상 처음
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 6편 - 광개토왕의 즉위와 백제 정벌
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 6편 - 광개토왕의 즉위와 백제 정벌
- published: 29 Jul 2015
- views: 2
Eastern China was part of Baekje, Korea 중공(中共)은 한민족 식민지 5/7
broadcasted in Dec, 2003 0:24 Record about Baekje in section 'Baekje' in [History of southern dynasty (Nan Qi), 479~502] : Hundreds of thousands of Northern ...
Daoist Master Interview
China 中共 and Southern Asia were colony of Baekje, Korea 중공은 한민족 식민지 7/7
Broadcasted in Dec, 2003 **** 0:01 interview with a Zhungzu man : It is kind of superstition. Every full-moon day, people get together around the tree and pe...
[MV] Super Junior M - Blue Tomorrow
super junior is really great! .. have fun upon viewing this vid guys. LYRICS [KH]Dao le ming tian shuo hao bu zai jian mian Zuo zai jie wei de dian wo yi ge ...
Super Junior M's blue tomorrow (到了明天) english translation + chinese lyrics.
Credits: sk8ergalx@youtube for her han yu pin yin :) xyanx3@youtube for english translation + chinese lyrics. Press HQ for better quality :D I'm sorry if the...
[Eng & Rom]090918 Super Show II Hong Kong SJM - 到了明天 (Blue Tomorrow) [Fancam]
Credits: Fancam: ming / yikhL891011@youtube Trans/rom: sk8ergalx@youtube Many thanks to ming for permission to use her fancam. For the eng subs of the full s...
Farewell kiss Wen bie 吻别 Nụ hôn biệt ly Trương Học Hữu
Nguyễn Văn Chiến
Nụ Hôn Biệt Ly
Qian chen wang shi zai yun yan
Xiao sa zai bi ci yan qian
Jiu lian shuo guo liao zai jian
Ye kan bu jian ni you xie ai yuan
Gei wo de yi qie
Ni bu guo shi zai fu yan
Ni xiao de yue fu xian
Wo jiu hui ai ni ai de geng huang ye
Zong zai sha na jian
You yi xie liao jie
Shuo guo di hua bu ke neng hui shi xian
Jiu zai yi zhuan yan
Fa xian ni de lian
Yi jing
IKEA opens its first branch in Korea
한국 맞춤 전략으로 한국시장 공략하는 이케아
The world′s largest furniture retailer has arrived in Korea.
IKEA opened its doors to the public for the first time Thursday,... hoping to thrive in a furniture market that′s already quite saturated.
Connie Kim reports on how the retailer plans to stick around.
"The freezing cold weather is not stopping people from waiting in long lines to be among the first inside Korea′s first IKEA store. As yo
Ethnic divisions blocking distortions of history project (Goguryeo).wmv
Chinese Ethnic divisions prevention program distorted history of Goguryeo history distortion Korea project....Should anything! China apart from its historica...
명량-회오리바다 티저 예고편 (ROARING CURRENTS 2014 Teaser 2 Movie)
1597년 임진왜란 6년,
오랜 전쟁으로 인해 혼란이 극에 달한 조선.
무서운 속도로 한양으로 북상하는 왜군에 의해 국가존망의 위기에 처하자
누명을 쓰고 파면 당했던 이순신 장군(최민식)이 삼도수군통제사로 재임명된다.
하지만 그에게 남은 건 전의를 상실한 병사와 두려움에 가득 찬 백성,
그리고 12척의 배 뿐.
마지막 희망이었던 거북선마저 불타고
잔혹한 성격과 뛰어난 지략을 지닌 용병 구루지마(류승룡)가 왜군 수장으로 나서자 조선은 더욱 술렁인다.
330척에 달하는 왜군의 배가 속속 집결하고
압도적인 수의 열세에 모두가 패배를 직감하는 순간,
이순신 장군은 단 12척의 배를 이끌고 명량 바다를 향해 나서는데...!
12척의 조선 vs 330
Can you distinguish Korea and Japan? 日本(倭)人が一生教わらない歴史
西洋史学者が本韓日関係"韓国は親、日本は親捨てた親不孝者" 日本が昔から韓国文化の産物を日本国籍のものと欺瞞して歴史を歪曲してきた事実を暴露した西洋の学者がいる。アメリカの東洋ミスルサ学者ジョン・カーターコベル(1912~96)博士がその主人公。コロンビア大学で日本美術史研究で博士号を受けた彼は白人の最初の日本学...
