A Counterintelligence Challenge: The Enigmas and Benefits of Defectors (The Institute of World Politics)

Edit Public Technologies 12 Feb 2016
(Source. The Institute of World Politics). In this interview Prof. Alan Messer discusses his course entitled 'A Counterintelligence Challenge. The Enigmas and Benefits of Defectors ' (IWP 676) ... The course covers the history of largely Soviet defectors from Boris Bazhanov in the 1920s to Oleg Gordievsky in the 1980s, with detours to Whittaker Chambers in the 1930s and the Iraqi defector codenamed 'Curveball' in the early 2000s ... (noodl....

After Litvinenko, more sanctions against Russia would be pointless – and hypocritical

Edit The Guardian 22 Jan 2016
So now we know. We have waited 10 years to be told that the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is an unprincipled thug. He gets his minions to rub out his enemies and traitors, such as Alexander Litvinenko, even when they are living abroad. Related. Litvinenko murder suspect dismisses inquiry as 'nonsense' ... They dominate each evening’s news ... Nor did the tit-for-tat expulsions at the time of Oleg Gordievsky’s defection in 1985 ... Related ... ....

Alexander Litvinenko: ex-KGB agent's death by polonium-210 leaves long trail

Edit Canberra Times 20 Jan 2016
In July 2006, Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky​ and former KGB colonel Oleg Gordievsky​ co-wrote a letter to The Times in London. A new Russian law empowered President Vladimir Putin to "use his secret services as death squads to eliminate extremists anywhere abroad, including in this country", the letter warned ... The list of targets was "already compiled", they claimed ... He was taken to hospital ... It says ... ....

Security chiefs block release of report on 1983 Soviet nuclear scare

Edit The Guardian 07 Dec 2015
The US has released a number of documents relating to the crisis, specifically about Oleg Gordievsky, the KGB officer who defected to Britain ... Records previously released in the US include photographs of Gordievsky debriefing Reagan. It was Gordievsky who originally alerted the UK and US to Operation Ryan, launched by the Kremlin in 1981 to detect and pre-empt a western “surprise nuclear missile attack”....

No, We’re Not Facing World War III

Edit The Daily Beast 06 Dec 2015
But this hysterical argument is effectively used by Vladimir Putin to force the West into submission. “And then we get World War III.” With that crushing rejoinder, most arguments about how to deal with Vladimir Putin move towards a sterile conclusion ... Other countries do not do that ... Only the presence of a British mole, Oleg Gordievsky, in the heart of the KGB, alerted Western leaders to the danger of an accidental nuclear war ... ....

In 1983 'war scare,' Soviet leadership feared nuclear surprise attack by US

Edit Stars and Stripes 25 Oct 2015
Some details of the Soviet paranoia about a nuclear attack had come to light earlier, including reports from Oleg Gordievsky, a KGB officer who was an agent for British intelligence. Gordievsky revealed to the British the existence of a KGB intelligence-collection effort to detect indications that the West was preparing for nuclear war....

In 1983 ‘war scare,’ Soviet leadership feared nuclear surprise attack by U.S.

Edit Lexington Herald-Leader 25 Oct 2015
Some details of the Soviet paranoia about a nuclear attack had come to light earlier, including reports from Oleg Gordievsky, a KGB officer who was an agent for British intelligence. Gordievsky revealed to the British the existence of a KGB intelligence-collection effort to detect indications that the West was preparing for nuclear war....

Brussels break-in shines light on Russia's european mischief

Edit Stars and Stripes 25 Aug 2015
Putin has built an "enormous apparatus" across Europe in part because of the huge sums of money he's been showering on the spy services, according to Oleg Gordievsky, a former KGB colonel who spied for Britain from 1974 to 1985, when he was smuggled into Finland in the trunk of a car....

Brussels Break-In Shines Light on Putin’s European Mischief

Edit Bloomberg 24 Aug 2015
“In Soviet intelligence, the goal was to destroy the western world and achieve global communism,” Oleg Kalugin, 80, who ran a KGB spy network in the U.S ... in Berlin ... The parliament’s press service declined to comment ... Putin has built an “enormous apparatus” across Europe in part because of the huge sums of money he’s been showering on the spy services, according to Oleg Gordievsky, a former KGB colonel who spied for the U.K ... ....

Eric Roberts: The spy who suffered

Edit BBC News 14 Jul 2015
By Sanchia Berg BBC News. 14 July 2015. From the section Magazine. One of the UK's most brilliant wartime spies was poorly treated by colleagues at MI5 in the paranoid years of the Cold War, a key letter and a series of family documents suggest ... It was only with the defection of Oleg Gordievsky, the former KGB double agent, in the early 1980s that they were able to confirm that they had, in fact, got the right people." ... Yes, fear ... ....

How the British Government subjected thousands of people to chemical and biological warfare trials during ...

Edit The Independent 09 Jul 2015
During the Cold War, the British Government used the general public as unwitting biological and chemical warfare guinea pigs on a much greater scale than previously thought, according to new historical research ... Up until now historians had thought that such operations had been much less extensive ... In pictures. secret germ and chemical warfare trials ... Cameron ... Comment ... Scientists ... Thatcher personally wrote to KGB defector Oleg Gordievsky ... ....

Danish historian takes KGB claim about journalist to European courts

Edit The Guardian 17 Jun 2015
Bent Jensen, fined after legal battle, maintains he was stating the truth when he wrote that Jorgen Dragsdahl, from a rival paper, used his influence to aid Soviets ... Photograph ... Oleg Gordievsky, a former colonel in the KGB who defected to Britain in the mid-1980s, told Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet in 1992 that Dragsdahl had been an agent but in 1994 the story was retracted after the paper reached a settlement with the journalist ... ....

The New Spymasters book reveals the truth about espionage in the country

Edit The Independent 04 Jun 2015
It ran the defector Oleg Gordievsky for years inside the KGB and performed what many thought impossible by recruiting moles among senior Chinese Communists ... When Viscount Raymond Asquith, an SIS officer, drove across the Finland-Soviet border in 1985 with serving KGB officer Gordievsky shivering in his boot, it was one of SIS’s greatest coups ... His stooge, Gordievsky, faced certain death ... Double agent Oleg Gordievsky (Rex) ... love + sex ... tv....