The Reichsmark (help·info) (literally in English: Reich's mark; sign: ℛℳ) was the currency in Germany from 1924 until June 20, 1948. The Reichsmark was subdivided into 100 Reichspfennig.
The Reichsmark was introduced in 1924 as a permanent replacement for the Papiermark. This was necessary due to the 1920s German inflation which had reached its peak in 1923. The exchange rate between the old Papiermark and the Reichsmark was 1 ℛℳ = 1012 Papiermark (one trillion in both UK and US English, one billion in German and other European languages, see long and short scales). To stabilize the economy and to smooth the transition, the Papiermark was not directly replaced by the Reichsmark, but by the Rentenmark, an interim currency backed by the Deutsche Rentenbank, owning industrial and agricultural real estate assets. The Reichsmark was put on the gold standard at the rate previously used by the Goldmark, with the U.S. dollar worth 4.2 ℛℳ.
During the Second World War, Germany established fixed exchange rates between the Reichsmark and the currencies of the occupied and allied countries, often set so as to give the Germans economic benefits. The rates were as follows:
Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg ( listen (help·info)), known universally as Paul von Hindenburg (German: [ˈpaʊl fɔn ˈhɪndənbʊɐ̯k] (
listen); 2 October 1847 – 2 August 1934) was a Prussian-German field marshal, statesman, and politician, and served as the second President of Germany from 1925 to 1934.
Hindenburg enjoyed a long career in the Prussian Army, retiring in 1911. He was recalled at the outbreak of World War I, and first came to national attention, at the age of 66, as the victor at Tannenberg in 1914. As Germany's Chief of the General Staff from 1916, he and his deputy, Erich Ludendorff, rose in the German public's esteem until Hindenburg came to eclipse the Kaiser himself.[citation needed] Hindenburg retired again in 1919, but returned to public life one more time in 1925 to be elected as the second President of Germany.
Though 84 years old and in poor health, Hindenburg was persuaded to run for re-election in 1932, as he was considered the only candidate who could defeat Adolf Hitler. Hindenburg was re-elected in a runoff. Although he was opposing Hitler, the deteriorating political stability of the Weimar Republic let him play an important role in the Nazi Party's rise to power. He dissolved the parliament twice in 1932 and eventually appointed Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933. In February, he issued the Reichstag Fire Decree which suspended various civil liberties, and in March he signed the Enabling Act, in which the parliament gave Hitler's administration legislative powers. Hindenburg died the following year, after which Hitler declared the office of President vacant and, as "Führer und Reichskanzler", made himself head of state.
Reichsmark silver coins
1925D Silver 2 Reichsmark - in iron
Gold - Unboxing (German 20 Reichsmark)
5 reichsmark
Reichsmark 1924
Hitler is asked to donate 1 million Reichsmark to Hitler Rants Parodies
Two German 5 Reich Mark Coins, 1936 and 1939
German Reichsmark - 5 RM - Silver Coin - Garnisionskirche - Paul von Hindenburg - Silver Update 2013
Reichsmark bill change
Goldmünze Wilhelm I. / 20 Reichsmark
German 1933 Dated, 50 Reich Mark Note
Reichsmark silver coins
1925D Silver 2 Reichsmark - in iron
Gold - Unboxing (German 20 Reichsmark)
5 reichsmark
Reichsmark 1924
Hitler is asked to donate 1 million Reichsmark to Hitler Rants Parodies
Two German 5 Reich Mark Coins, 1936 and 1939
German Reichsmark - 5 RM - Silver Coin - Garnisionskirche - Paul von Hindenburg - Silver Update 2013
Reichsmark bill change
Goldmünze Wilhelm I. / 20 Reichsmark
German 1933 Dated, 50 Reich Mark Note
German 1942 Dated, 5 Reich Mark Note
banconota tedesca 100 Reichsmark
1937 2 Reichsmark coin
WWII German 1944 Dated, 5 Reichsmark Wehrmacht Note
5 reichsmark de 1928 A
Alte 1.000 Reichsmark Scheine in HD
Third Reich 5 Reichsmark coin brooch memorabilia
WWII German P.O.W. Camp, 10 Reichsmark Note
5 Reichsmark Silver Stack
How to Pronounce Reichsmark
Reichsmark Meaning
How to pronounce reichsmark in French
Silver German ring made from a 1934 Two Reichsmark coin
Silver German ring made from a 1934 Five Reichsmark coin
3 Reichsmark - Zeppelin Weltflug
Charles Johnson on Portland Police Third Reich Mark Kruger
Foreign Currency Bank Note 10 Reichsmark 1929
German 1939 Dated, 20 Reich Mark Note
ww2 german 2 Reichsmark banknote memorabilia
1923 100000 reichsmark banknote memorabilia
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