09/25/2008 Cabcal TV Sibe language news Part 1 锡伯语电视新闻
Sibe language TV news 09/25/2008 Part 1 Broadcasted in Cabcal, Xinjiang, China. To learn Sibe language, Manchu language, please visit http://manchusky.qq.top...
Day 2: Buyeo city
South Korea Trip to buyeo city.
During the Three Kingdoms Era, the capital of Baekje was moved to present-day Buyeo-eup formally known as Sabi.
My boyfriend took me there :) we went to the museum where they showcased Archaeological finds such as iron and bronze. we also went to the fortress/temple, the plaza was amazing & it explains the history and culture of buyeo.
oh yeah ! he also took me t
Air China Signs Deal to Purchase 60 Boeing B737 Aircraft
Air China, the country's flag carrier, said Monday it signed an agreement to order 60 Boeing B737 planes for a total price of $5.9 billion.
The aircraft are to be delivered between 2016 and 2020 per the agreement, which was disclosed Monday in a Air China regulatory filing.
The order comes four months after Boeing won an order for 80 737 planes from Singapore-based BOC Aviation. Boeing said in Sep
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치
Оршихуй U2 One
Qwiny 퀴니방송 - 마스크맨 퀴즈쇼 3
gugubench portfolio (www.gugubench.com) Qwiny 퀴니방송 - 마스크맨 퀴즈쇼 3.
고구려인 고선지 (6/12) Go-seonji" The Goguryeo- born Tang General who had tight control over the silk road
Gao Xianzhi, or Ko Sōnji, (died January 24, 756) was a Tang general of Korean (Goguryeo) descent. He was known as a great commander during his lifetime. He i...
Korean History, Dongyi, What is Yi (夷) ?
Source [Han-Ja is Korean Character] by Park Moon-Ki http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb;=KOR&barcode;=9788987203348&orderClic...;
Buchreview: Percy Jackson 2+3
Hier ist das Video für Buch NR 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRD07rAd4Ow Ich trage: Gesicht: Manhattan Clearface Perfect Mat in beige Catrice Multi Colou...
The Relationship between Koryeo (Korean) and Jurchen (Manchu): How Silla and Jin are related? 6/16
Healing Chinese Flute Traditional Instrumental Background Relaxing Music | Meditation Music - Spa
Amazing Chinese Flute traditional music for relaxing your mind and body. Also you can use it background in zen practice, meditation, massage nad healing spa ...
Eastern China was part of Baekje, Korea 중공(中共)은 한민족 식민지 5/7
broadcasted in Dec, 2003 0:24 Record about Baekje in section 'Baekje' in [History of southern dynasty (Nan Qi), 479~502] : Hundreds of thousands of Northern ......
broadcasted in Dec, 2003 0:24 Record about Baekje in section 'Baekje' in [History of southern dynasty (Nan Qi), 479~502] : Hundreds of thousands of Northern ...
wn.com/Eastern China Was Part Of Baekje, Korea 중공(中共)은 한민족 식민지 5 7
broadcasted in Dec, 2003 0:24 Record about Baekje in section 'Baekje' in [History of southern dynasty (Nan Qi), 479~502] : Hundreds of thousands of Northern ...
- published: 28 Dec 2009
- views: 18136
author: Cheon1Son
China 中共 and Southern Asia were colony of Baekje, Korea 중공은 한민족 식민지 7/7
Broadcasted in Dec, 2003 **** 0:01 interview with a Zhungzu man : It is kind of superstition. Every full-moon day, people get together around the tree and pe......
Broadcasted in Dec, 2003 **** 0:01 interview with a Zhungzu man : It is kind of superstition. Every full-moon day, people get together around the tree and pe...
wn.com/China 中共 And Southern Asia Were Colony Of Baekje, Korea 중공은 한민족 식민지 7 7
Broadcasted in Dec, 2003 **** 0:01 interview with a Zhungzu man : It is kind of superstition. Every full-moon day, people get together around the tree and pe...
