Tag Archives: Samurai

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Yukio Mishima

MishimaSpeaks8,859 words

Editor’s Note:

The following text is the transcript by V. S. of Jonathan Bowden’s New Right lecture in London on December 10, 2011. I want to thank Michèle Renouf for making the recording available.   

Mishima’s life was dedicated to a return of the spirit of the samurai and a belief in Yamamoto Jōchō’s book Hagakure, which is partly the 17th-century bible of samurai morality Read more …

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“The Death Team”:
Codreanu’s For My Legionaries

Legionaries-500x8002,536 words

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
For My Legionaries
Introduction by Kerry Bolton; Historical Overview by Lucian Tudor; with new appendices and photographs.
London: Black House Publishing, 2015

Black House Publishing has been known to me only as the publisher of relatively inexpensive, nicely produced Kindles that bring back into circulation the works of Sir Oswald Mosely and others of his circle;[1] Read more …

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Spiritual Virility in Buddhism

Gandhara_Buddha24,415 words

It is the fate of almost all religions to become, so to say, denatured; as they spread and develop, they gradually recede from their original spirit, and their more popular and spurious elements come to the fore, their less severe and essential features, those furthest removed from the metaphysical plane. While hardly any of the major historical religions have escaped this destiny, it would seem that it is particularly true of Buddhism. Read more …

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Yukio Mishima

mishimalastday4,660 words

English original here

Yukio Mishima, 1925-1970, nasceu Kimitake Hiraoka em uma família de classe média-alta. Autor de uma centena de livros, dramaturgo, e ator, ele foi descrito como o “Leonardo da Vinci do Japão contemporâneo”, e é um dos poucos escritores japoneses a se tornar conhecido e a ser traduzido no Ocidente.  Read more …

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Yukio Mishima

mishimalastday5,098 words

Portuguese translation here

Yukio Mishima, 1925–1970, was born Kimitake Hiraoka into an upper middle class family. Author of a hundred books, playwright, and actor, he has been described as the “Leonardo da Vinci of contemporary Japan,”[1] and is one of the few Japanese writers to have become widely known and translated in the West. Read more …

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Yukio Mishima


Yukio Mishima, 1925–1970

3,420 words

Yukio Mishima was born into an upper middle class family in 1925. Author of a hundred books, playwright, and actor, he has been described as the “Leonardo da Vinci of contemporary Japan,” and is one of the few Japanese writers to have become widely known and translated in the West. Read more …

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