- published: 28 Dec 2009
- views: 13979
author: Cheon1Son
[MV] Super Junior M - Blue Tomorrow
super junior is really great! .. have fun upon viewing this vid guys. LYRICS [KH]Dao le ming tian shuo hao bu zai jian mian Zuo zai jie wei de dian wo yi ge ......
super junior is really great! .. have fun upon viewing this vid guys. LYRICS [KH]Dao le ming tian shuo hao bu zai jian mian Zuo zai jie wei de dian wo yi ge ...
wn.com/Mv Super Junior M Blue Tomorrow
super junior is really great! .. have fun upon viewing this vid guys. LYRICS [KH]Dao le ming tian shuo hao bu zai jian mian Zuo zai jie wei de dian wo yi ge ...
- published: 03 Apr 2010
- views: 1272
author: pdusees
Super Junior M's blue tomorrow (到了明天) english translation + chinese lyrics.
Credits: sk8ergalx@youtube for her han yu pin yin :) xyanx3@youtube for english translation + chinese lyrics. Press HQ for better quality :D I'm sorry if the......
Credits: sk8ergalx@youtube for her han yu pin yin :) xyanx3@youtube for english translation + chinese lyrics. Press HQ for better quality :D I'm sorry if the...
wn.com/Super Junior M's Blue Tomorrow (到了明天) English Translation Chinese Lyrics.
Credits: sk8ergalx@youtube for her han yu pin yin :) xyanx3@youtube for english translation + chinese lyrics. Press HQ for better quality :D I'm sorry if the...
- published: 27 Sep 2009
- views: 29842
author: xYANx3
[Eng & Rom]090918 Super Show II Hong Kong SJM - 到了明天 (Blue Tomorrow) [Fancam]
Credits: Fancam: ming / yikhL891011@youtube Trans/rom: sk8ergalx@youtube Many thanks to ming for permission to use her fancam. For the eng subs of the full s......
Credits: Fancam: ming / yikhL891011@youtube Trans/rom: sk8ergalx@youtube Many thanks to ming for permission to use her fancam. For the eng subs of the full s...
wn.com/Eng Rom 090918 Super Show Ii Hong Kong Sjm 到了明天 (Blue Tomorrow) Fancam
Credits: Fancam: ming / yikhL891011@youtube Trans/rom: sk8ergalx@youtube Many thanks to ming for permission to use her fancam. For the eng subs of the full s...
- published: 20 Sep 2009
- views: 3911
author: sk8ergalx
Farewell kiss Wen bie 吻别 Nụ hôn biệt ly Trương Học Hữu
Nguyễn Văn Chiến
Nụ Hôn Biệt Ly
Qian chen wang shi zai yun yan
Xiao sa zai bi ci yan qian
Jiu lian shuo guo liao zai jian
Ye kan bu jian ni you xie ai yuan
Nguyễn Văn Chiến
Nụ Hôn Biệt Ly
Qian chen wang shi zai yun yan
Xiao sa zai bi ci yan qian
Jiu lian shuo guo liao zai jian
Ye kan bu jian ni you xie ai yuan
Gei wo de yi qie
Ni bu guo shi zai fu yan
Ni xiao de yue fu xian
Wo jiu hui ai ni ai de geng huang ye
Zong zai sha na jian
You yi xie liao jie
Shuo guo di hua bu ke neng hui shi xian
Jiu zai yi zhuan yan
Fa xian ni de lian
Yi jing guo shi bu hui zai xiang cong qian
Wo di shi jie kai shi xia xue
Leng de rang wo wu fa duo ai yi tian
Leng de yan ying cang de yi han
Dou na mo di ming xian
Wo he ni wen bie
Zai wu ren de jie
Rang feng chi xiao
Wo bu neng ju jue
Wo he ni wen bie
Zai huang luan de ye
Wo di xin
Gen zhe ying jie shang bei
Xiang yao gei ni de si nian
Jiu xiang feng zheng duan liao xian
Bei bu qing ni de shi jie
Ye wen ai bu liao ni de shi xian
Wo yi jing kan jian
Yi ju bei ju zheng shang yan
Ju zhong mei you xi yan
Wo ran ze duo zai ni di meng li mian
wn.com/Farewell Kiss Wen Bie 吻别 Nụ Hôn Biệt Ly Trương Học Hữu
Nguyễn Văn Chiến
Nụ Hôn Biệt Ly
Qian chen wang shi zai yun yan
Xiao sa zai bi ci yan qian
Jiu lian shuo guo liao zai jian
Ye kan bu jian ni you xie ai yuan
Gei wo de yi qie
Ni bu guo shi zai fu yan
Ni xiao de yue fu xian
Wo jiu hui ai ni ai de geng huang ye
Zong zai sha na jian
You yi xie liao jie
Shuo guo di hua bu ke neng hui shi xian
Jiu zai yi zhuan yan
Fa xian ni de lian
Yi jing guo shi bu hui zai xiang cong qian
Wo di shi jie kai shi xia xue
Leng de rang wo wu fa duo ai yi tian
Leng de yan ying cang de yi han
Dou na mo di ming xian
Wo he ni wen bie
Zai wu ren de jie
Rang feng chi xiao
Wo bu neng ju jue
Wo he ni wen bie
Zai huang luan de ye
Wo di xin
Gen zhe ying jie shang bei
Xiang yao gei ni de si nian
Jiu xiang feng zheng duan liao xian
Bei bu qing ni de shi jie
Ye wen ai bu liao ni de shi xian
Wo yi jing kan jian
Yi ju bei ju zheng shang yan
Ju zhong mei you xi yan
Wo ran ze duo zai ni di meng li mian
- published: 19 Mar 2015
- views: 1
IKEA opens its first branch in Korea
한국 맞춤 전략으로 한국시장 공략하는 이케아
The world′s largest furniture retailer has arrived in Korea.
IKEA opened its doors to the public for the first time Thursday,... hoping to thrive in a furniture...
The world′s largest furniture retailer has arrived in Korea.
IKEA opened its doors to the public for the first time Thursday,... hoping to thrive in a furniture market that′s already quite saturated.
Connie Kim reports on how the retailer plans to stick around.
"The freezing cold weather is not stopping people from waiting in long lines to be among the first inside Korea′s first IKEA store. As you can see behind me, there is a seemingly endless line of people waiting to get a glimpse of the Scandinavian-style furniture inside."
"This is new to me and quite different from conventional Korean furniture."
However, the Swedish furniture giant′s entry into the market wasn′t without controversy.
Known for its low prices, IKEA′s arrival has sparked concern among small and family-owned businesses that offer ready-made furniture at premium prices.
IKEA has also caused a stir... for inflating the prices of some of its pieces compared to global locations.
It also drew criticism for its high transport and assembly fees.
IKEA says it′s ready to offer something different to appeal the Korean market.
"We have studied the Korean market. We have done a lot of home visits. We visited over 80 homes and through really, really, thorough interviews with people mainly living in these apartments, to understand the needs."
IKEA designed this living room set specifically for the Korean market, tailoring it to the space in local apartments.
The company created new storage units for the verandas often found in Korean apartments... and special beds designed to fit into the space so people can use the space to get a quick rest.
After discovering that Korean parents traditionally spend more on children′s furniture than parents in other countries,... IKEA Korea expanded their selection.
In short, IKEA is offering more choices and possibly lower prices, but the question now is how consumers will react to what the Swedish furniture giant has to offer... and what that means for the competition in the local market.
Connie Kim, Arirang News.
wn.com/Ikea Opens Its First Branch In Korea 한국 맞춤 전략으로 한국시장 공략하는 이케아
The world′s largest furniture retailer has arrived in Korea.
IKEA opened its doors to the public for the first time Thursday,... hoping to thrive in a furniture market that′s already quite saturated.
Connie Kim reports on how the retailer plans to stick around.
"The freezing cold weather is not stopping people from waiting in long lines to be among the first inside Korea′s first IKEA store. As you can see behind me, there is a seemingly endless line of people waiting to get a glimpse of the Scandinavian-style furniture inside."
"This is new to me and quite different from conventional Korean furniture."
However, the Swedish furniture giant′s entry into the market wasn′t without controversy.
Known for its low prices, IKEA′s arrival has sparked concern among small and family-owned businesses that offer ready-made furniture at premium prices.
IKEA has also caused a stir... for inflating the prices of some of its pieces compared to global locations.
It also drew criticism for its high transport and assembly fees.
IKEA says it′s ready to offer something different to appeal the Korean market.
"We have studied the Korean market. We have done a lot of home visits. We visited over 80 homes and through really, really, thorough interviews with people mainly living in these apartments, to understand the needs."
IKEA designed this living room set specifically for the Korean market, tailoring it to the space in local apartments.
The company created new storage units for the verandas often found in Korean apartments... and special beds designed to fit into the space so people can use the space to get a quick rest.
After discovering that Korean parents traditionally spend more on children′s furniture than parents in other countries,... IKEA Korea expanded their selection.
In short, IKEA is offering more choices and possibly lower prices, but the question now is how consumers will react to what the Swedish furniture giant has to offer... and what that means for the competition in the local market.
Connie Kim, Arirang News.
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 56
Ethnic divisions blocking distortions of history project (Goguryeo).wmv
Chinese Ethnic divisions prevention program distorted history of Goguryeo history distortion Korea project....Should anything! China apart from its historica......
Chinese Ethnic divisions prevention program distorted history of Goguryeo history distortion Korea project....Should anything! China apart from its historica...
wn.com/Ethnic Divisions Blocking Distortions Of History Project (Goguryeo).Wmv
Chinese Ethnic divisions prevention program distorted history of Goguryeo history distortion Korea project....Should anything! China apart from its historica...
- published: 25 Jan 2010
- views: 194
author: 1001hapi
명량-회오리바다 티저 예고편 (ROARING CURRENTS 2014 Teaser 2 Movie)
1597년 임진왜란 6년,
오랜 전쟁으로 인해 혼란이 극에 달한 조선.
무서운 속도로 한양으로 북상하는 왜군에 의해 국가존망의 위기에 처하자
누명을 쓰고 파면 당했던 이순신 장군(최민식)이 삼도수군통제사로 재임명된다.
하지만 그에게 남은 건 전의를 상실한...
1597년 임진왜란 6년,
오랜 전쟁으로 인해 혼란이 극에 달한 조선.
무서운 속도로 한양으로 북상하는 왜군에 의해 국가존망의 위기에 처하자
누명을 쓰고 파면 당했던 이순신 장군(최민식)이 삼도수군통제사로 재임명된다.
하지만 그에게 남은 건 전의를 상실한 병사와 두려움에 가득 찬 백성,
그리고 12척의 배 뿐.
마지막 희망이었던 거북선마저 불타고
잔혹한 성격과 뛰어난 지략을 지닌 용병 구루지마(류승룡)가 왜군 수장으로 나서자 조선은 더욱 술렁인다.
330척에 달하는 왜군의 배가 속속 집결하고
압도적인 수의 열세에 모두가 패배를 직감하는 순간,
이순신 장군은 단 12척의 배를 이끌고 명량 바다를 향해 나서는데...!
12척의 조선 vs 330척의 왜군
역사를 바꾼 위대한 전쟁이 시작된다!
출처 : http://movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/mediaView.nhn?code=93756∣=24087
wn.com/명량 회오리바다 티저 예고편 (Roaring Currents 2014 Teaser 2 Movie)
1597년 임진왜란 6년,
오랜 전쟁으로 인해 혼란이 극에 달한 조선.
무서운 속도로 한양으로 북상하는 왜군에 의해 국가존망의 위기에 처하자
누명을 쓰고 파면 당했던 이순신 장군(최민식)이 삼도수군통제사로 재임명된다.
하지만 그에게 남은 건 전의를 상실한 병사와 두려움에 가득 찬 백성,
그리고 12척의 배 뿐.
마지막 희망이었던 거북선마저 불타고
잔혹한 성격과 뛰어난 지략을 지닌 용병 구루지마(류승룡)가 왜군 수장으로 나서자 조선은 더욱 술렁인다.
330척에 달하는 왜군의 배가 속속 집결하고
압도적인 수의 열세에 모두가 패배를 직감하는 순간,
이순신 장군은 단 12척의 배를 이끌고 명량 바다를 향해 나서는데...!
12척의 조선 vs 330척의 왜군
역사를 바꾼 위대한 전쟁이 시작된다!
출처 : http://movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/mediaView.nhn?code=93756∣=24087
- published: 03 Jul 2014
- views: 7603
Can you distinguish Korea and Japan? 日本(倭)人が一生教わらない歴史
西洋史学者が本韓日関係"韓国は親、日本は親捨てた親不孝者" 日本が昔から韓国文化の産物を日本国籍のものと欺瞞して歴史を歪曲してきた事実を暴露した西洋の学者がいる。アメリカの東洋ミスルサ学者ジョン・カーターコベル(1912~96)博士がその主人公。コロンビア大学で日本美術史研究で博士号を受けた彼は白人の最初の日本学......
西洋史学者が本韓日関係"韓国は親、日本は親捨てた親不孝者" 日本が昔から韓国文化の産物を日本国籍のものと欺瞞して歴史を歪曲してきた事実を暴露した西洋の学者がいる。アメリカの東洋ミスルサ学者ジョン・カーターコベル(1912~96)博士がその主人公。コロンビア大学で日本美術史研究で博士号を受けた彼は白人の最初の日本学...
wn.com/Can You Distinguish Korea And Japan 日本(倭)人が一生教わらない歴史
西洋史学者が本韓日関係"韓国は親、日本は親捨てた親不孝者" 日本が昔から韓国文化の産物を日本国籍のものと欺瞞して歴史を歪曲してきた事実を暴露した西洋の学者がいる。アメリカの東洋ミスルサ学者ジョン・カーターコベル(1912~96)博士がその主人公。コロンビア大学で日本美術史研究で博士号を受けた彼は白人の最初の日本学...
09/25/2008 Cabcal TV Sibe language news Part 1 锡伯语电视新闻
Sibe language TV news 09/25/2008 Part 1 Broadcasted in Cabcal, Xinjiang, China. To learn Sibe language, Manchu language, please visit http://manchusky.qq.top......
Sibe language TV news 09/25/2008 Part 1 Broadcasted in Cabcal, Xinjiang, China. To learn Sibe language, Manchu language, please visit http://manchusky.qq.top...
wn.com/09 25 2008 Cabcal Tv Sibe Language News Part 1 锡伯语电视新闻
Sibe language TV news 09/25/2008 Part 1 Broadcasted in Cabcal, Xinjiang, China. To learn Sibe language, Manchu language, please visit http://manchusky.qq.top...
- published: 10 Nov 2008
- views: 53
author: manjugisun
Day 2: Buyeo city
South Korea Trip to buyeo city.
During the Three Kingdoms Era, the capital of Baekje was moved to present-day Buyeo-eup formally known as Sabi.
My boyfriend t...
South Korea Trip to buyeo city.
During the Three Kingdoms Era, the capital of Baekje was moved to present-day Buyeo-eup formally known as Sabi.
My boyfriend took me there :) we went to the museum where they showcased Archaeological finds such as iron and bronze. we also went to the fortress/temple, the plaza was amazing & it explains the history and culture of buyeo.
oh yeah ! he also took me to baekje's royal tombs, there are 7 Neungsan-ri Ancient tombs (부여 능산리고분군). The Neungsan-ri Ancient Tombs were the royal tombs of the Baekje Dynasty from 538 to 660 when the capital of Baekje was Sabi (now Buyeo).
Music: classic - BRUNO MARS & MARK RONSON uptown funk.
Connect with me:
blog - http://arayllana.wordpress.com
insta - arayllana
tweet - bearonmyhead
wn.com/Day 2 Buyeo City
South Korea Trip to buyeo city.
During the Three Kingdoms Era, the capital of Baekje was moved to present-day Buyeo-eup formally known as Sabi.
My boyfriend took me there :) we went to the museum where they showcased Archaeological finds such as iron and bronze. we also went to the fortress/temple, the plaza was amazing & it explains the history and culture of buyeo.
oh yeah ! he also took me to baekje's royal tombs, there are 7 Neungsan-ri Ancient tombs (부여 능산리고분군). The Neungsan-ri Ancient Tombs were the royal tombs of the Baekje Dynasty from 538 to 660 when the capital of Baekje was Sabi (now Buyeo).
Music: classic - BRUNO MARS & MARK RONSON uptown funk.
Connect with me:
blog - http://arayllana.wordpress.com
insta - arayllana
tweet - bearonmyhead
- published: 31 Mar 2015
- views: 21
Air China Signs Deal to Purchase 60 Boeing B737 Aircraft
Air China, the country's flag carrier, said Monday it signed an agreement to order 60 Boeing B737 planes for a total price of $5.9 billion.
The aircraft are to ...
Air China, the country's flag carrier, said Monday it signed an agreement to order 60 Boeing B737 planes for a total price of $5.9 billion.
The aircraft are to be delivered between 2016 and 2020 per the agreement, which was disclosed Monday in a Air China regulatory filing.
The order comes four months after Boeing won an order for 80 737 planes from Singapore-based BOC Aviation. Boeing said in September it expects China to need more than 6,020 aircraft in the next 20 years, an 8 percent rise over last year's two-decade estimate, as growing overseas leisure travel drives demand.
wn.com/Air China Signs Deal To Purchase 60 Boeing B737 Aircraft
Air China, the country's flag carrier, said Monday it signed an agreement to order 60 Boeing B737 planes for a total price of $5.9 billion.
The aircraft are to be delivered between 2016 and 2020 per the agreement, which was disclosed Monday in a Air China regulatory filing.
The order comes four months after Boeing won an order for 80 737 planes from Singapore-based BOC Aviation. Boeing said in September it expects China to need more than 6,020 aircraft in the next 20 years, an 8 percent rise over last year's two-decade estimate, as growing overseas leisure travel drives demand.
- published: 22 Dec 2014
- views: 30
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치...
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치
wn.com/베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연 백제 샌드위치
베일에 가려진 초기 고구려사 5편 - 고국원왕대 환도성 함락, 그리고 전연&백제 샌드위치
- published: 30 Nov 2014
- views: 107
Qwiny 퀴니방송 - 마스크맨 퀴즈쇼 3
gugubench portfolio (www.gugubench.com) Qwiny 퀴니방송 - 마스크맨 퀴즈쇼 3....
gugubench portfolio (www.gugubench.com) Qwiny 퀴니방송 - 마스크맨 퀴즈쇼 3.
wn.com/Qwiny 퀴니방송 마스크맨 퀴즈쇼 3
gugubench portfolio (www.gugubench.com) Qwiny 퀴니방송 - 마스크맨 퀴즈쇼 3.
- published: 31 Mar 2010
- views: 1331
author: Minsoo Jun
고구려인 고선지 (6/12) Go-seonji" The Goguryeo- born Tang General who had tight control over the silk road
Gao Xianzhi, or Ko Sōnji, (died January 24, 756) was a Tang general of Korean (Goguryeo) descent. He was known as a great commander during his lifetime. He i......
Gao Xianzhi, or Ko Sōnji, (died January 24, 756) was a Tang general of Korean (Goguryeo) descent. He was known as a great commander during his lifetime. He i...
wn.com/고구려인 고선지 (6 12) Go Seonji The Goguryeo Born Tang General Who Had Tight Control Over The Silk Road
Gao Xianzhi, or Ko Sōnji, (died January 24, 756) was a Tang general of Korean (Goguryeo) descent. He was known as a great commander during his lifetime. He i...
Korean History, Dongyi, What is Yi (夷) ?
Source [Han-Ja is Korean Character] by Park Moon-Ki http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb;=KOR&barcode;=9788987203348&orderClic......;
Source [Han-Ja is Korean Character] by Park Moon-Ki http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb;=KOR&barcode;=9788987203348&orderClic...;
wn.com/Korean History, Dongyi, What Is Yi (夷)
Source [Han-Ja is Korean Character] by Park Moon-Ki http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb;=KOR&barcode;=9788987203348&orderClic...;
- published: 24 Nov 2008
- views: 2884
author: Cheon1Son
Buchreview: Percy Jackson 2+3
Hier ist das Video für Buch NR 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRD07rAd4Ow Ich trage: Gesicht: Manhattan Clearface Perfect Mat in beige Catrice Multi Colou......
Hier ist das Video für Buch NR 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRD07rAd4Ow Ich trage: Gesicht: Manhattan Clearface Perfect Mat in beige Catrice Multi Colou...
wn.com/Buchreview Percy Jackson 2 3
Hier ist das Video für Buch NR 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRD07rAd4Ow Ich trage: Gesicht: Manhattan Clearface Perfect Mat in beige Catrice Multi Colou...
Healing Chinese Flute Traditional Instrumental Background Relaxing Music | Meditation Music - Spa
Amazing Chinese Flute traditional music for relaxing your mind and body. Also you can use it background in zen practice, meditation, massage nad healing spa ......
Amazing Chinese Flute traditional music for relaxing your mind and body. Also you can use it background in zen practice, meditation, massage nad healing spa ...
wn.com/Healing Chinese Flute Traditional Instrumental Background Relaxing Music | Meditation Music Spa
Amazing Chinese Flute traditional music for relaxing your mind and body. Also you can use it background in zen practice, meditation, massage nad healing spa ...